Common Bonds

by Del_kaidin

Silently she watched them. Two travelers setting up camp, one tall, dark and obviously a warrior, the other small, blond and talkative. She waited patiently. Patience was a virtue. She had it in abundance. What was an hour, a day, a year, or even a decade to her? A gentle breeze blew a lock of auburn hair into her face, stinging her eyes, still she remained motionless. Watching and listening she waited for the appointed time.

"Xena, who is this friend of yours we are suppose to meet?" Gabrielle's voice was filled with anticipation and dread. Most of Xena's old "friends" were warlords, thieves, or assassins, but there were a few that were not. Lao Ma being the most clear in her mind. She knew Xena had forgiven her for betraying her to Ming Tein, but she could not forgive herself. After years of knowing Xena, she had allowed her idealistic view of the world to justify her betrayal of her best friend. How many times had Xena begged her not to go on that trip?

Xena watched Gabrielle's face. 'How long will she berate herself?' she wondered. "Delilah? I haven't seen her in years. But, I think you will like her. Like you she has a quiet strength...."

"Perhaps we should be introduced then." Xena spun drawing her sword as owner of the voice entered the campsite. "Xena, it's been too long my friend."

"You haven't changed Delilah."

"I never do."

The sadness in the woman's voice touched Gabrielle's troubled heart. She knew that sorrow. It had filled her voice for months after Perdicus' death. It was the voice of loss. She wanted to take this stranger in her arms to comfort her, but something in the way the woman held herself so straight and rigid forbade it. Swallowing she introduced herself. "I'm Gabrielle and you must be Delilah."

"Yes, I am. It is a pleasure to meet you Gabrielle." Gabrielle had a hard time maintaing eye contact with her and was glad when she turned her attention to Xena, "I suppose I should tell you why I needed to see you."

"It would be nice to know, my friend." Xena quickly reached to grab the woman, who crumpled to the ground.

Gabrielle watched as Xena cradled the other woman in her arms. The anguish on Xena's face spoke volumes. Only once had she seen that expression on her friends face, when she had almost been burned alive. Jealousy reared its ugly head for but a moment. Kneeling beside the two, she was relieved to see Delilah had not died as she originally feared.

"Gabrielle, go into the woods, search around the campsite. You should find either a horse or at the least saddle bags. I'll need them to help her."

Nodding Gabrielle turned and left the camp. As the bard disappeared from view Xena pulled her knife from her bodice. She opened an unhealed wound and placed it to Delilah's lips. "Drink, my friend, I don't know how long you have starved yourself" The other woman tried to push away the proffered arm, but her hunger was to great.

Delilah wished she had the strength to say no. Even as her mouth closed on the offered meal, she extended her senses until she heard Gabrielle's footsteps. It would not be wise to let the young woman see her feed.

Too soon she heard Gabrielle's returning footsteps and lifted her head from the warrior's arm. Quickly and quietly they destroyed any evidence of what had gone between them, each with her own reason.

As she entered the clearing, Gabrielle noticed Xena tending the fire, and Delilah lying on Xena's bedroll. "I... I couldn't find a horse anywhere, but I did find a saddle bag. Delilah stretched out an arm for the pouch. Gabrielle handed it to her, noticing her color looked better, no longer was the woman as pale and drawn as she had been. She watched as the auburn haired woman took and made a pillow of the saddle bag.

Softly her voice barely audible she asked, "Xena... I'll explain in the morning."

"Sleep my friend, I'll keep watch."

Chapter 2 Or Back To The Library.