No Greater Love

Lynn M. Price

Copyright 1998 by Lynn M. Price. Xena, Gabrielle, Ephiny, Eponin, Solari, and Argo are the property of "Xena: Warrior Princess" and Universal/MCA. The rest are mine. This story may not be sold and may be archived only with direct permission of the author. Any archive must carry this entire copyright statement.

"The Ballad of the Warrior Bard," by Lynn M. Price. Copyright 1998.

Lyrics from the song "Come On In Out Of The Rain," by Curtiss Boone, Nikos Lyras, and Ernest Williams. Copyright 1992, Square Lake Music/M. Squared Music/WB Music Corp.

Lyrics from the song "Because You Loved Me," by Diane Warren. Copyright 1996, Realsongs (ASCAP). Modifications made by the author.

The events in this story take place between "The Dirty Half Dozen" and "The Deliverer."

This is a sequel to the Xena FF story "Heart of Darkness," which is a sequel to the story "When in Greece..." I recommend you read those two stories first. Doing so will make this story more enjoyable and understandable.

This work contains mild to strong profanity, scenes of mild to moderate violence, and the aftermath of very traumatic events. It also is of a more romantic nature. If this disturbs you, you may wish to pass on this piece of fan fiction. If you're planning to read on, then buckle up!!

Another great big "thank you" to all of you who write and read fan fiction. You continue to be the wind beneath my wings...

Date of work: 02/03/98-03/28/98

"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."

From the Gospel of St. John, 15:13


Rite of Passage...

It was the time just before the summer solstice.

The darkness of the night was held at bay by the tremendous bonfire in the center of the Amazon village. The newest members stood around the fire as Ephiny, regent of the tribe, took them through their initiation ceremony.

"In the name of Hippolyta, our greatest, in the name of Artemis, our guardian goddess, and in the name of Gabrielle, our queen, I welcome you to your new village, your new home, your new family," the warrior said as she finished the ritual.

A cheer rose from the watching women. The just-initiated warriors were encircled and warmly welcomed by their new sisters.

The celebration lasted long into the night.

Chapter One

A Tale Of A Tub...

The bathtub at Clytos's inn in the city of Tyldus was big enough for two.

Mariah and her husband Myklos sat in the large tub, soaking in the soothing warm waters. It was a ritual they had conducted at least twice a week since they married on the summer solstice the previous month.

The former high school English teacher often thought back on the strange yet wonderful twist of fate that removed her from the year 1998 and put her more than two thousand years in the past.

It was a fall on the ice. Mariah remembered slipping, letting go of her best friend Sandy so as to not pull her down, a blinding pain in her head. When she next awoke, she found herself in ancient Greece, and two women were with her, the two women she now considered her dearest friends: Xena, the warrior princess from Amphipolis and Gabrielle, the bard from Potadeia.

They befriended her and taught her what she needed to know to survive in her new world, and helped her dispel some of the demons of her old world. It was after she and Gabrielle were captured by the warlord Galvous and rescued by Xena that Mariah decided to settle down and begin a life of her own.

She returned to the city of Tyldus to repay a debt to an old merchant who gave her a flute. That flute brought her much of the peace and serenity she needed to cope with her new life in her new world. When she learned the old man was dead, she visited his grave and played for him. It was there she met his son, Myklos.

It was love at first sight for Myklos; it took a little longer for Mariah, however. Several months, in fact.

She had concerns. Namely, her secret life. How could she tell him she was from the future? It wasn't until her life was once again threatened by Galvous that she broke down and told Myklos the truth. Much to her surprise and delight, it didn't matter to him. And it was after she was kidnapped, and after she defeated her fears in the Dreamscape, that they married.

Mariah was happy, happier than she ever dreamed she'd be. And much of that was due to the love she found in her new life: Myklos, Xena, Gabrielle, and her friends in Tyldus.

She and Myklos were doing well. After they married, she moved into his home; she rented out her place to an older couple. Myklos's business was brisk, and Mariah continued to play her flute most evenings at Clytos's inn and give lessons during the day. She still awoke before sunrise every morning to work out with her fighting staff and to swim. It was wonderful exercise, and it kept her skills honed and sharp. When she returned home just after sunrise, she would crawl back into bed with Myklos, who would just be waking up. They would eat breakfast together, and then he would go tend to his business in the marketplace while she gave her music lessons. They tried to eat lunch together if their schedules meshed. Most evenings, after dinner, they would go to Clytos's inn for a few hours to relax and socialize with their friends. Mariah and her flute were as popular as ever, and she was gratified that she could bring so much joy to others through her music.

Myklos deeply loved Mariah. Everyday, he learned something new about the love of his life, something that made him cherish her that much more. Mariah felt the same way about him. It was Myklos's idea for the joint bathing; it was a wonderful chance for them to unwind, relax, and talk.

Mariah's birthday was coming up in a little more than a week. She would turn twenty-nine in early August, and Myklos wanted to give her something memorable, something special, but he wanted to keep it a secret from her until then, as he was keeping her surprise party a secret. He had been asking her questions for days now in an effort to find just the right present.

"Besides your friends and family, what's another thing you miss from your twentieth century life?" he asked her as he washed and massaged her shoulders and back. He enjoyed hearing about her old life, although she seldom discussed it without his bringing it up.

Mariah found it a bit difficult to concentrate. She loved feeling his strong hands on her. He was gentle around seven inch surgical scar on her upper back, one of three scars she had due to battling two bouts of cancer in her early twenties. "Hmm, let me see," she said languorously as she lost herself in his ministrations to her body. "One thing I know, Myklos, I miss my car!" she said with a small laugh. "I used to love getting behind the wheel, and going out on the road, opening her up as fast as I dared. I felt such a sense of freedom when I drove, and I used to *love* to speed!! My friends nicknamed me 'Batgirl' because I drove so fast, like a bat out of Hades," she finished with a chuckle, momentarily lost in her fond memories.

Myklos knew what a car was; Mariah told him it was a metal cart that could travel far distances at a very high rate of speed. One time, when they were out for a walk, she traced a picture of one in the dirt for him so he could visualize it. She had explained much of her twentieth century life to him. He found a lot of it fascinating but incomprehensible; Mariah was patient and detailed with her explanations.

He put down the soap and sponge and kissed her spinal scar, running his tongue and lips along the smooth incision line, driving her to distraction as he knew he would. He felt the shivers of desire run through her as she arched her back at the contact. He loved the response he got when he caressed those scars! "Here," she told him, coming back to the present, a little breathless, her face flushed. "Now let me do your back."

He turned around while she washed, soaped, and kneaded the muscles in his back and shoulders. She loved to massage him as much as loved to massage her. "Now why do you want to know what I miss?" she asked him, her voice light, as she worked on him. "This wouldn't have anything to do with my birthday, would it? You've been asking me questions all week!"

Myklos didn't answer. Like Mariah, he too found it difficult to concentrate. He sighed with pleasure as her strong, supple hands worked out the kinks and tension. As she worked, she leaned in and nibbled on the back of his neck, her tongue flicking his earlobe. He closed his eyes and groaned at the sweet torment. She chuckled at his reaction. We're two of a kind, she thought to herself happily as she finished.

After she was through, he turned around and stared into her vivid blue eyes, losing himself as he always did when he looked in them. He pulled her close and kissed her, his tongue exploring the inside of the mouth he knew so well. Her arms tightened around his neck as she moaned softly in his throat.

Mariah slowly pulled back, a sensual smile on her face. "I think we're done here. Let's go home," she whispered in his ear. She gracefully arose, turned, and reached for a towel, the warm water dripping off her body as she stepped out of the tub.

She didn't see the reaction this produced in Myklos's face. He was captivated, mesmerized by her body as he was whenever he saw it: the suppleness, the strength, those scars he so loved to explore when they were alone. A thoughtful smile appeared on his face.

So she liked speed? Mariah, drying herself off, her back to Myklos, couldn't see her husband's look of satisfaction.

He now knew what he would get her for her birthday.

Chapter Two


At the same time Mariah and Myklos were concluding their clean-up, many miles away, Xena and Gabrielle and Argo were entering Amazon territory.

After attending Mariah and Myklos's wedding, the two returned to Amphipolis to spend a few days with Xena's mother, Cyrene. As their visit in Amphipolis was winding down, Xena asked Gabrielle where she wanted to go. The bard wanted to visit her family in Potadeia and her Amazon sisters.

It took many days to travel to Potadeia. Once they arrived, they spent a week visiting Gabrielle's sister Lila and the rest of the bard's family before moving on towards Amazon country. She and Xena hadn't been to the Amazon village since they battled Velasca there months before.

It was a cloudy, overcast day. Rain threatened, and Gabrielle hoped they would soon reach the village so they could sleep indoors for a change as the weather had been miserable as of late. She was tired and the bad weather was getting her down. Xena, sensing her friend's mood, tried to keep her talking to keep her mind occupied.

"So what did you think of Lila's boyfriend?" the raven-haired warrior asked Gabrielle.

Gabrielle stared at her in mock surprise. "Girl talk? From you? That's unusual," she teased. She knew what Xena was doing, and was grateful. "Seriously, though, I think Talman will be good for Lila. He's kind, caring, and strong." The bard was silent for a few moments. "In some ways, he reminds me of Perdicas."

Xena said nothing as she put her hand on her friend's shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze as Gabrielle thought of her dead husband.

Gabrielle's emerald green eyes looked into Xena's intense blue ones. "Do you think we'll ever settle down and have a family?" she asked her friend.

"Some day," Xena replied, her voice laconic. "It won't be for some time, though. I don't think either one of us is ready for that yet." Her thoughts went to Marcus and the short time they shared together before he died.

Gabrielle saw the brief flash of pain on her friend's usually stoic face. She quickly changed the subject. "I wonder how Ephiny is doing," she mused.

Xena hesitated only briefly before answering her. "We'll soon know. She's over in that stand of trees on the left." She drew her sword from its scabbard on her back and, with a flourish, drove the tip into the earth. She then clasped her hands over her head in the Amazon sign of peace. Gabrielle followed suit, tossing her fighting staff on the ground.

Ephiny and several other Amazons materialized from the woods. "Welcome home, my queen," the tall, blonde Amazon said as she removed her bird mask and greeted Gabrielle with a big smile and a warm hug. "We've missed you." The regent had left standing orders with the sentries to be notified at once upon the queen's return so she could be on hand to greet her.

Gabrielle returned the hug. After they separated, Ephiny turned to Xena and gave her a hug of welcome as well. "It's wonderful to have you both back with us. Will you be staying for awhile?"

"We'll stay a few days," the warrior responded with a smile, "but then we're going to Tyldus." She and Gabrielle knew of Mariah's birthday, and the surprise party Myklos planned. He told them about it after their return from the Dreamscape, just before he married Mariah. Neither wanted to miss it!

"What's in Tyldus?" Ephiny asked, curious.

"Our friend Mariah," Gabrielle responded. "She journeyed with us for awhile earlier in the year."

"Ah, we heard rumors about another woman traveling with the two of you, and that you had some sort of run-in with Galvous the warlord," Ephiny said as the raindrops finally began to fall. "Come on. We can talk later. Let's get you both settled in and then we can catch up." The women quickly headed for the village.

By the time Xena and Gabrielle arrived at the guest hut, they were drenched, as were their Amazon escorts. Ephiny arranged for Argo to be taken to the stables and left them alone so they could unpack, dry off, and get ready for the dinner celebrating the return of Gabrielle. Even though the rain had stopped for the time being, it was decided to hold the festivities indoors as the skies still threatened and the outdoor ceremonial grounds were sodden and muddy. The two women stripped and put their water-logged clothing by the fire to dry.

"Xena?" the bard asked as she toweled herself dry.

"Yeah?" she responded as she too dried off.

"How much *should* we tell them about Mariah?" The question had been pressing on her mind since Ephiny mentioned the rumors.

The warrior thought for awhile before responding. "What do you think?" She needed Gabrielle's input on this decision as she was the leader of these people.

Gabrielle spoke as she donned her leather and suede Amazon garments. "Well, I think we should tell all of them the cover story about her being a flute player from Athens and about our encounter with Galvous; that's no secret. And we could tell them how she's now married and living in Tyldus. But we should tell a few of them the truth about her. We'll tell Ephiny, Solari, and Eponin tonight after dinner. We won't always be in the area, Xena, and if Mariah ever needs help, she could come here. We'll tell her that when we see her next week.

Xena was relieved. Her thoughts were much the same as her friend's. "It's nice to know that great minds think alike," she said with a smile as she dressed in clean leathers for dinner. "Are you ready?"

"Almost, but can you help me with this? I can't reach it." She turned around and pulled her long reddish-blonde hair off to the side so Xena could lace up the back of the suede halter.

Xena grasped the ties, and secured her friend's bodice. "There you go. You're all set, my Amazon queen," she teased, arching her eyebrow.

"Why, thank you, my warrior princess," Gabrielle replied in the same light bantering tone. "I'm starved! Let's eat."

Xena could only chuckle at her friend as they left the hut and went to dinner.

Most of the women were present at Gabrielle's celebratory dinner; the only ones missing out on sentry duty. Ephiny was there at the dinner, as were Eponin and Solari. Xena and Gabrielle noticed some new faces. It was after dinner that the Amazons wanted to hear all about their queen's latest adventures.

Gabrielle told them of their run-in with the Horde, their travels to Ithaca with Ulysses, Xena's temporary madness courtesy of the Furies, and of their traveling companion Mariah. She stuck to the story they created when they were captured by Galvous earlier that year, and told the short version of that encounter. She said nothing of their journey in the Dreamscape or of her friend's secret former life.

"So where's Mariah now?" Eponin asked when Gabrielle finished her recitation.

"She decided to settle down in Tyldus," Gabrielle replied. "She married not too long ago, and we're headed back that way to celebrate her birthday next week." The bard smoothly changed the subject. "So what's been going on here?"

The warriors took turns filling her in on the village's activities and introduced her to some of the new women who joined their tribe from other Amazon clans. When they were done, Gabrielle looked at them in satisfaction. "Sounds like everything is going along just fine." She then stifled a small yawn. "It's getting late. Why don't we call it a night?" The warriors agreed. As they rose to leave and say good night to their queen, Xena caught the eye of Eponin, Solari, and Ephiny, motioning them to stay behind. Soon, just the five women remained.

Gabrielle smiled at Eponin, Solari, and Ephiny. "I want to thank you for taking care of things while I've been gone. I appreciate it more than you know. Xena and I need to speak with the three of you. Would you please come with us? It's very important."

Mystified, the three Amazons followed the warrior and their queen back to the visitor's hut.

Chapter Three

Truth Be Told...

The five women entered the small guest lodge. The beds had been turned down, and the candles lit. A full jug of wine stood on the table along with some cups. Gabrielle poured the wine and everyone sat down, Ephiny, Solari and Eponin on one bed, Gabrielle and Xena on the other. The Amazons drank their wine as they waited for their queen to begin.

Gabrielle cleared her throat. "What we are going to tell you cannot leave this room," she began.

The Amazons warily looked at each other. What was the matter?

"It's about Mariah," Gabrielle continued. "We didn't tell everything about her, and there's a good reason." She looked at Xena who nodded for her to proceed.

Gabrielle, with a few interjections by Xena, told the three Amazons the truth about Mariah: her full name, how she was from the future, what she did there, how she wound up in a different time, and what happened to her in the Dreamscape when she was targeted by Morpheus and Galvous. Xena and Gabrielle showed them Mariah's twentieth century rings. The teacher had given those rings to her new friends when they parted company after their first encounter with Galvous several months before. The Amazons looked stunned. Could such a thing happen? It seemed inconceivable, impossible. And yet, as they listened to Xena and Gabrielle's story and looked at the rings, they knew it had to be true.

"There's a reason why we're telling you this," the bard concluded. "Mariah's much more than our friend; she's our sister. We won't always be in the area, and if she ever needs help, we want her to know she can come here."

"And so it shall be," said a smiling Ephiny addressing Gabrielle and Xena. "Any friend of yours is welcome, especially one as close to you as Mariah, and we'll keep quiet about who she really is and where she's really from. We'll be here for her; you can count on it." Eponin and Solari agreed.

"But how will we know her if we see her?" asked Solari, still surprised by what she heard. "There are a lot of brown-haired, blue-eyed women living in Greece."

"She has three very distinctive scars," Xena replied. "One on the left side of her neck that's about four inches long, one on her stomach that's about a foot long, and a third running down the center of her back that's seven inches in length. She keeps them covered as much as possible so no one gets curious." She briefly explained how Mariah got the scars during her two battles with cancer, and what she had gone through to beat the disease.

Eponin looked at her queen. "Are you sure she's not an Amazon herself?" she asked curiously. "She almost sounds like one." The other two warriors concurred.

Gabrielle laughed. "No, there are no Amazons where she comes from. But she *is* tough, Eponin, tougher than she looks. And she's been through a lot in her life; that's why we want her to know she'll have a safe haven here if she ever needs it."

Ephiny thought for a moment before she spoke. "You said she lives nearby in Tyldus. Why not bring her here sometime for a visit? That way, we'll get to know her, she gets to meet us, and she'll know where to find us if she ever needs us." This was a highly unusual request, and Xena and Gabrielle both knew it and were very moved by it. Most outsiders were not welcome in Amazon territory, as the female warriors were extremely wary of strangers, but Ephiny was curious about this close friend of the queen's, this woman from the future.

The bard looked at her best friend. This might work out better than they thought.

"All right," the queen responded. "As soon as we can, we'll bring her here to the village for a long visit." Gabrielle sat back and smiled. "I'm glad that's settled. Xena and I will stay on for a few more days and then we'll be on our way." The queen rose to her feet and so did the three Amazons. "Thank you again for your help and your friendship." Gabrielle hugged each of them, as did Xena. Ephiny, Eponin, and Solari said their good nights and soon left.

The bard looked at her best friend and smiled. "Well, I know I'll sleep easier tonight."

Xena agreed as she prepared for bed.

They both slept well, the rain drumming on the roof lulling them to sleep.

Chapter Four

Amazon Interlude...

The days passed quickly at the Amazon village. Xena and Gabrielle had the chance to relax and catch up with old friends. Gabrielle felt energized; she needed this time with her Amazon sisters. Xena, too, enjoyed her time with the Amazons, using the time to train and spar with them to give Gabrielle a much-needed break. Gabrielle used the time to get to know the new warriors of the tribe and to get caught up in some of the royal duties she had inadvertently neglected due to her prolonged absence.

It soon was early August. Xena and Gabrielle needed to leave so they could reach Tyldus in time for Mariah's birthday.

The weather finally broke. It was a beautiful, sunshine-filled day when Xena and Gabrielle decided to get Argo and leave. The Amazons, the warrior, and the bard all exchanged emotional farewells.

The two women were soon on their way.

Chapter Five

Bargain Hunting...

On the same day Xena and Gabrielle left Amazon territory, Myklos closed a deal in Tyldus.

"So, what do you think?" the man, named Ramen, said to Myklos as he showed the merchant Mariah's birthday present.

Myklos whistled in appreciation. His wife would love it, he was sure. "How much, including the gear?"

Ramen quoted a rather steep price. Myklos's eyes narrowed shrewdly as the bargaining began in earnest. Soon they came to an acceptable price on both sides. They shook hands as the deal was struck.

"Now you need to keep it out of sight until her birthday," Myklos cautioned. "It's a surprise, and I don't want her knowing about it ahead of time. And she'll need some lessons. I don't want her going out and getting hurt. I'll make sure you're paid for your time."

Ramen reassured him that he would take care of everything.

Myklos walked home, a huge smile on his face.

He could hardly wait until the party.

Chapter Six

Today Is Your Birthday...

Mariah awoke before sunrise as she did almost every morning. She snuggled up closer to Myklos, relishing the closeness.

Well, she though to herself, I'm twenty-nine now. She thought back on the previous year. So much had changed: her very existence, her home, her time. She herself had changed. She never dreamed that she could be so happy, so fulfilled, in her new life with her new love.

Mariah smiled as she gently stretched her muscles. She would soon get up and go work out with her staff and then go for a swim. She looked at her sleeping husband. Sometimes, she was overwhelmed by how much she loved him; it almost made her dizzy. She rolled over to get out of bed when Myklos's hand reached out and grabbed her wrist. He easily pulled her on top of him. She stroked his thick black hair as she stared into his wonderful brown eyes. "You're up early," she said softly as she bent down to kiss him.

As they kissed, he rolled her over. "Happy birthday, love," he whispered as he nibbled on her earlobe. He then blazed a trail of kisses along her throat, paying particular attention to the scar on the left side of her neck. She sighed with pleasure at the intimate contact and the knowledge of what was soon to come.

Mariah would be late for her staff practice and her swim.

She didn't care.

It was some time later that Myklos and Mariah sat down and ate breakfast.

"What did you plan for today?" he asked her.

"Not much," she replied. "I didn't schedule any lessons. I'm going to relax and spoil myself."

"Good for you!" he said with a smile. "You've earned it. Don't forget, we're having dinner at the inn tonight." And a little surprise party, he said to himself.

"OK. Then I'll stop by around midday for lunch," Mariah told him.

He leaned over and kissed her. "I can hardly wait," he murmured in her ear.

She laughed. "Go on, you're already late. I'll see you in a few hours." Myklos smiled, got up, and left for the marketplace.

After she cleaned up the breakfast dishes, Mariah grabbed her staff and her flute and went to the clearing down by the river. First she took off her wedding band and placed it on the gold chain she wore around her neck as she did whenever she worked out with her staff. She then stretched and worked out for a long while with her weapon. After, she went for a vigorous swim. When she finished her physical workouts, she placed the wedding band back on the ring finger of her left hand and sat down in the sun to dry off and play her flute.

Mariah warmed up with a few scales and then worked out some new songs she wanted to try at Clytos's. The teacher wanted to play more of the instrumental medleys from a few of her favorite movies--*Star Wars*, *Rudy*, *The Godfather*, *Gone With The Wind*, and *Titanic*, which she had seen several weeks before her fall on the ice. As the summer wind blew around her, ruffling her still-damp brown curly hair, she closed her eyes and played the instrument, images appearing in her mind from some of the movies she so dearly loved. As she played, in her mind's eye she could see Luke Skywalker dreaming of a life of adventure, a young man struggling against all odds to make the Notre Dame football team, Michael Corleone deciding his fate and the fate of his family, Scarlett O'Hara battling to save Tara from the Yankees, and an ocean liner sinking in the bitter cold waters of the North Atlantic.

As the last notes died away, Mariah opened her eyes and stared out over the waters of the river. She reflected on her life as she often did on her birthday. She shook her head. What an incredible year, she thought to herself. Who would've thought I'd go back over two thousand in the past and come to love my new life more than I loved my twentieth century life? She looked at her wedding ring. Fate moves in mysterious ways...

The former high school English teacher pulled herself out of her reverie. She rose to her feet and walked back to the house. It was time to meet Myklos for lunch.

At midday, the Tyldus marketplace was as busy as ever. Gabrielle and Xena took in the sights and sounds as they looked for Myklos.

They soon found him; his stall was one of the busiest in the marketplace. Xena caught his eye. He gave them a big smile as he walked over, enveloping each of them in a warm hug. He was thrilled to see his wife's best friends.

"I'm glad you both could make it," he said. "Mariah will be so happy to see you!"

"We're looking forward to seeing her too," Xena said with a smile of her own. "How have the two of you been?"

"Wonderful," Myklos said with a sigh that spoke volumes. Xena arched an eyebrow and Gabrielle laughed.

"Sounds like it," the bard noted with a grin. "Hey, I want to give her some more scrolls for her birthday. What did you get her" Their eyes widened when the merchant described his gift and the rationale behind it.

Xena laid a hand on his arm, her blue eyes narrowing. "Mariah's going to have some training, isn't she?" Myklos assured her that she would. She nodded thoughtfully. "Well, now I know what to buy her." Xena walked around and soon saw what she wanted. Myklos gave her a more than fair price on the item, as he did for the scrolls Gabrielle purchased.

The bard looked at the warrior. "Why don't we take Argo to the stables and get settled at the inn? I'd love to get cleaned up before the party tonight." Xena agreed.

Before they could depart, they caught sight of their friend wending her way towards them. "We better hide," Gabrielle said. "She's not supposed to know we're here." They quickly ducked inside a nearby stall as Mariah approached.

Myklos grabbed her and swung her around in a tight embrace. "Hey, what's that for?" she asked with a laugh.

"Well, you only turn twenty-nine once," he replied, kissing her.

Xena and Gabrielle watched Mariah from their hiding place. She looked happy, content, radiant. Her blue eyes were alight with the love she had for her husband. As he kissed her, Myklos gently motioned them to leave. Grinning, they crept away from the marketplace and headed for the stable while the merchant kept their friend so lovingly preoccupied.

Xena stabled Argo and they were soon at Clytos's inn eating his delicious stew and bread. The innkeeper was happy to see them again, and asked Gabrielle if she would entertain his customers while she was in town. The bard was more than happy to oblige. He arranged for their room, and arranged for baths to be drawn for them. As they ate, Clytos filled them in on the details of the evening's surprise party. When they were done eating, Xena and Gabrielle went to their room, unpacked, and cleaned up.

They had a few hours to rest before the party.

Chapter Seven

Party Time...

That evening, just before sunset, Mariah and Myklos walked arm in arm towards Clytos's inn. Mariah was quiet, still in her reflective mood of earlier in the day, a small smile on her face.

"What are you thinking?" Myklos asked her, his voice curious.

She paused a moment before answering. "I'm thinking about how happy I am," she replied, "and how much I love you, my world, and my life."

He tightened his hold on her as they entered the inn.

Mariah blinked her eyes as she adjusted to the dimness. It was a little crowded, she thought to herself as she took in the familiar faces.

Everyone turned as she walked in and yelled, "Surprise!! Happy Birthday!"

Mariah was stunned. She turned to Myklos who had a smug look on his face. "I suppose this is all *your* doing," she asked him, the smile growing on her own face. She took him in her arms and looked up at him. "Thank you," she said, her blue eyes glowing. He bent over and claimed her lips in a quick kiss.

Their friends gathered around to wish her a happy birthday. She hadn't been the focus of this much attention since the wedding! Suddenly, as the crowd thinned out, she spied two figures and her mouth fell open in surprise as Xena and Gabrielle walked towards her, huge grins on their faces.

Mariah's features lit up with the sheer joy of seeing her two best friends again. Xena reached her first and wrapped her in a huge hug, Mariah returning it, tears of happiness shining on her face. After they separated, it was the bard's turn to tightly embrace the birthday girl.

Mariah wiped away the tears as she gazed fondly at them. "How long have you been in town?" she demanded.

"We arrived this afternoon," Gabrielle told her, "just before *you* showed up in the marketplace. We had to hide so you wouldn't see us!" The three friends shared a laugh.

"You *are* staying for a while, aren't you?" Mariah asked them.

"Oh, we'll be here for a few days," Xena assured her.

It was at this time that Clytos and his staff came out with platters of food and pitchers of ale, wine, and mead. Everyone sat down at the tables and began to eat and drink, Xena and Gabrielle joining Mariah and Myklos at their table, the four of them talking as they ate.

After dinner, it was time for the entertainment. Gabrielle told a few of the more humorous stories of her travels with Xena. The crowd roared at the antics of Hower and Minya when Xena battled both the warlord Zagrias and Gareth the giant. Applause rang in the bard's ears when she finished. She looked at Mariah sitting at the table. "Would you play for us tonight?"

"I don't have my flute," she answered.

"Oh, yes you do," Myklos replied, pulling out the instrument. He had secretly brought it with them when they left their home. He loved to hear his wife play.

Mariah tried to beg off, but the crowd wouldn't take no for an answer. She relented, took her flute from Myklos, and stepped up to the stage. Gabrielle began to walk off, but Mariah stopped her and pulled her off to the side. "You want to try something new?" she asked her friend.

"Sure," Gabrielle said, her voice enthusiastic. "What do you have in mind?"

Mariah quickly explained what she wanted to do, and the emerald-eyed bard agreed. This would be a novel experience!!

Mariah addressed the crowd as they quieted down. "We have a special treat for you tonight, and we hope you enjoy it." The flutist took a seat on the stage and nodded at Gabrielle when she was ready.

The bard launched into the story of her and Xena's encounter with Cecrops, the lost mariner. As Gabrielle skillfully wove the threads of her tale, Mariah supplemented the saga with soft music, some of the instrumental movie music she had practiced earlier in the day. It was a spellbinding effect; the crowd was enthralled, totally wrapped up in the mesmerizing story and the accompanying haunting, hypnotic music. When they finished, the people erupted with applause and whistling.

Gabrielle and Mariah looked at each other and grinned hugely. The bard walked over to her. "We'll *definitely* have to do that again sometime!" she said, linking her arm through Mariah's as they returned to their table amid the cheers.

It was time for Mariah to receive her presents. She was overwhelmed by the generosity of her friends. She couldn't believe some of the gifts she received: new cast iron skillets and pots; a beautiful set of matched drinking cups; a small, well-made leather purse, new quills...the table was loaded with her birthday largess.

As she unwrapped Gabrielle's gift, she smiled at the bard's thoughtfulness. Mariah always needed scrolls; she used them not only to journal her life but to compose her poetry, stories, and song lyrics. She inhaled the smell of the new, unused scrolls. It was an aroma she had grown to love. She hugged Gabrielle close. "You always seem to do, say, or give the right thing," Mariah told her emerald-eyed friend as they parted.

Mariah then opened Xena's gift. She looked at it, a little puzzled. The warrior had given her a beautiful blanket, one of unusual size. It wasn't large enough for an adult to sleep in. She looked at her tall, dark-haired friend. "Is it a baby blanket?" she teased. "Did Myklos put you up to this?"

Xena laughed. "No, it's not for a baby. You'll soon find out what it's for." She looked at Myklos who stood behind his wife. He nodded his head, putting his hands on her shoulders. The warrior smiled then left the inn to fetch Mariah's gift.

"There's one present you've yet to see," he told her. "Mine." He turned her around so she was facing him. "I hope you like it, love."

"You didn't have to get me anything," she told him as she wrapped her arms around him in a loving embrace. "Every day I have with you *is* a gift, Myklos," she murmured into his neck.

Myklos hugged her back, inhaling the scent of her he knew so well. He would have loved to have stayed like that all night but someone called out, "Xena's back." He gently disengaged himself and led Mariah outside the inn, the guests following close behind.

Chapter Eight

Surprise, Surprise...

The torches outside Clytos's inn were lit for the evening, providing some much-needed illumination. Mariah stepped into the fire-lit night, her eyes adjusting to the changing light. She looked around, and soon spied her warrior friend, her eyes widening. She turned to Myklos. "By the gods," she breathed. She stood in shock at what she saw.

Xena led a beautiful, chestnut-brown horse by its bridle. The mare was smaller than Argo, more fitting for Mariah's smaller stature. The party-goers stood back as the couple approached the animal. Mariah couldn't believe it. "You bought this for me?" she asked in amazement as she looked at her husband. Myklos stood there, a huge smile on his face, thrilled with his wife's reaction.

Mariah was overwhelmed, tears forming in her blue eyes as she grabbed Myklos in a tight embrace. "I can't believe it," she uttered over and over as they separated.

Xena looked at her, amusement reflected on her face. "You better believe it," she told her friend as she gave her the mare's bridle. "She's all yours." The warrior had checked the horse out thoroughly earlier in the day when she had taken Argo over to the stable. Myklos had made an excellent choice, she thought to herself.

The former teacher held the bridle as she looked into the horse's intelligent eyes. She reached out a tentative hand and stroked the long brown nose and white muzzle. The mare blew its breath on her and nickered. Mariah's eyes misted up as she began to bond with the animal. "But I don't know a thing about horses," she began, still stroking the mare.

"You start learning tomorrow," Myklos said softly, interrupting her. No one else could hear their conversation but Xena. "You learned how to drive a car, didn't you? And you were only fifteen when you learned how to do that! I've arranged for Ramen to teach you what you need to know, and the horse has had some training already. I hope this fulfills your need for speed, my love," he finished, his eyes twinkling.

"Just don't go off half-cocked until you know what you're doing," the warrior cautioned her friend. "You've got a lot to learn, Mariah, but it's worth it. You'll love's exhilarating, breathtaking," Xena said, trailing off as she thought of her many thrilling rides on Argo. She wished Gabrielle enjoyed riding more. The bard was not fond of getting up on the big war horse. Xena reached for the bridle as she came out of her brief reverie. "Here. I'll take her back to the stables," she said.

A little reluctantly, Mariah turned the bridle back over to Xena. She watched as the warrior led the horse away. The party goers reentered the inn.

Mariah could hardly wait until tomorrow.

Chapters 10 - 19 Or Back To The Library.