Marlena's Lovers and Haters

Now for an outline from my point of view of all the characters surrounding Marlena's life... not that she really has one...

Belle Black (played by Kirsten Storms)
Connection to Marlena: daughter
Job: student
Usually found: at dotCOM, Salem U, or Marlena's penthouse
Always: flips hair, acts like Marlena, annoys everyone
Never: stops sucking helium

Brady Black (played by Kyle Lowder)
Connection to Marlena: step-son
Job: Basic Black executive
Usually found: up Chloe's a$$
Always: defends Marlena, follows around Chloe, lectures everyone, sings poorly
Never: has a logical reason for doing anything

John Black (played by Drake Hogestyn)
Connection to Marlena: husband
Job: doctor, mercenary, fashion designer, you name it
Usually found: at Marlena's penthouse
Always: squints, raises one eyebrow, says "that's a fact"
Never: loses sexual desire, approaches a situation calmly

Bo Brady (played by Peter Reckell)
Connection to Marlena: friend
Job: police officer
Usually found: at home or the Salem PD
Always: changes his hair for the worse, clenches his teeth
Never: gets a clue until it's too late

Caroline Brady (played by Peggy McCay)
Connection to Marlena: former mother-in-law
Job: waitress
Usually found: at the Brady Pub
Always: worships Marlena
Never: realizes how horrible Marlena is/was to her son

Carrie Brady (formerly played by Christie Clark)
Connection to Marlena: former step-daughter
Job: public relations director at University Hospital
Usually found: in Isreal
Always: had bad hair days, wore ugly clothes
Never: had a good hair day, realized that Austin had no brain

Eric Brady (formerly played by Jensen Ackles)
Connection to Marlena: son
Job: photographer
Usually found: in Colorado with his grandparents
Always: was obsessed with "NicTroll" (Nicole), wore tons of eye make-up
Never: washed his hair

Roman Brady (played by Josh Taylor)
Connection to Marlena: ex-husband
Job: police officer
Usually found: up Marlena's a$$
Always: gets in the way, makes hollow threats, says "git da hell outta here"
Never: shuts up, gets plastic surgery

Samantha Brady (played by Alison Sweeney)
Connection to Marlena: daughter
Job: employed at University Hospital (never seems to go to work though)
Usually found: at her apartment
Always: plots and schemes, wears revealing clothing with zero support
Never: covers her cleavage

Shawn Brady (played by Frank Parker)
Connection to Marlena: former father-in-law
Job: bartender
Usually found: at the Brady Pub
Always: sounds like a leprechaun, worships Marlena
Never: realizes how horrible Marlena is/was to his son

Kristen DiMera (formerly played by Eileen Davidson)
Connection to Marlena: enemy
Job: none
Usually found: in the Supreme Leader's prison
Always: plotted against Marlena
Never: gave up on trying to get John

Stefano DiMera (formerly played by Joseph Mascolo)
Connection to Marlena: former stalker/kidnapper
Job: criminal
Usually found: missing in action
Always: had gigantic bags under his eyes
Never: lost weight

Tony DiMera (played by Thaao Penghlis)
Connection to Marlena: enemy
Job: none
Usually found: at the DiMera mansion
Always: goes into a trance and repeatedly says the word "Mollayna"
Never: gets a real tan, gets a restraining order against John

Jennifer Horton (played by Melissa Reeves)
Connection to Marlena: friend/patient
Job: none
Usually found: at the hospital or Salem Place
Always: b*tches at Jack, b*tches about Jack to everyone, b*tches in general
Never: benefits from Marlena's therapy, realizes what a hypocrite she is

Laura Horton (formerly played by Jaime Lyn Bauer)
Connection to Marlena: former best friend
Job: doctor
Usually found: upstairs reading
Always: had that denture cream smile plastered on her face
Never: gets mentioned on the show anymore

Kate Roberts (played by Lauren Koslow)
Connection to Marlena: pretend friend
Job: Basic Black executive
Usually found: at the Kiriakis mansion harassing people
Always: gasps and groans, dresses in business suits around the house
Never: gets what she wants

Will Roberts (played by Darian Weiss)
Connection to Marlena: grandson
Job: none
Usually found: somewhere other than with his parents
Always: does and says annoying things
Never: is played by an actor who can act their way out of a paper bag

Dr. Wilhelm Rolf (played by Will Utay)
Connection to Marlena: assistant kidnapper
Job: doctor, teacher at Salem U
Usually found: in the basement of the DiMera mansion
Always: knows how to perform every surgical procedure known to man
Never: gets a life

Hope Williams (played by Kristian Alfonso)
Connection to Marlena: pretend friend
Job: housewife
Usually found: at home
Always: acts fake, turns into Princess Gina Von Amberg randomly
Never: has breast reduction surgery, realizes that her and Bo's house is actually Jennifer's old house

Caprice (played by Fuschia)
Connection to Marlena: FAKE maid/nanny
Job: RA at Salem U
Usually found: at Salem U
Always: has been hated by all Days viewers
Never: existed on Days before April 2002

Chelsea (formerly played by Lena Banas)
Connection to Marlena: former maid/nanny
Job: maid/nanny
Usually found: invisible
Always: took care of Brady and Belle while they were growing up
Never: confronted Marlena about neglecting them to have sex with John all the time

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