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So you want to be a member of
Project: Wade and Quinn...

Wait there a second. It isn't as easy as filling out the form at the bottom of the page. Well, OK, it is, but there are a few things you should know before you join...

  1. Whether you are interested in posting any stories or you just want to read,

    So if that was what you were expecting to get, you're out of luck.

    You'll be booted off the list pronto and your story will not be archived if you post anything that we think fits in that category. This goes for two reasons:

    • Geocities (which, if you haven't noticed, hosts this page) strictly forbids it, therefore NC-17 material could get the archive scrapped.
    • Both of the managers of P:WQ are underage. If you wish to have NC-17 material in the archive or posted on the list, you'll have to start your own then--we're bound by our good morals not to do it for at least a couple years. =D
  2. I can't really say at this stage how much mail you will get from this list (especially since at the time of this page's conception, only one message had been sent out), but you should expect updates on this archive to be announced (major updates, not if I corrected my spelling mistakes =D) and the odd story once a week or so. You have the option of receiving stories either in a lump or a-part-a-day.
  3. Until we get more members, all members must give feedback to authors who have stories sent through the list. I know this is a little harsh--I admit to being a little quiet when it comes to feedback too--but it is also very depressing when you send in a story and very few people give actual comments besides asking for missing parts.
  4. If you're posting story comments/critique or anything at all to the entire list, please refrain from using obscenities. The sacred asterisk always works. Basic netiquette also applies wherever applicable.
  5. When posting to the list, be sure to have "PWQ:" preceding your subject--makes for easy filtering and sorting.
  6. If you can avoid sending your message to the entire list (eg. unsubscribe request, responding to question), please do--maybe not so much at the beginning (since list traffic might be a good thing), but definitely when we get more members.
  7. Be sure to remember this part!

    If you ever want to unsub, whether it's for a short period or permanently, just e-mail with
    "unsubscribe" or
    "unsub until [date]" in the subject.

That's pretty much it. Follow these and you'll make us very happy managers.

We're hee-eere! Just fill out this form and you'll get a confirmation e-mail from us just to make sure you really wanted to (so we can guard against flame-throwing); reply to that and you're on!

Name: Email:

Please send me stories part-by-part rather than all together.

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