The KMF Homepage
Rangers Win Stanley Cup
Who would have ever thought we would have gone to the World Wide Web? I'm the last person who would have. Yet... here we are.

The story: I guess it started with Brian Walter and his "Don't Cry Samantha, Don't Cry" script he wrote. Taping started on June 27, 1991. The three tapes made out of that experience never produced a finished version of the script... but created another monster... "The Adventures of the KMF" which featured such episodes as Vinny and His Parrot and The Park Documentary. Back then no one had a car... so we walked everywhere we went but we had fun doing it. The second tape actually had a theme...

"KMFII: In Search Of Utopia". That tape included some other classic episodes... most noticeably "Psychiatric Hour With Dr. Jessie" and "Dog's World". The tape ended finding Utopia at Utopia Parkway... where else? By then we had cars... and in the third tape "KMFIII: AM Dusk" things took their turn for their psychiatric worse. It seemed we had doubled in the number of people who we hung out with. It started with the "KMF Conclave", continued on with episodes of "Santacide", and ended at the end of 1991.

KMF III was the last official tape... three tapes shot in seven months... but that wasn't the end. The last actual tape I have is Halloween 1994... what was inbetween???

It became a tradition to meet at Snoopy's in the park. From there we'd go to the diner... and beyond. Many nights were spent talking about our futures... what we were going to eat... and how we had nothing to do. Yet so many other things went on... so many people came and went...

And of course there was the musical components of it all... the different bands that were formed... Mike Tap... Mike and the Procrastinators... Parallel Evolution... The Funky Night Lights... and Silo. Music has always been cited as a big influence in a teenagers life... and it was during our teenage years... and beyond.

Of course the many Volleymania's played were captured on video... and edited into the 93-94 Supermix. Now where is the KMF? Has it ended? The unfinished version of "KMFIV:Epitaph" sits on a videotape in raw form... and even it is outdated. Five years doesn't sound like a long time... but it feels like forever.

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Last Updated 29-Jan-97
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