The Canadian Justice Bureau!

Fighting for truth and

Welcome to the homepage for the Canadian Justice Bureau! This is where I'm gonna keep all the profiles for the CJB... (*sings badly*) Getting to knooooow them, getting to know alllll abouuuuuuut them.... (*is whacked by the Spatula of Insanity*) Right, sorry. Anyway, here they are.

[Current state of construction:
Profile v.2 up -- GPR, KUB, FPR, S3, Winter, MLWD/SG, Stumpy, KoN, RC
Profile v.1 up -- TLR, NCNG, BRM
Profiles not up -- everyone else :-)
Dude, eventually I'll put some of the others up. I promise.]

The CJB's profiles are slightly spoilery through Hearts and Flowers. Other than that, you're more or less clear.

Oh, and the ficlets are spoilery on various levels, but they're all marked as to where in the series they'd fall, so I suppose I really didn't have to mention it here. Oh well.

The Team

Liliana, the Groovalicious Princess of Rhythm

Kitchen Utensil Boy

Famous Psychic Raccoon

The Lightning Rod

Spellbinding Squirrel Supreme

(The Irresistible) Winterstrike

No-Cool-Name Guy

Oh yeah, and here's a picture of our headquarters...well, not the HQ themselves, obviously, but we're underneath all of that.

Our Allies...

The Spectacular Sorceress of Tomorrow

Big Red Moose

The Dark Avenger

Mysterious Leather-Wearin Dude and ShadowGuy

Shifty Man in Black

Uberpolite Pencil Thief


The Hurricane
(Yes, I couldn't resist. Shut up.)

And, what would a SuperTeam be without...

Our Enemies

The United Confederation of Wrongness
(including Stumpy the Evil Law Guy)

King of the Nerds

(The Obscene) Kommander Viking

The Overactin Empress

The Golden Geese

The Blond Blunder

The Tap Dancin Elf O' Terror

Rhinestone Cowgirl

Alexander the FABulous
(and The Legion (of Dim))

The Worldwide Confederation of Unsavoriness

The Fearsome Ultracrush
(and his Ultracrush Follower)

Hell's Angel Child

Pluuuuus, click through here for our stories! (Not that there's much *there*, per se, but you can poke around anyway.) Also, just for the record, you can also visit the CJB's (rarely-used) journal.

To the SHU's homepage