here are some of our guestbook entries and e-mails...

----Original Message Follows----
From: AnToiNeTTe77
Subject: (no subject)
Date: Mon, 20 May 2002 03:14:28 EDT

OK seriously, you are so freakin hilarious!!! I don't know how the hell i found your site, but thank God i did. You gotta continue with the daily rantings cause they are FUNNY and soo dang TRUE!! haha By the way, whats the info on YOU? Male/Female, age, location?? Whats the scoop?? Just out of curiousity.

Seriously, keep up the good work. You're awesome!


Response: i can't give out any personal information... i must remain completely anonymous or else the Marlena/Deidre fans will track me down and assassinate me for making fun of their "ageless goddess"... LOL...

----Original Message Follows----
From: Maginger
Subject: Jan Spears' List
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 01:03:42 EDT

Here is another one for Jan's list:

Isn't her middle name Britney? I think I heard her mother scream at her "JAN BRITNEY SPEARS...."

Response: it was actually Jan Marie Spears, but what you said is still really hilarious... thank god Jan is off the show now!!!

----Original Message Follows----
From: "Arja R"
Subject: i hate marlena
Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2002 20:00:01 +0200

just kidding hwy do u hate marlena i was going on the and i see reasons to hate marlena and i think most is rigt but deidre is a great person! ( deidre is marlena just in real person)

my mail is ___@_____.__

- marlena,deidre fan

Response: is this not the classic dumba$$ Marlena fan letter??? Deidre Hall being a "great actress" has absolutely nothing to do with hating Marlena... and let's face facts, she's no Meryl Streep...

Note: removed e-mail address to protect classic dumba$$ Marlena fan from spam robots...

----Original Message Follows----
From: "Gail W"
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2002 01:32:38 -0600

I am so irritated at the way Jennifer constantly whines about Jack

Why is Abe such a wimp nowadays??

Jan being so needy and a royal b**ch the next

----Original Message Follows----
From: "Christel"
Subject: hate
Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2002 17:23:07 +0100



- he looks ugly.
- there are always dirty things in his nose (if you watch very good)
- he doesnt have a good side.
- his accent
- he is too old for a soap.
- he has allot of childeren (but what women wants to sleep with him?)
- he had allot of women like: celest, rachel (the women in white) and allot more.
- he is in love with marlena (but she is ugly!!! how can he be in love with hear)
- he pretens if his memory was gone (but that wasnt true)
- He used celest, she still love was in love with him, but he let her keep working for him.
-and allot of more reasons to hate him!!!!

Response: i don't add characters no longer on the show to the hate list, but thanks for writing anyway...

----Original Message Follows----
From: k d
Subject: Feedback
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 15:07:35 -0800 (PST)

I really enjoy your board, I was wondering if you'll ever do a current events type board? I think that would be cool.
What I don't like about Marlena is the fact that she always has her nose in everyone else's business, and she talks to her adult children as if they are babies. Also she gave birth to the most annoying human being on the face of the earth Belle!
Happy Holidays.

Response: i'm not sure exactly what you mean by "current events type board", but i've had enough trouble keeping up one board (even with the very little activity it gets)... i don't think i could ever have two going at once... thanks for posting though...

----Original Message Follows----
From: "Birger L"
Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2001 12:52:22 -0900

Ok... I've got to admitt, this site is really funny!!
But I happen to like Marlena (she's my fav)....
I think you should dedicate this page to some other days- characters too.... like roman, austin, nicole, baby will and more (they are worse that doc!)!! I'm from norway so I am still stuck with the 1997-episodes... and maybe in the future, when i get to see the comming episodes... i'll start to dislike doc too... but not now!
I've got to add one thing: 1 of the reasons Marlena doesn't have her own storyline right now is that Deidre Hall has two small children and a major storyline would take up too much of her time.
But anyway.... Keep up the good work!!!! But think 'bout what I said 'bout the other characters to, please!!?

Greetings from Sandie!!!!!!!!

Response: please see the "Other Characters We Hate" page...

Jojo Burtram - 11/11/00 23:41:59
What you hate about Marlena: lots of things
Another character you hate on Days: Roman
What you hate about this character: his ugly

i luv days! it is my farvorite show . i hop they have anothr dance soon. iluv the dances. bell and shaun are the bets coupls. i also hat marlena. sheis a bad lady!

Dolores Burtram - 11/11/00 23:39:15
What you hate about Marlena: SHE IS A WITCHIE!!!
What you hate about this character: They fly around on brooms and make me sick! Witchie woo!

But who I REALLY hate is the Marlena hater!! She thinks she can keep me away from page! Well too bad, witchie! You will never be able to! I love it here too much! Me and my sis. I love you all! Love, Dolly

Response: no one cares if you come to the page... we just don't want you on the message board... i banned you permanently so you can't post on it under a whole bunch of different names anymore... it was getting too annoying keeping all your mentally challenged personas straight...

SeaHag - 11/11/00 22:02:49
What you hate about Marlena: Everything! And those horrified faces she makes...gimme a break!
Another character you hate on Days: Jan&Jason
What you hate about this character: AHHHH! I could go on forever!

Haha. DAYS is so disgusting. Too disgusting. I want to see Marlena have a nervous breakdown! I wanna see her go crazy, and throw herself off a bridge like Hattie tried to do! AND, and want Brady to save her ass, and see what she does then!

Amanda - 10/02/00 19:57:36
What you hate about Marlena: that post menopausal hag thinks she's sexy. Also her self righteousness.
Another character you hate on Days: John
What you hate about this character: his wig (is that a wig?) and nostrils

I'm so glad I found this page. I really needed it and have for years. Marlena grosses me out bigtime. I am enraged right now because she is winning the "most beautiful woman on Days" poll on Why do people like her??? WHY????????

- 09/09/00 04:45:51
What you hate about Marlena: NOTHING!

OK, Whoever made his page...GET A LIFE! I mean, come one now, it's JUST a soap! These people aren't really REAL!! Yeah, really, no joke!! You shuldn't let a soap character take so much poewer over your life!! You obviously are skanky or something if you don't like Marlena, but that's ok i guess. Just get help!! It'll be ok!!

Note: the same person wrote the entry below...

- 09/09/00 04:38:08
What you hate about Marlena: Nothing
Another character you hate on Days: Brandon
What you hate about this character: EVERYTHING

I understand that you have a right your opinion, and that's fine, but what's so bad about Marlena?? I mean she's nice, she's smart....WHAT?! I don't get it. The only thing she's NOT is trashy, which I guess is the problem, but whatever floats your boat, i guess!

----Original Message Follows----
From: Alicia A
Subject: Josh Taylor
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2000 08:13:54 -0700 (PDT)

I hate Josh Taylor playing Roman because he used to be Chris Kosechek on Days. (He and Maggie had some steamy fantacies, but neither seems to remember now.) Could he not find a job with another soap? Could Days not afford a new actor... maybe one that looks a little more like the prior Roman???

Thanks! Alicia

Sea Hag - 09/05/00 19:26:26
What you hate about Marlena: She is a haughty bitch
Another character you hate on Days: Chloe
What you hate about this character: She is sooo annoying

Hello. I wanna sign this again. This site rules, haha. I laughed so hard over this comment: "Brandon and Nicole look as much as brother and sister as calista Flockhart and Bill Cosby." HAHAHAHAH!

Dan Bridge - 07/18/00 02:31:50
What you hate about Marlena: Her attitude
Another character you hate on Days: Malcomb
What you hate about this character: he is too snooty.

I love you for making this page. thanks.

The Salem Comedy Stop - 07/11/00 19:46:15
What you hate about Marlena: Everything
Another character you hate on Days: I can't name just one

I like your site. It is funny. I have linked it to my site. I hate Marlena too. She is so nosy. She needs a life.

Catie - 07/07/00 02:14:30
My Email:blondeindisquise_2000
What you hate about Marlena: NOTHING!
Another character you hate on Days: Hope
What you hate about this character: She whines to much

If you so not like Marlena then you must not like the show that well because I think she is the best character on the show. And you say that this is not a Deidre Hall haters page but in your guest book there are alot of comments like there is one that say she is fat well I hate to tell that person but that is also insulting Deidre Hall I mean they are the same person.

Response: the guest book contains the opinions of OTHERS about Deidre Hall... so because a whole bunch of people insult Deidre Hall in the GUEST BOOK, you think this page is all about hating Deidre Hall??? obviously you don't understand the concept of a GUEST book... if you don't like what they wrote, e-mail THEM, not me... the creator of this site has nothing to do with what people write in the guest book...

Karl SChembri - 07/05/00 19:42:55
What you hate about Marlena: She is so Wicked.
Another character you hate on Days: Viviene
What you hate about this character: She is so nosy

fiest I want to say that Days of our lives is my favourite soap opera. Unfortunately I am not seeing the latest episodes because in Malta they are transmitting the 1997 edition. I can't believe that the cast of days of our lives made Sammi the daughter of that wicked Marlena

----Original Message Follows----
From: Kristen Krazy
Subject: You guys r the bomb!
Date: Sun, 2 Jul 2000 13:44:31 -0700 (PDT)

Hey, you guys are the absolute best... I laughed until my tumy exploded! (uh, right, duh... as ASStin would say!)
Anyway, your site is fabulous! It's so funny and it's right on the spot. keep it up, I love it!

----Original Message Follows----
Subject: Hate Bo Brady
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 20:25:53 -0400

I Hate Bo Brady because of his stupid little everybody owes me something attitude.
Also no matter how much he trys he can't hid the fact that he's going bald.

----Original Message Follows----
From: "mick"
Subject: Marlena Lovers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 14:57:28 +1000

How dare you criticize Marlena!! I can name about 300 people who would strongly disagree with you .
If i ever meet you on the street you better run from your worst nightmare

Ashley Anne - 05/26/00 00:47:24
What you hate about Marlena: Nothing
Another character you hate on Days: Hope, Bo, Nicole, Eric, Abe, Lexi, Brandon, Larry, Roman
What you hate about this character: They are stupid or boring, usually both.

I like Marlena, but your site is so hillarious that I had to post! I hate Bo and Hope, they are sooooo STUPID. Both of them don't know how to use their brains. Hope is ugly. She's too damn skinny and just whines to everyone about her life. I wish she would SHUT UP for once in her life. She is a clueless, wannabe princess slut who obviously didn't graduate high school and she bugs EVERYONE. And she mumbles when she talks. She also needs a job. BoZo is clueless, too, and a liar. I also hate Eric and Nicole. Eric is a horndog who can't keep his pants zipped up. And he likes the slutty, bitchy, UGLY AS SIN Nicole. Eric is a wuss, too, and probably has gohnerrea or some other veneral disease that he got from ho-bad Nicole. Nicole is a drunk freak. I wish she would die. Abe is boring and stupid, and Lexi is selfish and self-centered. And they are SOOOO boring. Brandon is ugly and stupid and I hate the way he calls Sami, "Samantha." He gets way too much airtime. Larry is a drag, too. He and Brandon have this dumb obsession about Abe. WHO GIVES A CRAP!!!! I also hate Roman because he always says, "What Da Hell" like a dumb hick. What a goober-head...he's not even the REAL ROMAN. He is Chris-Freakin-Kostichek GEEZ!!! Anyway, thanks for letting me ve t!

----Original Message Follows----
From: "sandra"
Subject: You haven't a clue what you are talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: Sun, 21 May 2000 00:51:23 -0700

Dear who ever the h_ll this is,
For your info she does not rub her relationship w/ John in everyones face, Kristen deserved everything she got and more, she does not act like she is 20, its not her damn fault that she never sees patients its the shity writers who plans the f_cken thing, Carrie abd Brady are technically hers because she has raised Brady since he was little because Isabella died, she is not always lying to her family, she does NOT like two men fighting over her, she is definately not jealous of Roman and Billies realationship and if you don't remember she technically told Roman to hit the road, and besides why would she want Roman when shes got John?! she is not a b_tch and i am glad both kristen and Gina kick the f_cken bucket in other words died, she does not have a constant need for sex, she has her own storyline and could never be replace! Can't say that much for Kristen or Gina now can you?!? And the strawberry thing is only w/ John you f_cken _sshole! It is ONLY a friendship w/ Roman nothing more, it wasnot her fault that she wasn't there for Sami thats the way the storyline worled out, And she did give carrie hell for kissing Mike only because she didn't want her to make the same mistakes she did you retarded _ss! And where else would you put her name in the damn credits? Not everyone worships her, and if i were her i wouldn't be jealous of Gina! Whats there to be jealous of?! I t was Stefanos fault she wasn't there so don't even go there!!!!! I do believe she could give a damn who Roman sleeps w/ just as long as hes happy! And maybe she didn't want to trip over her heels you stupid _ss b_tch! Sami changed the blood tests, Sami kidnapped Belle, and was going to sall her NOT the other way around! And is was not her fault that she was possessed by the damn devil! And for your bad connection w/ the 411 you don't have f_cken clue as to what you are talking about!

Yours Truely,
A Marlena Fan

P.S. You c_m drink, p_ssy licken, fat _ss b_tch! And why the hell are you writen you cuss words like B*TCH? That is stupid!!!!

Response: i believe this one speaks for itself...

Note: this e-mail has been edited for profanity...

----Original Message Follows----
From: "Duitser S" Subject: hallo .
Date: Sun, 14 May 2000 23:37:10 -0700

well i just want to know if marlena in days are speaking to me alone ?

from elbe smit from namibia

Response: ???

----Original Message Follows----
From: CleopatraVIIth
Subject: reason to hate Nicole
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2000 23:52:59 EDT

How her ego is as big as China although she is so ugly, she looks like one of Marlena's mushy strwberries compared to Greta.

How she thinks every man wants to sleep with her, when she's so skinny and tall and flat chested, and flat a$$ed, and boney, and ugly, and toothpick like, and her hair looks like straw.

Sharen - 04/02/00 20:09:39
What you hate about Marlena: The fact that she thinks that she is so great. She NEVER works a day in her life yet she calls herself a shrink. She thinks that she is better hen everyone else yet she lied to Roman about the paternity of Belle. Get that Halo off your ugly head Whorlena, it might block the sun.
Another character you hate on Days: AusDUH, the kids of Salem, BELLE especially!!
What you hate about this character: For being such a stupid idiot(As the great Stefano Dimera always says). Thinking that Sami is so damn noble is ridiculous. Give me a break. I also can't stand these kids of Salem, finally they bring them out of the basement and they are annoying as ever. Don't they ever go to school and get themselves an education. I especially can't stand Belle, she is like a mini Whorlena, never goes to school, always complains, thinks that she is so noble and above everyone else, especially Chloe, who I think ROCKS!!

I LOVE this site. It is so great. Thanks so much for showing everyone what a true whore and a phony Whorlena really is. I have hated Marlena since the beginning and to me, there is nothing useful about her. They portray her like such a saint yet she is NOT!!!!!! She pretended to be Laura's friend when she acted more like her lesbian lover, I thought that was very nasty. Also, she lied to Roman about the paternity of the baby we all know as Belle Brady BLACK, thanks to John, master of making love in submarine's, has this man got no shame. I can't really blame him, look what he has to come home too. Feel free to email me fellow Marlena haters, I LOVE chatting about my favorite soap opera.

Krisey - 03/24/00 04:29:08
What you hate about Marlena: Her attitude, her parenting skills, her and JOHN, I could go on for a long time with this one....
Another character you hate on Days: No chest Nicole
What you hate about this character: First off, how she treats her mother (out of her family, the only one I can handle is her mother); she is an annoying wit with no looks or talent

I really think DAYS needs to revamp its storylines completely. Heck, I'm now starting to pull for Victor and Stefano. John and Marlena's story is nothing but crap. If I wanted to see fake "superheroes", I'd start watching them on the cartoon channel. Something I would like to know, how are they able to take all this time to go to Paris and not get in trouble with their bosses?? I think we need to find applications for employment with this place.

You have a cool site, keep up the good work!!! Please, if you don't mind, post more on No chest Nicole.

----Original Message Follows----
From: "Teresa D"
Subject: hate mail
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 16:58:43 -0400

I love your site, you had me cracking up on all the character hating on Days. The show has gotten so ridiculous that I can barely stomach it. Anyway here are some of the reasons why I hate:

- though he is obviously retarded, he thinks that he has the mental capacity to be a father figure to Will

-why the hell is she married to Abe? She has lusted after every ethnic man on the show. Not that that's alot, but jeez! There is absolutely no chemistry between her and Abe and watching her fake it is annoying.

Bo Brady
-is Bo experiencing some type of premature Alzheimer's? He is such a dolt. I have been watching Days for decades and to see this once bad boy hottie deteriorate into a passive drooling idiot is heartbreaking.

John Black
-can you say overdramatic? the closeup shot where he stares into the camera flares his nostrils then cocks his eyebrow is just over the top.

----Original Message Follows----
From: "L Gaehler"
Subject: why I hate Marlena,John & their little offspring Belle
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 16:53:14 -0800

What is it with John and Marlena???for crying out loud people..somebody kill them,for good this time.heres why: * Marlena is a little too old to be wanting another baby
* she is to much of a bitch to be potrayed as perfect,she wish she was,nosey old hag
*the way she and John are always hungry for each other... pleeeeeaaasee freaks
* the way Belle is becoming a little Marlena...somebody help us please, why cant she be like Kim... prostitute,multiple personality etc. or she could become the school matress,"the easiest lay since easyslice cheese" cause I am just sick of the way 'perfect' Marlena's 'perfect' family is...bring on the drama, mama
* and as for John... who/what the hell is he any way...Forrest Alalmain,cop,jewel thief,priest,military man what???SEX MANIAC,YA!!!!!
* I want Brady to come back as the meaniest little "S.O.B" that ever lived, and please Marlena dont send away and hope that he rots somewere like you did Eric...back to Brady... he must mix with the DiMera kids, maybe even bring in some mafia types, bring in the mob, cause a rucus, he must show his roots for crying out loud..he is half Tuscano(remember Enesto) and half Alamain(Lawrence & dear aunt Viv) BRING ON THE ACTION AND PUT A BIG DENT IN MARLENA'S PERFECT LIFE.


----Original Message Follows----
From: "Michele C"
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 14:48:03 EST

Why do I hate Austin?

Besides the fact that he is the absolute dumbest human being alive? How about the fact that the things that Sami did to him were SO much worse than what Carrie did. Sami made mistake upon mistake and told lie upon lie and Austin forgave her. Carrie messed up ONCE and he just couldn't find it in his heart to forgive her.

I always loved Austin and Carrie together but the writers just decided to make Austin so stupid and brain dead. I mean, how can he justify leaving his wife because "sami needed him"? What's it to him? If Sami's own family (parents/sisters/brothers) weren't concerned with her, why would her BROTHER IN LAW be so worried?

I am so glad that Carrie left with Mike. She deserves someone with a brain.

- 03/16/00 02:13:01

Its things like this that are killing our children

Response: LOL...

E-mail: ----Original Message Follows----
From: BJHer1
Subject: i hate brandon and nicholas
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2000 03:44:19 EST

is it just me or wasn't nicholas supposed to the same age as shawn just about 5 years ago? fast forward to present day and nicholas came back supposedly as old as carrie and shawn is still a teenager. he has the hots for kate and will do anything to break up her relationship with victor. victor should take care of him the way he takes care of everyone else. if i could remember correctly, nicholas was just a few years older than shawn when shawn was supposed to be nine years old 5 years ago. they used to go to school together. plus, kate is so much older than him and he could've gone for billie who looks alot better than kate and is so much younger. as for brandon, what's up with him and this hatred for abe carver? i can't stand the way his eyes are always half opened. is it supposed to look sexy? why does he hate abe carver so much? enough to want to destroy his life? also, the thing with this larry kid? that is so stupid. they can't sue abe for accidentally shooting larry. it was an accident and the gun accidentally went off in an act of self defense.

Cherie - 03/02/00 04:13:09
What you hate about Marlena: She cried to much
Another character you hate on Days: Kate
What you hate about this character: She is miserable

I love your page. It is so good.

Michelle - 02/14/00 04:12:20
What you hate about Marlena: How she thinks she can help anyone with there problems.
Another character you hate on Days: Austin Austin Austin Austin Austin
What you hate about this character: He is Ugly, He cant act. He is ugly. I Hate him.

Your page is to funny. I Love the Austin Bashing page. I am going to check out the Will page next. Too funny. Keep up the great work. =)

----Original Message Follows----
From: "samantha w"
Subject: Your page rocks!!!!!!!!! It is thee best!!!!!!!
Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2000 14:11:32 PST

I totally hate Marlena! She is sooo stuuupid! Keep up the awesome job. As long as you keep the message board up, I will be posting my messages there!!!

----Original Message Follows----
From: "Mary"
Subject: Marlena Doll
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2000 09:58:53 -0700

Is this page ever going to be updated??At they are giving away a Marlena Evens doll.To win you have to submit an essay on why Marlena Evens is the role model for the women of the new millenium.There is talk about her being an example of all that is pure and good in the world.I can't even comment on this as it is the gaggiest thing I have seen.I would like to hear some comments on this travesty/joke.sincerely,Mary

Response: Is nothing sacred??? why would they make a doll about a character on a soap opera??? what's next??? a Stefano DiMera action figure??? yes, i'll buy one... and run it over with my car... and burn it with a cigarette lighter... and rip off all its arms and legs... then again, why would anyone waste their money on a piece of garbage like a doll of Marlena Evans??? i think you'd have to be a true Marlena worshipper to even consider buying one...

bo and hope4 ever - 02/08/00 09:02:33
Another character you hate on Days: you
What you hate about this character: she hates marlana

you are so stupid if you hate her so much why waste your time on a page on her get lost you are sad what has he done to you?

----Original Message Follows----
From: "jmk"
Subject: marlena,I HATE HER.
Date: Sat, 5 Feb 2000 17:08:03 -0600

Sawed-off shotgun-close range-nuff-said.
sammy could do it...go to death row...and actually be executed.Preferrably by HANGING.
hope could die from the spider bite.
vivian should be buried alive...FOR Kate
celeste.I dont even know what to say about her BAD acting.and those TACKY WIGS..whats up wi-that?
roman could be fatally shot by bo.who would then commit suicide.
austin shound drown in the pool while trying to save will..who is saved by the hero Lucas...

David Zuzu - 02/04/00 21:56:10
What you hate about Marlena: How patheticly holey she is.
Another character you hate on Days: Jon, Learn how to act
What you hate about this character: Stupid enough to choose Marlena

Why is it that John is always looking constipated? Also, Please please Please Marlena have a story line which does not involve you as the hero.

----Original Message Follows----
From: Veryopenguy
Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2000 17:02:12 EST

I love you doc Deirdre hall you are a good actress I watch you every day 5 days a week in NEW YORK I am your fans.


Response: Huh???

Jen Marsden - 01/25/00 17:44:33

I have a complaint about some of the content of this site. Whilst it's all very well and good to criticise a fictional character, I don't believe that it is right to make fun of the person portraying the character. Although you say that you do not tolerate personal attacks on Deidre Hall there are several comments which are not only degrading to the character Deidre plays but also to Deidre herself. For example comments about the way "Marlena" looks or speaks. You must remember that these sorts of comments are insulting to Deidre as well. Anyway, enough complaining! I think that with the above exceptions, your site is quite comprehensive and very funny. Thanks for the laughs! Jen :)

Response: We never said we didn't "tolerate personal attacks on Deidre Hall", we said we didn't have anything against her... and the way Marlena looks or speaks DOES have to do with the character... what do you think hair, make-up, and lines are for??? Marlena...

----Original Message Follows----
From: Cheryl A
Subject: The Unofficial Princess Gina von Amberg Page
Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2000 18:46:25 -0600 (CST)

She shot Marlena; She was a straight up G; She made her daughter believe that Hope was dead; She treated people like crap(especially Marlena); I think she was a gangster at one point ,cause she was a shooting thug bride. Gee, she was a bad b*tch. And i'm gotta miss her. Ladies she gave us the true meaning of Woman Power. She always told us to never stop fighting for we want. If something got in her way tell'em off and if they still don't understand shoot'em . Please, people write NBC save Princess Gina. We need someone to weak havoc on Marlena.

----Original Message Follows----
From: Louis E
Subject: GRETA!!!!
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2000 14:58:04 -0500 (EST)

Where else but in Salem could you be found in a swamp and then suddenly have beautiful hair, good skin,and also have perfect table manners. And what about her clothes did she send for all of them or did she go to the salvation army? And of course her father is going to be John how great now she'll never have to work at all and worst of all that annoying little Belle will be her SISTER!!!

----Original Message Follows----
From: AHayes1992
Subject: (no subject)
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2000 12:41:31 EST

How come no one mentions Brady Black? Did "Doc" & John just forget that they have another child?

KRISTEN - 01/17/00 04:38:30
What you hate about Marlena: when she thinks she knows whats best for EVERYONE IN SALEM!!!
Another character you hate on Days: MIMI
What you hate about this character: what the hell is wrong with that girl, i think someone has been drinking too much

i like deidre hall, i have met her and she is really nice, but marlena is annoying most of the time and she cracks me up with her acting

Ravenous Raven - 01/12/00 05:57:53
What you hate about Marlena: I don't really hate her, but she can be SOOOO Anoying
Another character you hate on Days: Nicole!!!!!!
What you hate about this character: How she thinks she is so sexy, and she looked like an idiot in that Platex bra!

Marlena can be very annoying! I think your page is so funny! Keep it up!

MISSY C - 01/10/00 22:50:43
What you hate about Marlena: She dips in other floks business...and the way she acts around John
Another character you hate on Days: Belle
What you hate about this character: She is to much like her mom...and she want to treat Shawn good now...if I was Shawn I would go with her

Hey,I'm a great fan of Princess Gina's. Anybody that can give Marlena a piece of her mind...then I love you.I hate Marlena! She thinks she's so great 'cause she has John. They treat her like Saint Marlena in Salem. She never told care of her kids.And, the onces that are not... like Carrie and Brady she treats them like gold.(Now I see why Gina hates her)...I hope that can bring Gina back,so she can kick Marlena's wannabe happy a$$.Now going to Belle, I don't like her. She thinks she's little Ms.Perfect. Like what I said Shawn needs a girl that is going to repect Chole ...she may need a makeover but she will be good for him (not Belle).They have almost nothing in common. But him and Chole do. They are bumpy families and bumpy lifestyles. But remember Belle is perfect. Booooo!

----Original Message Follows----
From: "Leesa K S"
Subject: gina
Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2000 16:17:15 -0500

you guys rock!!!thanks for the laughs. leesa

----Original Message Follows----
From: Maginger
Subject: Hope--Past and Present
Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2000 00:28:58 EST

Have you noticed when they recently have had flashbacks of Hope right before she married Bo the first time that her voice is kind of squeaky? I mean, listen to her voice now. It sounds like a man's voice compared to 15 years ago!!


Gillie - 01/05/00 15:23:05
What you hate about Marlena: Her colossal ego, the way she thinks she knows what's best for"hope" and she can't even manage her own life. Her stalking of "hope"/Gina, the phony plastic smile allways plastered on her face. But most of all, the way she is supposed to be some queen or something!!! I'm sorry, the character is so one dimensional and in my opinion the actress can't act worth anything. I guess that's why she's on Days with all the other non-actors!!!!
Another character you hate on Days: John
What you hate about this character: His stupid, vacant, nobody's home look that is the extent of his acting.. Also the dumb eyebrow move. Please give it up. How long can this character be portrayed so dumb!!!! I'm embarassed for the actor!!!!

Jess - 01/03/00 00:12:56
What you hate about Marlena: EVERYTHING!!!
Another character you hate on Days: Belle
What you hate about this character: hello,that is SO not how teenagers act! And she thinks it is so sweet when her parents have,ew! And how she smiles when her parents are making out. And how she THINKS she's so cool. And her innocence. and the fact she doesn't mind her parents going to her dances. And her godawful clothes. And the way she talks. She's a mini-Marlena. God help us!

Great site,Marlena sucks and all she cares about is herself and having sex with John.

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