This site has moved to http://www.geocities.com/xhadd Please visit us there this site will remain but no updates will be placed on it. Thank you! Del & Tasha
"You're Fault"
from the Episode Bitter Suite
"My heart is hurting beyond words.
The pain is tearing up my soul.
These days have seen my spirit die,
My life propelled out of control.
"My wounds lie naked to the world--
My depth of suffering exposed.
This damaged past can never heal
Until this nightmare book is closed."
"My heart is hurting beyond words.
The pain is tearing up my soul.
Please tell me how I can retrieve
The life that all this sadness stole?
On July 27, 1999 a member of the Xenite Netforum, Nytecat, entered her own nightmare book. Her father and brother were lost to the recklessness of a drunk driver.
Antigone suggested and created X.A.D.D. Blueeyes created the first logo. Now it is up to you to show you're Xenite compassion. By joining this webring you say "Never another "Nightmare Book" for anyone."
Their is only one requirement for joining.
Must be a Xena or Hercules fan, this includes Callisto, Joxer, Ares, Aphroditie, Autolycus... basically if the character has been on Hercules or Xena you are welcome!
To join go http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=XADD;addform
If you do not wish to join the webring, but want to place one of the images on your site, or don't have a webpage but want to show your support, please e-mail Del. Your name will be added to the supporters page.(comming soon)
Supporters Page
For more information:
Statistics on Drunk Driving
On X.A.D.D. e-mail XADDinfo@netscape.net
On H.A.D.D. e-mail HADDinfo@netscape.net
Other images:

Callistoians Against Drunk Drivers
Feel free to take any of the pictures on this site and place them on yours. All we ask is a link back to this page.
Webring Administrators:
Antigone and Del_Kaidin