Welcome to my planet!I am Jenz, and I will be your facilitator for the duration of your visit =) For those of you who have been here before you will notice that it is nothing like it once was. Things change, and I felt that my homepage could do with a major overhaul, so I scrapped the original design and began again!
Actually, that's not entirely true as most of the old content is still here, just in a different format. But there are some new sections! As you will notice in my groovy new frames on the left that I now have a Red Dwarf section, which as most people well know is my current fascination! But of course my beloved Backstreet Boys and Arnold Schwarzenegger are still here *grinz* But, hey it wouldn't be me without them, would it? hehe!
Hey, do you like my new heading? The face you see beside it is an original Jenz drawing. I drew it and scanned it in! I figured that since it has become a kind of trademark with me (i.e. everyone expects me to draw it on everything I do) I'd make that cute little face a part of my homepage. So there you have it. Something drawn by my very own hand right here on this page. Pretty cool, huh? Isn't technology great?? =Ş
Okay, enough babble (as if there is such a thing), here's how the page works:
From the frame on the left, choose which section of the site you'd like to visit. In this side of the screen (i.e the side you're reading now), the contents of the section will appear with a little frame at the top for navigating through the different pages relating to that section. If at any time you need to return to this page (although god knows why you would when there's so much other interesting stuff to see!) just click on the little face in the left frame.So there you go. That's how it's done.Alrighty! Well... that about sums up all that I have to say this time. Stay tuned for the next update dudes!
- Jenz
P.S. If you need to get in contact with me don't hesitate to send an e-mail.
PROUD TO BE: ![]()
Copyright © 2000-01, Jenz