The Trial Of Xena Warrior Princess

by Onora

Chapter One : The Arrest

Lively chatter filled the small tavern. Xena listened intently to the amusing tale being woven by the young Bard, seated next to her. As the Bard finished her tale the Warrior chuckled softly. Pleased her tale had received such a positive reaction from the Warrior, the Bard laughed as well. Shaking her head the Warrior turned her attention to the food on the plate before her. “I liked that. It was one of your better ones.”

Reaching for another slice of nut bread the Bard bowed slightly. “Thank you. Glad you liked it.”

“Even if it not true.” The Warrior’s comment caused the Bard’s hand to halt in mid motion.

“Not true?” Repeated the younger woman. “Not true.” A look of disbelief on her face. “It is so true. I have it from a reliable source” She declared, biting into the slice of bread.

“Sure it is.” The Warrior’s condescending tone lite a fire in the Bard.

“What makes you think it’s not?”

“Come on Gabrielle. A two head Griffin? There’s no such creature.”

“Well, Iolaus said...”

“Iolaus?” The Warrior rolled her eyes. “Gabrielle when are you going to learn not to believe every thing Iolaus tells you? He loves inventing stories, almost as much as you do.”

“Well I happen to believe him.” Answered the Bard definitely. “Besides, it’s still a good story.” A curt nod of her head indicating she considered the conversation closed. Xena smiled to herself enjoying an excuse to tease the Bard.

Munching on the her bread, Gabrielle grew uncharacteristically quite.

“Yes?” Asked the Warrior.

“What? Oh I was just thinking.”

“About what? Two headed griffins?” Teased the Warrior, unable to help herself.”

“No. Not about griffins.” Growled the Bard.

“What then?”

“Well there is nothing happening at the moment and...” She let the sentence linger.”

“And what?” Asked the Warrior eyeing her suspiciously.

“Well, we’re less than two days walk from Potodaia and I thought...”

“And you thought it would be nice to ‘drop’ by for a visit.” Interrupted the Warrior, finishing the sentence for her.

"Yeah,” Quickly she added. “That is if you won’t mind.” Xena chuckled. ‘That’s twice in the last few minutes.’ Noted the Bard, to herself. ‘She must be in a very good mood today.’

“Why would I mind?” Xena asked. “Of course, we can stop by to see your family. I know they’ll be happy to see you. You’ve been away a long time.”

“Yes, I have.” Agreed the Bard thoughtfully.

“Besides,” Continued the older woman. “I’ve got some business to take care of , then I’ll meet you in a couple of days.”

Gabrielle frowned. “Your not coming with me?”

Xena smiled. “Gabrielle we both know I’m not your families favorite person.” Before the Bard could protest further, movement at the head of the table caught her attention.

A large figure stopped near Xena’s side of the table. Xena looked up expecting to find an angry face leering back at her. Instead she was greeted by the warm smile of a friend. “Hercules.” She said standing to greet him.

“Hello, Xena.” He said accepting the hand she offered.

“Iolaus!” Gabrielle cried bouncing from her chair to throw her arms around his neck.

“Hi Gabrielle.” Returning her embrace, he laughed at the young woman’s enthuse greeting. “It’s good to see you too.”

Releasing Iolaus she turned to Hercules. “Hi Hercules.” Embracing him quickly around his broad form.

Being careful not to squeeze to hard he returned the greeting. “Hello, Gabrielle. How are you?”

Moving back to stare up at the large demigod the Bard smiled. “I’m fine, thanks.”

“How about you, Xena?” Asked Ioluas as he gently touched her arm.

Xena smiled at him crookedly. “I’m fine. What brings you two here? Not your regular stomping grounds.”

“It’s a long story.” Hercules replied.

“But” Now it was Iolaus who offered a crooked smile. “One we’d be happy to share over a mug of ale.”

Xena laughed, shaking her head. “Innkeeper! Two mugs of ale.” She called before motioning for the others to sit.

“Well,” Iolaus began. “It all started when this guy showed up asking for Hercules' help with a cyclops.”

“A cyclops?” Repeated a surprised Gabrielle.

“I don’t think there where any of those still around.” Xena commented.

Gabrielle laughed. “Especially with the ‘warm’ reception you and Hercules always give them.”

Hercules smiled slyly. “There are a few left.”

“Yeah, but there is one less now.” Iolaus joked. All laughed. As the mugs of ale arrived Iolaus related the story of how Hercules had defeated the cyclops and strongly suggested that he find another line of work.

Gabrielle and Iolaus took turns swapping stories. Xena and Hercules offering an occasional nod or grunt to confirm some detail. So the day passed into afternoon and afternoon into evening as the friend’s enjoyed each other’s company.

Xena was about to excuse herself to inquire about a room for the night, when her attention was drawn to the doorway. Through it entered a large group of well equipped soldiers. Making a less than conspicuous entry. All eyes turned to the soldiers. “Who are they?” Asked Gabrielle.

“Soldiers from the troop at Athens.” Iolaus answered.

“They look like members of the royal guard.” Xena noted.

“What would they be doing here.” Wondered the Bard.

“I don’t know.” Hercules replied. “But I think we’re about to find out.”

The troop approached the friends cautiously. A young man wearing the rank of lieutenant stepped forward to stand beside Xena. “Are you Xena?” He demanded.

Finishing her sip of ale she slowly sat the mug down. “I am.” She replied, looking up at him she added. “Who wants to know?”

“I told you it was her.” Said an older man, moving forward with his hand on his sword hilt. Xena eyed him menacingly as he approached.

Hercules spoke up. “Is there a problem?”

“Stay out of this.” Warned the older man taking another step toward the Warrior. Before the man could do anything foolish the officer raised a hand blocking his path.

“Silence.” He commanded. “I am Lieutenant Thrasius of the king’s royal army of Athens.”

“Very impressive.” Xena said, sounding less than impressed. “Is there something I can do for you?”

Unfurling a scroll he began to read aloud. “By order of the Royal Court of Athens I am here by ordered to arrest the woman warlord known as Xena. Also known as the Warrior Princess. The above is hereby charged with leading armed forces against the citizens of Greece. The accused is also charged with the following crimes, theft, kidnapping, arson, assault, pirating and murder. Upon apprehension the accused is to be escorted to Athens. Where upon her arrival she will stand trial for her crimes against the people of Greece.”

Iolaus laughed. “This is a joke right?”

The Lieutenant ignored him, focusing on Xena. “I will ask you again. Are you Xena?”

Without hesitation, Xena replied. “Yes, I am Xena.”

Stepping back the young officer drew his sword. “Then by the authority of the Royal Court of Athens I am hereby placing you under arrest.”

Hercules, Iolaus and Gabrielle jumped to their feet, ready to defend their friend. The soldiers drew their weapons.

“Stop!” Ordered Xena, still sitting at the table. Looking at her friends. “Sit down.” When they did not move, she added. “Please.” All three stared at her for moment, then exchanged uncertain glances with each other before reluctantly returning to their chairs. Turning to the Lieutenant she continued. “Tell your men to put their weapons away. They won’t need them. I’ll go with you. I won’t try to escape, you have my word.”

“WHAT!” Gabrielle yelled, grabbing Xena by the arm. “You can’t.”

Xena placed a reassuring hand over the trembling one on her arm. “I have to.” Prying the Bard’s hand off she rose to face the lieutenant. He signaled for his men to secure their swords, but kept his own drawn.

Leveling the blade at Xena’s chest. “Remove your weapons.” He ordered. As she reached for her sword the older man, behind the Lieutenant reached for his. Seeing his concern she stopped, then continued slowly. Unfastening the sword scabbard she laid it on the table. Slowly she removed her chakram, placing it on top of the sword. Then her breast dagger, followed by several other daggers. Once all of her weapons had been removed and placed on the table she held her hands out to her sides.

“Now your armor.” He commanded. Slowly she unfastened and removed her breastplate, laying it on the pile of weapons. “Gauntlets and greaves, too.” Said the officer, motioning with his sword. The Warrior did as he commanded. First removing her gauntlets, then bending to remove her greaves. Once the greaves had been removed she placed them atop the growing pile. Again she stopped to stand with her arm held out in a gesture of surrender.

Satisfied the Warrior was disarmed, the lieutenant ordered her to step away from the table. She did so without hesitation. “Now turn around and place your hands behind your back.” Slowly Xena turned to place her back to the soldiers. Once her back was to them she clasped her hands behind her back. “Secure her hands, Corporal.” Ordered the lieutenant.

“Yes, sir!” Said the older man, a wicked smile on his face as he approached the Warrior.

Looking straight ahead a figure moved into her line of vision. Lowering her eyes she found herself staring into Gabrielle’s fear filled eyes. “It’s going to be all right.” She said softly.

“Xena...” Gabrielle started to reply, but stopped as a look of pain flickered across the Warrior’s face. Behind her the corporal had roughly jerked her bonds tight. “You don’t have to be so rough.” Gabrielle scolded. “She hasn’t done anything.”

Glancing around Xena he snarled at the Bard. “Shut up, little girl. Unless you want to join her.”

“Corporal! That’s enough.” Ordered the Lieutenant.

Mumbling something under his breath the Corporal knelt to secure shackles to the Warrior’s ankles.

“Gabrielle,” Xena spoke in a smoothing tone. Waiting for the Bard to look at her before continuing. Gabrielle looked up into the deep blue eyes she knew so well. Xena smiled at her warmly. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be all right.”

Fighting back tears, Gabrielle grabbed Xena around the waist holding her tightly. Unable to return the embrace, Xena kissed the Bard gently on top of the head. Then rested her cheek there.

Hercules and Iolaus had been quietly watching the exchange. Finally Hercules could stand it no longer. “Lieutenant is this really necessary? She has agreed to go with you. Why are you treating her so roughly?”

“Who are you?” Asked the lieutenant.

“I’m Hercules.”

Shock passed over the officer’s face before he replied. “Hercules? I’m surprised to find you in the company of a murder.”

“She’s not a murder.” Iolaus replied through clenched teeth.

Regarding Iolaus for a moment, the lieutenant replied. “That’s for the court to decide.” Turning back to Hercules, he continued. “I’m not treating her any different than I would any other dangerous prisoner. Her fighting skills are legendary. I will not risk the lives of my men or anyone else by having her attempt to escape.”

“She won’t try to escape. She gave her word.” Iolaus said.

“For what it’s worth.” Answered the lieutenant sacarastily. “Let’s go.”

Two soldiers moved forward grabbing Xena by the arms, trying to pull her away.

“No!” Gabrielle cried refusing to release her.

“Gabrielle, don’t...” Xena begged.

One of the soldiers pushed the Bard away.

“Leave her alone.” Snarled the Warrior.

“Or what?” Taunted the guard.

Hercules moved to Gabrielle’s side. “Or you’ll have to answer to me.” Iolaus joined him.

“Enough!” Yelled the lieutenant. “Remove the prisoner.”

Hercules started to move forward. “Don’t.” Xena commanded, meeting his eyes.


Cutting him off, she added pleading. “Please don’t.”

He watched helplessly as the guards lead her away.

As they disappeared out the door, Gabrielle started to charge after them. Iolaus caught her. “Let go of me!” She cried.

“No. You can’t stop them.” Iolaus told her.

Hercules rested a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Iolaus is right. There is nothing we can do at the moment.”

Gabrielle angrily shook off the hand. “Why did you let them take her?” She yelled at him accusingly. “You could have stopped them!”

“I’m sorry, Gabrielle. It has to be this way.” Taking her hands in his. “We’ll get her out of this. I promise.”

Gabrielle squeezed her eyes shut forcing back tears, nodding slowly she lowered her head. Iolaus placed a reassuring hand on her back. Silently they stood there each searching for an answer that would save a friend.

Chapter 2

The Journey to Athens

Dust churned in small circles under the Warrior’s boots as she trotted along the country road at a steady pace. A gentle breeze caught the raised dust carrying it skyward, were it mingled with the dust being raised by the dozen soldiers and their mounts, surrounding her in a loose circle. The dust wrapped itself around the travelers clinging to them, as it forced its way into eyes and throats. Swallowing hard in an attempt to force the girt from her throat, Xena once more found herself missing Argo.

As the troop made its way along the dusty road, Xena allowed her mind to drift back to the morning following her arrest. Having spent the night in the village jail, she was visited shortly after dawn by Thrasius. Who was accompanied by several soldiers. The soldiers took up defensive positions as Thrasius ordered one of the men to enter the cell and secure the prisoner. Xena made no effort to resist as her arms were shackled behind her back or when heavy manacles were places on her ankles. The chain on them only allowing her to take half strides. Once the bonds were securely in place Thrasius informed her they were leaving for Athens.

It was not until they were outside that the trouble began. They were barely clear of the jail when Hercules moved to block the lieutenant’s path. Behind him stood Gabrielle and Iolaus looking ready for a fight. Hercules calmly explained their desire to accompany him to Athens. Thrasius refused, stating he would not risk an escape attempt. Eager to prove his point the lieutenant informed them they would be arrested on the spot if spotted during the trip. For all of his reasoning and promises Hercules could not convince the young officer to change his mind. Several heated words passed between the lieutenant, Gabrielle and Iolaus before Xena finally intervened. With some effort she managed to talk her friends out of their plan, much to Gabrielle’s dismay. Following another hard won discussion she convinced them to remain in the village one more day. Giving the soldiers enough of a head start so they would not cross paths. Finally they agreed to wait, though she doubted they would.

With the approach of the midday sun the small troop stopped near a lake to water the horses and eat. Xena sat with her back against a large oak tree, watching the soldier tend to their mounts. ‘Careless lot.’ She noted, frowning at the soldier’s behavior. A figure moved into her line of vision.

Shortly before leaving the village Thrasius had assigned Timotheos the task of seeing to the Warrior’s care. It was his responsibly to see to it she received food and water. From the young soldier’s reaction it was obvious he did not relish the assignment. As the days passed and he became more familiar with his charge, he was surprised to find he actually enjoyed the woman’s company. Though she would be hard pressed to admit it the Warrior found him an entertaining companion as well.

Timotheos’s long legs stretched to their full strait, while his lanky body fought to maintain its balance. Watching the young man’s somewhat clumsy movements, caused the corners of the Warrior’s mouth to raise slightly. Freckles and a softness to his face, hinted at the young man’s youthfulness. As he drew near a smile stretched across his face. “Hungary?” He asked lightly.

“Staved.” Answered the Warrior. “Good.” Cheerfully replied the young man as he dropped to the ground beside her. Quickly he began to unwrap a small bundle. “I’ve got some bread and cheese. And “ Removing a water skin from his shoulder, he held it up for her to see. “Some lovely fresh water to wash it all down.”

“Sounds good.” She answered, offering him a crooked smile. Timotheos ducked his face for a moment, Xena could have sworn he was blushing.

Since Thrasius had ordered Xena’s shackles were not to be removed, Timotheos was forced to feed her. Xena despised being hand feed, but her survival sense overrode her pride. Thrasius would not revoke the order and there was no way she could walk to Athens without food or water. So she did the only thing she could, she allowed Timotheos to feed her.

Within the last few days a routine had developed between the two. Timotheous would offer Xena a bite size piece of food, which she would accept without complaint. While waiting for her to finish the piece he would engage in small talk. It did not seem to bother him he was doing most of the talking. Though Xena did offer an occasional question or comment. Today’s routine would not vary. “We should be in Athens by midday tomorrow, don’t you think.” Asked the young man.

Swallowing the bit of bread she had been chewing, Xena answered. “Probably.”

Offering another bit of bread. “I can’t wait, it’s been almost a month weeks since I was home last. It’ll be good to see Ilias, that’s my wife. Remember I told you about her?” Xena nodded slightly. “Yeah it’ll be good to see her and Nitsa, my daughter. You ready for some more bread?”

“Water, first.” Answered the Warrior, swallowing hard.

“Water?” Confusion crossed the freckled face, followed by understanding. “Of course, what was I thinking?” Fumbling with the stopper on the water skin. “Here we’ve been eating dust all morning and the first think I do is start feeding you dry bread. Some days I’m just dense.” Raising the water skin to her parched lips. “Here you go.” She drank deeply, before pulling back. “How’s that?” Asked the young man.

“Much better.” She replied offering him a slight smile.

The meal continued in this fashion until Xena indicted she was satisfied. Timotheos returned the remaining food to its bundle, securing it tightly. “We’ve got company.” Announced the Warrior. Timotheos turned to follow Xena’s stare. He eyes came to rest on the horse and rider that had attracted the Warrior’s attention.

“Help me! Help me!” Cried the haggard looking man, clinging to the horse’s mane. One of the soldiers stepped in front of the rider causing the horse to rear. It’s startled rider found himself thrown to the ground.

Two soldiers were helping the man to his feet as Thrasius approached him. “What is your trouble citizen?”

Falling against Thrasius the frightened man clung to his chest. “You must help us, raiders are attacking my village. They’ll kill us all!”

Prying thick fingers from his chest plate, Thrasius held the man at arms length. “Where is your village?”

“Just over the ridge.” Answered the man pointing toward a small incline.”

Thrasius debated with himself for a moment, reaching a decision he ordered. “Mount up!” Taking a coil of rope from his saddle horn he threw it to Timotheous. “Secure the prisoner to the tree.”

“Yes, sir.” Thrasius mounted his horse, than as a second thought. “Corporal!”

“Yes, sir?” Answered the older man.

“Stay here with Timotheos to help him guard the prisoner.”

“Yes, sir.” Was that delight he heard in the older man’s voice. Thrasius shook the thought from his head, there was no time to second guess the man now.
“The rest of you follow me.” Ordered the lieutenant as he kicked his horse into a gallop. Soon they disappeared over the ridge.

As Timotheos finished securing Xena to the tree, the Corporal approached. “Make sure that rope is good and tight boy.” Stopping at Xena’s feet to stare down at her. “We won’t want our prize to slip away, now would we.” She ignored him. “It’s tight, sir.” Timotheos assured him. “Good. I left my horse down near the lake. Go get him for me.” Looking from the Corporal to Xena and back Timotheos hesitated. “Something wrong with your hearing boy?” Growled the Corporal.

“ sir.”

“Then get moving.”

“Yes, sir.” Answered the young man, taking off at a trot toward the lake. Strephon watched him for a moment before moving closer to Xena.

Reaching down his picked up the abandoned water skin. Removing the stopper he took a long swallow. Wiping the back of his hand across his mouth he held the water skin out to Xena. “Care for a drink, ‘Warrior.’” There was ice in the way he said Warrior.

“No, thanks.” Xena replied turning away.

“What’s wrong ‘Princess’? To good to drink after a lowly corporal?”

Still looking away Xena did not reply, she knew there was nothing to say.

“Answer me.” He growled grabbing her chin and forcing her to look at him.

Fire flashed in her eyes, but she managed to keep her voice at an even tone. “No, thanks.”

"Oh, but I insist.” Sneered the Corp spraying her in the face with the water. Xena shook her head trying to clear the water from her face. Clenching her teeth she glared at him, the cold look on her face saying it all. “You got something to say.” He growled. Bringing her temper down to a degree just below furious Xena turned away. Lights exploded in her head as a large fist connected with her left temple. Stunned by the blow she grimaced as the Corp grabbed her by the hair. Pulling her face up to meet his. “I asked you a question.”

“Drop dead.” Xena growled. She braced herself as he backhanded her across the face.

He continued to strike her, cursing her with each blow. Unable to defend herself she braced herself against the attack.

As Timotheous returned from tending the horses he stopped in his tracks unable to believe his eyes. The Corp was viciously punching and kicking the defenseless warrior. “No.” He whispered. “Stop! Stop it!” He screamed as he ran toward them. Reaching the Corporal he grabbed him by the arm as he was drawing back for another strike. “What are you doing?” Cried the younger man. Pushing Timotheos back he warned the young man.

“Stay out of this boy.” Landing a solid kick to Xena’s ribs. She gasped for air, doubled over as far the rope around her waist would allow.

“Your going to kill her!” Screamed Timotheous, trying once more to stay the man’s hand.

“That’s the idea.” Snarled Strephon, unable to pull his arm free, he drew back his foot for another kick.

“Stop it!” Timotheous commanded pushing him away from the wounded woman.

Turning his anger on the younger man. “I told you to stay out of this boy.”

“No.” Timotheous replied stepping between Xena and the Corporal. “I won’t let you kill her.”

Strephon laughed sarcastically. “Won’t let me? You can’t stop me. Besides, you won’t be able to save her from the hangman’s noose in Athens. So why don’t you just move aside and let me save everybody a lot of time and effort.”

“No,” Timotheous answered standing his ground. “You don’t have any right to do this.”

“Right!” Howled the Corporal . “I have every right. That murdering bitch killed my brother at Corthin.”

“I’m sorry about your brother. But, I won’t let you kill an unarmed prisoner.”

An animal like growl escaped Strephon as he flung himself at Timotheous knocking both of them to the ground. Xena watched closely as the two men struggled upon the ground. Finally, Strephon struck Timotheous on the chin, dazed he fell onto his back nearly landing in Xena’s lap. As the younger man fought to regain his senses, Strephon jumped on his chest pinning both arms to the ground. “You should know better than to turn on one of your own boy.” Drawing a dagger from his belt as he spoke. Raising his arm Strephon prepared to bury the weapon in Timotheous’s chest. Just as the weapon started its downward motion a war cry caused Strephon to look up, just in time to catch both of Xena’s boots in his face. The force of her kick sent him flying off of Timotheous, to lay dazed several feet away. Timotheous stared at the dazed man for a moment. Raising to his elbows he turned to find Xena still tightly secured to the tree. Somehow she had managed to get her legs up to deliver the kick. “Amazing.” He mumbled as he slowly crawled toward her. Strephon’s slowly climbed to his feet, clutching the side of his head he staggered away.

“He won’t be any trouble for awhile.” Xena announced.

“Thanks.” Timotheos whispered as he began examining her injuries.

“No problem.” Shrugged the Warrior.

Finishing his examine, Timotheous informed her. “You’ve got some good bruises, but it doesn’t look like anything is broken.”

Shrugging slightly, she informed him. “I’ve had worst.” Studying him for a moment. “Timotheous.” She waited till he met her stare before continuing. “Thanks for trying to stop him. That took a lot of courage.” Red spread over Timotheous’s face as he ducked his head to avoid the dark haired woman’s gaze.

“Your welcome.” Picking up the waterskin, he rose to his feet. “I need to get some more water.”

Flexing against her bonds, Xena answered dryly. “Well, I’m not going anywhere.”

Laughing, Timotheose turned toward the lake.

Watching air bubbles escaping the water skin as water rushed in, Timotheous did not hear the figure slowly approaching him. Suddenly his head was jerked back by the hair, pulling him off balance. Quickly cold steel touched his exposed throat.

“See how easy it is to die boy?” Growled Strephon as he press the razor shape blade tighter against the young man’s throat.

“What...what are you doing?” Pleaded Timotheous.

“Just giving you a lesson in survival boy. See you choose the wrong side in a fight and now your going to pay for it.” Approaching hoof beats stopped Strephon as he was about to draw the blade across the young man’s throat. “Damn.” He whispered. Pulling Timotheous closer he snarled in the young soldier’s ear. “Now you listen boy and you listen good. When the lieutenant gets here your going to tell him how your precious little prisoner tried to escape, that’s why she had all those bruised. Got it.”

Swallowing Timotheos felt the blade press a little deeper into his throat. “No, he won’t...ugh.”

Strephon jerked on the handful of hair he held. “You listen boy, you do as I say or I’ll cut your throat right now.” Strephon’s face widened into an evil grin as a thought struck him. “Then when I get back to Athens ‘I’ll’ personally deliver the news to that pretty little wife of yours.”

“Why you...” Anger overrode Timotheos fear for a moment as he tried to pull free, the movement, nearly caused him to slit his own throat.

“Easy boy, or you’ll save me the trouble of killing you. Now you just think about what I’ve said. I can kill your family and you know it. Better yet I know folks who would do it for me. You’d always be looking over your shoulder. So what’s it going to be boy. You going to keep defending a murderer or are you going to protect your family?”

Slumping in defect. “I’ll do as you say.”

“Good.” Strephon pushed him away. “Don’t forget this conversion boy.” With that he stalked off to meet the returning troops.

Timotheous kicked the dirt at his feet then buried his head in his hands. He could not help but feel he had just traded his honor for his families safety.

Xena watched as the Thrasius stalked toward her, Strephon close on his heels. ‘Looks like Strephon has given his side of the story.’ She thought.

Stopping within arms reach Thrasius glared down at her. From his tone it was obvious he was fighting to control his anger. “You gave me your word you would not try to escape.”

Staring at him calmy. “And I keep it.”

“Ha! Strephon told me what happened. Couldn’t resist could you?”

Fighting to keep her own temper undercontrol. “I don’t know what he told you, but I’m telling you I did not try to escape.”

“We’ll see about that.” Turning away. “Timotheos, get over here!”

Strephon sneered at her from behind the lieutentant. Xena wasn’t sure why but she had a feeling, she was not going to like what was about to happen.

Timotheous quickly joined them. “Sir?”

“Timotheous, the Corporal tells me the prisoner tried to escape and you and he were forced to beat her into submission. Is that true?” Thrasius question sounded like a demand.

Swallowing hard Timotheous opened his mouth to speak. “She..” Strephon took a small step towards him. The threat it implied was not lost on the Warrior Princess.

‘No,’ She told herself. ‘He’ll tell the truth.’ Then Timotheous turned to her, as their eyes meet his head dropped. She felt her heart sink as she knew what his answer would be.

“Its true. Everything the Corporal said was true.”

Though her face was an unemotional mask Xena felt as though she had been kicked in the stomach. ‘So much for trust.’ She mused to herself.

Turning to face her Thrasius shook his head in disgust.

“Well since it’s obvious I can’t trust your word, I’ll have to make sure this doesn’t happen again.” Turning to Strephon. “Post guards on her till I get back.”

“Yes, sir. Where are you going sir?” Quested the Corporal. Throwing a last glance at Xena.

“To get something to keep our prisoner in line.” He started down toward the horses.

As the other’s moved away Timotheous knelt down to claim his food bundle. “What did he offer you?” Questioned the woman warrior quietly.

Without looking up. “I didn’t have a choice.”

“Everyone has a choice.” She growled between clenched teeth.

Angrily Timotheous rose to his feet. “I don’t own you an explantation...Murderer.” Turning quickly he started to move away.
Stopping in mid stride, he spoke over his shoulder without facing her. “He threatened my family.”

Xena answered him quietly. “I understand.” Without looking back Timotheous walked away.

Nearly an hour later, Thrasius rode back into camp. Dismounting he moved toward his prisoner motioning for several men to follow him. In one hand he carried a long pole, at first Xena mistook it for a staff, but as he drew closer she notice it was iron, not wood. Reaching her he stopped placing one end of the pole on the ground before him. “Now, let’s see if we can make it to Athens without any further trouble.” Not waiting for a reply he called over his shoulder. “Archers!” Two men ran forward, each carrying a large bow.

“Sir.” Answered the older of the two.

“If she moves kill her.” Instructed Thrasius.

“Yes, sir.” They replied in unison, each drawing and notching an arrow in one smooth motion. Once the arrows where in place they took aim at the warrior, drawing their bows taunt.

“Place this across her shoulders and secure her arms to it.” Ordered Thrasius, handing the pole to a nearby soldier.
“Yes, sir.” Taking the pole the man moved to knelt beside the dark hared woman, being careful not to get between her and the archers.

“Timotheos.” Thrasius called.

“Sir.” Asked the young man stepping forward.

“From now on she will receive only one meal a day and cut her water rations by half.”

“By half, sir?” Feeling his heart sink at the order.

“That’s right soldier, by half.” Thrasius instructed him angrily. “Maybe if she is busy thinking about food and water, she won’t have time to think about escaping.”

“But, sir...” Timotheos started to protest, Strephon caught his eye.

“It there a problem, soldier?” Questioned Thrasius.

Dropping his head, Timotheos replied. “No sir. One meal and half the water. I understand, sir.”

Frowning at the young mans behavior, Thrasius studied him for a moment. “Good.” Turning to the others. “Make sure the ropes on her arms are secure and check the leg irons.”

“Yes, sir.” Came a quick reply.

Satisfied with his handiwork Thrasius turned toward the lake, calling over his shoulder. “And Corporal.”

“Sir?” “Remove her boots.”

Chapter 3

A Hero’s Welcome

Children’s laughter echoed through the crowded streets of Athens, as they chased one another in and out of the rows of merchant’s booths. Customers browsing the rows of booths, were forced into quick side steps to avoid being overrun by the carefree imps. The aroma of fresh baked goods mingled with those of the many colonge merchants making for a unique smell in the large city square.

Making her way through the crowd in search of items for the evening meal, a tall, dark hared woman stopped near a meat bender’s stand. After a close inspection she decided the meat on the other side of the square was fresher. Turning back to retrace her steps she found herself face to face with a large leather clad man. Though his hair was mostly gray it was obvious he could still hold his own in fight. A look of recognition crossed his face, through it quickly turned to a frown as his eyes fell to her clothing. “Not exactly your style.” He quirked with a slight chuckle.

“What’s it to ya?” She answered feeling her face flush with anger . Not waiting for a reply she started around him. Only to be stopped by a large hand on her arm. “Let go of me.” She ordered. Releashing her the man held his hands up in mock surrender. “Hey, I didn’t mean any harm. Just thought you’d at least say hello to a friend.” A frown creased the lovely face before him. “A friend?” She repeated raising one eyebrow slightly.

“Meg, is this guy bothering you?” Asked a voice from behind the Warrior. Both turned to find a young man, with dark hair and the most mismatched asortment of armor one could imagine. “No, Joxer.” Assuring him with a smile. “Not yet anyway.”

Now it was the warriors turn to appear confused. “Meg? Your name is Meg?” “That’s right.” Folding her arms definitely across her chest. Staring at her from head to toe the warrior shook his head in disbelief. “Amazing, you look just like her.” Suddenly feeling uncomfort, Meg shifted. “Like who?”

“Xena.” Answered the Warrior. “You know Xena?” Asked Joxer moving to Meg’s side. “Yeah, we met awhile back. Gabrielle’s an old friend and they helped me out of a mess.” Meg visibly relaxed. “So your a friend of hers?” “I’d like to think so.” He answered with a crooked smile.

Offering his hand with a friendly grin. “Name’s Meleager.” Joxer reached for the offered hand, only to find Meg had beaten him to it. “Meleager? Meleager the Mighty?” A hint of hopefulness in her voice. “That’s what folks call me.”

Bubbling with excitement. “I’ve heard about you.” Stepping forward to slip an arm around one of his, she purred. “But, I’d like to hear more from you.” Smiling at her. “Well, I’m always happy to oblige a pretty lady.” Meg giggled. A cough intrupted her reply. “Excuse me. Remember me, Joxer? ‘We’ have a date, remember?”

Waving at him dismissingly. “Oh that, don’t worry we’ll get together later.” “Later?” Joxer’s jaw dropping at the realization he was being dumping in the middle of the street. “Wait a minute. Aren’t you suppose to meet Princess Diana shortly?” Still staring into Meleager’s eyes. “Who? Oh yeah, that’s right.” Smiling at Meleager apoligily. “Princess Diana of Terrus, she’s my boss. Listen why don’t you come with me? It won’t take long.”

Meleager thought for a moment. “Terrus? Is her father King Lias?” Bubbling once more. “That’s him. You know kingy?” “Yeah.” Meleager laughed. “Lias and I go way back. Though I haven’t see him in...almost twenty years. Why his daughter was a mere child the last time I saw her.” “Wonderful, then you’ll come with me.” It was more of a command then a request. “Sure why not.” Falling in beside her. Throwing his hands up in disgust, Joxer fell in behind them.

Several rows over a merchant was attempting to hawk his wears. Spotting a young couple approaching he leapt into their path. “Greetings kind, citizens. I have something you will love. Every house should have one and will if I have my way.” “Don’t I know you?” Asked the man studying him closely.

Fearful he may have located an old, perhaps unhappy customer the merchant tried to change the subject. “I don’t think so friend, unless...wait a minute you do look...Black Wolf.” The couple laughed hardely. “I haven’t been called that in sometime.” Laughed the small, dark hared woman, offering a hand. “How are you Salmoneus?” Realizing he was in no danger of tar and feathers, a large grin crossed his face as he accepted the offered hand.. “I’m doing great.” Noticing the bulge under Flora’s dress. “Looks like congrations are in order.”

“Yes, they are.” Diomedes wrapped his arms tightly around his wife’s shoulders. “Well in that case, congrations.” “Thank you Salmoneus.” Flora returned his smile. Spying a woman near his booth, Salmoneus sensed a sale. “Pardon me a moment.” Stepping behind the woman, rubbing his hands expectly.

“Good day, dear lady. What may I offer you this fine day?” As the woman turned to face him, the merchant’s jaw nearly struck the ground. “Xena.” He gasped. “What are you doing here and why are you dress like that?” Eyeing the finely woven grown she wore. Understanding the man’s mistake Diana smiled at him warmly. “Your mistaken sir, I’m not...”

“Xena!” Diana turned just as Flora throw her arms around the Princess squeezing her tightly. Startled by the affectionate display Diana did not return the embrace. Pulling back to stare up at the taller woman, Flora frowned. “I know you have a warrior image to maintain, but you could at less hug an old friend. Especially one that considers you family.”

“Family?” Diane repeated her expression softening as she studied the younger woman. “What’s wrong with you? To many blows to the head?” Grinned the smaller woman mischievly. “You don’t understand.” Diana attempted to explain. “I’m not...” “There’s two of them.” Diomedes pointed in disbelief.

Meg bounced up to the group still clinging tightly to Meleager’s arm. Shaking his head hoping to clear his double vision Salmoneus opened his eyes only to discover the two images before him were still there. “What’s going on here?” He asked.

“Perhaps I can explain.” Offered a young man with fawn colored hair. “And who are you?” Asked the confused merchant. “I’m Prince Philemon and this,” Taking Diana’s hand. “Is my wife, Princess Diana of Terrus. And this motioning.” Toward Meg. “Is Meg, our cook.”

Now it was Meleager’s turn to shake his head. “Amazing your both dead ringers for Xena.” “Yes, I know.” Diana informed him.

“Have the three of you ever met?” Curiously getting the better of Flora. “Boy have they ever.” Answered Joxer from behind Meleager. Meg and Diana exchanged looks, before Diana explained. “It’s a rather long story.” Sensing profit in a good tale, Salmoneus moved in. “I’d love to hear it.”

As Diana prepared to relay the tale she was interrupted by a young boy, who nearly ran her over in his excitement. Catching the youth in mid stride, Meleager picked him up by the shirt. “Easy there son, what’s your rush?” “Their here!” Cried the child excitedly. “Who’s here boy?” Questioned the Warrior. “The Royal guard.”

Helping Diana to upright herself, Philmon turned to the boy. “Why are you so excited about the return of the Royal Guard?” Turning to offer the Prince a snaggled toothed grin. “It’s not because of the guard, it’s because of their prisoner.” Enjoying the child's excitement Flora asked. “And who might that be?” Having found an audience for his news the boy decided to play for his crowd. “Only the meanest, nastiest and most hated warlord who ever lived.”

Melegar chuckled at him. “And who might that be?” Still grinning from ear to ear, the boy turned to point at the approaching guard and their charge. “Her.” All eyes turned to follow the boy’s out stretched hand. “Xena the Warrior Princess.” The smile slipped from Meleager’s face as he slowly lowered the child to the ground, releaseing him.

Xena slowly staggered into view, her arms were secured to a long pole laying across her shoulders. Even from a distance Meleager could see the raw rope burns on her forearms and wrists. Her face was bruised from her earlier encounter with the Corporal. Upon first seeing her, Meleager had attributed her stagger to the shackles on her ankles. But as she drew closer he understood the real reason for her akward stride. What he saw made his blood boil. ‘They’ve taken her boots.’

Diana gasped in horror, as Philemon placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “No, Xena.” Flora started forward only to be stayed by Diomedes’s gentle but firm hand. Turning an angry glare on him. “We have to help her.” Meleager answered for him. “There is nothing we can do for her at the moment. “But, she’s hurt.” Cried Meg. Not taking his eyes off the woman warrior. “She’ll be all right.” ‘At least, I hope so she will.’ He added silently.

Around them the crowd was growing restless. “Witch!” Called a faceless voice. “MURDERER!” Cried another. Others took up the chant. Soon it seemed the entire crowd was calling for Xena’s blood. Thrasius searched the crowd watching for trouble makers. A rock sailed pass his head, quickly followed by another. “STOP! I’m ordering you to stop this immediately!” His orders fell on deaf ears. As the first rock bounced off her right shoulder, leaving a red mark with a small cut, Xena felt her warrior senses come to life. Quickly she dodge two more rocks, suddenly it seemed rocks were coming at her from all directions at once. Dodging the ones she could she absorbed the blows from the others. Finally one slipped pass her defense contacting solidly near her right temple, just below the hairline. Hearing a soft moan behind him, Thrasius turned to see his prisoner sinking to her knees. “Dismount!” He ordered jumping to the ground.

Lights were still exploding in Xena’s head as her bare knees connected with the rough ground. The crowd roared it’s approval as the warrior sank to her knees. Leaning to one side she used the pole across her back to steady herself. Slowly the world around her stopped spinning. She could see the lieutenant trying to hold back a small group of people who had broken from the crowd. There was something familiar about the faces before her, but she was unable to focus on them.

Shocked by the resemblance of his prisoner and the two women standing before him, Thrasius was caught momentarily off guard. Almost to late he realized Meleager was nearly pass him. Pushing the large warrior back, he ordered. “Back off!”

Unwilling to turn his back on a fallen comrade Meleager angrily shoved him back. “She’s hurt!” Fearful of a roit and unuse to having his orders disobeyed Thrasius drew his sword. “I can take care of my prisoner without your help.” “Yeah,” Growled Meleager sarcastically. “Well it looks like you’ve done a pretty poor job of it so far.”

Finally, able to clear some of the fog from her mind Xena heard someone call her name. There was a familiarly about the voice, yet she could not place a name to it. Looking once more to the small crowd gathered before Thrasius, she spied the concerned face attached to the voice. A smile crossed her face as she called back. “Flora.” Suddenly rough hands grabbed the bar across her shoulders, jerking her to her feet. Still dazed by the blow to her head, she reacted out of instinct. Jerking the bar forward then forcefully swinging it back she was rewarded with a cry of pain as it struck the guard behind her. Knocking him to the ground.

“She’s trying to escape!” Someone screamed. Another guard attempted to secure the prisoner only to be met with a simpler fate as his friend. For a brief moment a whistling sound filled the air. There was something familiar about the sound, but in Xena’s disoriented mine she could not place it. Turning to face the sound, too late she realized what it was. Trying to side step she felt the crossbow bolt enter her unarmored left shoulder. The impact of the arrow lifting her off the ground as she was knocked flat on her back.

Another cheer roared through the crowd. “NO!” Cried Flora breaking passed the lieutenant. Unable to hold them back the others broke pass the young officer as well. Dropping beside the fallen warrior the younger woman gently lifted Xena’s head into her lap. “Xena, Xena can you hear me?” Flora asked, stroking hair from the dirt and sweat stained face. Xena’s eyes fluttered open, taking a moment to focus on the woman hovering over her. “Flo...ra.” She smiled weakly, as her eyes drifted closed again.

“It’s all right.” Assured the small, dark hared woman leaning down to embrace her friend. “It will be all right.” Kneeling next to Xena’s still form, Meleager studied her wound closely. “We’ve got to get her out of here.” Removing a dagger from his belt, with one swift stroke he severed the ropes securing her arms to the pole. Carefully he and Diomedes removed to pole. Returning his dagger to it sheath, Meleager scooped the wound warrior up in his arms, raising to his feet with her.

“What do we do now.” Asked Joxer. . Meleager began searching the area as best he could. “We need to find a healer.” “My private healer is here.” Diana informed him. “We can take her to him.” Nodding his agreement, Melegar turned to follow her. “Lead the way.”

They had taken less than two steps when Thrasius stepped into their path, leveling his sword at Meleager’s chest. “Where do you think you are going with my prisoner?” Feeling his patients wearing thin, Meleager fought to remain calm. “She needs a healer.”

“There is one at the jail. She’ll see him.” Thrasius moved towards Meleager. “The jail healer?” Scoffed Salmoneus. “He’s not fit to treat a dog. He’ll kill her.” Shrugging slightly, Thrasius answered emotionlessly. “Maybe.”

“Like hell.”Growled Meleager through clenched teeth. “ as...he says.” Meleager looked into the pale face staring up at him. “You need a real healer.” “Please...” Xena pleaded. “listen to...him.” Frustration replaced anger as Meleager surrended to the woman’s wishes. “Alright, which way?”

Reaching the jail had proven to be a battle in itself. Having tasted blood the crowd craved more. And with each passing moment they were less and less concerned about who’s blood they spilled. Thrasius ordered his men into a close circle with Xena and friends in the center. Philemon, Diomedes and Joxer took defensive positions around Meleager and Xena. Even Salmoneus, Diana and Meg tried to offer some protection from the rabid crowd. Just when Thrasius was certain the crowd would overrun them, reinforcements arrived. With the assistance of the fresh troops they were able to clear a path to the jail.

Thrasius, Philemon, Diomedes and Joxer remained at the main entrance helping keep the crowd at bay. Once inside the jail, Meleager was lead down a long narrow corridor. Reaching the end of the corridor they turned sharply to the left, Meleager found himself in a larger hallway. On one side was a solid block wall on the other a row of bars. Behind the bars were three small cells. All were empty at the time. Moving to the door of the closest cell the guard unfastened the bolt and swung the barred door open. Stepping to one side he allowed Meleager to enter. Inside the cell near the side wall was a small cot. Meleager reached the cot in two quick strides. As he gently laid Xena on the well worn bedding, he could hear the shouts of the angry crowd through a small window located near the top of the rear wall. Though there was still venom in the words being shouted, there seemed to be fewer of them.

Kneeling beside the cot, Meleager attempted once more to determine the extent of the woman’s wounds. “By the Gods.” Gasped Flora dropping to her knees at the foot of the cot. Turning quickly, Meleager caught the horror on her face. “What is it?”

Fighting back tears, Flora glanced up at him. “Her feet...they’re bloody, raw...” Quickly her face changed to anger. “Those bastards must have made her walk for leagues with out her boots.” Nodding in grim agreement, Meleager turned back to the arrow. “See what you can do about cleaning them up.”

While the group was focused on their wounded charge, a tall, lanky, freckled faced figure entered the hallway before the cell. Moving to stand beside the guard, he watched the small group. Spying the still form upon the cot, he felt guilt tug at his conscious. Meg turned to the soldiers. “You got an fresh water around this place?” As the guard’s lip curled back into a snarl, Timotheous cut off what would have been a less than friendly reply from his fellow soldier. “I’ll get you some.” He assured her turning to disappear around the corner.

Salmoneus knelt opposite Meleager. “How is she?” Focusing on his work Melegar did not look up. “Looks like the arrow passed through with a clean shot. Just need to remove it and stop the bleeding.” Searching the small cell. “I need something to use for a bandage.”

“Here use this.” Offered Diana ripping a large piece of cloth from her undergarment. As she lay the cloth in his hand, Meleager’s eyebrows raised slightly. ‘Silk.’ He thought. ‘Well, this is the most expensive bandage I’ve ever used.’ Aloud he nodded. “Thanks.” Turning to Salmoneus. “Raise her up.”

With great care Salmoneus gently lifted the unconscious woman. Slipping an arm under her back, he allowed her head to rest on his shoulder. Systematically Meleager broke the point off the arrow than pulled the shaft clear. As it cleared the wound, Xena moaned softly. Salmoneus gently stroked her hair, whispering reassurances. Once the arrow was removed Melegar quickly wrapped the wound with the silk bandage. Leaning back to inspect his work, he frowned. “That will have to do till the healer gets here. You can lay her down, now.” Slowly Salmoneus lowered her to the cot.

Timotheos quickly entered the cell carrying a large water bucket. “Here you go.” Sitting the bucket down beside Flora. Without acknowledging him she dipped her hand into the water. Wetting the piece of cloth Meg had offered her moments before from her garments. Gingerly she wiped at the numerous cuts and blisters.

Having offered the Warrior all the assistance he could, Meleager turned on the young soldier. There were some nagging questions he wanted answered and this boy was going to answer them. “Where is Gabrielle?” He demanded.

Timotheous blinked dumb fondly. “Who?” He stammered. Having lost the last of his patients Meleager grabbed the young man by the front of his shirt, lifting him to his tiptoes. Lowering his voice to a deadly tone. “”

“I...I...” Terror filled the eyes staring back at Meleager. Seeing the guard at the door reach for his sword, Salmoneus rushed forward hoping to waylay an further trouble. “You must remember her. Short, blond hair constantly talking.”

Blinking quickly it began to come back to him. “We...we left her in the village.” Shaking him for affect, Meleager demanded. “Was she hurt?” “No. No she was fine. There were two guys with her.”

“Did these guys have names?” Asked Meg with her hands firmly planted on her hips. Timotheos’s eyes danced back and forth from the woman to the warrior. “I...I think the big guy called himself Hercules.” Salmoneus sighed loudly. “She’s in good hands. He’ll see to it she stays safe.” Pushing the young man back, Meleager released him as he turned to Salmoneus. “You sure about that?” “Absolutely.” He answered with a large grin.

“What are all those people doing in the cell with the prisoner.” Demanded Thrasius as he entered the hallway. Snapping to attention the guard attempt to offer an explanation, but Thrasius cut him off. “Everyone out. Now!” He ordered.

“No,” Answered Flora from her position at the foot of the cot. “We’re not leaving her like this.” Thrasius drew his sword and motioned to the guard, the man disappeared around the corner. “I have had just about enough of you people now get out.” Once more Salmoneus moving in hoping to ease the tension. “Now, look there is no reason for hostility. You’ve got an injured prisoner and we’re willing to offer her aid. Surely some agreement can be reached.” Pressing the tip of his sword against Salmoneus’s chest, Thrasius forced him to take a step back. “This woman is a prisoner of the Athens's Royal Guard we will take care of her. Now leave.” Having withstood all he could of the arrogant young officer, Meleager started toward him intending to beat some sense into him.

When he was less than two arm lengths from the young officer the soldier returned with half a dozen archers. Whom quickly took up defensive positions behind Thrasius. The impressive show of force caused Meleager to stop in his tracks. Standing clenching and unclenching his fist, Meleager reluctantly surrendered. “Alright, we’re leaving.” Motioning to the others. “Let’s go.”

“No, we can’t just leave her.” Protested Flora. Helping her to her feet, Salmoneus smiled sadly. “Looks like we don’t have a choice.” Ignoring the archers Diane stalked toward the lieutenant. As he watched her approach he was again amazed at her resemblance to his prisoner. “I am Princess Diane of Terrus.” She announced defiantly. “Daughter of King Lias. This woman.” Pointing to Xena. “Is a close personal friend of myself and my father. I demand the right to offer her aid.”

“I’m sorry, you Highness.” Began Thrasius in a condensing tone. “Don’t patronize me.” Diana ordered firmly. Suddenly feeling an air of authority she had lacked before. For once in her life there was no one to fight the battle for her. Changing his speak to a more polite manner Thrasius began again. “I am sorry. But, I cannot allow that. If you wish to offer special aid to the prisoner, you will have to speak with the high council for permission.”

Diana face flushed blood red as her temper reached a level it had never known before. “Where is this high council?” “It is located at the royal court.” Answered Thrasius calmly.

“Fine” Answered Diana, moving closer as she spoke. “I will go before your council. But, mark my words if this woman dies because of your neglect I will see your head on the chopping block.” With that she stormed out of the cell. Stunned by the normally timid Princess’s outburst the others watched her disappear around the corner. Shaking herself back to reality, Meg charged out of the cell after her, stopping to glare at Thrasius for a moment before moving to catch up with Diana. Relancutly the others followed. Leaving the unconscious warrior were she lay. Thrasius secured the door to the cell, casting a frown at the prone figure. “Your turning out to be nothing but trouble, ‘Warrior Princess’.” He mused, before turning to walk away.

Chapter 4

With A Little Help From Friends

Night crept over the city as three weary travelers made their way to a nearby tavern. “I still think we should go by the jail first.” Protested the small young woman, sandwich between her male companions. Her traveling companions exchanged exhausted looks, having heard the same argument several times within the last hour.

“Gabrielle.” Iolaus waited till she turned to face him before continuing. “I know your worried about Xena. But, we need to find a room for the night. With feastible everything is filled up, look how long it took us to find a stable for Argo. Beside, we could all use a hot meal.”

Placing a hugh hand on her petite shoulder, Hercules squeezed gently. “Iolaus is right.”

Dropping her head and sighing heavily. “Alright, we stop by the tavern first.”

As the tavern drew nearer, Iolaus raised his nose into the air inhaling deeply. “You smell that?” Not waiting for a reply. “It’s meat.” Closing his eyes to savor the aroma. “Pheasant.” He declared.

“That’s not pheasant.” Gabrielle corrected him. “It’s duck.”

“Oh no,” Argued the man playfully. “I know duck and that’s not duck. It’s pheasant.”

“Oh really?” Challenged the Bard. “Care to make a little wager on that?”

Laughing, Iolaus started to dismiss the suggestion. “Your serious aren’t you?”

“I never joke about food.” She informed him, raising an eyebrow for affect.

Watching the Bard’s facal expression, it was all Iolaus could do to keep from laughing out loud. ‘I wonder if Xena’s knows how well she does that?’ “All right, I accept. What should we wager?” A wicked grin crossed the Bard’s face as she raised a hand to speak.

“Gabrielle!” Called a voice from behind her.

Turning she found Meleager charging at her. “Meleager!” She cried moving to greet him.

He swooped her up into his arms, squeezing her tightly. “Your all right.” There was no mistaking the relief in his voice.

Pulling away to stare up at him, she offered him a confused smile. “Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I be.”

“Well when you didn’t arrive with Xena this morning I was afraid something had happened to you.”

Iolaus moved to join the couple. “So Xena is here?”

From behind Meleager, Joxer answered. “She sure is.”

Excitement crept into Gabrielle’s voice. “Where is the jail? I want to talk to her.”

“It’s not far.” Meleager answered motioning across the square.

“They won’t let you in.” Salmoneus informed her moving closer, sadly he added. “They won’t let anybody in.”

Hercules offered his most disarming smile. “We’ll find a way.” Gabrielle started pass the small group only to be stayed by Meleager’s hand upon her arm.

“Wait a minute, there’s something you should know.”

“What?” She asked innocently. Not wishing to be the bearer of bad news Meleager hesitated. Sensing his concern, Gabrielle felt a knot start to form in her stomach. “What’s wrong?”

Realizing there was no easy way to explain the situation, Meleager decided on the direct approach. “When the soldiers brought Xena in the crowd was...well lets just say they gave her a less than warm welcome.”

Feeling his own stomach starting to knot, Iolaus asked. “What happened?”

Joxer spoke up. “They were taunting her and throwing rocks. Then...” He dropped his head unable to continued.

“Then what?” Cried Gabrielle.

Fear crept over her as she waited for someone to explain. “What happened?” She demanded.

Taking her by the shoulders Meleager meet her gaze firmly. “She was struck by an arrow.”

Suddenly Gabrielle felt sick, there was a gasp and it took her a moment to realize it had escaped her own lips. “Is she all right?” Whispered the young woman.

“We don’t know.” Salmoneus answered. “The lieutenant won’t let us in to check on her.”

"Feeling her world spinning out of control, Gabrielle turned to Meleager. “Where is she?”

“The jail. That uptight lieutenant refused to let us take her to Princess Diane’s healer.”

Hoping to encourage the distaught girl, Salmoneus added. “Princess Diane and the others are at high council now trying to get permission to see her.”

“The others?” Asked Hercules, who had been listening quietly to the exchange.

“Yes,” Salmoneus continued. “Prince Philemon, Flora and Diomedes are with her.”

“Who is Flora and Diomedes?” Questioned Hercules.

“Friends of Xena’s.” Answered Gabrielle still trying to steady her racing thoughts.

“What do we do now?” Asked Iolaus.

As if in reply Gabrielle turned on her heels, stalking away. Stunned by her action the men watched her for several steps before Meleager finally called to her. “Gabrielle wait. Where are you going?”

Without breaking stride she called back. “To the jail.”

“They won’t let you in.” Raising his voice for the retreating figure to heard him.

“I’ll get in.” She announced, adding with steel determination. “If I have to fight the entire Athens's Royal Guard to do it.”

Overwhelmed by the Bard’s reaction the men exchanged helpless looks and shrugs. “Well?” Asked Iolaus.

Shaking his head, Hercules answered. “You heard the lady. We’re going to the jail.” They hurried off to catch up to the raging Bard.

Having caught up with the young woman the small group found the entrance to the jail blocked by a stout man in leather armor. “What do you want?” He growled as Gabrielle moved to step pass him.

“I want to see, Xena.” She announced as if that were enough.

“Oh really.” Sneered the guard. “Well that’s too bad, cause I got orders that no one is to see the prisoner.” Leaning closer. “And that means nobody.”

Catching a strong whiff of his foul breath, Gabrielle was suddenly thankful she had not eaten. Blinking her eyes to clear away some of the stinging she continued. “Look I know she’s injured. I can treat her wounds.”

“Forget it.” Answered the Guard straightening up.

Sensing a fight brewing Hercules intervened. “Excuse me.”

“Who are you?” Asked the Guard, wrinkling his nose in disgust.

“My name is Hercules.”

Laughter erupted from the arrogant guard. “Yeah, right and I’m Ares.”

“In your dreams.” Quipped Gabrielle.

Not allowing the guard a chance to react, Hercules continued. “Is there anyway we can get permission to see her?”

“Nobody gets in to see her without permission from the lieutenant.” Answered the Guard.

“So where is the lieutenant?” Asked Iolaus.

“Don’t know.” Shrugged the guard.

“Well maybe we can help you remember.” Growled Meleager taking a step forward.
Hercules raised a hand to stop him. Forcing a friendly smile he turned back to the guard. “Look we don’t want any trouble. If we can’t enter can we at least send a healer over to check on her?”

“Nope.” Answered the Guard curtly. “The jail healer will take care of her when he gets here.”

“When he gets here?” Howled Salmoneus. “You mean no one has treated her wounds since this morning?”

“Don’t know.” Answered the guard nonchalantly. “All I know is she ain’t to have no visitors.”

A string of curses emerged from Gabrielle’s lips, causing more than one raised eyebrow from the men surrounding her. With great vigor she proceeded to declare the arrogant soldier the illegitimate offspring of perverted Cyclopes and bacchi.

As she began to wind down an older man dressed in the armor of a ranking officer approached them. Before the guard could respond to the browbeating he had just received the officer interrupted. “Is there a problem here, soldier?”

Snapping to attention the guard bit back a curse as he spied the rank marking on the man’s armor. “General, sir. These people want to see a prisoner, sir.”

Turning to the new arrival, Gabrielle prepared to give him an ear full if need be. Her anger turned to joy as she recognized the figure before her. “Mercer!” She cried throwing her arms around his neck.

Smiling the man returned the embrace. “Gabrielle. It’s good to see you, again.” She released him, taking a step back.

“What are you doing here?” He asked.

Tears filled Gabrielle’s eyes as she answered. “Xena’s been arrested.”

Shock swept over the older man’s face. “What? When?”

“Several days ago,” The Bard informed him. “They brought her in this morning.” Pointing to the guard. “And he won’t let us in to see her.”

“Why won’t you allow these people in?” Demanded the General.

Fighting to remain at attention, the Guard replied. “Lieutenant Thrasus’s orders sir. No one is to see the prisoner.”

Turning his attention back to the young woman, Mercer offered her a warm, though apolioge smile. “I’m sorry, Gabrielle. Let me speak to Thrasus...”

Gabrielle cut him off. “No, there isn’t time for that.”

Surprised by the woman’s desperate tone, Mercer attempted to reassure her. “It won’t take long, I’m sure...”

“Xena may not have that long.” Meleager informed him.

Growing more confused by the minute, Mercer sought a solution. “What are you talking about?”

“She’s wounded” Answered Hercules. “and no one has treated her wounds since earlier today.”

Shock caused Mercer’s jaw to drop, regaining some composer he turned to the guard. “Is that true?”

Feeling catch between a rock and a hard place, the Guard swallowing hard before answering.. “The lieutenant sent for the healer, but he hasn’t arrived yet.”

Blood rushed to Mercer’s face at an alarming rate. “Open the door.” He growled at the guard.

“Sir?” Asked the stunned man.

“I said open the door.” Ordered Mercer allowing his voice to rise several timbres .

“Yes sir.” Answered the guard, fumbling for the keys at his belt.

Quickly the guard lead them down the narrow hallway to the cells. Rounding the corner all pulled to a quick halt, stunned by the sight they found. Upon the bare floor, Xena sat with her back against the wall. It was obvious from the bowed position of her head she was unconscious. Manacled secured to wall behind her, held her wrists. They were all that keep her from falling forward. Blood soaked the bandage Meleager had placed over her shoulder earlier in the day.

“Why is she on the floor?” Demanded Meleager.

“We left her on the cot.” “Corporal’s orders.” Answered the guard lamely.

Moving to grasped the bars, Gabrielle called to her friend. “Xena.” There was no reaction from the warrior. Grasping the bars tighter in an attempt to control her growing fear the Bard tried once more. “Xena.” Still there was no reply. Gabrielle turned to Hercules with a pleading look.

Feeling his own fears surfacing he placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder as he turned to the guard. “Open the door.”

“No,” Refused the Guard, feeling some of his arrogance return. “I have my orders.”

“Orders from who?” Demanded Mercer. “Corporal Septeon, Sir.”

Moving till he was inches from the guard’s face. “Well, ‘I’m’ ordering you to unlock that door.”

Timbering under the officer’s hard stare, the Guard swallowed hard. “Yes, sir”

Nearly jumping forward, he slipped the key into the lock. As the door opened Gabrielle slipped pass him, running to Xena’s side. Kneeling next to the Warrior she gently brushed back layers of long, black hair. A relived smile crossed the Bard’s face as the dark hared woman moaned softly, in response to her touch. With another moan, Xena leaned her head back against the wall, causing the hair to fall back exposing her face. Gabrielle and Hercules exchanged concerned looks at the bruises covering the large woman’s face.

Quickly Hercules turned to Salomoues. “Did the crowd beat her?”

“No, not exactly. They pelted her with several rocks, one of them caught her in the head.”

Listening to his description of the attack, Gabrielle closely studied the large bruise and cut near the Warrior’s right temple. “That explains this.” She answered through clenched teeth.

Studying the battered face once more, Hercules turned back to Salmoneus. “Was that the only time she was struck in the face.”

“Yes.” Answered Salmoneus looking to the others for agreement.

Motioning toward the bruised face, Hercules sought more answers. “What about these bruises?”

“She had those when she arrived.” Meleager answered throwing an accusing look at the guard.

Hercules rose to face the guard, there was no mistaking the anger in his movements. “How did this happen?”

Fighting the urge to step back from the large figure, the Guard replied. “She was like that when they brought her in?”

Angrily Iolaous retorted. “Well she wasn’t ‘like that’ when she left the village.”

Attempting to maintain control Mercer intervened. “Why is she shackled to the wall?”

“She tried to escape during the trip to Athens.” Answered the Guard, hoping to save himself further browbeating. “The Corporal ordered her secured to the wall so she won’t try again.”

“That’s a lie.” Growled Iolaus. “Xena gave her word she won’t try to escape.”

“Well, I guess she lied.” Sneered the Guard.

Hercules catch Iolaus before he could land the punch aimed at the guard’s jaw.


The Bard startled as a croaked voice spoke her name. Turning back to the Warrior she was relieved to find blue eyes staring back at her. A smile crossed the Bard’s face as she breathe the large woman’s name. “Xena.” Weakly the smile was returned. “Are you okay?” Gabrielle asked while gingerly brushing stray hair from the battered face.

“Water.” Came the coarse reply.

Having heard the request, Hercules turned to Iolaus. “Would you...”

Not waiting for his friend to finish, Iolaus answered. “Water coming up.” Quickly, he disappeared from the cell.

Hercules knelt beside the Warrior once more, offering a warm smile. “Is anything broken?”
“No.” She answered, managing a weak laugh. “Just a little bruised.”

“Mind if I check for myself?” Giving her his most charming smile, as he made the request. Hesitating for a moment, she nodded in agreement. With hands well trained in the arts of healing he gently examined her wounds. Though she flinched several times as his hands found tender spots, the Warrior remained silent. Completing his exam the large demi god leaned back on his heels. “Everything seems to be where it should.” An amused snort answered him.

Carrying a bucket and a cup, Iolaus reentered the cell. “Here.” He said offering Hercules the now full cup.

Without reply Hercules held the cup to Xena’s parched lips. She drank deeply. “Easy, easy,” Warned the large man. “Don’t make yourself sick.” Slowly he removed the cup from her lips.

“Thanks.” She breathed heavily allowing her head to rest against the wall.

Gently trying to stroke dried blood from the raven hair, Gabrielle spoke to Hercules “We need to get her off this cold floor.”

“Good idea.” He agreed, pivoting to face the guard. “Where is the key to the shackles?”

“I don’t have it.” Answered Guard having given up hope of running these people from his jail. “The Corp took it with him.”

Growing weary of the guard’s evacuations, Mercer questioned him. “Where is the Corporal?”

“At the tavern I think. ”Answered the Guard.

“Which tavern?” Questioned Meleager.

“I...I don’t know.” Stammered the guard. A murmur of disgust spread among the small group.

“Never mind.” Hercules took one of the metal bracelets in his mighty hands. “We don’t need a key.” With a sudden twist he snapped the metal in half as if it were a twig. Quickly he made short work of the other shackle.

Once the restrains were removed, Hercules slipped his arm under Xena’s knees preparing to lift her.

“I can stand.” She informed him.

Reluctantly, he gave into the Warrior’s wish. Together he and Gabrielle helped her to her feet. Gabrielle slipped the large woman’s arm around her shoulders, placing her shoulder under the Warrior for support. She was alarmed at how heavily Xena leaned on her. They had barely taken two steps when Xena stumbled. “I’m all right.” She insisted.

“No, your not.” Declared Hercules as he slipped his arm under her knees effortlessly lifting her from the floor. Without further protest he carried her to the cot, laying her down gently.

“Thanks.” She whispered up at him.

Grabbing a small stool Gabrielle moved it beside the cot. Perching on the stool she checked the blood soaked bandage. Shaking her head in disgust. “This wound needs to be cleaned and sutured.”

“What exactly do you need?” Asked Hercules.

Gabrielle thought for moment. “I need Xena’s medicine pouch. It’s in her saddlebags.”

“No problem.” Annouced Iolaus as he sprinted out of the door.

“Is there anything else?” Asked Meleager.

“Yes, clean bandages, lots of them.”

“Be right back.” Answered the older man as he turned for the door.

“Joxer.” Called the Bard.

Snapping to attention, he answered. “Right here.”

Biting back a chuckle at his reaction, Gabrielle instructed him. “Get me some clean water, lots of it.”

“You want water, you got water.” Offering a mock salute before pivoting on his heels to followed Melegar out the door.

“Is there anything I can do?” Asked Salmoneous.

Thinking for a moment, Gabrielle shrugged. “She could use a blanket.” Salomouse smiled. “One blanket coming up.”

Watching him disappear around the corner, Xena began to laugh.

“What’s so funny?” Questioned the young woman hovering over her.

“Oh, just enjoying watching ‘General’ Gabrielle in action.”

Shaking her reddish blond head in amusement. “Funny, very funny.”

Chapter 5


“This might hurt.” Gabrielle apologily informed the woman reclining on the cot before her. Xena nodded in acknowledgement, focusing on something in the distance, as the Bard began removing the bandages from her feet.

Standing to the side with his arms folded across his board chest, Hercules watched the scene quietly. As Gabrielle tenderly remove the bandages he was forced to surppress a smile. If three years ago someone had told him he would be in a jail cell with the Warrior Princess, he would not have been surprised. But if they had told him he would be watching a young, one time farm girl loving admistrater to the wounds of the same Warrior without the Warrior protesting. He would have thought them crazy. Yet, here they were.

Xena’s face muscles tensed slightly as Gabrielle pulled the bandages clear of the wounds. “Sorry.” Cringed the Bard.

“It’s all right.” Assured the Warrior with a warm smile.

Gabrielle studied the wounds closely. “Well, they look better than they did last night and the bleeding has stopped.”

“But?” Asked the Warrior watching a frown cross the younger woman’s face.

“But, most of them are still red and pushy.”

“I have some herbs that should take care of that.” Stated a male voice from the hallway.

“Hippocrates.” Called the Bard as she spring to her feet moving to the bars to greet him.

“Hello, Gabrielle.” He answered, while embracing the offered hand through the bars. “Its good to see you.”

Turned his attention to Xena, he noticed she had made no attempt to stand. “How’s our patient?” He asked trying to keep a light hearted tone in his voice.

“Better,” Gabrielle began. “but I think an infection is setting in.”

Patting the well stuffed bag at his side, Hippocrates announced. “Well I have something that should help that.”

“Will she be able to walk tomorrow?” Asked another male voice, this time from behind Hippocrates. Stepping to side, Hippocrates allowed the man to approach the bars. Though the stranger appeared to be a couple of seasons older than Hippocrates, he lacked the healers height. In fact, he was downright short. Fair, smooth skin told of one who spent most of his time indoors. Soft brown eyes, perfectly matched the straight brown hair combed back from a roundest face.

From her position on the cot, Xena studied the new arrival closely. “Who wants to know?” She asked in reply to his question.

Eyeing the Warrior with contempt the small man replied. “I’m Advocate Phineas. I’ve been assigned to your case.”

Xena scoffed. “You must have lots of enemies.”

Not finding the humor in her statement, Phineas answered curtly. “A few.”

Gabrielle placed her hands on her hips studying him carefully. “Are you any good?” She asked bluntly. Xena and Hercules exchanged amused looks at the Bards straight forwardness.

Phineas’s face flushed slightly, his voice taking a defense tone. “I assure you, young woman, I am quite capable of handling this.”

Not looking convinced, Gabrielle snipped. “Hum, We’ll see.”

Somehow Phineas’s face managed to turn a darker shade of red. “Who are you?” Demanded the Advocate.

Taking no notice of the man’s fusration, the Bard answered. “I’m Gabrielle.” Adding proudly. “Xena’s best friend.”

“Oh, really?” Scoffed Phineas before turning to call for the guard.

“Yes, Advocate?” Asked the guard as he approached.

“I need you to open the door.”

“I can’t sir.” The guard informed him.

“Why not?” Phineas felt his face flush once more.

“Lieutenant's orders, sir.” Stammered the Guard. “No more than two visitors in the cell at one time.”

Hercules spoke up. “No problem, I’ll leave.” Meeting Xena’s eyes. “I’ll check back later.” Xena nodded.

The Guard opened the door as Hercules approached, allowing the huge demigod a wide berth as he exited. Phineas entered with Hippocrates on his heels. A less than friendly hand to the chest stopped the healer in mid stride. “I say only two visitors at a time.” Barked the Guard.

“But, I’m a healer.” Pleaded Hippocrates.

“I don’t care if your the God of Medicine.” Snarled the Guard. “Only two at a time.”

“Oh All right.” Groaned Gabrielle. “I’ll leave.” Turning to Xena. “I’ll be back soon.”

“Take your time.” Answered the Warrior. “Get yourself something to eat and some rest. I’ll be fine.” Offering the Bard a smile, which was quickly returned. As Gabrielle passed the Guard her smile turned to a scowl. With the guard close behind She and Hercules left.

Hippocrates moved to the foot of the cot, occupying the spot Gabrielle had earlier.

“You know we’re going to have to work on your bedside manner.” Scolded the Warrior. Hippocrates’ head snapped up. It took all of the Warriors restraint to keep from laughing out loud at the look of confusion on the young healers face. “Don’t you at lest say hello before playing with someone's feet?”

Hippocrates face turned a bright red as he smiled shyly at his mentor. “Hello.” Studying the wounds. “I see your trying to teach me something new.”

Xena shrugged. “Won’t want you getting bored.”

Hippocrates laughed shaking his head. “No change of that with you.”

Growing impatient Phineas moved closer to the cot. “I’m Phineas.” He began.

“So you said.” Xena’s attitude turning cold as she cut him off, without looking up at him. Motioning toward her feet she added. “You’ll understand if I don’t get up.”

Phineas snipped. “If you had been more cooperative with the Royal Guard this would not have happened.”

Xena scoffed. “If I had been more cooperative with the Royal Guard I’d be dead.”

Ignoring her answer, Phineas continued. “Your escape attempt won’t help your case.”

Xena shifted uncomfortable as Hippocrates touched a sore spot. “I didn’t try to escape.”

“That’s not what I’ve been told.” Phineas make no attempt to hide the disbelief in his voice. “According to the Corporal’s report...”

Xena cut him off angrily. “I don’t care about the Corporal’s report. I did not try to escape.”

Eyeing her for a moment Phineas finally asked. “So why don’t you tell me what really happened.”

“Why? I’d only be wasting your time and mine. Everyone believes I’m guilty.” Looking straight through him. “Including you.” Phineas shifted uncomfortably under her stare. Hippocrates smiled to himself as the Warrior made her point.

With more sincerity Phineas asked once more. “What happened?”

Xena eyed him thoughtfully, before glancing at Hippocrates. Who shrugged in reply.

“All right.” She consented. “It was the third day after leaving Laural. We had stopped to water the horses., when a villager showed up looking for help against some raiders. Thrasius left the Corporal and Timothus behind to guard me. Before leaving he ordered me tired and shackled to a tree. After they were gone, the Corporal sent Timothus to water the horses. Once the boy was gone he started beating me. If Timouthes hadn’t stopped him he probably would have tried to beat me to death.” She told the story as causally as one would discuss the weather.

Phineas quietly stared at her. Xena turned to Hippocrates who sat with his mouth open, his hands frozen in the middle of their work. Realizing Xena was staring at him, he snapped his mouth shut, quickly turning back to his work.

Finally Phineas broke the uncomfortable silence. “You expect me to believe a member of the Royal Guard tried to beat an unarmed, tied prisoner for no reason?”

Xena turned to him with a cold look, which nearly made him take a step back. “I don’t care what you believe.” She said through clenched teeth. “That’s what happen and he did have a reason. Revenge, he lost a brother at Corinth.”

Phineas studied her for a moment. “According to the report the soldier Timotheous verified the Corporal’s story. Why would he do that?”

“He had his reasons.” She answered bluntly.

“Alright,” Began the Advocate. “Let’s discuss your other charges.” Adding sarcasitly. “I suppose your innocent of all of those as well?”

Xena faced him her face an unreadable mask. “No. On the contrary I’m guilty of all of those things and a few they missed.”

Shocked by her honesty Phineas stood silently. Finally he sighed heavily dropping down onto the stool near the cot. “Well then it would seem we have our work cut out for us.”

Chapters 6 - 10 Or Back To The Library