Movie Trivia Links

Brendan's Magnificent Movie Quote Trivia Page, updated weekly

Pilcher's Movie Trivia, updated periodically

Extravagangsta, the Gangster Movie Trivia Game, test your knowledge of gangster movies with this quote game

The Cellar Quiz, a good movie game, updated on Sundays

Movie Quote Contest, an ongoing game, where if you get a quote right, you automatically get to enter the quote that replaces it

Kevin's Worthless Page, His name, not mine. It does have a pretty cool movie sound quiz

Dave's Mystery Sound, guess what movie or show the sound is from, and get your name posted the next week.

Other links of interest:

OneGlobe Trivia Page, a rock & roll trivia game, updated each Monday

The Internet Movie Database, the site for casts, crews, directors, and every other fact imaginable about almost all movies in existence

The Poets' Corner , a site containing an eclectic mix of poems by many different poets

The New York Times on the Web, exactly what it sounds like

The Cleveland Free Times, one of Cleveland's best publications about the local entertainment and nightlife

Scene Magazine Online, Cleveland's other great publication about the local entertainment and nightlife

The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, the home page to this fine institution

John Carroll University Homepage, once again, exactly what it sounds like

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