Beast Wars Mutating Card Game Art


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This is the card art from the Beast Wars Mutating Card Game. It is cool so you should buy it. It's available in Canada and the US so far. The robot mode art is the same as the tech specs on the toys and the beast mode art is original. I made scans of the beast mode art. You can find the tech spec art from the toy boxes on many pages such as The International Tech Spec Archive. Go to the Beast Wars section.
These are twice the actual size and I cropped off the specs to save space. To learn about the game and see the specs visit Dave Van Domelen's Card Game Tech Specs Section of his page. Now onto the cool pics! I've added some more and I'll add the rest later.

And here is a custom card I made of Packrat, a Botcon '97 exclusive toy. I was thinking it would be neat if they made decks to expand the game, so I made my own card. I drew and colored the picture and then scanned it and put it on a card on my computer. I made up the specs corresponding to the toy. (in the game the robot modes have the same specs as the toy and all the beast modes tech specs are lower or equal. whatever) Tell me what you think of it. I may add the robot mode for Packrat and more guys later.

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