Welcome to the Registry for Floor 5! Please sign it! All comments welcome!
This is what people have to say! :)
seri dewi - 05/12/99 03:46:09
Age: 13
How did you find us: just surfing around
Location: singapore

matrix - 05/01/99 14:36:26
My Email:tilly@telstra.easymail.com.au
Age: 13
How did you find us: looking around
Location: Perth, Australia
Your Favorite GOD: Cary Elwes
I think he's such a babe, and man have you cheaked out thoese eyes m mmmmmm...and the accent and the hair. throw baby-face Leo away and watch a real man act.

mal - 04/04/99 04:00:52
My Email:mallory@iol1 .com
Age: 15
How did you find us: around
Location: Independence, OHIO
Your Favorite GOD: Billy Zane
Billy is sooo fine and he surely is mine!! He's got the bod and Leo s a scrawny slob!! Us Titanic fanatics have a rivalry going: Who would you choose to make out with?????? Cal or Jack

Magen Hill - 12/05/98 00:39:58
My Email:breeztoy@hotmail.com
Age: 17
How did you find us: webcrawler
Your Favorite GOD: Ethan Hawke
If my dreams were any less visted by this guy, I don't think my night's of sleep would be the same!

kel - 10/09/98 03:51:08
My Email: otallypressed@hotmail.com
How did you find us: search
Your Favorite GOD: Howie Dorough
I love your site, its great.... BUT... well.. You've got Paolo, Heath, Leo... but no Backstreet Boys. They are so FINE. I look forward to seeing Howie Dorough peering back at me from my locker. I love this site because you all don't limit yourselves to just ONE guy, you got ALMOST all of the good ones, and its real cool. Keep up the good work.

Rachel - 08/28/98 12:13:37
My Email:jac 51@ms11.hinet.net
Age: 25
How did you find us: through Alta Vista search
Location: Taiwan

I am so glad to find this homepage. I like Cary Elwes very much. Hope you have more pictures to show us. Thank you.

Liesbet Lodewyckx - 08/13/98 19:20:09 br>My Email:bs 246877 @ skynet.be
Age: 13
How did you find us: I look for everything from Leonardo DiCaprio
Location: Belgium
Your Favorite GOD: Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo is the BEST!!!!!!!! He is SO hansome and very sweet!!! I love you Leo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tanya - 05/25/98 20:28:26
My URL:The Lobby! /a>
My Email: Click Here!
Age: 21
How did you find us: DUH!
Location: Federal Way, WA, USA
Your Favorite GOD: KEANU! DUH! :þ ~~~

Just a test for floor 5! :) (do I have to type "testing, testing, 1, 2, 3?") Wow! Our first message! Don't we feel special Brooke?! :)

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guests have perused our registry since 7-24-98
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