Welcome to my Guestbook!

Acidpoison - 09/16/99 21:10:25
My Email:to2fu@hotmail.com
What did you think of my site?: Good

Well this webpage is a whole lot better than mine.. so.. keep up the good work.. I might stop by here and there.. :)

BigJoe - 09/16/99 21:05:30
My URL:http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~sefff
My Email:what_you_playing@aye
What did you think of my site?: pretty good
Is there anything else you would like on my site?: not saying

Terry Pratchett books can seriously dammage you mental health

Beth Winter - 09/15/99 16:16:54
My URL:http://meltingpot.fortunecity.com/barnsbury/328/dw/dwstart.html
My Email:gabrielle_chan@yahoo.com
What did you think of my site?: Great!
Is there anything else you would like on my site?: a link to my Discworld Compendium? ^_^

I was visitor 888 on the page...

Charlotte - 09/03/99 19:45:26
My Email:JOE 80220@aol.com
What did you think of my site?: So good!!


Gertrude (JK) - 08/24/99 20:44:12
My URL:http://www.erm.com
My Email:erm@erm.com
What did you think of my site?: erm...
Is there anything else you would like on my site?: erm...


whatever - 08/18/99 17:50:53
My URL:http://www.whatever.com
My Email:whatever@bullshit.com
What did you think of my site?: The best Discworld site ever!!!!!
Is there anything else you would like on my site?: Stuff about religion on the Disc would be cool

This site rules and everyone should visit it!!!!!

Hazel Dawson - 07/17/99 17:38:33
What did you think of my site?: One of the best Discworld sites!!


Alistair Lawrence - 07/11/99 14:10:24
My Email:alistair_lawrence@talk21.com
What did you think of my site?: Excellent

I'm sorry for what I said on ICQ, I didn't mean any harm by it. Sorry sorry sorry sorry!!!!

SANta (Ridcully12) - 07/05/99 09:03:23
My Email:its a secret
What did you think of my site?: It rules, not as much as the ones that rule more though. I give it 4/5
Is there anything else you would like on my site?: FREE STUFF


Bob Bucket - 07/03/99 23:43:41
My URL:http://www.none.com
My Email:bobbucket@hotmail.com
What did you think of my site?: Groovy
Is there anything else you would like on my site?: More quotes, need more quotes!!

No Comment.

Alistair Lawrence - 07/03/99 21:08:18
My Email:alistair_lawrence@talk21.com
What did you think of my site?: Not bad, terrible. Only joking it's fantastic!!!!
Is there anything else you would like on my site?: I can't think of anything, but I try my best not to cos' I get terrible headaches when I do.


Alistair Lawrence - 07/03/99 21:02:36
My Email:alistair_lawrence@talk21.com
What did you think of my site?: I'm a fellow Watchmember.
Is there anything else you would like on my site?: No, it's great as it is.

Great backgrounds, nice music, EXCELLENT site.

Paul Woodhams - 06/27/99 11:27:07
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/de/watchhouse
My Email:commander_vimes@hotmail.com
What did you think of my site?: It's excellent!
Is there anything else you would like on my site?: I don't know, there's already loads

This site is great, please keep up the good work.

Teayam - 04/19/99 12:13:44
My URL:http://nothing.at/all.com
My Email:natashas one!!!!!!!!!!!!
What did you think of my site?: brilliantly wonderfully cool
Is there anything else you would like on my site?: food

i think this is a work of pure genius although i probably could do better! only kidding. excellent natash* keep it up!! *a!

- 03/17/99 22:05:32
My Email:frances_farmer2
What did you think of my site?: Deathly

Your morbid fantasies disturb me!

Deathadder - 03/09/99 06:46:18
My Email:Deathadder666@hotmail.com
What did you think of my site?: Wonderful, Splendid, Marvelous!
Is there anything else you would like on my site?: A pic Of the Maker of this Exelent site.

Exelent Site this...

Acidpoison - 02/22/99 21:12:05
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wi/Acidpoison
My Email:Acidpoison@hotmail.com
What did you think of my site?: I don't know..
Is there anything else you would like on my site?: Something about who send me this url

Nice site... It looks better than mine... so good job... :)

Dip - 02/19/99 22:20:20
My Email:Dipikasoni@aol.com
What did you think of my site?: Interesting!
Is there anything else you would like on my site?: more music!

Death R.I.P.

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