Other Days Characters We Hate
The following are some other characters who get on our nerves besides Marlena... listed below are some reasons to hate these characters and how long the actors are signed on to stay on the show... you may or may not share our opinions and the opinions of others who have written to us...
- Belle Black (played by Kirsten Storms)
- She went from five to sixteen in the course of two weeks...
- Because of her we will have to endure more "teen crisis" storylines and Marlena will be seen as a good mother... -by Maginger
- She seems to have forgotten that she was raised by Chelsea the maid...
- That helium voice which drives everyone up the wall...
- She never fails to put in her two cents wherever it's not wanted and manages to make absolutely no sense while doing it...
- She enjoys watching her parents make out and encourages them to go upstairs and have sex while she is in the house...
- Her cheesy merry sunshine attitude... -by Maginger
- She made friends with the most unpopular girl in school (Chloe) for the sole purpose of acting "holier than thou" to pretty much the whole world...
- If Days even remotely resembled real life, she would have had her A$$ KICKED long ago and would never in a million years be the most popular girl in school...
- She turns away all advances from the opposite sex one day and becomes a slut the next...
- How she endures head trauma every month, but never manages to die from it...
- How she is always pretending to be friends with everyone who comes to Salem... -by dana
- How she always plays the victim (just like her mother)... -by dana
- She thinks she can get into a college without studying or going to school... -by dana
- Her limp, greasy hair...
How she is always freaking out about some trivial teenie bopper problem...
Brady Black (played by Kyle Lowder)
- His obsession with "helping Chloe"...
- His greasy facial hair...
- His hypocritical attitude towards Philip...
- The stupid "Ghost Mom" storyline...
- How he always finds some ridiculous reason to pick a fight with someone...
- John Black (played by Drake Hogestyn)
- His "animal urges" in bed are enough to make a female rabbit jealous and THAT'S A FACT!!!
- The amount of times per day that he and "Doc" have sex...
- Any "who's the daddy?" storyline involving him and Stefano... has John not had enough b*stard children for one lifetime???
- He seems to think that squinting and raising his eyebrows are a good replacement for drama...
- His eyebrows have had their 15min of fame...
- His chest hair has apparently not...
- The John/Hope pairing... NEED I SAY MORE???
- His hairy knuckles... BLECH... -by T
- Excessive squinting...
- That ridiculous 1980s "mullet" hairstyle...
- Roman Brady (played by Josh Taylor)
- His face is dried up and withered like an old prune...
- He hasn't had a storyline in ages, but remains on contract...
- The phrase "git da hell outta here"...
- His voice in general...
- He gives out worse advice than Dr. Evans...
- How he says "duck" instead of "doc"...
- How he says "Shammi" instead of "Sami"...
- How he always manages to get in the way of everything...
- Sami Brady (played by Alison Sweeney)
- Since she lost weight she has been showing more and more cleavage each day...
- Her uncanny resemblance to Miss Piggy...
- She never stops trying to cheat the legal system because her father is a cop...
- We are still being subjected to the never-ending and increasingly boring "Will's custody" and "who shot Franco?" storylines...
- How she gave out advice to her little sister on how to get Shawn back... right after she lost Austin...
Too many blackmail storylines...
- Shawn-Douglas Brady (played by Jason Cook)
- The whole Jan/Shawn storyline...
- He would rather lie to all of his friends and family than betray JAN...
- That stupid smirk he always has on his face...
- The deer-in-the-headlights look when he's angry, sad, or scared...
- How he's always trying and failing to grow a moustache... please shave...
- The fact that he and Belle are practically cousins...
- "I made a sacred vow to Jan"...
- He believed Jan over Belle... i know they're both annoying as h_ll, but anyone's word is more reliable than JAN's...
- His sick, demented obsession with babies...
- Lexie Brooks Carver (played by Renee Jones)
- She never passes up an opportunity to defend Brandon and/or Stefano to anyone...
- She still acts naive about Stefano even after catching him standing over Marlo's dead body...
- She practically forced Abe to adopt Isaac just because it was Stefano's idea... if she knew the baby was going to have three heads and a 5% chance of survival, she probably still would have wanted it...
- How she completely freaks out when she's trying to hide something and no one seems to notice or find it suspicious in any way...
- How she actually seems to believe that Isaac is her biological child...
- Chloe Lane (played by Nadia Bjorlin)
- She.. talks.. too.. slow...
- Every outfit she wears exposes her breasts, as well as pushes
them up to her neck... then she goes off and acts all insecure about showing off her eyes... -by TwilightVampire
- She acts like a manic depressive on crack... -by TwilightVampire
- She kinda looks like one too... -by TwilightVampire
- She dressed as a hooker for the 2001 Last Blast Dance...
- How she always wears ten pounds of mascara...
- Her repetitive and consistently boring scenes with Brady...
- She only cares about herself...
- How she is still whining about being given up for adoption three years after Nancy saved her from the orphanage...
- Colin Murphy (played by Justin Melvey)
- Coming soon!
- Kate Roberts (played by Lauren Koslow)
- She dresses like a madam for work... -by Debra L.
- Her over-sized and constantly flared nostrils...
- When she talks in a high-pitched whine (sounds like she's talking in a high tone of voice while someone is pinching her nostrils together) and suddenly, her voice changes into this angry, frog-in-her-throat tone... -by Maginger
- Her constant gasping and groaning whenever something goes wrong...
- The phrase "you know something?"...
- Brandon Walker (played by Matt Cedeno)
- His only remote resemblance to Nicole is that he looks as if he fell from an ugly tree and was hit by every branch on the way down... -by mccoyvl
- That face that can only be described as "rubbery"...
- The ridiculous analogies he uses as a pediatric counsellor (eg. comparing cancer to Star Wars)...
- His sleazy personality makes me feel like I need to take a shower after every one of his scenes... -by mccoyvl
- The whole "I Hate Abe" farce of a storyline...
- He flirts with pretty much every single woman on the show including his sister...
- Any scenes in which his towel "accidentally" falls off...
He had sex with Lexie...
- Nicole Walker (played by Arianne Zuker)
- Her modelling "outfits" (eg. depends undergarments with fun fur trim)...
- Every time you think that her hair couldn't possibly get worse, it does...
- Her constant whining about her troubled past (you were in a porn and did drugs, so what?)...
- She sucks up to people... literally...
- Her and Brandon have the same last name and mother, but look as much like brother and sister as Bill Cosby and Callista Flockhart...
- She bought multiple copies of a magazine with her face on the cover...
- The fact that her constipated-looking face was actually on the cover of a magazine...
- Her backburner alcholism storyline... how original...
- How she could have easily bought her own island and disappeared with all the money Kate gave her, but she chose to stay in Salem and annoy everyone...
- How her lips seem to get bigger every day... -by Joanne
- She looks like every other blond bimbo that is a twig and a model out there... -by Alexandra316
- How that wonderbra isn't doing much for her flat chest... -by Alexandra316
- That hairstyle when it's combed straight down all around her face which makes her look like an Afghan hound... -by BrioPryme
- Her whole family is boring, talentless, and ugly... -by Shawn T.
- That thing in between her eyes (also known as "the mole" and "the zit")... -by Sam G.
- How she's a supposed "supermodel", but looks more like a very tall Christmas elf... -by SCUBA
- Can you say trailor trash??? -by Michael D.
- That Jennifer Lopez ensemble she wore to Greta's coronation...
- She's wants to marry impotent Victor, who is old enough to be her grandfather...
How she thinks that every man on earth is interested in her, when she is really nothing but an ugly and disgusting horse-faced whore... -by brandon-hater2002
- Caprice (played by Fuschia)
- She never existed... Belle and Brady's real nanny was Chelsea (played by Lena Banas)...
- Her stupid figures of speech and lame catch phrases...
- Her shocking resemblance to Aunt Jemima...
- Her shocking resemblance to Miss Cleo... -by dana
- That ridiculous scarf she wears on her head...
- She promotes archiac black "mammy" stereotypes...
- Her psychic abilities (don't we already have Celeste?)...
- She's an illegal alien...
- She came all the way to America just to bake cookies...
- That ridiculous hair...
How she followed Belle to college and became the resident advisor at her dorm...
Any character you would like to see here??? e-mail us at marlenahaters@hotmail.com and tell us who it is and why they annoy you... also e-mail us if there are more bad things you can think of about the characters i have already listed...
Special thanks for help with this page go to: Ladybug, Jennifer L., Sarah, Morgan B., mccoyvl, Debra L., Ginger, and Maginger
Special thanks for help with the former Reasons to Hate Nicole Page go to: Joanne, Alexandra316, BrioPryme, WBra270453, Eunice C., Shelly, Shania, Shawn T., Sam G., SCUBA, Maginger, and Michael D.
Special thanks for help with the former Reasons to Hate Austin Page go to: Alexandra316, Deb301, Ursraz, Gary S., and Tracy
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