The Storm


They had been fighting for what seemed like hours. Two warriors locked in battle. Dark versus light. Two sets of blue eyes flashing anger, two bodies radiating controlled rage. The sky seemed to take up their battle, dark clouds rolling in to obscuring the light, thunder booming in the distance and lightning flashing between the clouds. Still they fought their battle of words.

His hands shot out grabbing her shoulders, his intention to shake some sense into her. Instead his mouth crashed down on hers, kissing her hard. His mouth ground against hers He put all the frustration he felt into his insistent lips. Demanding she surrender.

Her first instinct was to attack but even as she readied herself, she found herself answering his demand. No surrender, her will and her passion equaled his. Her arms snaked behind him, her hands moving up his strong back to grasp his head more firmly. The heat of their anger gave way to the flame of their growing passion. Feverish hands removed armor and sword, shirt and shift, soon they were bare to each others investigation by hands and lips.

Sinking to their knees on the lush carpet of the earth, he moved from her mouth to her neck, then to her breast sucking and nibbling. The taste of her skin inflaming him. She felt the calluses of his hands as they stroked her body, stroking the fire burning deep within her. Their breathing roughened becoming harsh gasps for air as passion soared. He felt the calluses of her hands as they in turn stroked him.

Her hands now grabbed his shoulders pulling him atop him as she sank to the ground. She moaned as he pulled slightly away, and as their eyes met the eternal question was asked and answered. Thrusting into her he felt the welcome of her body, her arms, her soul. Together they began to move, slowly at first, then with greater speed. Each learning the others unique feel and rhythm.

She felt him moving deep within her, filling her with a need to long ignored. She felt herself whirling, the apex of her passion loomed ahead. Once again his mouth crashed down on hers, her screams of pleasure, of fulfillment muffled, only he could hear them. She felt his, the jerk of his back, the stiffening and then the relaxation as he joined her in paradise.

"Well did you two settle your argument?" Gabrielle was surprised to see Xena blush. Something she never thought she would see.

"You could say that." Hercules answered. With an affectionate and lingering caress he sent Xena to join Gabrielle as he went to sit beside Iolaus.

"What was that all about any way?" Iolaus asked.

"Oh just a little case of frustration I think." Xena answered, her voice a satisfied purr. "We just had to ride out the storm."

"Are you all right, Herc?" Iolaus asked as Hercules seemed to choke on his stew.

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