For Only Two Days

by Yellowjacket & Imbri


Copyright: Xena: Warrior Princess, Gabrielle, Argo and all other characters who have appeared in the syndicated series Xena: Warrior Princess, together with the names, titles and backstory are the sole copyright property of MCA/Universal and Renaissance Pictures. No copyright infringement was intended in the writing of this fan fiction. All other characters, the story idea and the story itself are the sole property of the authors. This story cannot be sold or used for profit in any way. Copies of this story may be made for private use only and must include all disclaimers and copyright notices.

NOTE: This work remains the © copyright of the original authors. It may not be republished without the authors' consent.


Stifling. That was really the best word for it. The mid-day sun was unrelenting, the air hanging hot and dry. Even the insects seemed to buzz listlessly. Unfortunately, the heat was also having an affect on the two figures plodding along the dirt track that passed for a road, their unhappy horse trudging along beside them. It was serving to fuel their already irritable moods. The shorter of the two kicked a small rock down the path, raising a small cloud of dust in the process.

"Do you have to do that?" Xena asked, annoyed.

"No, I don't *have* to do it, I just *want* to do it." Gabrielle replied testily, sending another rock careening down the road they followed.

Xena cast a glance at her friend's ordinarily cheery face. "You're still mad at me, aren't you?"

"No, no! I'm *not* mad, *not* miffed - I'm *not* upset in the least!" the bard lied sarcastically, kicking yet another stone.

Xena frowned at the tone in the bard's voice. "You're behaving like a child."

"Well, you're treating me like one." Gabrielle shot back.

Xena pulled her horse to a halt and glared at her friend. "What's that supposed to mean?" she growled.

Gabrielle stopped beside her friend and returned the glare. "What's it supposed to mean? I *still* think I should do some performing at the tavern in Mysia tonight. We don't have any money, we're low on supplies and Argo needs to have her hooves and shoes checked by a smithy. I can earn enough in one night, two at the most, to get us stocked up and get Argo's shoes replaced, if need be."

Xena sighed, displeased to be going over the same argument they'd been over five times already. "We've discussed this enough, that place is too dangerous and I'd rather avoid trouble if we can. And I told you, don't you worry about Argo's shoes, that's *my* problem."

"I don't think there'll be any trouble, but if there is I can handle myself just fine *AND* Argo's shoes are not *your* problem, they're *our* problem. Just how many times are we going to have to discuss this? You're too over-protective, Xena. I can take care of myself!" the bard retorted hotly.

Xena stared at her friend, anger rippling across her features. "I'm really getting sick of this argument, Gabrielle." she warned, her voice low.

"Really? Then *why* do you keep causing it?" the bard snapped.

Xena opened her mouth to reply but was startled into silence by a low rumbling sound and a gust of wind blowing briskly, violently rustling the leaves in the trees above them. Xena tensed, her eyes darting around quickly, searching for the cause of the rumbling.

"What...what is that?" Gabrielle asked nervously, her anger dissolving quickly.

Xena shook her head, still glancing about, unconsciously guiding Gabrielle slightly behind her with one arm. The rumbling swiftly grew louder and louder, the wind increasing to gale force. A flash of lightning and crack of thunder added to the maelstrom. Argo pulled back, her eyes rolling wildly in fear as she tried to flee, but was held in place by Xena's firm grip on the reins.

"What's happening?" Gabrielle yelled over the now deafening din as the wind whipped her hair around her face.

Xena suddenly realized the source of the chaos. "Here we go again." She groaned, as she tried to quiet the terrified mare.

There was another crash of thunder accompanied by lightning, then a chariot pulled by a team of black horses bore down on them in the swirling dust.

"Hades." the bard and warrior said simultaneously, looks of apprehension on both of their faces.

The chariot ground to a halt 20 paces before them. The air returned to its previously stagnant state. Hades, Lord of the Underworld, stepped from his chariot and walked briskly towards the startled pair. Xena and Gabrielle coughed from the cloud of dust stirred up by Hades' arrival.

"Xena, I need your help. Yours too, Gabrielle." the god blurted out, desperation blazoned across his face.

The warrior cast a worried look at the imposing god. Attired in his black armor, cape and helmet he was a sight that terrified most mortals. The bard stood rooted where she was, stunned at just having been asked for help by a god.

"What do you want?" Xena asked apprehensively.

"My wife, Persephone, has been abducted. I need you to get her back."

"Abducted? By whom? Who could do that?" Xena asked in disbelief.

"Another god." Hades replied uneasily.

"Another god? Which one?" Xena asked in amazement.

Hades looked at her for a moment, then sighed. "Callisto."

"Callisto!" the name hissed from the bard's lips. "She's escaped the lava?"

"Yes, she's escaped. And she wants her revenge. Revenge on me for sentencing her to Tartarus. Revenge on Xena for... well, you know why."

"What about Velaska? Is she free of the lava too?" Xena asked anxiously. To her relief, Hades shook his head.

"No, Velaska is still there, but I'm sure she will eventually free herself. But right now Callisto is the problem."

"Isn't this more a problem for the gods to settle among themselves? She *is* one of you now. What can we mortals do that you can't?" Xena asked pointedly.

Hades shifted his stance uneasily, since his pride and power had never been humbled before by a mortal. However, if it had to be in order to save his wife, then at least it was by a mortal he liked and respected.

"The gods will be very displeased with me for revealing this, but I have no choice. For obvious reasons the gods have kept from mortals the fact that each of us has a vulnerability to our power, to our very immortality. This was by design of our father, Cronos, that no one god could rise to conquer the others."

The god paced nervously, almost expecting the other gods to appear at any moment to strike him down for his revelations, but he continued. "In Ares' case, as you have seen, if he is deprived of his sword he loses his power and becomes mortal. As you have also witnessed, if my sister Celesta is deprived of her candle, her eternal flame, she would lose her powers as well. Hermes would have no power without his winged cap and shoes. And, of course, I am nothing without my helmet." The god looked uncomfortably at the warrior and the bard.

"Go on." Xena encouraged, curiosity spurring her interest.

"My wife's power rests in the wreath she wears. It was given to her by her mother, Demeter, and possesses the power of the goddess of agriculture as well as her immortality. Callisto captured Persephone while she was in the mortal world, helping Demeter with the nurturing of the plants. Callisto took Persephone's wreath and now my wife is as mortal as you are until she once again wears the wreath. Callisto sent word to me that if the gods make an attempt to intervene she will kill Persephone. I am not sure that even the power of Zeus or the speed of Hermes can overcome her before she carries out her threat. We can't take that chance."

"That's - that's horrible, but Hades..." Gabrielle started hesitantly, not certain of how to phrase her next thought, "by her death she would be returned to you in the Underworld. Even if the worst happens, she'd still be back where she belongs, right? Everything would be back to normal?" she finished carefully.

Hades shook his head sadly. "If she dies a mortal's death due to the actions of another god she may never leave the Underworld again. That's the problem. The murder of one god by another, while highly uncommon, is permanent. There's no reversing it." He explained patiently. "Her mother, Demeter, would be so grief stricken at the loss of her daughter that she would never again bring forth the plants in the spring. The mortal world would starve. Also, I could no longer have Persephone as my wife. A god can not be married to a mortal, not even a dead one."

"Couldn't you bring her back to life with ambrosia?" Gabrielle inquired.

"No. Ambrosia is from the gods and the gods can not undo what another god has done. If Callisto takes her life there is no way that I can bring her back again," the god replied despondently.

"There must be more to Callisto's message. What else did she say?" Xena inquired suspiciously.

Hades fidgeted again, coming to the part that he knew was going to cause the biggest problem. "Callisto is holding my wife at an abandoned fortress two leagues north of Mysia. She wants you and Gabrielle to go to her willingly. As long as she gets her wish, she promises to release Persephone unharmed."

"You can't trust her promises, she'll kill her anyway." Gabrielle argued.

"I know." Hades replied worriedly.

"Then we'll have to find a way to make sure she keeps that promise. We'll have to free Persephone ourselves." the warrior said determinedly. "Hades, you said each god has a vulnerability. What's Callisto's?"

"Well, since Callisto was not born of the gods she does not have the blood of Cronos in her veins, her godhood does not reside in a specific object. Her immortality and power came from the ambrosia. Thus, her powers must be captured and the only way to do this is to bind her wrists with manacles forged by Hephaestus. Once she is bound and Persephone is safe the gods can deal with her."

"Sounds easy enough, we sneak up on a deranged goddess, slap some manacles on her and the job is done." Gabrielle cracked sarcastically. "That is, if she doesn't fry us first with some lightning bolts or something."

Xena was pacing slowly, looking thoughtful. She stopped before the distraught god. "I'm going to need some help. Someone Callisto doesn't know, someone smart, good in a fight, someone I can trust."

"I thought as much myself. I don't want another living mortal involved in this. I don't want anyone to pass on what they hear or see - that includes a certain bard." Hades said with a pointed look at Gabrielle.

"Oh, great." the bard mumbled. "The greatest story of my life and I can't tell anyone about it. That is, if I *live* long enough. Sometimes life isn't fair."

"I've arranged for someone from the other side to help you. I think he'll meet with your approval, Xena." Hades spoke, lifting his hand in the air and snapping his fingers. Another loud rumbling was heard and a gale of wind and crash of thunder and lightning hearkened a second black chariot from the Underworld.

Gabrielle stared in amazement as the chariot, this one driven by Celesta, stopped before them. Sharing the chariot with Celesta was a tall, handsome man about her age with curly light brown hair and piercing blue eyes. He had a lean, muscular build, and was dressed in leather boots, dark breeches and a reddish-colored shirt. His face beamed with a smile that could outshine the sun and Gabrielle felt like she'd just seen the other half of her soul.

A gasp escaped from Xena who recovered enough from her shock to utter one word. "Lyceus!"

"Xena!" the young man shouted, bolting from the chariot and running to the dumbstruck warrior. He easily picked her up and swung her around, laughing joyfully. Xena's arms flew around Lyceus' neck as she showered him with kisses and hugs, the joy of seeing and holding her beloved brother shining from her eyes.

Gabrielle watched the family reunion, reeling from the sudden turn of events. In the nearly two years she had been traveling with Xena she couldn't recall ever seeing her deliriously happy, but that's what she saw now. The bard smiled at the sight.

"Xena," Hades interrupted the reunion, "this is only a temporary arrangement. He is back for only two days. That is the length of time Callisto has given me to deliver you to her. In the end, he must go back to the Underworld. Lyceus knows this and accepts it. So must you."

A questioning look settled on the warrior's face and she looked to her brother. "Lyceus?" she prompted, hoping she had misunderstood the god.

"That's the deal, Xena. I agreed to those terms. Exactly two days from this moment, mid-day, I'll have to go back. But at least we'll have those two days together - two glorious days to say the things we never got to say, to face some things that might be difficult for us both. And we have a job to do - we have to save Persephone."

"All right, Hades, I guess I don't have a choice." the warrior reluctantly agreed.

Hades tossed a small pouch to Lyceus which he easily caught. "There's 100 dinars. You'll need to buy Lyceus weapons and get another horse." The god turned and strode to Celesta's chariot and she handed him what appeared to be chains. He walked back to Xena and handed the chains to her. Upon closer inspection, Xena saw what she held in her hands was a set of manacles; two heavy wrist manacles with a chain a little more than an arm's length long between them.

"These manacles were forged by Hephaestus. Once Callisto is bound with them she will not have use of her powers. Her immortality will be forfeit and even a mortal could kill her." Hades gazed pointedly at Xena and his point was not lost on her.

"Don't worry Hades, I won't be doing your dirty work. I have no intention of killing her. I'm glad to leave her judgment to her fellow gods." Xena said flatly. Hades stepped back, a little stunned at Xena's rebuke.

"There's not much time, you three had better get to Mysia and make preparations for facing Callisto. I'll be watching, if there's anything I can do just call, I'll be there." Hades returned to the chariot, took up the reins and looked back on the three people to whom he'd just entrusted the rescue of his beloved wife. He bowed. "Thank you." He added softly.

Xena looked pointedly at her brother, then returned her eyes to the god again. "Thank *you*." she replied in kind. Hades smiled briefly and pulled the reins to turn the team around. A quick snap on the reins and the horses took off, Celesta following behind. They disappeared in the swirling dust.

When the dust and the wind calmed down following the departure of the gods the threesome stood silently, overwhelmed by the events. Xena finally managed to pull herself together and grabbed her brother's arm. Before she could speak, Lyceus grasped her shoulders, glancing down at her attire.

"Look at all that leather and armor. I'm not used to seeing you dressed this way." He quipped lightly, then his voice softened. "Is my big sister still in there?"

Xena gazed at him for a moment, a slight, sad smile playing about her lips. "She's gone through some changes, but yes...still here." she replied quietly.

Lyceus returned the smile and pulled her into another embrace. A hundred questions ran haphazardly through his mind, competing for space. The pure joy of seeing Xena again was overshadowed somewhat by his confusion and pain over what she had become.

Xena was feeling the same tumble of emotions and wondered how she was ever going to explain to him what happened to her after his death. The terrifying thought that he wouldn't be able to forgive her for the terrible things she had done also occurred to her. 'First things first.' she thought quickly, shaking off those feelings for the moment. She gently pulled back from him. "Before anything else, I've got someone I want you to meet." she whispered, a twinkle in her eye. She dragged him over to where Gabrielle was standing. "Lyceus, this is my friend, Gabrielle."

Gabrielle stared at Lyceus wide eyed, at a loss for words as a wave of familiarity swept over her.

"Are you all right?" Lyceus asked her.

"Er.. ah... um.. yeah, I'm fine, fine. How are you?" she babbled, shaking herself from her trance.

He smiled at her obvious struggle to compose herself. He gently took her hand, raised it to his lips and kissed it, a soft smile touching his lips as their eyes locked. A quizzical look crossed his face. "I feel like we've met before." he whispered.

"I know what you mean." Gabrielle replied shakily, "But I'm quite sure we never did. I'm sure I would have remembered you if we had, but I remember nothing. Maybe it's just that Xena's told me so much about you." She reached a hand up and pulled his face down to hers, giving him a soft kiss on the cheek. "Well, I'm glad to meet you now."

Xena watched as the two people she cherished most finally met. She listened to their exchange and thought back to when the fates had offered her a different outcome to her life. In that alternate life she had seen the attraction between her brother and her friend, an attraction that was obviously going to repeat itself here. She smiled in satisfaction, then sobered. 'But it's for only two days.' The words tore through her mind, abruptly ending her moment of enjoyment.

"We'd better get going, we need to get to Mysia to get Argo's shoes checked and do the rest of our shopping. We'll buy our supplies and camp on the other side of the village tonight so we can get an early start in the morning." Xena said in an effort to focus on their mission.

"Yes, we'd better get going," Lyceus agreed, his eyes still locked on the bard.

"Going, uh, yeah, gotta get going," the bard stammered, unable to take her eyes off of Xena's brother.

The three started their walk towards Mysia, Lyceus euphorically sandwiched between his beloved sister and her beautiful friend.

"How is mother? Do you see her much?" Lyceus asked Xena eagerly.

"She's well." Xena replied evenly. "I don't get home often, though. The town has some mixed feelings about me. It's better if I stay away, for the most part."

"Oh, yes, I should have figured that," Lyceus said softly.

Xena turned to look at her brother, a pained expression on her face. Then she sighed, looking downwards. Might as well not put off the inevitable.... "Lyceus, how much do you know about the things I've done? Can you see the mortal world from the other side?" she asked slowly.

Lyceus gazed at his sister a long moment before he gave her the answer she had been dreading to hear.

"Well, we can't see the mortal world, but when people cross over they bring with them the stories of events in the overworld. The stories that I heard about you for a very long time were very disturbing. Many good men were entering the Elysian Fields because they died defending their village from an invading army...from *your* army, Xena." Lyceus responded sadly. He looked at his sister with deep pain in his eyes.

"What happened to you? How did you get from leading an army in defense of Amphipolis to leading an army of invaders every bit as bad as Cortese?" he asked brokenly.

Xena flinched at her brother's judgment, but was determined to honestly face his questions. "It started out as a defense force." she said softly, her eyes cast to the ground before her. "Just our poorly trained and poorly armed villagers who by their hearts and their courage had routed Cortese and his army. But I was afraid, Lyceus. Afraid that after having been humiliated by farmers Cortese would be back with a larger force to reap his revenge. So I talked the village council into increasing the size of the army, spending almost all the village's treasury on weapons." Xena sighed, shaking her head.

"But that wasn't enough. Amphipolis was too vulnerable to attack from every side. So, my army rode into the surrounding villages and took them. If there was resistance they were...dealt with." she finished uneasily.

Lyceus glanced at her sharply, his face hard. "*Dealt* with? Xena, those were free men protecting their homes! They didn't want to live under the rule of a warlord anymore than we did!"

Xena walked along, her eyes straight ahead, a stoic expression cemented on her face. "I can see that now." she struggled, then shook her head sadly again. "But back then, I was so blinded by my fears, so removed from emotion by my grief. I had no one to give me good counsel. You were dead, and those who were left had grown frightened of me, too frightened to do anything but agree with what I said. I appointed as my lieutenants men who were experienced at making war. They were not the types to suggest making peace."

Lyceus looked at his sister, disappointment etched across his face. "You're not the woman I knew." he said dully.

Xena felt like a blade had been struck through her heart. She accepted her brother's words without complaint or defense.

Gabrielle had been watching the painful exchange between the siblings with a mixture of emotions. Her heart ached to see her friend suffering even more for the mistakes she had made, but she also saw the great pain in Lyceus' eyes at the changes he saw in his sister. He didn't understand, though. He didn't know the further changes his sister had undergone. She cast a glance at Xena. She knew the warrior too well. Xena was too wracked with guilt to bring that up.

"Lyceus," Gabrielle interrupted, "I know all of this is painful and difficult for you to accept, but tell me, have you heard any *recent* stories about what Xena has been doing?"

"Gabrielle, don't. I deserve this. I'm responsible for so much pain." Xena protested softly.

"Yes, you are..." the bard replied honestly, "but Lyceus should also know the way things are now. He should know that the sister he knew was indeed lost, but she's back again." Gabrielle turned to the young man. "Well, Lyceus, did you hear anything recently?" she prodded.

" *has* been a long time since anyone has entered the Fields blaming their death on Xena. A few have crossed over and brought tales of Xena's helping people. I wasn't sure what to make of them. And though we have no direct way of knowing for sure, I had been told that many of the most vile warlords had arrived in Tartarus...and that they had been sent to their eternal damnation by Xena." Lyceus concluded, a confused look on his brow. He turned back to his sister. "Is this true?"

"Pretty much." Xena responded succinctly.

Gabrielle shot an exasperated glance at her friend. She was only too willing to tell about the terrible things she had done and accept the punishment, but always left out the parts about how she has worked to atone for her mistakes and taking credit for those efforts.

"Actually, in the last two years she's done a lot of good." the bard stated. Xena gave her a look that clearly stated "don't interfere", but Gabrielle was not one to be so easily deterred by the warrior's warning looks.

Gabrielle went on to relate several tales of Xena's *good* deeds - the warlords, titans, giants and gods all stopped from harming innocent, defenseless people. As she spoke, Lyceus was entranced by her stories. Her passionate delivery and sparkling green eyes held him mesmerized.

Xena listened, somewhat embarrassed by the presentation, but unable to really protest because all that the bard was telling was indeed the truth. The bard finally paused in her storytelling, the heat and her long oration having claimed her voice. Xena spotted a small stream trickling not far off the road.

"That looks like a good place to rest and poor Argo hasn't had a drink in hours." She led the others to the stream and let her mare drink her fill. She pulled the water skin from the saddle and handed it to Gabrielle. The bard drank greedily, then passed it on to the others.

Lyceus put his arm on Xena's, looking directly into the cool blue eyes that were a reflection of his own. The tales that Gabrielle related had a profound affect on him. Perhaps his sister wasn't lost - at least not any more.

"Those stories...that sounds more like the sister I knew and loved." he said with a faint smile.

The warrior returned the smile, then sobered. "Lyceus, I don't know what to say. I would do anything to erase the wrongs I have committed, but I can't. Nor can I make amends to the people I've hurt. But I can try to help others and fight oppression and tyranny. I've pledged the rest of my life to doing just that. And who knows? Maybe I can save myself from an eternity in Tartarus in the process."

"Well, you've got a lot to make up for, Xena, but what you're doing is a good start. I know when the time comes for your judgment all the good deeds you've done and will continue to do will far outweigh the bad." the young man said, giving her a tight hug. The three continued on toward Mysia, Argo plodding along behind them.

"Lyceus, how about telling me some stories? Maybe something about my friend here when she was young?" the bard asked mischievously.

Xena cast a "don't you dare" look to her brother and her friend but it was quite apparent the warning would go unheeded.

"Well, I'm not very good at telling stories, but I can tell you how she learned the sword." He said, an amused grin on his lips, a gleam in his eyes.

Xena groaned, resigned to bear the indignity for the amusement of her cherished brother and friend.

"Toris was 13, Xena 11, and I was 10." he began. "Mother was worried about Toris, as he always seemed to be getting picked on by the other kids. Father had left the family several years earlier, so mother asked her brother, Lubos, to teach Toris how to fight and defend himself. So Uncle Lubos fashioned a couple of wooden swords and started daily lessons with Toris. The lessons went on for about a month. Each day, Xena and I watched Uncle Lubos instruct Toris, who absolutely hated it. More often than not poor Toris ended up in tears. After the lessons Toris and Uncle Lubos would put the wooden swords away, but Xena and I would sneak in and take them and then practice with each other. Remember Xena?"

"Yeah, I remember," the warrior said, a gentle smile on her face. "You were so darned competitive."

Lyceus chuckled. "No more competitive than you, sis. Anyhow, Xena and I couldn't get enough of it. We would mock fight for hours, driving each other to get better and better. We started adding more to our practice; rolls, flips, kicks - anything to get an advantage." Lyceus paused, glancing again at his sister. The memories of what happened one particular day were vivid in his mind. "One day we were watching Uncle Lubos trying to teach Toris a simple leg sweep to knock an opponent down. Toris just didn't get it and Uncle Lubos was losing his patience. Finally, Toris burst into tears. That made Uncle Lubos really mad and he called Toris a sissy and a coward. Well, Xena had seen enough. She jumped down from the tree we were sitting in and took Toris' sword. 'That was uncalled for! Apologize or you'll have me to deal with!' she yelled at Uncle Lubos."

Gabrielle laughed at the thought of her friend at 11 years old standing defiantly with the wooden sword in her hand. Somehow, it was an easy image to call to mind.

"Uncle Lubos started laughing." Lyceus continued. "He said 'Xena, my girl, you have guts, which is more than I can say for Toris. Now, put that down and go play with your dolls.' Well, I'm sure you can imagine what effect *that* had on Xena. She charged Uncle Lubos and sent him backpedaling a step or two. He pulled his sword up and just barely deflected hers, the amusement leaving his face as he found himself in one serious fight with an 11 year-old bundle of fury. After several exchanges Uncle Lubos found himself sprawled on the ground, Xena's wooden sword at his throat. 'Apologize! ' she roared. And Uncle Lubos did just that."

"I remember the look in Toris' eyes." Xena interjected sadly. "He looked at me and said 'I don't need your help, Xena. I don't appreciate the humiliation.' Then he ran off. He never could accept that Lyceus was a much better fighter and he really avoided ever testing himself against me. If I beat him I don't think he could've handled it."

Lyceus picked up the story. "Actually, Toris did get to be quite good, his pride just always got in the way when it came to Xena and me. Uncle Lubos was quite impressed with Xena and questioned her about how she had learned so much. She explained how she and I practiced and we showed him some of our drills. He insisted that we start training along with Toris. He taught us all he knew about swords, daggers, staffs, spears and whips. He knew a lot because when he was young he had been quite a warrior himself. We practiced for nearly two months with him until one day mother came looking for us and saw me and Xena fighting each other."

Xena smiled, the long forgotten memory of that day now resurfacing. "Mother came charging down that hill like an enraged gorgon. She tore into Uncle Lubos for teaching me unladylike behavior and for teaching a ten year old boy to be a warrior. Needless to say, that was the end of our lessons with Uncle Lubos. But of course, that didn't stop Lyceus and me from practicing. Once in a while mother would catch us at it and yell a little, or one of us would get hurt and then she'd yell a lot, but she knew she wasn't going to be able to stop us."

Xena and Lyceus exchanged smiles, each warmed by the memories of the childhood they had shared. The group rounded a curve in the road and found themselves within sight of Mysia, bringing their attention back to the urgency of their mission. Xena quickly formed a plan of action.

"We'll have to split up. Lyceus and I will go to the smithy's to get Argo's shoes tended to and see if he might have a horse for sale. Gabrielle, I want you to go to the tavern. Ask around for directions to the fortress, find out if anybody knows anything about what's happening up there."

"Oh, so *now* I'm allowed to go to the tavern? I thought it was too dangerous?" Gabrielle needled. Xena cast a cool look towards her friend.

"Gabrielle..." she growled in warning.

"Okay, okay - I'm off to the tavern." the bard said quickly, a smug expression showing her pleasure at having annoyed the warrior.

Lyceus watched as the bard headed off. "She's wonderful." he said softly, his eyes never leaving her till she was lost in the crowd.

"Yes, she is." Xena agreed, noting the infatuation evident on her brother's face. 'But it's for only two days.' whispered achingly through her mind.

Lyceus glanced at her nervously. "Are you sure she'll be safe in the tavern?" he asked, hoping he might be sent to be her protector.

"She'll be fine," the warrior reassured her brother.

Finding the blacksmith at the village stable, Xena assessed the mountain of a man before her. He towered over her by several inches, his arms thick as tree limbs from wielding the hammer all day, every day. He had the grime of the forge covering him from head to toe, but Xena could see that there were rather handsome features under it all. In answer to her inquiry for horses for sale, the smithy led her and Lyceus to a corral with four somewhat suspect animals standing in the shade of a large tree, trying to escape the heat.

"The roan mare over there with the three white socks would be a bargain at 70 dinars." The smithy offered.

Xena glanced sharply at the horse then back at the smithy. She raised an eyebrow slowly, slightly shaking her head. Leaning in towards the man, she crooked a finger at him, motioning him towards her. When he moved forward she quickly grabbed him by the throat.

"Making a fast dinar is one thing, taking unfair advantage of a customer is entirely another!" She twisted his head towards the horse. "*That* animal is blind in one eye and has arthritis." She snarled. "And I wouldn't pay 70 dinars for the king's personal warhorse, so let's try this again, shall we? This time don't play me for a fool!" She released the startled man from her grip.

Lyceus' jaw dropped as he watched his sister's exchange with the smithy.

The smithy rubbed his throat, pausing for a moment to reassess his customer. "The black mare, the only decent one in the bunch, strong with an even temperament, 60 dinars." he said in a rasping voice, defensively retreating a step from the warrior. Xena's eyes narrowed, causing him to put a protective hand up to his throat. He moved yet another step backwards.

"The black mare, 50 dinars including a saddle, bridle and new shoes for my horse." Xena replied, in a tone that said she was finished dealing.

"Done." the smithy agreed in relief.

"We'll be back in an hour, have them ready by then." Xena commanded, handing the man the money.

Lyceus walked with his sister towards the tavern, chuckling at the expense of the smithy.

"You find something amusing?" Xena queried her brother, an eyebrow arched for effect.

Lyceus laughed harder. "Oh, it was just so great watching you in action again. That smithy will remember *that* negotiation for some time to come."

An easy smile spread across Xena's face as she joined her brother in his merriment. They entered the tavern and scanned for the bard.

Lyceus pointed toward a dark corner. "Over there, Xena, it looks like Gabrielle is in trouble." He said, alarm in his voice.

Xena quickly focused on the dark corner where Gabrielle stood, staff in defensive position, two unkempt figures seeming to pose a threat. Xena put a restraining hand on her brother's arm. "Watch." she whispered, pulling him with her along the edge of the room, drawing near to the stand-off but not interfering. "We'll help if needed, but I think she'll be fine."

"This is your last warning." Gabrielle stated coolly. "Leave me be in peace and you won't get hurt."

The two men laughed drunkenly. "Feisty one, ain't she?" the one leered. "Come on, sweetie, let's us three have some fun." he continued unwisely as he made the mistake of lunging for the bard. Gabrielle swung her staff up, connecting with his chin, then swung the other end low and knocked his legs out from under him. With a quick flick of her wrist the staff hit him in the groin, eliciting a howl of pain. The other man was a quick learner. Having seen what the young woman could do he made a hasty retreat.

Xena moved towards her friend. "See, I just knew there'd be trouble if I let you come to this tavern." she teased.

"Xena! Lyceus!" the bard bubbled, moving a strand of hair back into place as she stepped over the writhing man to join her companions. "I've got some information."

Lyceus stood intoxicated by the golden haired goddess before him, awed by the skill with which she had so easily dispatched the lout.

"Lyceus? Are you all right?" the goddess asked, noticing the expression on his face.

"Er.. ah... um.. yeah, I'm fine, fine. How are you?" he babbled, shaking himself from his trance. Gabrielle smiled brightly, effectively rendering the young man mute.

"I'm fine," she assured him. "Let's get out of here and find a place to talk."

Xena cast a glance at her brother, easily reading the adulation of the bard on his face. 'But it's for only two days' whispered sorrowfully through her mind. "Let's go." she said, spurring Lyceus into motion by dragging him by his arm.

The trio exited the tavern and headed for the market, Gabrielle relating her discoveries along the way. "The fortress is about half a day's ride to the north. When the road splits in two we follow the left branch, it's just a short distance to the crossroads at a shrine to Aphrodite. At the shrine, take the road to the right. We'll soon come to a bridge over a shallow river, the fortress should be visible on a hill to the north."

"Any word on how many men might be guarding the place?" Xena asked.

"Nobody seemed to have any idea how many men Callisto has. She had sent messengers into these local villages, relaying that she wanted to hire some guards and offered a lot of dinars. Several of the village men who had military experience made the journey to the fortress, but they didn't meet with her approval." the bard's lips twisted into a grimace.

"Apparently, the recruitment standards require some murdering and pillaging experience with a strong preference for torture. Callisto personally tests the fighting skills of each recruit. They felt lucky to have gotten out of there alive. Many in the village are uneasy knowing that a mad woman with an army is so close by, but they have no idea that she has the power of a god."

Lyceus stared at the bard. "You found out all this in the short time you were in that tavern?" he asked in admiration.

"That's her gift, she could talk fish right out of the water if she tried. These simple folk don't stand a chance when she wants information." Xena responded with an affectionate glance at her friend. Gabrielle blushed at Xena's praise.

"It's really just a matter of finding someone who looks a little lonely and striking up a conversation. People really like to talk and as long as you listen attentively they'll tell you anything you want to know." the bard replied modestly.

"You did great, Gabrielle. Now we need to get finished with the rest of our purchases before the market closes. Lyceus, I noticed a weapons merchant back near the smithy's. Why don't you go there and try to find yourself a sword? We'll get some food for tonight and meet you there."

Lyceus headed for the opposite side of the market, Gabrielle's eyes following him until he was lost in the crowd.

"Gabrielle." the warrior said, trying to get her attention.

"Hmmmm?" the bard responded absently, still watching for a glimpse of Lyceus in the crowd.

"Gabrielle!" Xena called, more emphatically.

"What?" the bard asked turning abruptly to her friend.

"I want to talk to you... about Lyceus." Xena began hesitantly. A guilty look immediately crossed the bard's features.

"Oh, I know what it is. I'm sorry, Xena, I should have been more sensitive! You'd probably like some private time with your brother. Don't worry, when we set up camp I'll make myself scarce, I won't get in the way."

"Well, no - that's not what I meant and you're not in the way. I want you with us throughout this. This is Callisto we're talking about. I don't want you alone at *any* time, especially when we're this close to her lair. It's safer if we stay together." the warrior asserted.

"Well, what is it then? What about Lyceus?" Gabrielle asked, baffled. Xena sighed, wondering how to begin.

"The two of you seem so, well.. so taken with each other."

"He is remarkable - intelligent, sweet and funny. It would be hard to not be taken with him." the bard confessed.

"Gabrielle, you haven't forgotten, have you? He has to go back...this is for only two days. I don't want to see you get hurt." the warrior said softly.

"I know that, Xena, I haven't forgotten. But it's too late. I know already that it's going to hurt, but I can't stop myself from the way he makes me feel. I can't put up those emotional walls to hide behind. I know it's crazy - I barely know him...yet I almost feel like I've met my "other half", you know? I --" she broke off, blushing shyly, looking at the ground. 'Gods, this is her *brother* I'm talking about! Why am I going on about this?' Gabrielle thought quickly, but any awkwardness she felt was put to rest when she felt her friend clasp her shoulder and squeeze gently.

"If the situation were different I would love nothing more than to see the two of you together. I'm just sorry that's not the case." Xena told her quietly.

Gabrielle looked up at her friend and smiled what she hoped was a reassuring smile.

"It's okay, really. I'll take what we have and expect no more." she finished, covering her friend's hand with her own.

Xena smiled a sad smile of acceptance. "Well, I guess we'd better get those supplies."

The two friends quickly purchased bread, vegetables, oil and corn meal as well as a few other staples for their food pack. Gabrielle walked along side Xena, pleased with her bargains. They headed for the weapons mercantile, spotting Lyceus still examining the swords on display.

"See anything you like?" Xena asked.

"The one on the end seems the best of the lot," he replied.

Xena picked up the weapon. It had a simple hilt, was easy to hold and had good balance. She sighted down the blade and noted how true the edge was. "Nice workmanship," she nodded approvingly.

"Yes, I think that would be the one." Lyceus said.

"How much for this sword?" Xena asked the shopkeep.

"35 dinars." The man said smoothly. Xena glared at him, but didn't respond. She'd dicker when she had everything she wanted.

"I think you should pick up some daggers. Three, maybe." Xena said thoughtfully, perusing the display.

"Three? Why would I need three?"

"Because daggers are your best weapon. You throw them with truer aim than anyone I've seen. You need to impress Callisto and I think your skill with daggers might do it." She explained, picking up three daggers and handing them to her brother. Lyceus selected one of them. He tossed it in his hand, first holding the blade end, then tossing it and catching the hilt.

"These will do." he said approvingly.

Xena took the daggers and sword to the shopkeep. "How much for the lot?"

"50 dinars." The shopkeep said flatly, ruffled by the glare the warrior had previously given him. Xena rolled her eyes. They were not off to a very good start.

"Allow me," the bard interrupted. Xena stepped back, yielding to her friend.

"Now, friend," Gabrielle began, "We both know how outrageous that price was, and we're in a bit of a hurry, so here's what I had in mind - the sword, three daggers, and also a scabbard for the sword - 25 dinars."

The shopkeep eyed the young woman, sensing he had a worthy opponent.

"Now, my good woman, I'm an honest man, just trying to feed my wife and six children, I couldn't possibly let you have it for less than... hmmmm... 35 dinars."

Gabrielle picked up the daggers, turning them over thoughtfully in her hands as she bided her time, waiting the merchant out.

"Throw in sheaths for the three daggers and we'll say 28 dinars." she countered.

"You get the sheaths, 30 dinars for everything," he offered, a toothless grin on his face.

"Deal," the bard agreed. Lyceus and Xena watched the negotiation, a smile on both of their faces as they appreciated the bard's talent for dickering.

Xena counted out the money for the satisfied shopkeep. "I guess the wife and kids will eat well tonight." she quipped.

"Xena, he doesn't have any wife or kids, it's just part of the game," the bard laughed. Xena looked at the bard, confused, then at the shopkeep with thinly veiled anger. The shopkeep smiled his toothless grin again, looking at Gabrielle.

"How'd you know?" he asked, amused.

"I saw your cot through that doorway. You live here, behind the shop. There's not enough room for a family." Gabrielle said triumphantly.

The old man laughed. "I'll have to remember to keep that curtain drawn tight from now on."

Gabrielle helped Lyceus thread the scabbard and a knife sheath on his belt. Her hands trembled a little as she tried to push the belt through the loop on the sheath. She looked up to see his eyes locked on her face and a flush crept up her cheeks. He smiled and she felt her heart flutter.

"Could you two hurry that up? The sun is starting to drop and we have to find a campsite." Xena nudged.

"Er.. ah... um.. yeah, campsite," the bard babbled.

"Campsite?" Lyceus whispered, his eyes unable to leave the bard.

Xena rolled her eyes. Grabbing her two companions by the arms, she pushed and dragged them towards the stable. Argo was standing patiently, nickering softly when she saw Xena. Beside her stood the black mare, saddled and ready to go.

"How much did you pay for her?" Gabrielle asked, running an appraising look over the animal.

"With the saddle, bridle and Argo's new shoes, 50 dinars," the warrior responded while checking Argo's hooves.

"50 dinars! Xena, you have no idea how to negotiate a bargain!" the bard exclaimed.

Lyceus nearly burst out laughing, remembering his sister's method of negotiation. Xena cast him a sharp look to keep him quiet.

"I know it was a little high but we needed to have Argo's shoes replaced right away. I don't think it would have gotten done this quickly without the extra money." she explained.

Gabrielle sighed. "Well, what's done is done," she said patting the horse on the rump. "What's her name?"

"Her name?" Xena responded quizzically.

"Yeah, her name. You know, your horse's name is Argo and this horse's name is...?"

Xena and Lyceus looked sheepishly at each other.

"So you forgot to ask, huh?" the bard snickered.

The smithy came around the corner. Seeing the warrior, he stopped dead in his tracks.

"Nice work," Xena said, indicating Argo's hooves.

"Thanks," the man replied weakly, rubbing his throat.

"By the way, does this horse have a name?" Lyceus asked, pointing to the black mare.

The smithy thought for a moment, scratching his head. "I believe her name is Hope." he wheezed.

Xena, Gabrielle and Lyceus all exchanged looks.

"Kind of appropriate, isn't it?" Lyceus asked quietly. Xena and Gabrielle smiled at him in agreement. The smithy coughed raspily, interrupting their thoughts.

"If you've got a sore throat you should try gargling with salt water and drink tea made from eucalyptus leaves," the bard offered.

Lyceus burst into laughter. Unamused, the smithy excused himself with a wave.

Gabrielle looked confused. "Did I miss something?"

Xena chuckled. "Yeah, Lyceus can explain when he gets a hold of himself. We'd better get going." Xena stowed the provisions in Argo's saddlebags. She mounted the horse and turned to offer Gabrielle a lift up behind her only to see the bard was already mounted behind Lyceus, her arms holding tightly to his slim waist. 'They look so perfect together.' she thought warmly. But the impending goodbyes they would have to exchange sent a stab of pain through her heart.

By unspoken consensus they kept the horses to a walk, as if to hurry would somehow shorten their time together. While they slowly traveled towards the setting sun it was as though time stood still and they were safe and peaceful in each other's company.

Xena and her brother took turns telling embarrassing stories about each other. Gabrielle laughed heartily at the antics of her two companions. This was the only person, other than herself, who could get away with teasing the warrior. She had known Xena had been close to her younger brother, but seeing them together she could see how much she had underestimated the depth of their bond. She finally saw with utter clarity how devastating Lyceus' loss must have been to Xena and she knew that in less than two days her friend would experience that loss again. The bard unconsciously tightened her hold on Lyceus' waist.

"Are you ok?" he asked, feeling the increased pressure.

"I'm fine." the bard said softly, a tear on the verge of giving away her lie.

"I think we'd better head off the road a little and make camp." Xena said with a concerned look at her friend. Lyceus may have missed the quiver in the bard's voice but it hadn't escaped the warrior.

They headed the horses into the woods, finding a small clearing with a brook trickling down one side. Xena signaled the others to be still, she listened intently to the sounds of the forest. Hearing nothing but the chirping of the birds, she slid from the saddle. "This looks like a good spot." she said, pulling several packs off of Argo's saddle.

Lyceus threw his leg over his horse's neck and jumped to the ground. Turning back, he put his hands on Gabrielle's waist and lifted her down from the horse, gently depositing her on the ground. His heart thumped wildly in his chest, his hands seemed to have a mind of their own as they resisted releasing their hold on the bard.

"Thank you." Gabrielle managed, trying to remember how to speak.

"You're welcome." Lyceus managed in return.

"Why don't you two get camp set up and I'll check the area and see if I can catch us something for dinner." Xena suggested.

"Sure, Xena." Lyceus replied, tearing his eyes and hands off the bard and reaching for the packs Xena was holding. Xena headed into the woods, leaving her brother and her friend to their chores.

Lyceus stripped the saddles from the horses, his eyes constantly stealing glances at the bard as she busied herself with collecting stones and wood for the fire pit. He exchanged his horses' bridle for a halter and tethered her to a tree allowing enough line for the animal to graze a small patch of grass and reach the brook. Argo's bridle he removed without replacing it with a halter, figuring the horse would not wander far from her mistress.

Gabrielle finished the fire pit and rigged a spit over it for cooking. She took the water flasks and walked a little upstream from where the horses had stirred up the sediment in the brook. She filled the skins and took them back to camp, setting one near the fire to be used for cooking and putting the other with their other gear near the saddles.

Having finished tending to the horses, Lyceus helped with a few more chores. They laid out the bed rolls and Lyceus pulled a couple of large logs nearer to the campfire for seating. Gabrielle pulled a small cook pot from a pack and filled it with some water. Delving into the stash of vegetables they had bought in Mysia she started to make a basic stew.

With the camp pretty well established, Lyceus sat on the ground, leaning his back against one of the logs and savoring watching the young woman expertly concoct the start of a hearty meal. He sighed lightly, causing her to look up at him.

"Been a pretty eventful day." she commented, a soft smile lighting her face while her hands continued the meal preparation. Lyceus grinned back.

"It's been so exhilarating... being with Xena...and you. I'd forgotten what it's like... to be alive, to feel the wind and smell the air." He stood and paced the camp euphorically. "The blue of the sky, riding a horse, all these things I loved so much... I can *feel* so much!" Lyceus swept his arm in a wide arc. "Look at this place - this beautiful meadow, the trees, the brook, it's just so wonderful!"

Gabrielle could feel the jubilation from the young man, could feel his appreciation for so much that she took for granted. She set the cook pot on the fire and went to join him as he surveyed his surroundings. She was enjoying seeing their surroundings through his eyes. They stood silently together each relishing the moment.

"I see what you mean." Gabrielle whispered so as not to spoil their reverie. "It really *is* beautiful." she finished, her eyes connecting with his.

Lyceus gazed at her for a moment. "And you're more beautiful than all of it put together." he whispered back, his heart starting to beat faster as he felt himself drowning in her sparkling green eyes. He gently touched her cheek, tilting her head back as he leaned down and gently kissed her once, then again more ardently as he felt her respond to his touch. 'But it's for only two days - what are you *doing*?' seared through his mind.

"I - I'm sorry! I shouldn't have done that." he stammered, embarrassed. Gabrielle held his arm, refusing to let him pull away, knowing instantly what the problem was. She drew him back and gently touched his cheek with her hand.

"Lyceus, don't pull away. It's all right. We both know we don't have a lifetime together." she assured him. Then a shy smile lit the bard's face. "I'm feeling the same attraction for you. I know it's happening fast, but..." she let it trail off, gazing into his eyes.

He returned the smile, his head swimming as he fought from within, wanting nothing more than to kiss the woman he held in his arms, but tormented by the limited future before them.

Gabrielle made the decision for him, raising herself up on tiptoe and touching her lips to his. The kiss was tentative at first, then deepened as she felt him pull her closer. After a moment, he abruptly pulled away again.

"No, we can't do this, Gabrielle. It will only make it harder when the time comes. I want to, but...I'm sorry." he stammered.

Gabrielle looked at him sadly, releasing him. She nodded, her heart nearly breaking. 'He's right. What am I doing?!' she asked herself severely. What good would it do to make things harder for him...or for herself? The time they would have to say goodbye would come all too quickly. And the gods only knew what would happen between now and then. They still had to face that monster Callisto. Gabrielle walked back to the campfire, fighting back tears.

Lyceus' heart ached at the pain he saw on the bard's face, a face which a moment ago had been radiant with life. He followed her back to the campfire and sat opposite her, not knowing what to say to ease that pain. "Xena should be back soon." he said, trying to change the mood of regrets that hung over them both.

"It doesn't usually take her so long to get something. I hope she hasn't run into any trouble." Gabrielle said, pulling herself together and forcing her attention on something other than her feelings for the man across from her.

"Oh, I'm sure Xena can handle most any trouble she might run into." Lyceus replied.

"Yeah, she's pretty good at taking care of herself - and me, too." Gabrielle grinned. "I can't count how many times she's saved my life. Actually, that's how we met, she saved me and my village from a warlord."

"How did you meet Xena? Will you tell me about it?" he asked, relieved to have a change of subject - anything to keep him distracted from the rage of emotions he was feeling for the beautiful young bard.

Gabrielle brightened at the request.

"Well, the people of my village were being herded together by Draco's men. They wanted to take all the young women to sell into slavery. I tried to offer myself, saying I would go willingly if they would let everyone else go unharmed. But they just laughed, said they were going to take me and anyone else they wanted, too. One of the men reached for me and I slapped him. He pulled out a whip to beat me and suddenly there she was, with an iron grip on the hand that held the whip. Draco's men attacked her but though she was outnumbered ten to one she held them all off, then the villagers rallied and we ran them off."

Lyceus listened raptly to the bard's story, envisioning this young woman's courage at facing the marauding band and his sister's intervention.

"So you two joined together because you were both warriors?"

Gabrielle laughed. "Oh no, I was a lot different then. I had never been in a fight except for a few scuffles with my sister, Lilla. I've learned a lot traveling with Xena, I can now take care of myself and help Xena out in a fight. Back then I was a weak, naive little girl who wanted to get out in the world and live an adventurous life."

Lyceus looked at the bard in disbelief. "How did you manage to talk Xena into letting you travel with her?"

"Because she was a pest I just couldn't seem to get rid of." Xena responded dryly as she walked into view.

"Xena!" the bard scowled affectionately. Lyceus laughed, seeing the obvious affection between the two women. The warrior handed three pheasants to Gabrielle.

"I thought some fowl would be a great feast for dinner tonight."

"This is going to be great! Those spices I picked up in Mysia are going to make this a meal fit for a king!" the bard said enthusiastically, beginning to clean the birds for cooking. Xena sat on the log next to her brother and gladly accepted a hug and kiss from him.

"Well, is anybody going to finish this story?" Lyceus asked impatiently.

"She's the bard." Xena said, neatly sidestepping having to continue the tale.

Gabrielle glanced warmly at her friend and continued the story where she left off. "I followed Xena to Amphipolis, and lucky for her I did because the people there weren't too happy to see her. Draco had ordered his men to attack Amphipolis while carrying the banner of Xena's old army. The villagers thought they were Xena's soldiers and were going to stone her until I jumped in and talked our way out of there."

Lyceus frowned, unhappy to hear of the villagers turning against Xena, but realizing that they certainly had cause to suspect her at the time. Uncomfortable, Xena focused on either Gabrielle or the ground, afraid to see what might lie in her brother's gaze.

"Though Xena was ready to leave the village it seemed Draco had other plans. He gave Xena a choice, he would spare the village if she would either join him or fight him to the death. Xena chose to fight. It was a spectacular fight, before the entire village. Xena finally won and could have killed him as the villagers wanted, but she made him swear that he would not harm them and that he and his men would leave the valley, never to return. The villagers, of course, had now seen that it was Draco's army, not Xena's, that had threatened them and in the end they were really very grateful that she had saved them." Gabrielle got up to put the pheasants on the cooking spit, giving the stew a stir as well. She then sat down on her bedroll, leaning against a log.

Throughout the story, Lyceus had watched the exchange of looks between his sister and her friend, the looks that told a story of their own. It was easy to see that from the day the fates had joined their paths they had come a long way together. A smile crossed his face, silently thanking the gods for enabling his sister to meet such a friend. He had a strong feeling that Gabrielle was a very important guide along his sister's road to redemption.

"So, Xena took you along because you helped her with the villagers of Amphipolis?" Lyceus ventured.

"Not exactly. She had no intention of letting me come with her. But I felt so out of place at home...I needed so much more than quiet village life. I was going to follow Xena until she got in trouble and then I was going to try to help know - make her see that I would be an invaluable traveling partner." Gabrielle grinned, remembering how she stumbled into Xena's camp that first night. She responded to Xena's chuckling by sticking her tongue out at her, then continued. "But I couldn't get a fire started and I was freezing, so I walked into her camp. She said I could stay the night but she was going to send me home in the morning. Lot of good that did, huh?" She shot a smug grin at her friend. "I guess she understood what it feels like to not fit in in your own village, so we started traveling together, it's been almost two years."

"Two years? How have you put up with her this long?" Lyceus laughed.

Xena gave him a playful shove, then smiled at the bard. "It didn't take me too long to see she *was* pretty invaluable." she said warmly.

Lyceus looked at Gabrielle. "Well, I'm glad it worked out. Do you still like life on the road? Do you ever feel like settling down?" he asked.

Gabrielle's face darkened suddenly and she looked down.

Confused, Lyceus looked to Xena for help. She cleared her throat and spoke softly. "Several months ago Gabrielle married. The day after her wedding her husband was killed... by Callisto." Xena explained.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Lyceus stammered clumsily.

Gabrielle shook her head quickly. "No, don't apologize. It's okay, you didn't know." she said forgivingly. "We'll have to talk about it anyway. We have to discuss Callisto." She started, but Xena held up her hand.

"Tell you what...why don't we leave the discussion about Callisto until tomorrow? Tonight I just want to enjoy the company of my brother and my best friend." Xena suggested.

Lyceus nodded. "I certainly agree with that. Tonight is just for us to be together. Let's make the best of the time we have. Gabrielle, how about another story? Why don't you tell me where you got that staff, it looks rather unusual?"

The bard brightened and laughed lightly. "Well, there *is* a pretty good story about my staff. I guess I should start by telling you that I'm the Queen of the Amazons..."

"Queen of the Amazons?" Lyceus roared with laughter. "Now I know you're pulling my leg! The Queen of the Amazons would be a fierce warrior." His amusement abruptly ended when he saw the scowl on Gabrielle's face, then the matching scowl on Xena's. He gulped, immediately growing serious. "It -- it's the truth? She's Queen of the Amazons?" He stammered. Xena nodded her head in confirmation. Lyceus' jaw dropped as he tried to figure a way to dig himself out of the hole he had just thrown himself into. "I'm sorry." he said weakly. Gabrielle's face softened.

"That's okay." the bard replied patiently. "Let me explain." She related the story of the death of Teraes and her inheritance of the right of caste. She continued on with Xena's death, the death of Melosa, the problems with Velaska, Xena's resurrection and their unlikely alliance with Callisto.

Throughout the story Lyceus stared raptly at the bard, throwing occasional startled looks towards his sister, who merely nodded in affirmation and grinned broadly at his incredulous expression.

"So, there you have it, that's how I got my staff and became Queen of the Amazons." Gabrielle concluded. Lyceus' head spun at the extraordinary tale he'd just heard, but above all he was certain that to this courageous, generous, loyal and determined woman belonged his heart.

Gabrielle rose to check on dinner. "Looks like it's done," she announced. Pulling three wooden bowls from a saddlebag, she handed one to Xena and one to Lyceus. They all helped themselves to the pheasant and stew.

"Well, now you know the *real* reason why I let her travel with me, Gabrielle is a great cook." Xena said with a twinkle in her eye.

They all ate heartily, when all were done it was Lyceus who collected the bowls, overruling Xena's and Gabrielle's protests arguing that since the bard had cooked and Xena had hunted it only seemed fair that he should do the clean up. He headed to the stream to clean the bowls and other utensils, feeling happy and contented in his domestic role. 'But it's for only two days...' a voice from within intruded. He looked back to the camp, observing the bard and his sister as they cheerfully jested with each other beside the campfire, his heart capturing the moment, to be savored for eternity.

Lyceus returned to camp, storing the bowls and utensils back in the saddle packs. He sat next to the bard on her bedroll, put his arm around her shoulders and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Dinner was delicious. Thank you."

Gabrielle blushed, partly from the compliment, partly from the kiss, but mostly from the closeness of his body. "Your welcome." she managed, her heart racing at his touch. 'Gods... I feel like a giddy teenager! Someone hasn't made me feel this way in a *long* time - and it's happening so quickly!' she thought, amazed. Suddenly, she realized Xena was speaking to her. She looked at Xena, flushing slightly at the sly grin on her friend's face.

"I asked if you were still with us?" Xena asked, a twinkle in her eyes.

" Just a little tired, I guess. I'm gonna lie down, I think." she murmured, slowly sliding down till she was laying on her bedroll. Lyceus patted his thigh, inches from her face.

"Lay your head here - ground's hard." he offered. Smiling shyly at him, Gabrielle did just that. After a few moments, she felt his hand gently caressing her forehead. Though she thought it would be impossible to sleep, she felt herself relaxing while listening to the conversation that ensued between Lyceus and Xena.

Xena told her brother about her encounter with Hercules and how he had changed her life. She then related her plan to spend the rest of her life trying to atone for the innocents she had harmed, driven to wander by the guilt she felt, not sure if her efforts would ever save her from the eternity in Tartarus she felt she had earned.

Lyceus could see the pain in his sister's eyes and knew no matter what she did, she would never forgive herself and release her guilt. "Just keep trying, Xena. In the end it's what's in our hearts by which we are judged."

"I hope you're right." Xena replied softly, standing. "It's getting late. I'm going to check on the horses and check the area again before I turn in." She picked up her sword and headed off to the horses.

"She feels guilty... about your death," Gabrielle whispered.

Lyceus nodded sadly. "I know. That's all I hear, just about every time she thinks of me." he replied.

Gabrielle turned to look up at him, her eyes pleading. "Can you talk to her about it? She'll listen to you."

"Well, I'm not sure about that, but yes I will, when she comes back." he assured her, giving her a gentle kiss on the forehead. "You should get some rest."

She reached for his hand and held it in her own, sighing softly. She was soon sound asleep. Lyceus watched the sleeping bard, regretting that he had never been in love. But now, gazing into Gabrielle's face, the realization hit him hard that *this* was the woman he could so easily fall in love with. So easily...he closed his eyes as a wave of sadness washed over him. 'Why couldn't I have met her before? Why did this have to happen *now*?' Now, when the woman he cradled gently in his lap and his sister were to face a mad woman with the powers of a god. Now, when he had a reason to want to live forever but knew he had but a day and a half left. He sighed and tenderly touched the bard's cheek, pledging to himself that he would do anything he had to do to keep her safe.

Lyceus heard a slight rustle in the brush and tensed until Xena emerged from the darkness into the light of the campfire.

"She's asleep." he whispered, signaling her over to sit by him. Xena sat on the log near her brother. He held out his hand which she clasped tightly. "Quite a friend you have here."

Xena smiled softly. "Yes, I know. When the fates took you from me I thought I'd never be able to let anyone get close again. But then came Gabrielle...eager, bright, brave beyond her years... I don't know what she saw in me. I was so dark and brooding when we met... but she kept pushing me. She has faith in me, just like the faith you had when you followed me to your death." Xena swallowed painfully. "I worry that perhaps someday she will follow me to hers." she finished, her voice barely a whisper.

Lyceus locked eyes with his sister, seeing the obvious struggle she fought, wanting her friend with her but also aware of the danger it entailed. He squeezed her hand.

"Xena, stop. Death is not the worst outcome - giving up fighting for your beliefs because of fear is. We fought to defend our home and I died. But I'd do it again, knowing that outcome, before I would give up and run. I *didn't* follow you to my death. It wasn't your fault. I made my choice to defend our home and took the consequences. And Gabrielle would do the same. You can't hold yourself responsible for the choices others make."

"It's not the same, Lyceus. Defending Amphipolis, that *was* your fight, your home to defend. Gabrielle is put in great danger fighting *my* fights, righting *my* wrongs. Sometimes I want to send her away so she would be safe. But then... I don't know what I would do without her. Every time I've felt lonely or afraid, every time I've felt tempted by Ares, every time I've needed someone, she's been there for me. No matter how hard it's been, no matter how dangerous, she's been there."

"Xena, something that has bothered me since I passed over was that I felt I had left you alone. When I was hearing the stories of what you were doing, it broke my heart to not be able to stop you from making those mistakes. But now I know there is someone good beside you. If I can't be here with you, at least I know that you have Gabrielle. I watched the two of you together today. There's something special between you two and I know that if you tried to send her away for her own safety she wouldn't go. She obviously is committed to helping you fight for good - and for the good inside you. And I don't think the powers of all the gods put together could stop her." They both shared a smile at the bard's tenacious personality.

"Separately you can do a lot of good, but together you can do so much more..." Lyceus smiled at his sister proudly. "You can change the world - make it a better place. Don't fight destiny, Xena... not yours, or hers." he finished quietly.

"You always were the wise one." Xena hugged her brother, giving him a kiss and a warm smile. "We'd better get some sleep. I'd like to get to Callisto's fortress in daylight so I can see without having to get too close. We'd better get an early start."

They had been riding for almost an hour, Gabrielle again riding behind Lyceus. The weather was cooler than the day before making for a pleasant day, almost deluding the trio into thinking they were on their way to a picnic, not a showdown with a madwoman.

Lyceus and Gabrielle kept the talk lively each taking turns telling stories of their most harrowing experiences. Naturally enough, Xena seemed to be a part of all the stories.

The warrior scowled at her companions from time to time - not that she wasn't amused by their stories, she just didn't want to let on that she was.

Surprisingly, it was Gabrielle who broached the subject they'd been avoiding. "Well...I guess we need to talk about Callisto and how we're going to deal with her."

Xena tensed, the name immediately reminding her of the most gruesome result of her own days as a warlord - the murderous, twisted woman born of the unintentional destruction of a village by Xena's army. A woman who delighted in slaying the innocent, claiming that Xena was responsible for making her what she was and therefore Xena was responsible for what she did.

Lyceus sighed. "Yes, you'd better tell me about her. Why is she so obsessed with you two?"

Gabrielle started to speak but Xena held up her hand to silence her. "This is my tale to tell." she said sadly. Taking a deep breath, a resolute expression on her face, she began. "About ten years ago my army raided a town called Cirra. My men had their orders, which were not to harm women or children and to kill the men only if they resisted. Somehow, in the confusion, a fire started. The houses were close together and it was a windy day. The fire raced through the entire village, the straw and wooden huts bursting into flames. The people were huddled in their houses, too afraid of my army to come out. Nearly everyone in the village died... all except a handful... which included a little girl crying as she heard the death screams of her mother and sister from their burning home."

"I take it that little girl was Callisto?" Lyceus asked quietly. Xena nodded with a sigh.

"Callisto. She grew up with hatred raging in her heart, hatred of me. She trained herself in weapons and fighting techniques, driven with a singleness of purpose that one day she would make me suffer as she had suffered. Somewhere in her twisted mind she decided that she would kill just for the sake of killing. Men, women, children ... her goal was to kill as many as possible. In her mind it was not she who was to blame for this, it was me. She reasoned that I am to blame because I made her that way. And, to a certain degree, I agree with her." The warrior admitted sadly.

"Xena, it is *not* your fault. Callisto is responsible for her own actions." Gabrielle protested.

Xena ignored the bard's comments and pressed on. "Finally, she was ready. She had put together an army and had been raiding villages, always leaving one survivor with the message that the village had been destroyed by Xena, the Warrior Princess. Gabrielle and I heard the stories that "Xena" was destroying villages and we went to investigate. We found her in the middle of raiding a village. She was obviously insane, reveling in the bloodbath around her and taking particular delight in telling me that I was responsible for the surrounding carnage. She said she was going to make my name feared and hated and she would destroy everything I loved as I had destroyed everything that she had loved."

Lyceus shook his head is disbelief. "How could she so easily kill people who had done nothing to her?"

"Because she has nothing in her heart but hate." Gabrielle responded, disgust in her voice.

Xena continued telling about the assassination attempt on the Oracle at Delphi and how she had foiled Callisto's plan and put her in jail. She then related the tale of the jail break and Callisto's abduction of Gabrielle. "Callisto had threatened to destroy my soul and she had figured out how she could do just that...she could kill Gabrielle." the warrior said, a protective glance to her friend. "While Gabrielle dangled by a rope high over a spiked pit, a torch slowly burning it's way through the rope, Callisto fought to keep me from getting to her. I managed to rescue Gabrielle and put Callisto and her army in jail but eventually they managed to break out." Xena then looked to her friend hesitantly, knowing that the hardest part of the story was coming next.

Gabrielle looked pained, steadying herself for the story of the death of Perdicus. She nodded to Xena. "Go ahead...finish it." she said quietly.

Drawing a deep breath, Xena continued. "About six months ago, Perdicus, the man that Gabrielle was once betrothed to, found us. He said he still loved her and wanted to marry her. Gabrielle was stunned, needed time to think. In the meantime, we received word that Callisto had escaped and was back on her path of destruction. We found her army attacking a village and fought to drive them off. Perdicus wanted to stop fighting, regretting that he ever took another's life, so he threw down his sword. Gabrielle decided that he was the man she wanted to marry after all. They were married the next day. After the wedding I left to find Callisto." Xena paused, memories of what happened next flooding back to her.

"When I found her camp she wasn't there. One of her men told me she had left when she heard I was traveling alone. I knew immediately where she went... she went after Gabrielle." Xena stopped, glancing once again to her friend. Gabrielle nodded again, urging her to finish, her eyes bright with tears.

"I rushed back. Perdicus was on the ground, stunned, and Callisto was about to kill Gabrielle. I stood between them, knowing that she didn't want me dead, she wanted to see me suffer. She knew she'd never get to Gabrielle with me there. It was a stand off. Then Perdicus recovered enough to stand and drew her attention. I saw an evil smile cross her face and realized too late what her intentions were. She killed him in cold blood. 'That will do.' she said with that insane laugh of hers. Then she rode off." Xena looked downward, wishing for the hundredth time that she could've done *something* - prevented Perdicus' death somehow.

Lyceus, his heart in this throat, squeezed Gabrielle's hand tightly. He turned in the saddle to look at the bard compassionately. "Gabrielle... I'm so sorry." He whispered.

"I wanted to kill her." Gabrielle spoke softly, a hard edge to her voice. "My heart raged for revenge for Perdicus. I pressured Xena into showing me how to use a sword. I wanted Callisto to die by my hand. Xena kept trying to talk me out of it, saying that Callisto was too good, she would kill me. In my grief I wouldn't listen. I convinced Xena that I was giving up on the idea of going after Callisto and was going to go home to grieve, but I snuck into Callisto's camp when they were all asleep." Gabrielle expelled a shaky breath, remembering the moment.

"I had a sword at her throat and found at that moment that I couldn't do it. I can't kill... not even her. She woke up and I was caught. When Xena came in Callisto's men pretended to be asleep, but they ambushed her and since they had me with a knife to my throat she surrendered. They tied Xena up and tied me to a stake, intending to burn me to death with Xena watching. She broke free, freed me and we dealt with most of Callisto's men. But Callisto escaped."

Xena took up the story. "I took off after Callisto. She had taken off down the beach in a chariot. I grabbed another and raced after her, eventually catching up. I jumped to her chariot and we fought. Then finally we ended up falling out, rolling down a sand dune and landing in a bed of quicksand. Using my whip, I was able to pull myself out. Callisto pleaded with me to rescue her...but I knew she would never end her vendetta against me. She would kill more innocents...she would try again and again to kill Gabrielle. I decided to let her die." she concluded softly.

Lyceus looked at his sister, seeing the turmoil and guilt the decision held for her. "But she's alive... so she didn't die?" he asked, confused.

Xena shook her head. "She *did* die. She was sentenced to Tartarus, but with the help of Ares she returned, invading my body through the dreamscape and sending me to the Underworld in her place."

Xena told of the struggle to reclaim her body and vanquish Callisto once again to the Underworld.

Lyceus looked even more confused. "Wait a minute... so how is she alive now?" he asked, perplexed.

"Hera freed her from the Underworld on condition that she kill Hercules. Hercules escaped, leaving Callisto trapped in a cave. But Callisto had eaten a fruit from the tree of life and became immortal. When the Amazons had the problem with Velaska we told you about yesterday I made a deal with Callisto for her help against Velaska. Callisto got the ambrosia which made her a god, but then we trapped her in the lava pit. Now she's back and she's even less thrilled with us than ever." Xena explained.

Lyceus let out a slow breath, reeling from the incredible story he'd just heard, concern for his sister and the bard heightened to a fevered pitch. Then the full impact of what he had just heard sunk in. "Hold on! So Hades expects you two to just walk in and surrender to an insane woman with the powers of a god?" he asked, his anger towards the deity rising.

"That's the plan." Xena confirmed stoically.

Lyceus reined his horse to a halt, shaking his head. "You can't do it, she'll kill you both instantly!" He protested, his voice cracking with alarm. Hades has got to be crazy! I thought this was bad, but after what you just told me...gods! That maniac will stop at nothing to destroy you!"

"Lyceus...c'mon, we're going to figure something out." Gabrielle said encouragingly, trying to sound braver than she felt.

Xena pulled Argo around and rode back to them. She put a comforting hand on her brother's arm. "Actually, no, she won't kill us instantly. She'll want to have some perverse fun toying with us. She wants more than anything to see me suffer and that means the person in the most immediate danger is Gabrielle. Callisto knows that the most effective torture for me would be to hurt Gabrielle and make me watch. The only good thing is that she likes big spectacles. She'll have something elaborate planned and that will buy us some time to react."

Lyceus put a protective hand over Gabrielle's which were wrapped around his waist. He looked at his sister, bewildered. "How can you take her in there, Xena? How can you put her in such danger?"

"Lyceus..." Gabrielle spoke softly, but firmly from behind him. "Persephone must be saved, too much depends on her. There's no choice, we *have* to do this. We'll get through this, somehow. Xena will figure something out."

Xena flashed a smile at her friend, admiring the woman's bravery and appreciating the unwavering faith the woman placed in her. Her smile faded for a moment as she fervently hoped she would repay that faith by saving her friend's life. Then she forced a confident smile to her lips, looking at her brother.

"We'll get through this, all right. I have my secret weapon - you. I also have a plan, of sorts. Let's get going, I'll tell you what I have in mind." Pulling Argo around, she set their course towards their destiny.

Lyceus reluctantly followed his sister as she explained her plan, his concern for her and Gabrielle's safety deepened as he realized the extent to which it depended on him. They discussed Xena's plan thoroughly, Lyceus and Gabrielle adding their suggestions, as they rode towards the inevitable confrontation.

Approaching a fork in the road they looked at one another, realizing from Gabrielle's directions that they were nearing the fortress and their peaceful time together was running out. They looked longingly down the fork to the right, the road that would take them away from the danger. They took the road to the left, the road that led to Callisto.

"We'd better be more careful from now on." Lyceus advised. "Callisto might have lookouts posted watching for you."

"One thing about Callisto, she was always overconfident and I'm sure with her powers she's not too concerned about setting up much of a defense. I'm guessing she won't have anyone posted this far out. At least I hope she doesn't because if she finds out about you our plans will be ruined." Xena replied.

They rode almost solemnly, the tension clearly building as the trio scanned the forest for movement. Coming to the crossroads at the shrine to Aphrodite, Xena pulled Argo to a halt and dismounted, Lyceus and Gabrielle dismounted as well.

"This is as far as we can go together." Xena said sadly. "I think you two should wait here. I'll scout ahead on foot and see how close I can get to the fortress to try to see what we're walking into. I'll probably wait until it's dark before I can get close enough to see anything."

"Can't we all stay together?" Gabrielle asked worriedly.

"No, we'd be too easily spotted." Xena responded.

"Let me go with you." Lyceus offered quickly. His sister shook her head.

"No, we can't afford the chance that you might be seen before we're ready. The one chance that we'll have is the element of surprise. If Callisto finds out who you are then this turns into a suicide mission. Besides, I want you to stay here to protect Gabrielle."

Gabrielle stepped forward and hugged the warrior, fear suddenly rising in her. "Be careful." she said, quietly. Xena gave her a firm hug in return.

"It'll be okay." She told her friend confidently.

Gabrielle nodded, reluctantly letting her go.

Xena hugged and kissed her brother. "Protect her." she whispered into his ear.

"With my life." he whispered back, returning the embrace and kiss. "I love you." he added.

The words hit Xena with simultaneous sadness, guilt, relief, and joy. 'After all I've done, you can still say that...' she thought wonderingly. "I love you, too." she said aloud, an emotional crack in her voice. Then she pulled herself from her brother's embrace and walked to her horse, pushing down the emotions and calling on the stoic warrior within.

Xena took a waterskin from Argo's pack, slipping it's carrying strap over her shoulder. "Set up camp down in those woods." she pointed off towards a thick stand of trees. "I'll find you. Don't light a fire, we don't want to draw anyone's attention." Though her words were now in the emotionless tone of the commanding warlord, her stomach was in knots in fear for her gentle friend and the knowledge that the time she had with her brother was growing short. She strode into the forest towards the fortress, grim determination pushing her on.

Gabrielle and Lyceus stood watching the forest until Xena had disappeared from sight. Gabrielle walked to the shrine to Aphrodite, she looked at the stone image of the goddess, a look of disdain on her face. Lyceus joined Gabrielle before the statue, sliding his arm around the bard's shoulders.

"The goddess of love." the bard commented sardonically. "Every time she blesses me, she curses me. First Talus, then Perdicus, and now...." Realizing what she was about to say, she flushed and fell silent. Clearing her throat, she continued. "I met Aphrodite once. She was absolutely oblivious to the pain that she could cause, making people fall in love, toying with the emotions of mortals. I'm starting to hope that she leaves me alone." She finished softly.

Lyceus shook his head gently. "No, Gabrielle, don't say that. Being in love... the passion, the joy, even the heartache is what makes the mortal world so wonderful - that's what I miss the most. In the Elysian Fields it's peaceful and serene, but I'd give anything to be alive again ... to have years to relish those emotions, years to spend loving one woman... " Lyceus felt his chest tighten, thinking he probably had his arm around the woman he could love for a lifetime.

Gabrielle glanced at him and their eyes locked, each feeling a powerful longing for the other. Gabrielle reached a hand up to gently trace the line of his jaw. 'He is so wonderful. I, *stop*, Gabrielle!' the bard told herself silently. With an effort, she pulled away from him, knowing that if they continued to touch she would throw herself at him. That wasn't something that should happen, she decided. 'I can't believe I'm thinking what I'm thinking after only a *day*!' she chided herself, then looked at the man before her again. 'Yet I feel like I've known him forever, somehow.' She looked away again with a sigh. Their time was growing short - why make things harder? She forced a short laugh, moving reluctantly away from him.

"Think about it - 'falling' in love...the phrase even *suggests* it's going to hurt like Hades." The bard tried to keep her voice light, but Lyceus heard the slight crack in it.

He gazed at her sadly, his thoughts of what could so easily happen between them mirroring hers. 'So tempting... yet it would only make parting more painful.' he reasoned. After all, it was for only two days that he was granted time in the mortal coil and now he had less than a day left.

"It does, doesn't it?" he agreed.

"We'd better find a place to camp." Gabrielle suggested, finding a lump growing in her throat. Taking hold of Argo's reins, she headed for the tree line. Lyceus picked up his horse's reins and followed, struggling once again against his desire for the bard.

Xena moved quickly from cover to cover. She had stayed well within the tree line that paralleled the road. When she came to a bridge over a shallow river she took special care to watch for lookouts but she could find none. She chose to ford the river a little ways downstream rather than risk being spotted crossing the bridge. Once across, she doubled back up to the bridge but still could not find lookouts on that side of the river either.

"Your overconfidence will be your undoing, Callisto." she muttered to herself. Looking to the north, Xena could see the fortress. A large open field lay between her position and the fortress. She cursed at having to take a long way around to the east to stay under cover.

Having hiked through the forest for almost an hour, Xena found herself within an arrow's flight of Callisto's lair. Although she had seen only one guard lounging lazily at the entry gate she couldn't take the risk of approaching any closer in daylight. As it was, she was close enough to see plenty.

The fortress had obviously been abandoned for quite a long time. What was left of the gates hung wide open - obviously a battering ram had been used successfully in a massive attack on the structure. The battlements appeared to have been severely damaged, the boulders and blocks of stone strewn around what was left of the walls attesting to the use of catapults in breaching the fortress. Nature had already started reclaiming the site as thick vines threaded their way along the stonework.

From her vantage point Xena could see inside the main gate. Most of the smaller structures had been burned to the ground. What remained was a large masonry structure at the center of the compound. "Ah, home sweet home, eh Callisto?" she whispered.

The forest afforded her cover as she continued her survey. Finally, she settled herself in to watch for movements within the walls and to wait for nightfall when she might venture closer under the cover of dark.

Lyceus sat drawing a sharpening stone along his sword, occasionally stealing a longing glance at Gabrielle who occupied herself fastidiously brushing Argo. The silence hung heavy between them. Argo snorted in irritation, having tired of the excessive attention to her grooming. Taking the hint from the horse, Gabrielle packed the brush away. After a long, uncomfortable look, she went and sat next to Lyceus, resting her hand lightly on his thigh.

"I don't want it to be like this. I don't want things to be strained between us. Not in the short time we have left together." she said haltingly.

His heart thumped in his chest as the touch of her hand sent an electric wave coursing through his body. He set the sword and stone aside and stared at the ground. "Gabrielle..." he started sadly. "I'm thinking things I probably shouldn't be. You're wonderful - I'm finding myself incredibly attracted to you." He looked up at her with a lopsided grin which nearly melted her, then sobered. "But I know anything between us is going to end before it gets started. I have to go back..." he finished sadly.

Gabrielle nodded quickly, grasping his hand. "I know you have to go back." she responded, then smiled shyly. "And as I told you before, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't feeling the same things you were. But I know if anything were to... happen... it would make our goodbyes that much worse. I - I just wish things were different. This just isn't fair." she said, her heart aching.

He gave the hand grasping his a gentle squeeze. "I know." he replied quietly. "Gabrielle, I don't won't to hurt you...I don't want to hurt myself. Gods..." he rasped, running a hand through his hair. He looked at her with a small, sad smile.

"You talked about 'falling' before...I think it *is* going to hurt like Hades when we both land."

Gabrielle returned the sad smile. "Well, we'd better at least try to hold each other up, then."

Lyceus kissed her gently on the forehead and wrapped his arms around her, holding her close.

Xena waited patiently for a cloud to cross the face of the full moon to conceal her approach to the fortress. She had spent nearly two hours observing the fortress for signs of it's inhabitants. Other than the guard at the front gate and his replacement when his watch ended, she hadn't seen any other sign of life.

Finally, the cloud cover obscured the moon, providing her the extra darkness she was waiting for. She sprinted towards the wall of the fortress. She crouched at the base of the wall, listening for any alarm that would be raised had she been spotted. Satisfied that their vigilance was as lackadaisical as it appeared, she tested the vines which twined their way to the top of the wall. The pock-marked wall along with the vines afforded an easy climb to the top of the battlement.

The moon had emerged from behind the clouds and from her vantage point atop the wall Xena could see a makeshift corral holding about a dozen horses. She felt a little relieved knowing that Callisto hadn't recruited a large army to surround herself with. Of course, being a goddess, she'd probably be thinking she didn't need an army at all except maybe to worship her and provide for her perverse amusement.

The lack of sentinels greatly troubled the warrior. Callisto was indeed supremely confident in her powers and such confidence was probably not unfounded. Her stomach twisted at the sinking thought that her plan was doomed, that nothing could stop the insane goddess. Xena's thoughts then turned to Gabrielle, her dearest friend who trusted her with her life. The bard was prepared to follow her here without hesitation to face the monster that Xena herself had created.

The warrior felt a claw of fear crawl up from her belly and clutch her heart in an iron grip. Her chest tightening, she sat down hard, realizing that she was trying to peer at the fortress through eyes that had unexpectedly filled with tears.

She covered her face with her hands, a feeling of fear nearly overwhelming her that she would fail, the fear that Gabrielle would pay with her life for a mistake that was utterly her own. 'Gods, she doesn't deserve this - any of this!' Xena whispered to herself. 'She shouldn't be in the name of Zeus am I going to protect her this time?' After a moment, she shook herself forcefully. 'Xena, get a grip on yourself! What's the matter with you? An ex-warlord, sitting here like a scared rabbit, ready to cry like a baby!' she hissed inwardly. Pushing away her morbid thoughts she remembered the bard's words: 'There's no choice, we have to do this. We'll get through this, somehow. Xena will figure something out.' Xena prayed she could live up to her friend's faith in her.

Again galvanized into action, Xena made her way along the battlements, finding a staircase she descended to the inner courtyard. Careful to keep within the shadow of the wall, she worked her way to a side entrance to the main building. Not surprisingly, the door was missing and no guard was present. Xena ignored the knot of apprehension starting to twist within her again. 'It's going to be all right, Gabrielle. By the gods, you're *not* going to pay the price for my mistakes...' she thought grimly to herself. She moved inside, determined to find out as much as she could about what they would be facing.

The two were still huddled together, talking quietly. Gabrielle lightly stroked the arm Lyceus had encircling her waist, then turned her gaze to him.

"Having to say goodbye to each other is going to hurt, no matter what. I guess we should just be thankful for the time we've had together, right? At least we got the chance to meet." The bard prompted softly.

Lyceus sighed, looked into her eyes for a long moment, then nodded. "You're right. Doesn't help much though, does it?" He muttered ruefully.

She smiled sadly at him. " doesn't." She agreed, then looked up at the sky, noting the position of the moon. She patted Lyceus' arm. "I'd better get a meal started. Xena should be back soon." she said, forcing a light note to her voice. He smiled at her and stood, pulling her with him.

"Can I help?" he offered.

"No, thanks... not much to do anyway, without a fire." she replied, returning the smile.

"Okay...I'm going to take a look around."

Gabrielle retrieved Argo's saddlepack and pulled out bread, raw vegetables and the smoked meat they had purchased in Mysia what seemed like an eternity ago. She delved through another pack, ferreting out a stash of a sweet, nutty confection she had bought when Xena wasn't looking. She smiled guiltily at her subterfuge, knowing that Xena would look askance at such a frivolous expenditure. She glanced over the meager meal, there was not much more she could do without a fire to cook on, it would have to do.

Lyceus paced, scanning the woods for any sign of movement, anxious about his sister's prolonged absence. "Maybe I should go look for her." he suggested.

Gabrielle could understand his anxiety as she could feel it herself, but they had been told to wait and she certainly didn't want to incur Xena's ire for not following instructions. "Xena said to wait. I think it's best we do just that and not get separated at this point."

"But it's getting pretty late, the sun's been down almost three hours..." he continued anxiously.

Gabrielle walked to where the man peered into the forest. "Lyceus, she'll be here. There's no need to worry." the bard reassured him, fighting her own sense of dread.

Argo nickered softly, her ears at attention, her eyes searching the surrounding woods. Lyceus drew his sword, as alert to the sounds of the woods as their equine companion. A bird called twice, paused and then twice again.

Gabrielle smiled. "It's Xena." she said, mimicking the call several times until a similar call in reply told her the warrior knew which direction she should follow to the camp.

Xena emerged from the trees, the scowl of concern etched across her brow defeated by the smile that crossed her face at the sight of her brother and her friend. She could easily read the look of relief on both of their faces at her return. "You two weren't worried about me, were you?" she asked, comically pretending offense at the implied lack of confidence.

Gabrielle grinned. "Worried? Nah, we were just enjoying a little.... nocturnal bird watching. Right, Lyceus?" She eyed the young man shyly.

Lyceus took up the playful banter, a blush creeping over his cheeks. "Yeah, and you just scared away some beautiful specimens with your thrashing about in the woods like that." He said in mock annoyance.

Xena laughed lightly, reached out and ruffled her brother's hair. "So, what have you two been doing while I was gone?" she asked inquisitively.

Gabrielle and Lyceus squirmed at the warrior's question, exchanging embarrassed glances. It was almost as if the warrior knew what feelings the two had been warring with.

", we were, ya know, just bird watching, like we said." the bard stammered, a flush now creeping up her cheeks.

Xena looked from her friend to her brother, now noticing his slightly reddened face. 'For an extremely creative bard that was quite a bad lie.' she thought, wondering if the guilty looks across their faces meant something had actually happened - or they were just *thinking* about it. Another stab of pain shot through her at the thought that these two would soon be parted.

"Are you hungry? We've been waiting for you to get back to eat." The bard spoke quickly, breaking into her thoughts.

"I'm famished." the warrior admitted with a grateful smile, gladly following the rather blunt change of subject. "Let's eat. We can talk about what I've seen at the fortress later."

Though they weren't able to light a fire the full moon provided a cool radiance that gave them sufficient illumination to see. The threesome dawdled over the unremarkable dinner fare, but the bard's eyes twinkled when she presented the clandestine dessert.

"Ah, I was wondering when we were going to get to the goodies." Xena grinned.

"You knew I had this?" the bard asked, disappointed that she hadn't been as sly as she had thought.

"Of course." the warrior affirmed, a smug smile playing on her face. "You'll have to be sneakier than that if you want to get something past me... especially something like this."

"Next time, Xena, next time." the bard replied cockily. Xena raised an eyebrow, comically accepting the challenge.

Lyceus sat between the bard and his sister, watching as they took up what was apparently an ongoing debate about Gabrielle's performing in taverns. They both seemed determined to drag him into the fracas as an arbiter. He felt himself on precarious ground between his formidable sister and the indomitable bard.

"Lyceus, wouldn't you agree that it's ridiculous for her to take chances in a rough tavern when she can avoid it by performing in the market square?" Xena pressured her brother to agree with her.

"Yeah, that seems like a reasonable alternative." Lyceus agreed uncertainly.

"I can earn five times more money in a tavern as I can in the market square, meaning I don't have to perform very often to meet our needs." the bard countered.

"Well, that sounds practical." Lyceus supported.

"But there always seems to be a fight in the taverns. It's just not safe." Xena argued persuasively.

"Well, maybe it isn't worth the extra money if there's always trouble." Lyceus waffled uneasily.

"The *trouble* usually starts because she's so darn overprotective! Somebody starts some drunken heckling and right away she's got them by the throat, thrown them across the room or cut off the flow of blood to their brain!" the bard accused, a triumphant gleam in her eye.

Lyceus looked to his sister, expectantly waiting for her rebuttal.

"So it's *my* fault?" Xena asked with amused indignation.

"Yep, it's *your* fault." the bard retorted, smugly feeling that victory was near.

Xena looked thoughtful for a moment. She knew her friend was right, but just didn't want to admit it and give Gabrielle the satisfaction of winning the argument. Besides, it *was* still more dangerous in taverns - more potential for trouble. Still...

Lyceus grinned at his sister's obvious dilemma. "You're in an indefensible position, Xena. I suggest surrender - maybe she'll take prisoners." he chuckled. "I, of course, would volunteer myself. It's the least I could do." He finished expansively, winking at Gabrielle.

Xena rolled her eyes. "How very brave of you. Traitor!" she hissed comically at her brother.

Gabrielle giggled, then looked at Xena thoughtfully for a moment. "Look, Xena, why don't we try an experiment? The next time I perform in a tavern and someone starts heckling, you stay out of it and let me handle any trouble. I'll let you know if I need help." Gabrielle suggested, offering her friend a graceful way out.

Xena sighed, clearly not liking the deal but having no other choice at the moment if she wanted a peaceful resolution for the evening. She nodded her acquiescence.

"Glad that's settled!" the bard cheerily effused, reveling in her victory.

"For now." Xena muttered softly under her breath.

A heavy silence fell over the trio. They had been avoiding discussion of the events to come, but seemed to realize they could avoid it no longer. With a deep sigh, Lyceus took the plunge.

"What does the fortress look like, Xena? What are we walking into?"

The cheerful playfulness that Xena had displayed evaporated in an instant, replaced by the stern tactical countenance of the Warrior Princess. The warmth of her eyes gave way to a cold hardness as she impassively reported what she had seen.

"As I thought, she has no defenses set up. There's only one guard at the gate. She's pretty sure of herself - doesn't expect an attack. I counted twelve horses in the corral. A few of her men might have walked in, so I'd imagine she has maybe fifteen, twenty men at the most. I'd expect she might have a few men posted tomorrow as lookouts, just to relay news of our arrival. I'd doubt anyone would try to stop us, though. After all, we're invited guests."

"You and I could take on fifteen or twenty men, Xena. Any chance that we could try a surprise attack and free Persephone?" Lyceus asked, hoping to find a way to at least keep Gabrielle out of harm's way.

Xena shook her head. "I'm afraid not. I managed to get a look into the great hall. Persephone is chained in a chair with several of Callisto's men stationed within a sword's length of her. I saw her... Callisto." A look of revulsion crossed her face as she spoke the demented goddess' name. "She was euphoric, giving orders to her men about arranging everything for her 'guests' as though she were hosting a solstice festival. The preparations seemed to be focused in the lower level. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any way down there besides the door from the great hall."

The frown on Gabrielle's brow deepened. "So that's it... we're going to have to just walk in there."

"Yes...right through the front door." Xena said distastefully.

"There must be something we can do." Lyceus agonized. "Let's go over it again, Xena. What exactly does this place look like?"

Xena described every inch she had seen of the fortress. She and Lyceus proposed plan after plan, contingency after contingency. The moon seemed to sail across the sky as they continued strategizing on the imminent confrontation. Finally, Xena and Lyceus had to admit there wasn't anything else they could do but to go with their previous plan and hope that things went their way.

Gabrielle had fallen asleep, her head resting in Lyceus' lap. He lightly stroked her hair, a sad smile playing on his lips. "She's something special." he said almost reverently. "If only things were different... she could have been the one."

Xena's heart ached at her brother's admission and at the fact that she knew it would have been the same for the bard. "Lyceus..." she started, trying to control the quiver of emotion in her voice. "Tomorrow, things will get chaotic. I want you to protect her."

"Xena, you know I will..."

"Yes, but what I mean is... if you have to make a choice, helping me or helping her, don't hesitate... protect *Gabrielle*. I couldn't bear it if anything were to happen to her."

Lyceus took his sister's hand and squeezed it. "I'll do my best."

Sleep was being elusive. Gabrielle grunted softly, awakening for probably the fourth time since she had settled down for the night. She rolled over and could dimly see that Xena's bedroll was empty. Momentarily alarmed, she rose up on one elbow, looking around. Finally she spotted a figure sitting on a log about fifteen paces away. Xena turned her head as the bard tiptoed over to her, trying not to wake Lyceus.

"What are you doing awake?" Xena whispered softly as Gabrielle sat down beside her.

"I could ask you the same thing." The bard whispered back. Xena smiled slightly, then looked away from her friend. Gabrielle nudged her shoulder softly. "Thinking about anything in particular - or just tomorrow in general?"

Xena shrugged, started to say something, then stopped. She sighed slightly, shaking her head. Gabrielle reached out and touched her forearm.

"Xena, I know how bad this is. You don't have to try to spare my feelings. The odds probably haven't ever been stacked against us as much as they are now." she started gently, then forced a smile. "But we've been against some rough odds before and have made it through. We make a great team, y'know."

"We do, don't we?" Xena returned the smile, then the smile faded. "Gabrielle, that night shortly after we met - after the fight in Amphipolis - when you walked into my campsite?" The warrior prompted. Gabrielle nodded, then her friend fixed her with the saddest look the bard thought she had ever seen. "I told you I was going to send you home in the morning. Don't take this the wrong way, but you don't know how much I wish right now that I had done just that. If I had, then you wouldn't be in the terrible danger you're in now." Xena said morosely.

"That's true..." Gabrielle replied honestly. "But first of all, I'm not the only one in danger, here...but you know what else? If I had let you send me home back then, I also wouldn't have been part of the amazing adventures we've had. I wouldn't have been able to help make a difference in so many people's lives. But most importantly - I wouldn't now be sitting next to the best friend anyone could *ever* have." She finished emphatically.

Xena looked as though she were about to protest when the bard stilled her.

"No...don't say anything until I'm finished, please. I'm glad we have this opportunity to talk, because I want to make absolutely sure you understand something, Xena. I do not regret *one moment* of the time that we've spent together. I don't regret making the choice to travel with you, and if this all is to end tomorrow, it's *still* been worth it. It's been an incredible two years, and if I had to go back in time and choose again whether to travel with you or stay home - I'd do just the same." Gabrielle finished, her voice wavering slightly at the end.

Xena just stared at her, stunned. The bard's heartfelt admission simultaneously warmed her heart and sent a painful stab through it. She was quiet for a moment, not trusting herself to be able to speak if she tried. Finally she reached over, took her friend's hand and squeezed it gently.

"You know how much I care about you, right? You're my family. Our friendship - well, it means *everything* to me. It's been my salvation, my lifeline. I don't know what I would do without you." Xena's voice was tight with emotion.

The bard hugged the warrior fiercely, blinking back tears. "I love you, too." Gabrielle said quietly, smiling.

Xena wrapped her arms tightly around her friend. 'Damn you, Callisto...I won't let you harm her. If it's the last thing I do, with my dying breath - I'll stop you somehow.' she thought venomously.

Xena was the first to awaken, her stomach instantly knotting as her mind reminded her of the day's main event. She sat up on her bedroll, shaking the remnants of sleep from her head. She looked to where Lyceus lay with his arm wrapped around Gabrielle. It almost surprised her to see how similar their expressions were in slumber - peaceful, almost angelic. Reluctantly she roused them, each resisting her insistent calling and shaking.

Finally, Gabrielle stirred. Rolling over onto her back, she stretched her arm out and inadvertently punched Lyceus in the nose. At last, he was awake as well.

"Lyceus, I'm so sorry." the bard apologized, trying to see if she'd caused any damage.

Lyceus lay with his hand over his nose. "It's okay, don't worry about it."

"Let me see." the bard commanded, trying to pull Lyceus' hand away from his face.

"Stop it! I'm fine." Lyceus protested, rolling out of the bard's reach.

Xena rolled her eyes. "Is this going to take all day?" she teased.

Gabrielle and Lyceus glowered at the warrior but they each finally rose and with no further fanfare started packing away the blankets and other provisions of the camp and saddling up the horses.

"So did either one of you come up with a new plan after a night's sleep?" Gabrielle asked.

"No, we're just going to wing it." Lyceus responded dejectedly.

Gabrielle put a comforting hand on his arm, her eyes seeking his. "Don't worry, Lyceus, We'll get through this, somehow. But if the worst happens, at least we'll be joining you on the other side. Now *there's* a positive perspective!" She said with forced levity.

"Um, Gabrielle... if I die, I'm not so sure I'd be joining Lyceus." Xena interjected. Gabrielle looked at her quickly, about to protest, then it dawned on her what Xena was saying.

"Oh....oh, gods...I - I didn't think about that." Gabrielle stammered, and fell silent.

Xena looked at the ground for a second then moved away, mumbling something about tending to the horses.

Gabrielle waited until Xena was out of earshot, then grasped Lyceus by the arm. "Lyceus, promise me something." she hissed urgently.


"Whatever happens today... protect Xena."

"Gabrielle... you know I will..." The young man's eyes were filled with warmth at the bard's display of devotion towards his sister.

Gabrielle nodded quickly. "Well, yes, but what I mean is... if you have to make a choice, helping me or helping her, don't hesitate. Protect *her*. We don't know if she's earned the Elysian Fields yet. I think she needs more time."

Lyceus took the bard's hand, holding it to his chest. "I promise." he pledged, gazing into the green eyes that made his heart skip a few beats.

Gabrielle felt her own pulse quicken at his touch. "Thank you."

Xena observed her companions, again shaken by the obvious emotional bond the two shared. She was well-practiced at building a wall around her heart, deadening the pain, but she knew her young friend was not. The anguish she would feel was as inescapable as their appointment with the deranged goddess. She turned her attention back to Argo's saddle. "We have to get going." she called leadenly.

A look of pain shot across the bard's face. "It's time." she confirmed resignedly, her heart sinking like a stone in a lake. Lyceus kissed her.

"It's time." he agreed sadly, resolved to his fate. He held Gabrielle's hand as they walked to their mount. He easily swung into the saddle then turned and offered his hand to help the bard up. She settled in the saddle behind him, her arms encircling his waist, clutching tightly.

Their pace was almost funereal, their mood not much better. Xena and Lyceus continued to try to work out a better plan for facing Callisto, each knowing it was an impossible task but using the discussion to avoid thinking about how quickly their time together was running out.

Gabrielle was uncharacteristically quiet as her mind and her heart whirled between painful acquiescence to the inevitability of Lyceus' fate and the apprehension of what Callisto had planned for herself and Xena.

They emerged from the shelter of the forest to find themselves at the shrine to Aphrodite. They brought the horses to a stop at the crossroads, all eyes fixed up the road that led to their unavoidable confrontation with the insane goddess.

Xena swallowed hard, trying to quell the anguish rising steadily within. She slid down off Argo. "This is it. We have to part here." she managed through the tightness in her throat, fighting desperately to hold back the tears threatening to burst forth from her brimming eyes. She had faced so many battles, yet this seemed the hardest by far.

Lyceus dismounted as well, his body numbly executing the movements his mind commanded. He reached up, putting his hands on Gabrielle's waist and lifted her down beside him. Tears streamed unrestrained down her face. Lyceus hugged her to him. "I'm so sorry." he whispered.

Gabrielle felt a lump form in her throat. "We prepared ourselves for this, right?" She shook her head, realizing she could have never prepared herself fully for what she was feeling. She was still amazed at the intensity of what she felt for Lyceus, built up after such a short time. "It's not fair... we should have more time..." a soft sob strangled what was left of her protest. Lyceus held her tightly in his arms, stroking her hair.

When she regained her composure, he cupped her face in his hands and leaned down for a long, tender kiss, each surrendering to the tragedy which was their fate. He felt the bard loosen her hold, submitting to the path that lay before them.

Xena watched the emotional torment of her brother and her friend. They had all known that this moment would come, but had deluded themselves as long as they could that it wouldn't happen. But now, even her preternatural self-control was shattered. Her brother was imminently to be returned to the Underworld and her friend would again be subjected to the cruelty of the demon she alone had created. She sighed deeply, struggling to regain control over her emotions.

Lyceus released his hold on the bard and walked to his sister. They embraced tightly and held onto each other for several minutes, each branding the moment into their hearts. Xena pulled back slightly, wanting one more long look at her brother's face.

He gazed into her eyes, shaken at the uncertainty he saw there. "Xena, I know this won't be easy, but I also know we'll all get through this." he told her firmly, grasping her shoulders. "Let's save the goodbyes till then. It's gonna take more than an insane goddess to stop us - we're quite a team." he finished with a smile at the warrior and the bard.

Xena smiled at her brother's confident bravado, laying her hand affectionately against his cheek. "You're right. We *will* get through this and then, well... we'll just see what happens."

Lyceus gave Xena a kiss on the forehead and another quick hug. He strode to his horse and leapt into the saddle. "Time to kick some butt!" he yelled enthusiastically. With a wink and a wave he headed his horse towards the fortress at a gallop.

Gabrielle was heartened by Lyceus' buoyant display, a ray of hope darting through her. A gasp to her right quickly diverted her attention to her friend. She glanced at Xena and was startled at the stricken look on the warrior's face. She quickly reached out and touched Xena's arm.

"Xena! Are you okay?" she asked in alarm.

Xena tore her gaze from her brother's retreating form to look at the bard, sadness filling her eyes.

"That's exactly what he said and did when he rode off to face Cortese." she moaned quietly.

Lyceus rode quickly down the road, pushing down the dread welling up inside of him. 'The sooner I get there, the sooner we get this over with.' he thought firmly to himself. 'Time to be a warrior, Lyceus - forget everything else. Focus.' After riding hard for a distance, the road broke through the trees and the fortress was visible beyond an open field. Lyceus slowed his horse, staring at the menacing-looking building.

"This is it, Callisto." he muttered. "This is where it's going to end." Spurring the horse on again, he raced across the field.

The two guards standing at the entrance to the fortress uneasily watched the rider's swift approach. One cast a glance at the other. "Who in Tartarus is that? The goddess is expecting two women." He hissed. The other gripped the staff he was holding a bit tighter.

"We're about to find out." He answered quietly, as the horse thundered up and the rider dismounted. "Turn around, son - you've got no business here." The guard called out to the young man.

Lyceus strode up to the men, showing no hesitation whatsoever. He pointed to the fortress. "The goddess Callisto is in there, is she not?" he asked. "That's what I heard in the village near here. I want to join up with her."

The guards exchanged glances, then the first one that spoke took a menacing step forward. "Let me give you a piece of advice. Get back up on your horse and get out of here. It would be the safest thing for you to do." He told Lyceus quietly, his voice deadly.

Lyceus stared back at the guard for a moment, letting a confused, fearful look cross his features. "Oh. But - but I thought..." he let it trail off, then shrugged, holding up his hands. "I'm sorry for the intrusion." he said humbly, turning back to his horse.

Suddenly, he spun around and grabbed the staff of the guard who spoke to him. Yanking it forward, he drove his forehead into the guard's nose. Then, leaning on the staff, Lyceus snapped his right leg out and sharply connected with the other guard's face once, twice, then his throat, dropping him.

Turning his attention back to the first guard, he drove the bottom half of the man's staff into his groin, then reversed it and slammed the other end into his face, sending him to the ground in a grunting heap. Hearing excited voices, Lyceus watched two more guards come out of the fortress coming towards him at a dead run. Steeling himself, he waited for them to reach him. "Here we go..." he breathed.

The blond-haired goddess looked up from cleaning her sword as sounds of a commotion reached her ears. She stood, her lips twisting into a smile. "Oh, *goody*! My *dear* friends are here!" she giggled. Two guards standing near her exchanged glances, then watched the goddess walk toward the door. Before she could reach it, it burst open and two guards dragged Lyceus, struggling, inside. Callisto stopped in her tracks, her face darkening as if a cloud passed over it. Her lip started to curl as she stared hard at the young man.

Lyceus shook himself free of the two burly guards and met the goddess' angry gaze evenly. 'So this is her.' he thought, a bit taken back by the sudden rushing wave of hatred welling up inside him. 'This is the woman who has caused Xena and Gabrielle so much pain, tried to kill my mother...!' He forced himself to remain calm, to resist the urge to attack her right then and there. 'You're gonna pay for it, I swear by the gods, if it's the last thing I do.' he vowed silently.

"Just who in Tartarus are you and what are you doing here?" Callisto asked quickly, advancing on him, her voice dangerous.

Lyceus stood his ground and appraised her coolly, surprised at how slight the woman was. He knew her looks were deceiving, however; anyone who could be a challenge to his sister....

"See something green, little boy?" Callisto snapped, her tone more menacing.

Lyceus forced a humble expression to his face. "No, I see the woman I want to work for." he stated quietly.

A few of the guards in the room snickered. The hard expression on Callisto's face never changed. "And I see food for the wolves in the woods outside." she gave her guards a curt nod. "Get rid of him."

The guards behind Lyceus reached for his arms and were each greeted by a fist in the face. Lyceus spun around and leapt in the air, kicking both legs outward. His heels caught each warrior squarely on the chin, knocking both unconscious before they hit the ground.

Callisto raised an eyebrow, a bit surprised that this brash young man could defeat two of her hand-picked guards so quickly. She wasn't at all concerned about herself, seeing as she could point her finger at the newcomer and reduce him to ashes in an instant. She watched the other two warriors in the room run towards him, waiting to see what would happen.

Lyceus whirled towards the approaching guards. In a move almost too quick to follow he shot his right fist out, sharply connecting with the Adam's apple of the first guard, dropping him like a stone. The man writhed on the ground at Callisto's feet, clutching his throat and gasping for breath. The goddess rewarded him with a sharp kick to the kidneys, glaring at him contemptuously.

The fourth guard drew his sword and bore down on Lyceus, swinging it savagely. Lyceus ducked a high swing, then jumped over a low one. As the warrior started to recover and swing the sword back towards Lyceus, Lyceus grabbed his sword arm with his right hand and stepped in towards him, pivoting around so his back was to the warrior. He drove his elbow into the guard's midsection, then up into his face. Pivoting back out, he kicked the guard squarely in the chest, driving him backwards into a nearby wall.

The man landed hard against a huge wooden shield that was mounted there. Before he could blink, two daggers were imbedded in the shield on either side of his head, a mere whisper from his skin. He looked from one dagger to the other by only moving his eyes. Then he licked his lips nervously and glanced back at Lyceus. Lyceus was grinning at him, balancing his third dagger on the tip of his finger by only the point.

Callisto kept a passive, almost bored expression on her face, but inside she was intrigued by this supremely confident fighter. She threw a glance towards her guard, still afraid to move, then favored a withering stare at Lyceus.

"You missed." she said flatly.

Lyceus cocked an eyebrow at her. "You're wrong." he countered, then shrugged. "I simply didn't realize you wanted him killed. It can be arranged." he offered.

Callisto stepped towards him, angry at his impudence, yet impressed that he had the nerve to speak that way to her. Such brass! It could be an asset, yet he still had to remember who was in charge. "You would do that if I told you to?" she challenged.

Lyceus shrugged again. "I would do anything you told me to, if I was in your army." he shook his head and sighed. "Unfortunately, I understand you need no more warriors."

Callisto snatched the dagger still balanced on his finger and hurled it at her guard without so much as a glance to take aim. The guard slid to the floor with a gurgle, clutching the dagger now protruding from his chest.

"Looks like a spot just opened up." she said flippantly, her eyes still boring into his.

Lyceus shuddered inwardly. This woman was a lunatic! He forced his face to remain stoic.

"Apparently." he agreed, not taking his eyes off hers. Callisto stepped closer to him.

"What's your name?" she asked.

"Ballis." Lyceus answered, using the name of an old childhood friend of his.

"Let's get a few things clear, Ballis." she snapped, then jerked her thumb at the dead guard. "That could be you. In a heartbeat. All you have to do is *look* at me cross-eyed. Got that?"

"Yes, Callisto." Lyceus said quietly.

Callisto shook her head quickly, her nostrils flaring. "No. That's yes, *goddess* and don't you forget it, you cocky little bastard! You may be good with those daggers, but I could make you look like the remnants of a campfire by simply lifting a finger. *I'll* call you by your name, *you'll* refer to me by my rightful title. Understood?"

"Yes, goddess." Lyceus answered, forcing a slight quiver in his voice. The goddess leaned closer, moistening her lips. He could feel her breath against his cheek. 'So close...' he swore silently, '...I could choke the life right out --' Callisto jabbed a finger into his chest, interrupting his train of thought.

"You will do *what* I say, *when* I say it. You will do *anything*, submit to my every.... whim. *I* control *you*." she finished, then swiftly wrapped her hand around the back of his neck and pressed her lips to his, forcing her tongue between them.

Lyceus submitted to the fierce kiss, his stomach clenching. He would've preferred to kiss a dead, rotting harpy. Then a familiar voice, tinged with fury, broke the tense silence.

"Hate to interrupt. Would you two rather be alone?"

Startled, the goddess shoved Lyceus away from her, cursing herself inwardly for losing her focus. She glared furiously at Xena and Gabrielle as they walked into the room.

Xena was clenching her jaw, struggling to keep control of her rage. What did that filthy *beast* think she was doing with her *brother*?!

Gabrielle's eyes were huge and she had emitted a strangled gasp when she saw Lyceus kissing Callisto. Xena's firm warning grip on her shoulder was the only thing that kept her from screaming. Summoning every ounce of strength within her, she managed to return her expression to normal. She wasn't supposed to know Lyceus. She couldn't react.

Lyceus looked at the two women walking in and felt like dying inside. Of all the things for his sister and Gabrielle to see! He tore his gaze away and looked at the ground, his stomach rolling over.

"It's about time you showed up. I don't like to be kept waiting!" Callisto snapped at the women before her. Xena gave her a sour look.

"Well, our apologies." she answered in a voice that dripped with sarcasm. "When my presence is *demanded*, I don't exactly hurry."

Callisto's lip curled to a sneer. "I would suggest you lose the attitude, Xena - not to mention those weapons of yours." she spat, then nodded to her men. "Take them." The warriors advanced on the two, who immediately took a defensive stance.

"Hold it!" Callisto yelled, bringing her men to a standstill. She pointed at Xena, her face hard. "YOU will NOT resist! Are you forgetting who you're dealing with?" she asked hotly, then smiled. "I could kill you both right now, with just *this*, remember?" Callisto wiggled the finger still pointed at Xena.

Xena's eyes narrowed as she eyed the goddess distastefully. The warrior was outmatched, and she knew it. Finally, she reluctantly threw her sword to the floor. After a hesitant glance at Xena, Gabrielle tossed her staff down as well.

Callisto raised an eyebrow at Xena as she kicked the sword towards her men. "Aren't you forgetting something?" She looked pointedly at the chakram hanging at Xena's side. Xena unhooked it and held it out, her eyes never leaving Callisto's.

Callisto took the weapon from her, then nodded to her men once again. With that unspoken cue, two guards grabbed each woman roughly by the arms. Neither Xena or Gabrielle tried to resist, realizing the futility. Callisto grinned wryly, clicking her tongue.

"Thought you had me with that lava, didn't you? You should know me better than that!" she admonished lightly. Xena looked at her impassively, while Gabrielle stared at the goddess with unbridled anger.

"Get to the point - what do you want?" the bard asked heatedly. Xena threw her a warning glance.

Callisto seemed amused. She pressed her palm to her chest and looked at Gabrielle with mock hurt and surprise. "My, my, MY - *such* anger! Is that any way to speak to an old friend?" she cooed.

"You *shut up*!" Gabrielle hissed, recoiling visibly at the blond's words.

Callisto chuckled, shaking her head and rolling her eyes at Xena. "Bards...*so* temperamental." Then she turned back to Gabrielle. "Gabrielle, you and I have had our -- differences, what with my killing your husband and all..." she tossed the phrase off as if she were relating what she had for breakfast that morning.

Gabrielle's eyes instantly teared up in fury and she looked down, trying to control her raging emotions.

"But," the goddess continued casually, "I'm gonna make it up to you." She reached over and grasped the bard's chin roughly, forcing Gabrielle to meet her gaze. "If you're a good little girl, I'll send you to see him!" she finished, smiling brightly at the flash of fear she saw in Gabrielle's eyes. Then she looked at the guard to Gabrielle's right. "Take her away."

Xena struggled against her captors as her friend was dragged from the room. "It'll be all right, Gabrielle!" she called encouragingly.

Callisto giggled at Xena in amusement. "Well, actually, no it *won't*. But if it makes you feel better to say that, so be it." she offered with a shrug.

The goddess walked up to the woman warrior and slowly circled around her. "Xena, Xena, Xena..." she began in a singsong voice. She stopped in front of her mortal enemy and reached out, caressing her cheek. "I've missed you so. We *mustn't* let so much time pass between visits, darling!" Callisto giggled again as Xena jerked her face away from her touch. Then her smile faded, her demeanor turning no nonsense.

"Now, let me explain what's gonna happen next. I'm going to have you chained to the wall in the other room. If you give my guards *any* trouble, not only will I kill Persephone - when I get done with your precious little bard..." she trailed off, looking around. She spied Gabrielle's satchel in one of her guard's hands and snatched it, holding it up for Xena to see. "'ll be able to fit her in *this*! Got it?"

Xena glared back at her, her eyes as cold as the grave. When she finally spoke, her voice was a whisper. "Harm one hair on her head and I'll -" she started, but the goddess cut her off.

"I'd be more worried about what I'm going to do to *you*, my dear!" Callisto hissed. She stepped back and looked at her guards. "Chain her to the wall by the arena." she ordered.

"Yes, goddess."

Xena struggled mightily against the chains binding her to the stone wall behind her, rattling them noisily. The apex of the chain holding her hands above her head was threaded through an iron ring imbedded in the stone wall an arm's length over her wrists. The two ends of this chain were attached to the manacles holding her wrists secure. A metal "collar" encircled her neck, and a chain leading from that wound around her body a couple of times before attaching to the shackle around her right ankle, then stretching no more than a foot across to the shackle around her left.

Twenty paces in front of her was a large circular "arena". Spikes about three men high in length defined the sides of the arena. These were set in the ground close enough together to allow no escape. The floor was hard packed dirt and a solitary gate afforded the only entrance and exit. Xena's chest tightened as she realized what was probably going to happen inside.

Sitting before the arena, perhaps 10 paces to Xena's right and slightly ahead of her, was Callisto. The goddess had managed to find a restraining chair much like the one she had imprisoned Xena in when the evil blond had tried to burn Gabrielle to death before her eyes. She now seemed to take a perverse delight in calling the chair her "throne". Her men - about 15 of them - were crowded around, talking and laughing raucously. They seemed to be placing bets on the event that was about to begin.

Standing stiffly to Callisto's right was Lyceus. He kept shifting furtive glances towards his sister, then around the room looking for Gabrielle. His mind worked frantically trying to figure a way out of this mess. How were they going to subdue a goddess? He fingered the manacles hooked to his belt. When Callisto had asked about them, he told her with a convincingly evil glint in his eye how he sometimes liked to have his victims bound and helpless before he killed them. 'The crazy bitch was *impressed* by that.' he thought sickly. Little did she know...

On the opposite side of the arena, tightly bound to a chair and gagged, was Persephone, Queen of the Underworld. Without her wreath she was mortal, completely vulnerable and unable to escape. She glared at Callisto across the arena, watching as the arrogant young goddess was idly twirling her wreath around a couple of fingers. Persephone's face hardened. How dare that woman treat the vessel of her power in such a cavalier fashion!

Callisto caught Persephone's gaze, then looked down at the wreath. Smiling widely, she held up the wreath in one hand, then slowly moved it toward a torch burning directly to the right of her chair. Persephone's eyes widened fearfully as she shook her head rapidly, silently pleading.

Getting the desired response, Callisto laughed, pulling the wreath back. She hooked it around one arm of her chair and snapped her head towards the persistent rattling of chains to her left.

"Would you STOP that? You're not getting loose, so you might as well relax and enjoy the entertainment." Callisto barked at Xena. She turned back to her men, crowded near her. "100 dinars on Trasius. He's going in second - she won't make it past him."

She looked over her shoulder at the warrior, who was growing more furious and frightened for her friend as the moments passed. Callisto put a look of mock compassion on her face. "Oh...I'm sorry, Xena, I don't mean to leave you out. Would you like to place a bet on which one of my warriors will skewer your little friend? I'll even loan you some dinars. You're good for it, aren't you?" she asked innocently, smiling.

Xena gave her a murderous look that actually made the goddess blink. "You're *sick*, you're *twisted* and you're *pathetic*. A goddess showing how powerful she is by having an innocent young woman butchered by a bunch of thugs! You're really going to make a name for yourself, Callisto! You don't even have the GUTS to fight your own battles - to fight ME!" she spat sarcastically.

Callisto stood with a snarl stamped on her face and walked slowly over to Xena.

"I should thank you for that. I was looking for a reason to put you in pain. That's as good as any." Callisto said softly, staring back into the ice cold blue eyes. She reached out a finger and touched the band around Xena's neck.

A bolt of energy shot through the chains holding the warrior. Xena's body jerked, her head snapping back. Her entire body instantly felt as though it were on fire. She ground her teeth together, barely managing to keep from crying out. Just as quickly as the burst of intense pain ripped through her it was gone, leaving a throbbing radiating throughout her body.

Callisto took her hand away and grasped Xena's chin, turning her face towards her. She leaned forward so their noses were almost touching.

"When it comes to killing innocents, my dear, I learned from the *best*!" she hissed. Xena stared back at her with mute hatred, her jaw still clenched. Callisto giggled, then turned and strode back to her men.

"So *pathetic*!" Xena repeated quietly, but loud enough to be heard.

Lyceus whirled, grabbed the chakram that had been lying with the rest of Xena's discarded weapons and fairly leapt at her. He held the edge of the chakram just under Xena's chin, above the collar. "Shut up! You don't learn from your mistakes, do you?!" he sneered. Xena met his angry gaze steadily. Callisto whirled and grabbed his arm.

"Easy, Ballis. she's *mine* to take care of. You want to remember that." she warned, her voice soft and dangerous.

Lyceus looked at her a bit fearfully. "I - I'm sorry, goddess. I just -" he stammered, then Callisto broke in.

"Just get away from her. She can say what she wants. She's still gonna watch her friend die, then she'll follow soon after."

Callisto went and sat on her 'throne'. "Bring out the brat!" she yelled, eager to get to the festivities she had gleefully planned.

With Callisto's attention diverted, Lyceus turned back to his sister. "You okay?" he mouthed silently.

Xena gave a quick, almost imperceptible nod.

Looking again to see that they weren't being observed, Lyceus wiggled the chakram at her, then deliberately hooked it to his belt and winked.

Xena winked back.

A heavy door opened across the arena and two burly guards dragged Gabrielle, struggling, into the room. They opened the cage gate and roughly shoved the bard inside. She stumbled under the force of the push and landed face down on the earthen floor. Some of the men laughed derisively and Callisto rolled her eyes as Gabrielle quickly pushed herself to her feet.

"Well, I can see *this* won't take long." she said in a bored tone, looking over at Xena with a smirk on her face.

Xena's eyes were fixed on Gabrielle's, trying to mentally *will* her friend strength, if that were possible. Gabrielle's face fell when she saw Xena chained and helpless. She glanced at Lyceus, who was looking back impassively, though his insides were churning sickly.

'I've got to get her out of this!' he thought wildly, quickly trying to formulate a plan of action.

Gabrielle took a deep breath and looked at Callisto defiantly. "All right, let's get this over with. What do you want?" she asked hotly.

Callisto cocked an eyebrow at her, clucking her tongue reproachfully. "Testy, aren't we?" she quipped, then smiled brightly. "You, my dear, are going to fight my finest warriors, one at a time, until one of them kills you. Xena will watch you get cut down in what I can only hope will be a slow, extremely painful process." Callisto's eyes narrowed as her face grew hard. "Finally, she will know what it feels like to have someone she cares about die cruelly right before her very eyes - just like I did." She ended in almost a whisper.

Gabrielle gaped at her, flabbergasted, then looked around at the warriors standing ready.

Across the arena, Persephone watched the scene unfolding with horror, her hands clenched. It was hard enough for the gentle Queen of the Underworld to watch Callisto's violence against Xena, now she was going to have to watch the young bard get butchered before her eyes as sport? 'These poor mortals...this wicked woman will kill them all.' she thought sadly.

Gabrielle's eyes came to rest on her best friend. After a moment she shook her head, looking at Xena compassionately. "No." she said softly.

Callisto looked shocked. "I beg your pardon?" she asked, amazed by what she just heard.

Gabrielle leveled a steady gaze towards her. "I said *no*. I'm not going to let you continue this sick game of yours. If you want to kill me, you'll have to just do it yourself - right now." she told her calmly.

A couple of the men made various grunts of surprise and amusement at the young woman's display of bravado. Callisto, not at all amused, jumped to her feet, rage flaring.

"WHAT?? You won't LET me?" she roared in furious astonishment. She bared her teeth and pointed her finger towards Xena. Another bolt of energy leapt from her fingertip and blasted a gouge out of the wall mere feet from Xena's left leg. A chunk of stone struck the warrior's thigh as it flew past, creating a gash which started bleeding freely. It had happened so fast Xena hadn't time to react.

"Xena!" Gabrielle cried out, running forward.

Callisto whirled back towards the bard. "Listen carefully, brat! The next shot will blow away a foot, then I'll start working my way up her body. Maybe when your friend's screaming her *guts* out you'll start feeling more cooperative!" the goddess snarled, her eyes blazing.

Gabrielle quickly held out her hands in a placating gesture. "No!! No, please don't! I'll do whatever you want -" she told her hastily.

"Gabrielle, *no*! Callisto - you've got me. Do with me what you will, just let her go!" Xena demanded.

Callisto burst out laughing and clapped her hands. "Yes - begging!! Very nice touch!" She exclaimed delightedly. After a moment, her maniacal grin faded and her eyes narrowed. "However, the *game*, as you so succinctly put it, will go on as planned. You will fight my warriors, one by one. If you refuse, I will have the *mighty* Xena shrieking loud enough to wake the dead. Understood?"

Lyceus tried to keep his horror and hatred for the blond monster out of his face. His fists clenched and unclenched at his sides. 'If I get my hands on you, you bitch, I swear by the gods...' he raged silently.

Gabrielle stole a brief glance at the young man, then looked towards her friend again. 'This can't be of them *has* to have a plan. I'd better buy us some time before this murdering harpy goes crazy.' she decided sickly. Steeling herself, Gabrielle looked into Callisto's hate-filled eyes.

"Fine. Let's get started, then." she suggested, her voice belying no fear. "Do I get a weapon?"

Callisto smiled broadly. "I thought you'd see reason. And here - I'll even let you use my sword." she said magnanimously.

"CALLISTO! For the love of the gods, give her a fighting chance!" Xena roared, her face the color of brick. "Give her a weapon she *knows* - let her use her staff!"

Callisto snapped her head to stare at the warrior coldly, pondering whether she should exact some punishment on her for that outburst. Deciding against it for the time being, she turned to Lyceus. "Very well. Might as well *try* to make this interesting. Ballis, give little precious her big stick." she ordered, cocking her thumb at the staff leaning against the wall next to Xena's sword, whip, and Gabrielle's satchel.

Lyceus grabbed the staff and walked over to cage gate. He opened the gate, his eyes locked on Gabrielle's. With so many watching him, he couldn't try to mouth her any words of reassurance, so he tried his best to convey a message with his eyes.

Gabrielle, through huge effort, kept her face hard as she snatched her staff from his hand. She turned and walked quickly to the middle of the arena.

Callisto favored Xena with a withering glance. "Happy now, darling? Let me just warn you - one more outburst like that I'll hurt you...*bad*." she told her sharply, then quickly turned away from the cold, penetrating stare of those ice-blue eyes. "All right, Dragus is up first. Get in there and kill that irritating blond...or are you a redhead, now?" she asked sweetly.

The men started shouting encouragement to Dragus, a lean, vicious-looking warrior with long unkempt hair and a thin scar trailing down his chest from neck to waist. Dragus entered the arena with a staff of his own and a savage smile on his face.

And so the games began.

Xena watched, barely breathing, as the wiry, dangerous-looking warrior entered the arena with Gabrielle. She frantically sent out prayers to anyone listening that her friend would come out of this alive.

Gabrielle pushed down her fear and tried to focus. She raised her staff and prepared for the inevitable attack.

Dragus circled around her, twirling his staff slowly, a nasty smile on his face. "Hello, little girl...want to play?" he asked quietly, then quickly found himself on the defensive when Gabrielle, teeth bared, launched an attack.

With concentrated precision, she aimed first one end of the staff, then the other at Dragus' head. Next, she aimed a few blows at his legs in quick succession, constantly moving towards him, forcing him backwards.

Dragus jumped back to avoid the first strike, then blocked the others. He executed a diving roll to one side, to put some distance between them. Back on his feet, he whirled to face his small attacker, cocking an eyebrow. "Not bad, sweet thing, but not good enough." he hissed, then advanced on Gabrielle furiously.

Grunting with effort, Gabrielle backed away from Dragus, blocking every strike. His blows were so hard she felt her bones jarring each time their staffs connected. She shook off the momentary fear that she wouldn't be able to keep up this pace for long and tried to find an opening.

Dragus let loose another strike at her head. The tip of Gabrielle's staff slipped when she moved to block the swing and his staff glanced off the side of her head, making her see stars. She dropped back a couple of steps, shaking her head to clear it.

Dragus saw another opening, lunged forward and jabbed the end of his staff sharply towards her, managing to connect with her ribcage. With a sharp yelp, Gabrielle dropped to the ground, gasping in pain.

Lyceus and Xena both reacted instantly. Lyceus, now standing next to Callisto, clenched his jaw to keep from yelling out to the bard, his stomach knotting painfully. It took superhuman effort to keep from reacting noticeably. Xena, on the other hand, made her feelings well-known.

"Gabrielle!" she yelled, her heart in her throat. "Gabrielle, come on, you can beat him!"

"Joran?" Callisto nodded to her warrior standing guard by Xena, who casually landed a savage punch to their captive's midsection. Xena let out a grunt as his fist connected, then struggled to regain her breath, forcefully knocked out of her. After a moment she managed a weak cough, fighting to keep from retching.

"You're really pushing it, warrior princess." the big lout told her. Xena sneered at him, her eyes hard.

"When I get loose, Joran - you're first." she managed to gasp. Joran snorted, but something in Xena's eyes made him move a couple extra feet away.

Lyceus kept casting surreptitious glances at his sister. This was sheer torture. Two people that meant very much to him were being cruelly abused, and he couldn't do a thing to stop it. 'At least, not *yet*.' he thought grimly. 'But I'll get my chance, Callisto, and when I do....'

Back in the arena, Gabrielle fought to regain her footing then dropped again, clutching her side with one hand, her staff in the other. Dragus laughed, twirling his staff slowly. He started moving in on her.

"C'mon, now. Get up, we're not done yet. It can't be this easy!" he said, disappointment in his voice. Suddenly, Gabrielle pivoted. She swung one leg around in front of her, close to the ground, sweeping at the warrior's legs with all the force she could muster. Dragus found himself on his back before he could blink. Gabrielle quickly rose to her knees and jammed the end of her staff into the man's groin as hard as she could.

With a screech of pain, Dragus rolled on to his side and tried to drag himself away, one hand covering his crotch. Gabrielle hopped to her feet and brought her staff hard against the back of his head, knocking him unconscious.

It was all Xena and Lyceus could do to avoid whooping with joy, although both were concerned as to how badly the bard was hurt.

Gabrielle, breathing heavily, backed away from Dragus' unmoving body. One hand crept to her side again. She figured she probably had a broken rib, but had acted more incapacitated than she actually was. She looked over at Xena and was strengthened to see her friend flash a proud smile at her.

Persephone felt a bit heartened at the bard's victory, although she was uncertain how much longer the woman would last. She looked to Xena, wondering if the warrior had some means of escape planned. How were they going to defeat an evil goddess who was abusing her powers to destroy them all?

"Trasius! Get that incompetent piece of dung out of there!" Callisto bellowed, surprised yet secretly happy that the annoying little bard had beaten Dragus. After all, her dinars were on Trasius, and the bard was weakened. There was no way she would last much longer.

Trasius strode in the cage and dragged Dragus out, dumping him unceremoniously in the corner. Then he picked up a helmet and put it on his head.

"Wait a minute!! Callisto, *she* doesn't have any armor! What's wrong? Are your men *afraid* of her?! You're *all* pathetic! What a bunch of scared, sadistic animals!" Xena challenged furiously.

Lyceus closed his eyes, holding his breath, afraid the next sound he would hear would be his sister screaming as Callisto enacted some torture on her.

Gabrielle watched in horror as Callisto stood and again strode over to her friend. Callisto looked at Xena calmly for a long moment, Xena meeting her gaze defiantly. Then, Callisto smiled and shook her head, a chuckle escaping her lips.

"You are amazing, you know that? You have more fear for your friend than you do for yourself. Do you have any *idea* how much pain you're going to be in before you die? Do you even care?" she asked, wonder in her voice.

"Give Gabrielle a fighting chance." Xena repeated softly. "And no, I don't, in answer to your question." The warrior started steeling herself for what might come next.

Callisto threw up her hands in exasperation. She turned towards the arena, then whipped back around to face Xena, clearly agitated. "Know what your problem is? That is, besides your *pathetic* turn to good?" she yelled into the warrior's face. "It's your beloved little friend over there!" Callisto jerked a thumb at Gabrielle, getting more incensed with each word. "That little piece of Poteadian TRASH has made you *soft*, and *weak* and *stupid*, Xena!" she snarled, grabbing the metal collar around Xena's neck and yanking her head closer to her.

Xena's body jerked again and she started writhing as waves of sheer agony, courtesy of the goddess' powers, ripped through her. She threw her head back, teeth bared, eyes squeezed shut.

Seething anger boiled up inside Lyceus. 'I'm going to kill you, kill you, KILL YOU - Let go of my SISTER!!' he raged silently, teeth gritted, glaring at the blond monster.

Gabrielle ran over to the bars and screamed at Callisto. "Stop it, Callisto! Leave her alone!"

The enraged goddess ignored the bard as she continued her diatribe. "You're a fool, Xena, a brainless *fool*! Pity you never worried about innocent villagers the way you worry about that little BITCH!" she screeched, her lips twisting into a satisfied smile when a strangled, agonized cry tore out of Xena's throat. She let go of the collar and Xena slumped against the chains, her chest heaving. Cocking her head to the side, Callisto looked at her nemesis thoughtfully.

"'re sounding a little flat there, Xena. We'll have to work on that...over and over and *over*!" she quipped, then turned and sauntered back to her seat, her rage apparently soothed for the moment.

"Trasius!" she bellowed. "Get in that cage and win me some dinars!" Callisto leveled an expectant gaze at Gabrielle, still staring at Xena while clutching the spikes ringing the arena, tears filling her eyes.

"Xena?" the bard whispered fearfully.

Xena raised her head slowly and tried to smile reassuringly at her, but it ended up more of a grimace. "I'm okay, Gabrielle..." she rasped.

"Gabrielle?" Callisto's tone was sharp. Gabrielle looked at her hatefully. "I'll hurt her worse - better remember what you're here for. And look lively, now. You're gonna have company." Callisto nodded at Trasius, who was entering the cage carrying a sword.

Gabrielle tore her eyes off her friend and forced herself to focus again.

Persephone shook her head sadly. 'We're all going to die before that monster's done.' she thought ruefully.

Gabrielle quickly wiped the perspiration from her brow with the back of her hand and moistened her lips as she eyed Trasius warily. 'I've gotta do this. Focus... I've got to focus!' she thought determinedly.

Trasius held his sword almost casually, confidently sizing up his opponent. 'Should I kill her quickly, or play with her a while?' he asked himself silently, then his eyes flickered to Callisto. She was leaning forward, her hands tightly gripping the arms of her chair, her eyes dancing with excitement.

"On with it, Trasius! I want to see some ENTERTAINMENT!" she crowed, a huge, evil smile across her face.

A chill swept down Trasius' spine. 'Better make it slow...keep *her* happy.' he decided, then started advancing on Gabrielle, his sword repeatedly slicing the air.

Gabrielle jumped backwards, dodging the first two passes of the sword the best she could. She blocked the next couple with her staff, but each impact sent a shivering echo of pain down her arm, causing her injured side to complain miserably. Gabrielle shook her head, trying to stop the sensation from clouding her mind. She would not last long if she stayed on the defensive, the bard decided quickly. She had to disarm Trasius somehow if she wanted to survive.

The soldier paused in his offensive maneuvers for a moment, eyeing the look of pain in the bard's eyes. Seeing the opening this created, Gabrielle lunged in, faking a swing at his head. When Trasius ducked, she quickly changed the direction of her staff and she felt a surge of relief as she saw it connect with his sword hand, sending the weapon spinning off to the side of the arena.

Unfortunately, Trasius was too skilled of a soldier to let her maneuver pass without getting in his own blow. As she maneuvered her staff for another blow to his midsection, he quickly recovered and caught it with his left hand as Gabrielle brought the end back towards him. Quick as lightning, Trasius stepped forward and drove his right elbow into Gabrielle's left cheekbone, then brought the back of his fist across the other side of her face.

"Gabrielle!" Xena yelled as the bard reeled backwards.

Lyceus looked quickly from Gabrielle to his sister, then glanced at Callisto, wondering fearfully if the goddess would react to Xena's outburst. Laughing delightedly at the strikes Gabrielle had sustained, Callisto didn't seem to notice.

Tears of pain burning her eyes, Gabrielle shook her head and took a couple of deep breaths, watching Trasius. Still moving, keeping some distance from Trasius, she held a hand up to Xena, as if asking for her silence. Her face hardened.

Trasius chuckled. "That was sloppy, little one. You should be more careful."

"You just worry about yourself." the bard snapped, regaining a defensive posture and raising her staff.

Standing next to Xena, Callisto's guard Joran grinned at the warrior smugly. "You don't know when to quit, do you? Even your little friend's telling ya to be quiet, now!" he laughed. He leaned closer to Xena, smiling confidently, emboldened by the punishment she had already taken at Callisto's hands. "Keep it up, and I'll have to hurt you, ya know." His smile turned into a leer. One of his hands reached out and snaked up her leg. "Too bad we'll be killing you soon...perhaps I can talk the goddess into letting me -" His words were cut off as his voice turned into a strangled gurgle.

Hearing the chains to her left rattling loudly, Callisto turned her head to see Joran struggling and Xena hanging by her wrists, her legs clamped around Joran's neck. With a sneer stamped across her face, Xena twisted and rammed Joran head first into the stone wall. Joran crumpled to the floor unconscious as Callisto jumped to her feet.

"XENA!" Callisto thundered.

Before the enraged goddess could move, Lyceus lunged towards Xena and was at her side instantly. He grabbed the collar around her neck with one hand and made a display of restraining her. He kept his body between his sister and Callisto, hoping to stave off an attack by the angry goddess. A cry of pain from the arena suddenly broke the tension and drew all eyes back to the events unfolding there.

Gabrielle quickly limped heavily away from Trasius, one hand grasping her thigh. A large gash from a sword strike had appeared there, blood flowing fairly heavily from it. Lyceus took advantage of the distraction to reach down and take the key to Xena's chains from the unconscious guard. He had no sooner straightened when Callisto turned back to them.

"Look, Xena!" Callisto exclaimed gleefully. "Blood! Your beloved little friend is *bleeding*! Pay attention, now - you'll be seeing more of it shortly." she giggled, directing her attention back to the fight. The sheer joy she felt as her plan of revenge seemed to be falling into place distracted her from the events that had just transpired between Xena and her guard.

"Gabrielle! Be sure to give my best to Perdicus when you see him!" she chortled.

With everyone's attention again diverted to the cage, Lyceus turned to Xena. "Payback time." he whispered, unlocking the manacles around each wrist, but leaving them almost closed, to appear as though they were still secure. After a quick glance over his shoulder he unlocked the collar, then dropped to one knee and did the same to the shackles around her ankles. Then he stood and slipped the chakram behind her, so it rested between the wall and her back, hidden from view.

"Wait for my signal." Xena whispered back. Lyceus nodded, then pulled out one of his daggers and held the point beneath her chin.

Callisto snapped another glance towards them, then resumed watching the activity between Gabrielle and Trasius, apparently satisfied that Lyceus had Xena under control.

Across from them, Persephone had watched Lyceus' movements with renewed hope. 'He unlocked her restraints... he must be a friend of the warrior's!' she thought hopefully. 'Perhaps these mortals would best the rampant goddess after all.... '

Back in the arena, the wounded bard had frantically gone on the offensive, trying to ignore the burning pain in her leg. Her breath grunting out through gritted teeth, she launched a fierce barrage of strikes.

The warriors watching were shouting encouragement to Trasius, urging him to end it. Trasius sustained a few blows, blocked some, then ducked and smacked the side of his sword against Gabrielle's leg, tripping her up. As she crashed to the ground, the shouts escalated. Callisto stood and joined in, her eyes alight with savage glee.

Xena and Lyceus both sucked in their breaths sharply, ready to spring into action. Trasius smiled grimly at Gabrielle as he moved in for the kill. He took the hilt of his sword in both hands and raised it upwards, preparing to plunge it into the small woman before him. The bard shrunk back, a look of abject terror on her face.

Then the fearful look turned cold and angry. She was not going to die like this! As the sword plunged downward, Gabrielle threw herself sideways, twisting away from the deadly blade. The sword cut a gash on the side of her arm, where moments earlier her heart had been.

Gabrielle did not have time to feel the pain from the blow, though. While twisting, she took aim and drove her heel into Trasius' knee, knocking him off balance. Carried forward by the movement of his earlier strike the soldier fell over her, trying to turn the fall into an evasive roll. He failed and landed hard, the impact with the ground momentarily stunning him.

Gabrielle took the opportunity to leap to her feet and bore down on the warrior. She lifted her staff and swung it again and again with all of her might. Trasius took it repeatedly across the back, then full in the face when he tried to recover. He finally collapsed to the ground and lay still.

A stunned hush fell across the room. Scant seconds later, the silence was broken by an infuriated goddess.

"TRASIUS!" Callisto screeched, furious. Trasius laid in a heap, unmoving. Gabrielle backed quickly away from the man, her chest heaving, wondering if she had just lost her blood innocence. To her relief, the man coughed weakly and groaned.

Callisto glared thunderstruck at the small woman that had just beaten two of her best warriors. Her teeth baring, she spun around towards Lyceus and Xena.

"New boy!" she bawled, pointing at Lyceus. "You want to be one of my warriors? I'll tell you what. You get in that cage and *kill* that brat and I'll not only let you in my army, I'll let you LIVE." The last few words were a hiss.

Lyceus and Xena were stunned. This development was not something they had even considered.

Recovering quickly, Lyceus gave her a curt nod. "Right away, goddess." he replied, walking confidently down towards the cage.

"Ballis?" Callisto said sharply, stopping him. He looked at her inquiringly. She nodded at the dagger in his hand. "Perhaps you should take another weapon?" she asked tightly.

Lyceus smiled at her widely, his eyes filled with malice. Luckily, Callisto misread the look.

"That won't be necessary, goddess - it will all be over quickly, I promise."

Lyceus opened the gate to the arena, his eyes locked on Gabrielle's. He shut the gate behind him, a dagger in one hand, then pulled another out of his belt, stepping over Trasius. He started towards the bard slowly, flipping the daggers over and over in his hands. Gabrielle backed away from him, keeping a look of trepidation across her features.

Callisto moved closer to the arena, hatred for the bard in her eyes, hungry to see her get mercilessly cut down. "Ballis, you'd better end this - right now!" she ordered tersely.

"Oh, you'll see blood, goddess, I assure you." he replied calmly, glancing at her. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Xena pulling her wrists from the manacles. He turned back to Gabrielle. "You ready?" he mouthed silently to her, a hint of a smile across his face. Within moments, Xena's piercing battle cry cut the air.

Callisto whirled, startled, and Xena's booted feet caught her full in the chest, knocking her over heavily onto her back. Xena then flipped backwards, landed next to Callisto's "throne" and snatched the wreath from it. She took off at a dead run around the arena, headed for Persephone.

"NO!! You're DEAD, Xena!" Callisto screamed, enraged. She pointed her finger and sent a bolt of lightning towards the running warrior.

Xena grabbed a guard coming at her by the throat and spun him around. He took the blast from the furious goddess full in the chest, the force knocking them both backwards against the wall.

Quickly extricating herself from behind the dead man, Xena emitted a low whistle, eyeing the smoking hole in the man's chest. "That had to hurt." she muttered. Quickly turning her attention to two more guards approaching her, she hurled her chakram towards them then dove to the ground, another bolt narrowly missing her. Jumping up and catching the now bloody weapon, she continued to zigzag her way towards Persephone.

"C'mon, Callisto! You couldn't hit a giant at ten paces!" she taunted, trying to keep Callisto's attention on her and off her brother and best friend.

The spikes around the arena were partially disintegrating and holes were quickly forming in the stone walls as errant lightning bolts flew everywhere. In the arena, Lyceus and Gabrielle hit the ground, bolts flying over their heads.

Her frustration and fury at a fevered pitch, Callisto ripped the gate to the arena open and stormed in, right past Lyceus and Gabrielle. Once she had passed them, Lyceus jumped to his feet and turned, his hands a flicker of movement. Two daggers sailed from them, soaring unerringly in between the narrowly placed spikes.

A couple of guards catching up to Xena suddenly skidded to a halt, their hands grasping the daggers now imbedded in their necks. They both slumped lifelessly to the ground. Callisto didn't notice the fate of those two men, as her hate-filled eyes were focused on Xena, nearing Persephone.

"NO! You *won't* ruin this! I'll destroy you BOTH!" she screamed, raising both arms. Suddenly, she was leapt on from behind.

Lyceus was on her, riding piggyback, a manacle in each hand. One bolt shot from Callisto's finger towards Persephone before he could get the manacles locked around her wrists. The forward momentum carried them both crashing to the ground.

Xena had reached Persephone by the time Lyceus had sprung his attack on Callisto. She placed the wreath on Persephone's head and flipped backwards. The Queen of the Underworld phased into thin air just as the lightning bolt disintegrated the chair in which she'd been bound.

Lyceus rolled off Callisto and moved away from the infuriated woman.

Callisto leapt to her feet, shrieking in fury, yanking at the manacles chaining her wrists together. She spun towards Lyceus, wild-eyed.

"You -- *traitor*! GET THESE OFF ME!!" she screamed at him.

"This is it, Callisto - party's over!" Xena called to her, still fighting off a guard. Callisto whirled towards her, teeth bared. Lyceus backed away from Callisto, guiding Gabrielle behind him.

"YOU SHUT UP!!" Callisto pointed the fingers of both hands at the warrior, intending to incinerate her where she stood. Her reaction was pure shock when nothing happened. She looked at her hands in stunned disbelief, then whipped back towards Lyceus.

"What did you do to me?!" she hissed through gritted teeth. She looked to her remaining warriors who were standing motionless, baffled at the change in their leader. "Don't just stand there, you idiots - KILL THEM!!"

The men hurried to do her bidding. As three warriors attacked Lyceus and Gabrielle, three more ran towards Xena. Callisto grabbed her one remaining guard before he got past her.

"You! Get these things off me! Pick the locks or something!" she ordered, holding out her arms to him. While he fumbled with the manacles, Lyceus and Gabrielle fought off their attackers and Xena was making short work of hers.

One guard was already on the ground groaning, as the other two sent to dispatch the warrior charged her, one behind the other. The first savagely swung his sword at her head. She ducked quickly, then shot upwards, bringing the heel of her hand up under his jaw with all of her body's momentum behind it.

She shoved the now-unconscious man to the ground, but not before snatching the sword from his hand and impaling the other guard on it as he reached her. As she pulled the sword out of the dead man she yelled to Callisto.

"Those manacles were forged by Hephaestus, Callisto! They're not coming off, and your powers are *gone*!" She started to move to the arena gate when Gabrielle screamed.

"Xena! Behind you!"

The first guard who had gone down had recovered enough to stand. He wrapped one burly arm around Xena's shoulders and was bringing a knife downwards towards her chest.

Lyceus spun, his third dagger already flying from his hand. Xena twisted sharply, dropping her shoulder, just as the dagger plunged into the guard's chest, a hair's breadth from her neck. She caught the guard's arm just in time to stop the knife's descent.

Lyceus managed to breathe a relieved sigh before a sword was thrust into his back.

"BASTARD! That'll teach you to betray me!" Callisto spat, using her foot to push Lyceus off the sword she had clamped in both hands.

Eyes wide, Lyceus stumbled towards Gabrielle who turned in time to catch him, not realizing what had just happened. The blood pouring out over her hands told her everything, however, as his dead weight caused her to quickly lower him to the ground.

She looked down at him in mute, disbelieving horror. A scream ripped through the air.

"NO!! Lyceus!"

Callisto whirled towards Xena, who was staring wide-eyed at her fallen brother. The goddess looked back at Lyceus, bewildered.

"Lyceus?" she murmured, watching Gabrielle frantically try to stop the young man's bleeding. Suddenly, recognition and a smile broke out over her face. "Xena's brother?" Callisto started to giggle. "Her beloved *brother*? Well now, look's like I've started to settle the score --"

Her words were sharply cut off by a roar of sheer fury. She was grabbed from behind, lifted and smashed forcefully against the nearby spikes, the sword flying out of her hand as she hit the barrier. As she was roughly turned around, she dazedly looked into ice-blue eyes filled with hate.

"YOU'RE DEAD!!" Xena screamed into her face, beside herself with rage. She closed her hands around Callisto's throat, her teeth bared.

Callisto struggled against the iron grip, thrashing, fighting against the chain connecting her wrists to strike out at Xena. Xena endured a few blows, her grip never lessening, then finally threw the woman to the ground and pinned her flailing arms beneath her knees, the chain stretched taut over Callisto's waist.

"C'mon, Xena! I *owed* you!" the blond rasped.

"Well, here's payback! You just killed my brother - now *you'll* die!" Xena hissed through gritted teeth, resuming her choke hold around Callisto's throat. She squeezed, probing with her fingers.

Callisto struggled uselessly, her face turning purple, eyes bulging. Her mouth worked, trying to get words out.

Gabrielle was trying vainly to staunch the blood flowing from Lyceus. The young man's body was still and lifeless. The bard turned to Xena beseechingly, her eyes filled with tears.

"Xena - Xena, don't! It's not -" she began, then abruptly stopped speaking, gaping at the shimmering form dressed in white that was materializing out of thin air before her.

Xena hadn't even heard her friend, so intent was she on her act of revenge. Two heavily gloved hands suddenly reached down over her shoulders, grasped her forearms and effortlessly broke her hold on the evil woman she was straddling.

Hades tore her away from Callisto, now weakly gasping in lungfuls of air. Recovering quickly from her surprise, Xena struggled furiously, incensed at the interruption.

"No! Let GO of me, Hades! We gave you what you want, now let me finish this *my* way!" she shouted, tears of rage streaming down her cheeks.

Hades restrained her from behind, his arms clamped around her, holding her wrists in an unbreakable grip.

"Calm yourself! You've started down the road of atonement - don't take a leap backwards now, Xena."

"She killed my BROTHER!" the warrior ranted, panting from exertion.

"He was already *dead*, Xena. He died during the battle of Amphipolis against Cortese, remember?" the god calmly reminded her. "His two days were almost know that."

"Xena..." Lyceus spoke, his voice clear and strong.

Xena abruptly stopped struggling. Hades released her and she turned around slowly. Her brother was standing before her, his wounds healed. Lyceus walked towards Xena, smiling.

Gabrielle watched her tall friend hopefully. The bard was standing, leaning heavily on her staff, Celesta grasping her other arm supporting her. She wiped her eyes, then realized with a start that Lyceus' blood no longer covered her hands. Her face broke into a smile when Xena rushed to Lyceus and hugged him tightly.

After a moment, the warrior pulled back and looked at her younger brother searchingly.

"You...she ran you" she stammered. She glanced at Celesta, who smiled gently.

"He was healed for his journey back to the Elysian Fields, Xena. Since he's one of our realm now, it's possible." Hades explained.

Xena looked back at her brother for a long moment, her face a myriad of emotions, then turned to Hades. Her expression was that of someone whose mind was clearly made up about something.

"Leave him here, Hades. Take *me* back with you." she said quickly, her voice firm. Lyceus and Gabrielle reacted immediately.

"Xena, no!" Gabrielle exclaimed, shocked.

Lyceus shook his head, reaching out and grasping his sister's arm. "No way, Xena..." he objected. Xena shook him off and stepped closer to the god.

"He doesn't belong in the Underworld, his death should never have happened." she continued quickly.

Hades looked impassively at the warrior, starting to shake his head slowly. "Xena, you don't want me to judge you - not now. Not yet." he told her quietly.

Undaunted, Xena shook her head fiercely. "I don't *care* about that! It's what I deserve anyway!" she countered, the agitation in her voice turning up a few notches.

"Xena!" Lyceus tried again, more forcefully. His sister ignored him.

"Hades, listen to reason!" Xena implored. "It's *my* fault Lyceus is dead, just as certain as if I ran him through with my own sword!"

That was it. Lyceus had heard all he could take. "Enough! Xena, *STOP IT*!" he shouted. He grabbed his sister's shoulders and spun her to face him. Grasping her wrists, he quickly lifted her hands up in front of her face. "Look at these hands, Xena!! Look at them! My blood doesn't stain them - it *never* did!" he insisted passionately.

Xena started shaking her head, trying to pull away. Lyceus just tightened his grip on her.

"No, you LISTEN to me! It's *true*, Xena. What did I tell you the other night? That wasn't some naive little boy following you blindly into battle years ago. It was a *man* - a man who would've rather die a hundred deaths than run and let Cortese take over our home!"

Xena looked down quickly, trying to hide the tears brimming in her eyes. Lyceus released her wrists and gently took her face in both hands, raising it so she was looking at him.

"Hearing your thoughts in the Fields keeps me going, Xena, except for when those thoughts are wracked with guilt and pain. It seems that's the case more often than not." Lyceus said sadly. "You have no idea how it tears me up inside to hear you blaming yourself for my death. I can't stand it, Xena! I don't regret my actions against Cortese and his army. If I had to die, I'm proud that I died fighting for a cause I believed in. You have to accept that." Then he smiled gently at his sister.

"And I'm proud of you - for all that you're doing now to stop warlords like Cortese." Lyceus grasped Xena's shoulders again, looking pleadingly into her eyes. "So please, stop bearing the responsibility for my death on your shoulders. Let it *go*."

Xena managed a slight smile and shook her head, losing her battle against the tears that were now streaming from her eyes.

"That isn't going to be easy .... but for you, I'll try." she said softly. Lyceus hugged her tightly. Xena returned the embrace, her heart breaking at having to lose her brother again. "I miss you." she whispered.

"I miss you, too - every day. But we'll be reunited again. Until then, take care of yourself and don't ever stop fighting for what's right." Lyceus pulled back and laughed gently, brushing the tears from Xena's cheeks. "Sisters," he said teasingly, "so emotional."

Then he turned to Gabrielle. Cocking an eyebrow at the tears flowing over her lashes as well, he grinned wryly. "You, too?"

Gabrielle managed to laugh at the quizzical look he was giving her, and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.

Lyceus tenderly grasped her chin and looked into those gentle green eyes. His heart lurched seeing the pain now in them, both emotional and physical.

"That was some battle - you were incredible. Are you going to be all right?" he asked worriedly. Gabrielle managed a smile, blushing at the praise.

"I'll be fine. A few cuts and bruises...they'll heal." she shrugged, trying to reassure him. He gazed at her for a moment then spoke again, his voice soft.

"I never thought someone could grow to mean so much to me so quickly. I wish we had met in another time. Aphrodite save me, I was falling - from the moment our eyes met. And I landed *hard*. I'll never forget you." he told her resolutely.

Gabrielle smiled warmly at him, giving up on trying to stop the flow of tears from her eyes. "You'd better not. I knew you were here for only two days, but I was falling, too. There was no stopping it. I --" She was sweetly interrupted by Lyceus gently covering her lips with his own. Gabrielle wrapped one arm around him and pulled him closer, their kiss deepening.

Celesta backed up a step or two to give them a little room, a soft smile lighting her face. After a few seconds, Hades cleared his throat.

"Shhh, Hades. A moment won't hurt." Persephone chided her husband softly. Xena smiled her thanks to the queen. Hades shot his wife a stern glance, but kept silent.

Someone else decided to break the mood, however.

"Oh, well, this is *very* touching! Tell me, brat - what would Perdicus say?" Callisto was hauling herself off the floor, a menacing expression on her face. All eyes turned to her.

Then she brightened, as if suddenly remembering something. "Oh - that's right! He's *dead*, isn't he? you think he can see this little scene between you two? Wonder what he'd think?" she pondered with a nasty smile.

Gabrielle reacted as if she'd been slapped. Xena started towards Callisto, her face an angry mask, only to be stopped by Hades' hand. He glared at the blonde, his eyes cold.

"Still your tongue, mortal!" the god thundered.

"Mortal? I'm a *god*, you fool!" Callisto shot back haughtily. She held up her manacled wrists. "Now get these off of me!"

Hades reached out, grabbed the chain between her arms and yanked her towards him so they were nose to nose.

"I think I'll leave them on for now!" he hissed. "And as for you being a god, I hope you've enjoyed the experience. I have a feeling it may be over - *permanently*." he finished through gritted teeth. Callisto gaped at him incredulously.

"WHAT?! You can't -" she started, then yelped as Hades let go of the chain and grabbed her by the hair, turning her roughly towards Persephone.

"That's my WIFE that you captured for your own vile purposes! You almost killed her!" he roared. "An act of violence from one god towards another is not looked upon very favorably by Zeus. He'd like to speak to you about it." Hades finished with a sneer, releasing her hair and regaining a firm grip on the chain linking her wrists.

Callisto bared her teeth at him, her hatred and arrogance overriding her sensibilities.

"My mistake was that I *hesitated*! I should've killed her when I had the ch--" Callisto's savage words were cut off by a fist crashing up under her jaw. Her head snapped back and she dropped to the ground, unconscious.

Hades raised his eyebrows at Xena, who simply shrugged.

"I was sick of listening to her." she offered coolly.

Hades gazed at her reprovingly for a moment, then sighed and looked at Lyceus.

"Time to go. Lyceus, would you please assist Celesta in getting this woman out to the chariots?" It was more a directive than a request.

Lyceus nodded, then turned back to Xena and Gabrielle with a sad smile. He gave them a final hug each, then winked at them. "We make a pretty good team." he grinned, then turned, easily picked up Callisto and headed towards the door. Suddenly, he hesitated and started to turn back towards the women he was leaving behind - then decided against it. He wasn't sure he'd be able to leave if he did. Instead, the young man continued out of the room.

Xena moved to take Celesta's place supporting the wobbly bard and watched Celesta follow Lyceus outside. She and Gabrielle gazed after Lyceus until they could no longer see him, each silently bidding him farewell.

After a moment, Hades spoke quietly, gently breaking each out of their reveries.

"Xena, Gabrielle...we want to thank you. You saved my wife; I won't forget that." Hades said sincerely.

Xena nodded her head at the King of the Underworld, acknowledging his thanks with a small smile.

"You're welcome." Gabrielle said softly. "Um...if you don't mind me asking - what's going to happen to Callisto? Is she going back to Tartarus?" she asked meekly.

Persephone smiled reassuringly. "She will be punished for her actions, we assure you." Persephone turned her glance towards Xena. "Including the violence against your brother." she added.

Hades nodded in agreement. "Zeus wants to see her. He's furious - I wouldn't be surprised at all if he strips her of her godhood. As she acquired godhood only by eating ambrosia, that's within his power. After that --" he trailed off, spreading his hands before him.

"She'll go back to Tartarus?" Xena prodded firmly.

Hades and Persephone looked uncomfortable and Hades cleared his throat. Gabrielle's eyes widened and Xena's narrowed.

"Hades..." the warrior started warningly.

"Xena, it's not for me to decide, I'm afraid. Zeus is making the decisions regarding Callisto. He did mention something about possibly stripping her of her immortality as well as her godhood and returning her to the Overworld."

"*What*?! Back to US?" Xena yelped, flabbergasted. Gabrielle began slowly shaking her head, shocked speechless.

Persephone gazed at the two women compassionately. Hades put up a hand to still the angry warrior.

"Xena, she would have to die to go back to Tartarus." he informed her.

"That *could've* been arranged!" Xena shot back heatedly. Hades gave her a stern look.

"Xena..." he began, anger in his voice. Xena quickly regained control of her temper and looked away.

The god's face softened. He reminded himself of what the warrior and her friend had just been through and realized if he was in their position he would've probably reacted the same.

"It's not decided yet, anyway." he continued quietly. "I can't profess to speak for Zeus. We'll just have to wait and see. At any rate, you won't have to worry about her for some time. Zeus has some plans to keep her occupied for a while." he amended, smiling grimly. Then he took his wife's arm and nodded to the two women.

"We must go. Our great thanks once again." With that, they were gone.

Xena and Gabrielle's minds were a whirl, between the loss of Lyceus and the thought of Callisto being returned to the land of the living. Just then, the memory of what the bard had gone through earlier hit Xena like a dash of cold water in the face. She swiftly turned her attention to her friend.

"Gods, Gabrielle, let me look at you. We've got to tend to those wounds." she said quickly, concern etched across her face. She guided Gabrielle over to where their gear lay on the ground.

"Xena, I'm okay..." Gabrielle started to protest.

Xena cocked an eyebrow at her, then looked pointedly down at the blood drying on her leg and arm. "I don't think the blood's supposed to be on the *outside*." she reminded her, then pointed to the ground. "Sit." she ordered gently.

Gabrielle gingerly did as she was told, grimacing, using the warrior's arm to lower herself slowly. She watched her friend busily pull supplies out of her satchel, still trying to think coherently.

"Xena - what about you? You must be hurt! After what Callisto did -" she started, looking anxiously at Xena.

The warrior shook her head quickly, kneeling next to the bard. "Gabrielle, I'm fine. Just a little tired, that's all." she reassured her, quickly dressing her wounds. She then checked her friend's other injuries, frowning at the bruises peppering the younger woman's skin.

Gabrielle pushed her own warring thoughts of Callisto and Lyceus away, remembering that her dearest friend had just lost her beloved brother for the second time in her life. She searched Xena's face, trying to think of something she could say to ease the pain she knew the warrior was feeling.

"Are you all right?" she asked softly.

"Really, Gabrielle - the effects of what Callisto did to me have worn off." Xena said nonchalantly, but figured that wasn't what the bard was referring to that time.

Gabrielle reached out and caught her friend's arm, giving it a squeeze.

"Okay, I believe you. But you know that's not what I meant that time." Gabrielle persisted gently.

Xena looked into the bard's eyes for a moment, then shrugged slightly.

"I'm all right. I guess I should be thankful. It's not every day you get to spend some more time with someone you've lost. I've had that happen *twice* already." she smiled faintly, her mind wandering briefly to Marcus. 'Actually, that's the *second* time with Lyceus...' she mused, but knew the bard didn't realize that.

"But it's hard losing him again." Xena admitted finally, looking back down for a moment. Then she looked up at Gabrielle compassionately. "How about you? You and Lyceus got quite attached to each other." Her face broke into a smile, but her eyes were sad. "There aren't two people I would rather see together." Xena finished softly.

Gabrielle returned the smile, her eyes misting.

"It's gonna take me a while to get over him. He could have been the one, Xena. If it were another time, maybe he would've been." she sighed, then shook her head. "I knew it was for only two days. I kept telling myself that. My heart didn't listen." she said ruefully.

Xena nodded. "I know what you mean." After a beat, she drew Gabrielle towards her and hugged her as tightly as she dared, mindful of her injuries.

Surprised, Gabrielle returned the strong embrace, relief and amazement flooding through her. They had done it - beaten the enormous odds stacked against them and made it through the day *alive*.

"I'm sorry." Xena whispered, breaking into her musings.

Gabrielle tightened her grip on her friend, her heart aching for the loss they both shared. "Me, too." she whispered back, then felt a shudder run through the warrior.

"I'm sorry about more than just Lyceus." Xena said haltingly. Startled, Gabrielle pulled back.

"What? What do you mean?" The bard looked at the warrior questioningly.

Xena averted her eyes, fumbling for words. "I was going to kill her, Gabrielle ... again. What she was making you do, what she did to Lyceus - I just couldn't...I was going to break the promise." she managed finally, her eyes bright with unshed tears.

Gabrielle shook her head quickly, grasping Xena's hands.

"Stop. Xena, don't do this to yourself. The situation was a little -- extreme. You were being pushed to the limit. I don't fault you for your actions. As far as I'm concerned, you were defending us all, including yourself." she said firmly, then looked uncomfortable.

"I was upset that you offered yourself to Hades in exchange for Lyceus. I mean, I understand why you felt you had to do it, but Xena...first of all, I don't want to lose you. Secondly, if *Lyceus* doesn't blame you for his death, then you've got to stop blaming yourself." Gabrielle pleaded.

Xena gazed at her sadly. "Old habits are hard to break."

"Well, you're gonna break *that* one." Gabrielle retorted, then gripped Xena's hands tighter. "And Xena, when the time comes for one of us, I need to know we're going to be reunited on the other side one day. I won't accept the possibility of you going to Tartarus, *ever*. I won't let *you* accept it, either!" she said resolutely.

"Gabrielle..." Xena's voice was unsure.

The bard didn't let her get another word out. "*No*, Xena, I won't let you give in! We've got a lot of work to do and by the gods, I'm not gonna let you stop until we're *sure* you've earned a place in the Fields, got it?!" she insisted, getting dangerously close to tears again. "I couldn't handle it, Xena, it just can't -" Gabrielle choked out past the lump in her throat then stopped, her voice faltering.

Xena quickly laid her hand affectionately against the bard's cheek. "Okay, shhh. It's okay. I won't *ever* stop trying to atone for my past. I swear it." she soothed, blinking back tears that suddenly threatened to fill her own eyes.

Xena gazed at Gabrielle fondly for a moment, silently thanking the gods for sending her such a friend. 'I truly don't know what I ever did to deserve a friend like you.' she thought wonderingly, then a wry grin spread across her features. She reached out and tweaked Gabrielle's nose, in an effort to lighten the mood a bit.

"You can be pretty obstinate, you know that?" the warrior asked teasingly.

Gabrielle raised an eyebrow. "You're just *now* figuring that out?" she smiled.

Xena stood, extending her hands to help her friend up.

"Gods, no! I just thought I'd remind you." she grinned. "C'mon, let's clean up this mess and get out of here. Then we'll take a couple of days off. I think it would do us both some good."

"Great idea! I agree wholeheartedly!" Gabrielle enthused. Then she smirked at the warrior. "See? I'm not always *obstinate*!"

"Well, that doesn't count. You *always* agree with me when it comes to resting." Xena chuckled, wrapping an arm around Gabrielle's shoulders. Then she turned to her friend, gazing at her thoughtfully for a moment.

"Gabrielle, I'm also sorry for sometimes treating you like a child. I never mean to. You were pretty angry at me a couple of days ago because you thought I was." Xena started, then sighed and shook her head. "I know I'm overprotective, sometimes - but I can't help it. I just can't let anything happen to you, you know? You're too important to me." she smiled warmly at the bard, pride in her eyes.

"But I certainly saw today that you can take pretty good care of yourself. I'm proud of you - you bested two well-trained warriors. Very impressive."

"Oh...well, thank you." Gabrielle beamed, flushing at the praise. Then she recovered and flashed a cocky grin at Xena.

"I'll be happy to show you some of my fabulous fighting moves sometime!" she said expansively, then snickered.

Xena grinned broadly and started to steer her towards the arena. "I'll take you up on that, as soon as you heal." she assured her with a wink.

Gabrielle stopped abruptly after a few steps and put a restraining hand on Xena's arm.

"Xena - what are we gonna do about Callisto? What if Zeus sends her back?" she asked, trepidation in her voice.

Xena looked down at her for a moment, then tightened her arm around the bard's shoulders.

"We'll handle it, Gabrielle. Don't forget - we make a pretty good team. We'll figure something out, I promise."


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