My first story based on the hit show Highlander: The Series! This story is dedicated to one of my favorite characters from the series, Methos!
PART ONE: Chapters 1-2
PART TWO: Chapters 3-4
PART THREE: Chapters 5-6
PART FOUR: Chapters 7-8
PART FIVE: Chapters 9-10
Come Join The Clan MacBBGL (Blue Boxer God Lovers)!
Methos harbors a certain secret that could push Kiernyn away from him.
PART ONE: Chapters 1-2
PART TWO: Chapters 3-4
PART THREE: Chapters 5-6
PART FOUR: Chapters 7-8
PART FIVE: Chapter 9
Once Duncan has left their companionship, Methos, Joe, and Amanda have a difficult time coping. But a startling revelation is made, and the web of mysteries keeps building!
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three
Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six
Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine
Highlander is the property of you know who, and I am in no way (with story, pics, etc.) making money from this page. Pictures are gathered from various other sites. Let me know if I've got one you didn't want to lend out. Special thanks to Sir Lancelot for the sword pic!
There can be only one! Long Live Methos!
![]() ![]() KSHighlander. Want to join the Methos Ring?
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