The Christopher Michael Stow Page!
(created by.. his mommy)
Hey there Everyone! I decided that it would be really neat if I were to create a page for my little munchkin Chris. So I have. I've dedicated this page to him. On this page you will find recent pictures, and growth updates, and anything else that I can think to put on it to keep all of you up to date and in the know about my little Christopher (since I know you're all dying to hear how he's doing.) Well... e-mail me at  and let me know what you guys think.  Take Care.
Teresa Stow
School is Cool!
Right: This picture was taken at Christopher's Preschool. Chris told me that morning that he wanted to dress up like a man... and I let him pick out the clothes. Anyways... I was really impressed with the photographer and it came out great.
Above: These are my man Doug's two girls with Christopher. Ally is 17 (left), Chris is in the middle of course... and Corrie is 12 (right).
As an added bonus... click the Rattle to hear Chris when he was first talking.