A Xenite In Church

by Del_kaidin

Gads I hate Sunday. Party Saturday night, then get up early and listen to Pastor Smith's long sermons. But we sure had fun last night on the forum, Z-wolf should have his new spoiler up by the time I get home. I wonder what episode he's going to spoil this time?

"Television is corrupting our youth."

Yea, yea, yea.... he's said that before.

"And the newest threat to our children is Xena: Warrior Princess..."

Huh what did he just say Xena? I don't understand what he means by that... guess I better start paying attention.

"This show promotes Lesbianism. It's producers and stars have even admitted to this, as they call sub-text. I'm going to ask all of the congregation to boycott this show. Refuse to watch any program on channel 2 and if a company advertises during that show refuse to buy their product as long as they continue to advertise this program."

Ok I'm suppose to STOP watching Xena and not buy products advertised during the show....How am I suppose to know if I don't watch it? I wonder if he ever calls for a boycott of Soap Operas? I mean they promote adultery, pre-marital sex, and..... Huh... I look at my mother who just poked me in the ribs and nods at the preacher. Her expression says it all...

I feel it something in side me snaps. Before I even realize what I'm doing I'm standing and walking toward the pastor. What the heck a I doing? What am I going to say?

"You have watched this horrible show?" Pastor Smith asks as I join him on the pulpit.

"Yes Pastor, I have. May I speak to the congregation?"

He smiles, I know he's thinking I'll agree with him. Ha he don't know me very well does he? Me a dedicated, card carrying Xenite, agree with him? Don't think so!

"Folks, I have watched Xena for the past two years," The collective gasp of the congregation is deafening. "Yea I guess if you REALLY want to see a sexual relationship between, Xena and Gabrielle, you could. But, before you pass judgment on Xena I want you to think of the shows you watch. How many of you ladies can't miss a day of your soap? Don't they promote adultery, and premarital sex? How many of you watched Magnum PI? didn't it promote taking the law into your own hands? So before you go condemning a show that promotes love and friendship and helping others think about YOUR favorite shows."

I finished my speech and went back to my seat next to Mom. Funny. Why is everyone but me holding their heads down in shame?

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