Ways to Destroy "Doc"

We have often thought of ways that Marlena could be destroyed or taken off the show somehow... maybe the Days writers will come to us when Deidre Hall's contract expires in a few years... if any of these stories actually do happen in the future, we do not read spoilers so we are not trying to copy any Days storyline intentionally...

Marlena is walking home one night from a Halloween party... her costume is Bambi (she doesn't have to dress up that much)... she crosses the street as a car approaches and she gets caught in the headlights!!! she freezes and gets hit by the enormous Mac Truck, splattering her brains everywhere... the truck driver keeps going, remembering his driving instructor saying that a human's life is more important that an animal's...

Marlena and John leave for the Salem Inn and decide never to return home (for obvious reasons)...

Kristen DiMera breaks out of The Supreme Leader's prison and buys a deer rifle...

Marlena is not really the real Marlena... she is really the real Princess Gina and goes off to live in Paris never to be seen again... it turns out that Hope is the real Marlena...

Stefano kidnaps Marlena again but this time she sleeps with him and they both die from seeing each other naked... (apologize for the mental picture!)

Kristen comes back and brainwashes John so he gets a restraining order on Marlena... Marlena then dies because she cannot hang all over him all the time...

John figures out that his precious "Doc" cannot be the true mother of Belle because she was going through menopause 5 years before... after learning that she'd been lying to him all this time and was only a surrogate mother, he dumps her and she leaves Salem forever...

Samantha Evans comes back and kills her evil twin...

One day, as dear Marlena is using her precious Aquanet to secure her ever-changing helmet - i mean hair, she overhears John in an adjoining room carrying on a lusty telephone conversation with another woman... in distress, Marlena lights a cigarette, causing her immobile hair and hideous polyester clothing to ignite instantaneously...
-by Hezzie11

Marlena is exposed to sunlight without all her pancake on...
-by Brian

Roman bores her to death...
-by Brian

She is murdered by all of her patients for never seeing them...
-by Brian

John finds out the truth about her and Laura...
-by Brian

Marlena is sold on the black market to Stefano...

Satan decides to possess Marlena again... but this time he completely brings her under his control and takes her to the dark side for eternity...
-by JChrist801

Marlena is trampled to death in the commotion of a make-up sale at Ballistix...

Nancy sits on her...

Marlena goes in to have another face lift, but something goes wrong... she is left horribly scarred and has to go live in Bayou DuGar and wear mud on her face...
-by Felicity

Nancy EATS her...
-by Felicity

Marlena is attacked by Hope's hair...
-by Felicity

She becomes hypnotized by John's eyebrows, goes insane, and has to be committed to Pine Haven...
-by Felicity

A few years pass after Kristen is locked in the dungeon and Stefano figures out where she is... he then brainwashes John into believing that he has fallen in love with Kristen again so he and John go rescue her... they return to Salem with the intention of John letting Stefano have Marlena but Stefano looks at her and says "i don't want that stupid thing, i dont know how i could have been so obsessed with her!"... John says that he wants only Kristen... so Kristen, John, Stefano, Roman, and several other Salemites cut her up and send her to a meat-packing plant!!! ding-dong the B*TCH is dead!!!
-by Crazyq

Marlena and John buy a pet for themselves (who else?)... the dog grows very large and starts being neglected by Marlena... he soon gets hungry and eats her one day...

Marlena runs out of strawberries...

Age finally catches up with her...

John's private jet finally runs out of gas...

Marlena eats a poisoned strawberry...

Marlena loses her cellphone, leaving her unable to call John every two seconds...

Stefano actually keeps her for good (what a concept)...

Once Stefano and Rolf turn Hope back into Princess Gina, they decide to turn John back into Father John... Marlena then dies because he is in love with Gina and can't give it to her whenever she wants anymore...

Marlena dies from over-work after scheduling more than one patient...

Dr. Evans dies from mixing medications (how ironic)...

Marlena runs out of make-up...

Marlena uses up the world's supply of tan-in-a-can...

Whales start to go extinct due to Marlena increasing the daily amount of make-up she wears...

Marlena reveals the truth about her and Eric's relationship...

Marlena goes to live at the Salem Retirement Home where she belongs...

Marlena ends up sleeping with Prune-face (Roman) and the whole Roman/John/Marlena love triangle starts up AGAIN... John becomes sick and tired of waiting for Marlena to choose between two men so he gets with Hope...

Marlena finds Eric and Shawn-D in a compromising position...

Marlena becomes the main course at the annual Brady/Horton barbecue...
-by GKiebach

Marlena walks in on Princess Gina and Father John doing the horizontal hoochie and freaks... the happy couple bind and gag her and stuff her in a closet where she eventually dies because they forget her existence... Sami finds the remains, faints again, and goes on trial for murdering her mother... Roman is totally unable to figure this case out also...
-by GKiebach

Eric reveals their "secret" relationship that caused him to leave town in the first place...
-by GKiebach

Marlena goes blind after getting too much peroxide in her eyes...

She breaks her back while doing sexual calesthenics over the piano with John...
-by GKiebach

Will pushes her out of the penthouse window just for fun...
-by GKiebach

Marlena is implanted with all of Will's memories by Stefano and dies from fright...

The elevator door closes on Marlena's head when her and John try to have sex in the elevator...

Roman arrests her for prostitution after quitting the Salem PD (because we know THEY never catch any criminals)...

Sami was also lying about Will's MATERNITY... Marlena turns out to be the real mother of Will...

Marlena gets a bad haircut...

When John finds out all the secrets of his past, he discovers that Marlena is really his daughter...

Marlena dies when she discovers that Nicole is really her daughter... (i would too!)

Stefano implants Marlena with a mood-control device like the one he used on Vivian, but her head blows up when he puts her in the UP mode because she was already abnormally happy with John...

John is killed in a car accident and Marlena goes into permanent "Deer-in-the-Headlights mode"... she is then shipped off to the sanitarium for rehabilitation... Laura goes with Marlena because she has gone crazy again after four months of doing nothing but being "upstairs reading"...
-by Shawn T.

Isabella comes back and takes John away from Marlena cause they are still married and Marlena can't live without John so she kills herself...

Santa Claus decides to kidnap Marlena (he's really Stefano you know) and use her as one of his reindeer but then he gets sick of her whining and shoots her...
-by Ursraz

Marlena instantly croaks from shock and disbelief when John and Roman tell her that they are gay lovers and that they are getting married and moving in with each other!!!
-by Nathan G.

Kristen returns to Salem... both her and Marlena fight over John once again... they go on the Jerry Springer Show... they fight on the show... Kristen screams at Marlena and throws a chair, which instantly kills her...
-by Nathan G.

Marlena kills herself because her son, Eric Brady, decides that he wants to become a transvestite and borrow some of her "whale gowns" and gaudy Chanel suits...
-by Nathan G.

Marlena ages rapidly and dies after realizing she has to start wearing old lady diapers and Depends undergarments because of a weak bladder...
-by Nathan G.

John and Marlena join a local playhouse in Salem where they play the parts of Romeo and Juliet respectively... in the tomb scene in the play, Kristen or Princess Gina swiped the fake knife with a real one... Marlena acts out Juliet's final scene in her usual dramatic way and stabs herself to death not realizing that it was a real knife and not a fake one... oh well, no more Juliet and "Doc"...
-by Nathan G.

It is late at night and Doc decides to go out for a walk and pick up some foundation and strawberries when a drunk driving Lucas plows her down... unfortunately, she is still alive and gets up... she walks over to his car, but before she can reprimand him she is stopped by Alice Horton, who starts shoving donuts up Marlena's a$$ until she explodes in to a million pieces...
-by Zach S.

Location: Salem P.D.
John is talking to Abe while in the background a beat cop is cleaning his gun... Marlena walks in and at that exact moment the gun accidently goes off, shooting her in the chest... Marlena is rushed in an ambulance to the hospital, where she dies two hours later with her beloved John at her side...
-by Volcano Princess

It is revealed that Marlena Evans really WAS killed years ago by the Salem Strangler and that her crazy sister Samantha has been impersonating the Doc all this time... but even psycho Sam isn't crazy enough to want to be Marlena forever, so she leaves Salem to become something more respectable... like a New York City prostitute...
-by ?

Marlena decides she needs to actually do some work for a change, so she begins a "Bimbos with Boobs" support group... Celeste, Hope, Gina, and Billie attend the first meeting... as tensions mount in the group, a fight breaks out!!! as the bimbos rumble, implants start bursting!!! the room fills with saline, and Marlena drowns (along with all the members of the boob troop)...
-by ?

Marlena is torn between Stefano and John and must choose between them... she has a contest for whoever can keep their eyebrows raised the longest and whoever can have the crappiest looking haircut at one time... however, the contest never ended because, as all Days storylines, it went on forever and ever and ever... finally on a Monday episode, Marlena got bored and went to the Brady pub to get some chowder, only to choke and die on the soup due to the contents of Billie's lost purse being mixed in with the seafood delight...
-by Zach S.

Dr. Evans is charged with malpractice...

She is put on death row after she hires Mickey Horton to defend her in court...

John is out on the balcony, it appears that he is going to jump off and commit suicide... Marlena walks in after harassing someone, and sees him out on the ledge...
"noooooo, how I don't want you to jump soooooo", she screams...
she sprints like a wildebeest out to the balcony and pulls at John's back, telling him she will do anything to stop him...
"please my love, i'll never force another strawberry down your throat again!!! i'll never act like i'm having an asthma attack again when you touch me, i'll never wear another moo moo, and i'll NEVER call Belle my 'baby girl' again even though i don't know when her birthday is..."
John turns around and suddenly pulls Marlena up on the ledge with him...
"sorry Doc, your time is up..."
"what?"... Marlena's eyes widen up like a blowfish...
"you're finished now Marlena, my plan has worked..."
"my love, you don't sound suicidal, is this a joke???"
"that's a fact Doc... burn b*tch, burn!!!"
with that he shoved the Doc off the ledge and watched as she sailed down the side of the building like a bloated, weighted-down serving of cotton candy...
"adios Dr. Evans!!!" John exploded in one of his famous fake laughs, as Belle, Brady, Stefano and Gina all came rushing through the door with balloons, flowers, noisemakers and a troop of musicians and dancers in tow...
they all made their way to the balcony as the massive whale continued to fall to her death...
Marlena's screams could be heard all through Salem:
all the noise and the sudden gusts of wind she was creating across the city got people wondering what was going on, so the population of Salem headed towards the center of all the commotion... once everyone got there, they looked up and saw the great white blob in the sky, slowly making its descent... (GOD!!! how long is it gonna take for the b*tch to land?)... it seems she was so inflated with conceit, self-righteousness and just plain mass, it was taking her LONGER to plummet to her death because her ego was pulling her head up and not letting it go down... everyone was so mesmerized by the glowing cow, they couldn't move... they just stood there... too bad for them...
Marlena finally made it and crushed everyone below her before slamming into the Salem pavement... everyone died upon impact as the Doc turned them into what looked like her favorite food, mushy strawberries... the people she had wiped out were some of Salem's most elite, including some members of her own family... under her, she had killed her two children, Sami and Eric... Eric's love, Nicole was also under the ton o' Doc... also killed were Roman, Shawn D., Will, Abe, Shawn, Caroline, Laura, Maggie, and Mickey (he never did anyone any good anyway)... also under the blast was resident dumb-a$$, Austin Reed... but remarkably, he wasn't killed!!! it seems that when Marlena's portion of fat landed on him, it merely bounced right off because his skull is so f*cking thick, nothing could penetrate his mind... (who says he isn't Will's dad??? they both give the same facial expressions, they both use the same vocabulary and both show the same emotion, don't they?)... however, the blows to his body did do some damage... they had left him paralyzed from the neck down and unable to speak or utilize any brain capacity for the remainder of his life... so basically, no harm done!!! nothing really changes in Salem does it??? all the bodies were brought to the hospital where Craig, Lexie, and Nancy did a count on the death toll... but missing from the massacre was Marlena herself... it seems her body not only crushed through everyone, but went through the surface of the earth and kept on falling, only to be met by the Earth's core and the molten lava that finally, finally destoyed her once and for all... we hope...
-by Zach S.

John looks at "the Doc" cross-eyed with his eyebrows doing cartwheels which scares her to death...
-by Nathan G.

Marlena does herself a favor... she gets out her prescription pad in her office at the hospital and writes herself out a highly lethal drug...
-by Nathan G.

Marlena suddenly goes bankrupt and has to sell the penthouse and her fancy cars... as a last resort, she has to get a job at the Cheatin' Heart as a waitress with 12 hour shifts, drive a dinky Geo Metro, and live with dumb Austin and Sami in their seedy apartment... she is destroyed by having all of Salem viewing her as the laughing-stock of the town with ultimate embarassment...
-by Nathan G.

Marlena's bra snaps...
-by Nathan G.

Will pukes on Marlena's lap at a "family" dinner at Tuscany...
-by Nathan G.

John leaves her for Alice Horton...
-by Nathan G.

Marlena breaks a press-on fingernail...
-by Nathan G.

Marlena chokes on one of her strawberries while making love to John...
-by Nathan G.

Dr. Rolf transforms Marlena with the satellite into John's REAL love, Isabella Toscano, making John truly happy... John, Isabella, and Brady live happily ever after, never once thinking about Marlena or Belle ever again...
-by Nathan G.

Marlena dies from eating one too many servings of Brady chowder...

She steps out of the Brady Pub with that stupid half-smile and half-opened eyes and a piano falls on her head...
-by Brian G.

Her balcony disconnects with the side of her building while she's standing on it...
-by Brian G.

She contracts the Ebola virus while on her second honeymoon...
-by Brian G.

Marlena dies of a heart attack and shock when she returns from her honeymoon, walks into her home, and sees her daughter, Belle, who has aged approximately ten years in about two weeks and is now entertaining young men and the week before was a little flower girl about six years old in her and John's wedding...
"My, how you've grown (approximately 10 damn years) my little angel," exclaims Doc...
-by Fawn R.

Marlena dumps ape-man John cuz she found out that Abe's got a "bigger gun" (and that's a fact!)... Abe and Marlena hook up... John catches them in the act and in a fit of rage throws Marlena off the Penthouse balcony... SPLAT!!!
-by JohnsEyeBrow

Marlena becomes Stefano's next pawn...

Belle annoys her to death along with the rest of the world...

John decides to get full-time job (finally)... he becomes an interior decorator and starts to "make pillows" with all the woman in Salem... Marlena becomes desperate to hold on to John (as usual) so she seduces him one night in a vat of clam chowder!!! they go at it... and Marlena later becomes impregnated with a "PILLOW" baby herself... soon after she gives birth, the PILLOW baby realizes what a lousy mother Marlena is so it suffocates her while she is sleeping!!!
-by JohnsEyeBrow (and that's a fact!)

Marlena catches Belle in the act of phone sex with Mimi...

After going on a weekend "bender" which started with more than a few mimosa's, Will (hey, he's his father's son) and Nicole steal Kate's bentley and start their cross-country reign of terror... much like Thelma and Louise... while Will is driving to Marlena's house to confront her about being the suckiest grandmother alive, his ears get in the way, and he crashes into the bottom floor wall of Marlena's building... the building teeters precariously, leaning like the Tower of Pisa... just as it was about to fall, the building was secured by the Salem Fire Department (God knows the Salem PD couldn't do anything)... Nicole eats one pea and her spandex pants explode off her body... the spandex flies into the eyes of the firemen, who let go of the building... the structure tips and falls to the ground... later Marlena is found half-alive, but Will b*tch slaps her with both ears and she dies of massive head injuries...

One day Marlena and John come home for an afternoon "snack" and find Belle, Mimi, Shawn-D and Philip having an orgy in the living room... both drop dead immediately!!!
-by Happy Camper

Marlena rushes to her penthouse in hopes of a "nooner" (or should I say disgusting little sex romp with her beloved John?) only to discover the former priest/pawn/playboy/pig engaging in "naughtiness" with one of her lipstick caps... he is completely naked except for the collar around his neck that he used when he was a priest... she gasps in horror, begins screaming disgusting little profanities (if you can believe that), and starts to throw one of her trademark psychotic fits... slashing at the walls, throwing pictures around the room, jumping on the bed, etc...
"Marlena what's the matter?" exclaims John...
"You know damn well what's the matter! I told you once before not to use any of my cosmetics in your sick sexcapades!" blasts the melodramatic queen of crap...
then suddenly, her tears turn blood red, her facial features begin to sag as usual making her look twenty years older, and her eyes start to flip back into her head exposing only the whites of her eyes... yes, oh yes, the Devil is back!!! and this time the Mary Poppins meets Gumby fanatic known only as Marlena Evans Craig Brady Black Evans Black Evans and Black again won't be so lucky... BUT WAIT... there's more... after she floats around the room for a bit and vomits all over John, she decides that it's only appropriate to gather her legion of h_ll army currently residing in the town of Salem (what a coincidence) in order to destroy the world... you know, Stefano, Kristen, ...Alice Horton!!! anyway, they all meet at the secret place, (otherwise known as the Brady Pub) and devise a diabolical scheme in order to bring the Salemites to their knees (as if they weren't already doing so in the privacy of all of our homes!)... eventually, not even the Devil herself could resist the temptation of a red light special sale at Ballistix (runny eyeliner 50% off; Marlena's specialty) so she goes there ultimately realizing that she has been set up... John throws a net over her head, Roman begins strangling her with it, Belle and Brady start biting her legs, and Kate and Nicole start grabbing at her jewelry... while Stefano is half-molesting her, Austin kicks her in the stomach and Sami starts pulling her hair...
and the curtains begin to close as Princess Gina grabs the infamous lipstick cap, puts it to her nose, and eloquently sniffs it... "Mmm... smells like beer and vegimite," she says...
(girl! i think you've been locked up in that chateau for too long!!!)
-by Diva

Belle runs around Salem Place, flipping her hair around dramatically like she always does... Marlena comes walking over to she her sweet baby girl when Belle's hair hits Marlena's head with such force, that it flies off, since Marlena is actually just an over sized Barbie doll... Nicole wanders over in an evening gown (even though it is noon), catches the head, screams, and throws it at Belle, who jumps aside, shreiking on how grooooooss that is... Marlena's body keeps running around like a chicken's does after it is decapatated, and runs out into the road... Hairy Ape Man John gets all freaked out and dashes into the street... just then, Kristen comes driving towards them, having recently escaped from the Supreme Leader's dungeon, and she sees Marlena, who she guesses was possessed again, and she runs her over several times... John's eyebrows go up so far from shock, that they fling off his head, and land in Nicole's glass of wine... meanwhile, Marlena's head is being thrown back and forth by Austin and Will, who are too stupid to see what it really is... Will starts to cry very softly, refusing to say what's wrong (probably because the kid can't talk), and that's when Austin notices what the "ball" really is... Marlena's head then bites Austin like she had just done to Will, and her false teeth fall out and hang on Austin's finger, who decides to show off, and he steps on the teeth... unfortunately, they don't break since they're made of concrete, and Austin gets so mad that he throws the head to Brandon, who starts having flashbacks of his father, and beats Marlena's head until the batteries inside stop working, and her dying words are:
-by LadyNightOwl

Marlena meets John at ".COM"... while chatting it up with John, she lets go a BIG OLE fart... horrified that she actually did this in public, she dies from embarrassment... John, on the other hand, dies from the smell...
-by Kenzie

Marlena becomes ill... her doctor runs some x-rays and rushes her in for surgery... i believe it's called a "broomstickuphera$$-ectomy"... because said broomstick has now been removed from her ass (which sort of explains her "holier than thou" attitude), her personality takes a turn and she bores herself to death...
-by Kenzie

Alice Horton goes mad and stabs Marlena to death...
-by Straw

Belle drags Marlena to a school concert where she dies from listening to Chloe sing...

Belle and Shawn find out they are cousins and kill Marlena for advising everyone in Salem to lie about it...

Jennifer goes in for a therapy session and realizes she's actually a lesbian... she jumps Marlena just as John is walking in for his daily therapy session (ie. sex)... Marlena drops dead and John ends up with Jack...

Marlena joins Basic Black as a resident psychiatrist... when she discovers how many animals are killed or harmed in producing her precious cosmetics, she decides to go cold turkey and quits using make-up... after layers upon layers upon LAYERS (we're talking every day of her entire life) of make-up are washed away, Marlena's exposed skin chemically reacts to the oxygen in air and she spontaneously combusts...

One day Marlena is out picking roses for John when her seemingly immobile hair gets caught in a rose bush...

John becomes impotent...

Do you have a story or way that Days could get rid of Marlena??? e-mail us with any ideas you have at marlenahaters@hotmail.com and we may post them...

Any storyline you send us could be put up without notice... we will give credit to the original author (of course) and reserve the right to edit for spelling, grammar, whatever...

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