Jason Weaver
Sound Station
Main Photo
This page was created May 02, 1998
This page was last updated June 23, 1998

Well, I've finally got this page online! I will be soon adding more and more sounds to this page in the future, however this page won't be updated frequently. Enjoy! 


Please click on the title of the section you want to go to! All sounds are in .wav format! 


 Jacksons: An American Dream 
 Summertime Switch 
 Smart Guy (not yet available)

Coming Soon: 

More sounds from "Smart Guy" and Jason's previous album, Luv Ambition! I might as well add some biographical information and some photos in the future. 


Please  sign or  view my guestbook and let me know you've come to visit my page. If possible, please include comments, questions, and suggestions. They're very much appreciated! Might I add... please don't send messages to Jason, I neither know him or speak to him. Thanks! =) 


 The Jason Weaver Web Site  

An unofficial site deticated in honor of Jason Weaver. This is probably the only website deticated to him and we're lucky to have such a site like this in his honor! 

 Jason Weaver  

Mowtown's site with a brief but informative bio on Jason and a little bit of information on Jason's previous album, Luv Ambition. It also includes an .avi and .mov of a clip from Jason's music video. 

 Smart Guy  

Disney's page for "Smart Guy". It's a pretty good page with some good downloads but this site is mainly made for people who use Windows 95 or NT.  

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Special Thanks: 

To  Disney who made "Summertime Switch" and "Smart Guy" in which were these sounds were made from. 

The WB network, VH1, and the other networks that air Jason's shows and performances. 

To Jason and his family because without them, I would have no inspiration and ability to build this site and some other things not mentioned. 

This page is made by  Rozalia . Click  here to e-mail Rozalia. Please don't use any of this page's content on your own without permission from myself. This page is made for entertainment purposes only and no money made from this site. Thanks!