There are no links to pages with frames on them, so this page is best viewed with 256 or more colours. I made this page so EVERYBODY should be able to see it, not just people with netscape 2.0 and higher.
This page, as you may have guessed, is dedicated to Princess Diana,
or more commonly refered to as "Princess
On this page you will find small facts about her, what her life was like, the kind of person that she was, and how her short life was unexpectedly snuffed out by a accident that should never have happened.
Click on the links below to find out what you want to know about this wonderful woman.
"Princess Diana, dead at age 36!"
If you want to find out more about her, go to YAHOO and do a search on Princess Diana. You should get lots of results.
I hope, one day, if not already, that the whole world will realize what a warm, beautiful, caring woman Princess Diana was, and I hope, people realize what a tradgity, and great loss we have suffered from her death.
All comments can be emailed directly to me at cdies@geocities.com. If you don't like this page, tuff luck. I volunteered to put the time and effort into making this page, so I don't want to hear your crap about how some stupid person doesn't like her. However, I would like updated and more accurate information about her if I made a mistake so if you have additional information that I have not included please email me some other information, and I will post it as soon as I can.
Anything from this page CAN be duplicated ONLY to be distributed on the terms that no profit is to be made by the copies, and that it is ONLY to honor and remember her in a good way. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL THIS INFORMATION PROVIDED ON THIS PAGE BE USED TO DISHONOR PRINCESS DIANA.
This page was created by Colin Dies.