We are starting a long list here of reasons why we hate Marlena... if you would like to contribute some of yours, write to: marlenahaters@hotmail.com...
Her patented deer-in-the-headlights look...
Her moaning and groaning when she is with John...
The way she thinks she is a better person than everyone else...
Her fake smiles...
Her phony laughter...
Her helmet-head...
The way she treated Kristen...
The way she neglects her young children...
The way she butts into her older childrens' lives...
The way she acts like she's 20 but is really 50...
The provocative clothing she should not be wearing...
Her surprises for John in bed (ewww)...
When she says "oh John!" no matter what John says before...
How she never goes to work and never sees any patients...
The way she ratted out her best friend (Laura Horton)...
How she thinks Brady and Carrie are her children but they are not...
How she patronizes everyone except John...
All the plastic surgery she must have had...
The amount of make-up she wears...
Her unnatural hair colour...
The way she talks to John when he is not there...
How she completely forgot about her first husband (Don Craig)...
The way she has treated and is treating Roman...
The way she rubs her and John's relationship in everyone's faces...
How the Brady family idolizes her...
How she is always lying to her family...
The way she likes having two men fighting over her...
Her jealousy of Roman and Billie's relationship...
How Stefano can never keep her...
How she can never die...
The way she tells people how to live their lives...
Her tired love-triangles...
Any scene she has with John...
Any flashbacks of any scene with John...
The way she is always the innocent victim no matter what...
The way she squints her eyes when she smiles...
-by Sarah
How no one seems to notice what a complete b*tch she is except Kristen and Gina...
Her facial expressions that never change whether she is laughing or crying...
-by noje
Her constant need to have sex...
-by noje
How she never sees her "children" or even thinks about them, unless they can get her closer to her goal, whatever it is...
-by noje
Her sense that her "morality" is the best...
-by noje
How she tries to be the "starlet" when she is past 40...
-by noje
The way she blames everything on Stefano...
-by noje
The fact that she does not acknowledge Will as her grandson...
-by Nicole M.
Her sick, orgasmic giggle...
-by Nicole M.
The fact that she thinks she is an expert at ALL medical fields, yet never practises her own...
-by Nicole M.
The way she latches on to John after being away from him for only two minutes...
How she talks about John 24 hours a day...
-by D. Ward
How she always has to say something even when the situation is not concerning her...
-by D. Ward
How she has orgasms whenever John simply puts one finger on her or just walks in the room...
-by Carmen V.
How she is always crying...
-by Jackie
The way she is becoming part of other storylines because she is supposed to be a front-burner character and doesn't have her own storyline...
The way Days would never even dream of putting her on the back-burner or recurring status...
How John and Roman both call her "Doc"...
The way she thinks that her problems are so much more important than everyone else's...
The fact that her eyes are always only half open because she thinks she looks sexy...
-by Andrea D.
Her whale spouts...
-by ?
Her pony tail... is it supposed to look good???
-by ?
Her kinky obsession with seducing men with strawberries... guess it's last resort...
-by ?
The pure white pant-suits she puts on that make her look like a 70 year old...
-by ?
Her retarded, huge clip-on earrings that she has to take off before every bedroom scene, they could knock poor John out!!!
-by ?
Her "FRIENDSHIP" with Roman...
How she left Sami during her murder trail because Belle had a
cold... no wonder Sami has never liked her...
-by GFor963924
How she b*tched at Carrie for kissing Mike when Marlena had an affair earlier with John and Carrie defended her actions...
-by GFor963924
She is a sanctimonious hypocrite who has no problem shacking up with John after all the pain and suffering her affair caused her family...
-by GKiebach
She thinks that she is so perfect...
-by ~Jacki~
She never thinks about anything but herself...
-by ~Jacki~
The way she thinks she can do it on a piano without having any back pain...
-by ~Jacki~
How her name is last on the Days credits...
-by ~Jacki~
How everybody in Salem worships her like she's a Saint...
-by Ronnie51
The way she slams a door when she walks into a room so that everyone can
acknowledge that she's present...
-by Ronnie51
How she always says "Oh, my dear" to John over and over and OVER...
-by BrioPryme
How she says "I love you so" and "I need you so" to John... "so" what???
How she is obviously jealous of Gina, but makes up lame excuses to hide the fact...
The fact that she doesn't want John to find out about his past just because she is afraid it will hurt HER...
How her and John have sex in the living room and don't even consider the fact that Belle or Brady could walk in at any moment...
How Chelsea took care of Belle and Brady 24 hours a day when they were kids and Marlena gets all of the credit for their upbringing...
-by Nathan G.
Marlena thinks just because she is engaged to one of the richest men in Salem (John) and she lives in her high rise penthouse, she is better than everyone else...
-by Nathan G.
Marlena thinks that she is a better grandmother to Will than Kate when Kate herself has been around the kid more often and has a greater concern for him than Marlena ever has...
-by Nathan G.
She wasn't a good mother ever to Carrie, Sami, and Eric. She was never around while they were growing up and shipped them off to Colorado...
-by Nathan G.
Those bouffant, teeny-bop, towering pony-tail hairstyles of hers...
-by Nathan G.
Her constant need for someone to kidnap her so John can come and save her again, time after time...
-by Nathan G.
How she never goes to see her aging parents in Colorado...
-by Nathan G.
All of her tacky and provocative places to have sex such as the Titan board room conference table with John, on the Alamain jet with John, and in Roman's bed with John...
-by Nathan G.
How her makeup looks on her face... Bozo the Clown!!!
-by Nathan G.
How she ridiculed Susan's lack of fashion sense when she herself has worn some uuuugly stuff!!!
-by Nathan G.
How she believed just because Kristen was deceitful to her and John, she had the sole right to run Kristen's house and say what goes...
-by Nathan G.
Marlena's shrine of pictures of her all around the penthouse... does she love herself that much???
-by Nathan G.
How she thinks that Billie or any other woman isn't right for Roman...
-by Nathan G.
How she compares herself and image to Alice Horton...
-by Nathan G.
How she held her phone right up in Austin's face for practically an hour to make him call Carrie...
-by Nathan G.
How she totally forgot about her twin
sister, Samantha...
-by Nathan G.
How she completely ignored the fact and pretended in front of everyone in Salem that Sami didn't have bulimia...
-by Nathan G.
The naming of a person "Marlena" sucks...
-by Nathan G.
How she always takes her shoes off at the bottom of the stairs at the penthouse at the end of the day... does John really find that much pleasure in smelling her shoes and feet???
-by Nathan G.
How her name plate on her office door at University Hospital has to be in bold typing and noticeable to all in view...
-by Nathan G.
How she threatens her family and friends like the time that she was going to move to San Francisco and never visit or return to Salem... good riddance...
-by Nathan G.
The way that she gasps before she slaps other women such as Kristen or Sami...
-by Nathan G.
How she thinks that she is too good to eat clam chowder or a simple hamburger at her ex-in-law's restaurant, the Brady Pub... Marlena always has to dine in Salem's finest eateries such as the Penthouse Grill or Tuscany at everyone else's expense...
-by Nathan G.
Her lame excuse that the reason why John and her had the affair was because they had some "unresolved feelings"... ever heard of control, Marlena???
-by Nathan G.
How everyone in Salem had to be invited to her engagement gala at the Penthouse Grill in '98... (the wedding that didn't happen, thank-god!)...
-by Nathan G.
She kept it a secret of who the father of Belle was for a long time... she has broken Roman's heart so many times...
-by Nathan G.
How Marlena found it funny that Kristen was becoming suicidial after Kristen realized that she had lost John to Marlena...
-by Nathan G.
Her sick, silly, schoolgirl romance daydreams of John making love to her... at one time, Roman too...
-by Nathan G.
How she finds it satisfying, and in a way, kinky to string along two men at the same time... keeping them in wait and in limbo (John and Roman)...
-by Nathan G.
When she calls Belle and/or Sami "baby girl"...
-by WBra270453
The way she doesn't know how to say the word "much", it's always just "I love you so" or "I need you so"...
-by Jodi G.
How when she visits Roaman at the police station, she thinks she's a detective too... when everyone thought Kristen died in the pool, Marlena went along to the scene as if she were one of the investigators... she found evidence against her best friend Laura, and showed it to the real detectives because she had no choice but to tell the truth...
-by whobbie
The way she trembles every time John touches her...(who knows what she did
during her peak!)
The way she cries in almost every scene, but yet is supposed to be "so strong"...
How she got out of the secret room when Kristen locked her in... how dare Marlena move into Kristen's home with
John while she is still in love with him... i would have eventually lost my
sanity too if I had to watch those longing "Marlena glances" every day at my
The way she always has that annoying wisp of hair above her left ear even when the rest of her hair is straight...
-by Melissa H.
She is a selfish, self-righteous, overdramatic pain in the a$$!!! never has there been such an overdramatic wench such as Dr. Marlena Evans... what a joke!!!
-by Brandy
How she will never be taken off the show because somebody
out there loves that character...
-by Mackenzie
How she will probably become the new "Alice Horton" of
Salem... what an insult to Alice...
-by Mackenzie
How her children go from 4 to 16 years old when she goes on vacation...
-by Mackenzie
How she was so sure John could never love Kristen, Gina, or
any other woman for that matter...
-by Mackenzie
How every time she comes on the show I'm forced to fast-forward my Days tape...
-by Mackenzie
How she likes to wear lime green skirt-suits...
-by Mackenzie
How she's considered a saint even though she was once possessed by the devil...
-by Mackenzie
Everybody has a bad hair day once or twice a month, but Marlena has one every single day...
-by Ki-Whan E.
Her sloppy shoulders...
-by Ki-Whan E.
Her faux "gracious laugh"...
-by Ki-Whan E.
She talks like her nostrils were taped together...
-by Ki-Whan E.
Her deep-seeded need to hypnotize...
-by Lance D.
How she cares more about John than her son... remember how she didn't want John to go to Paris to help Eric???
How she is now being depicted as a loving and devoted mother even though she was never around when her children were growing up (faster in some cases than others)...
How she doesn't remember all the fake Marlenas still roaming the planet...
-by leanne/ross
How she almost had sex with Stefano in Paris when he kidnapped her...
The way she can always find the key moment in a great scene to say something about John...
-by blake
How she is too nosey...
-by Cheryl A.
How she kisses a$$ too much...
-by Cheryl A.
The way she always wants someone to believe her...
-by Cheryl A.
The way she puts herself in dangerous situations and expects John to save her...
-by Cheryl A.
The fact that when someone new comes to Salem (especially a female), she always hates them...
-by Cheryl A.
How she thinks she is God's gift to Salem...
-by Cheryl A.
The fact that she carries SMELLING SALTS in her purse... (that was from the disco dance episode when "Hope" fainted, in case you missed that one...)
-by Mandy
NOTE: if you e-mail us with a reason to hate Marlena, we reserve the right to put it up here without notice and correct spelling, grammar, etc...