The Knot

Chapter 7

As sunlight broke through the dense canopy of trees, Hercules awoke to find Xena snuggled into his chest, sleeping. Silently and unmoving he watched her. Beautiful, powerful, and dangerous could aptly describe the warrior princess awake, but as he lay there watching he wondered how many would notice the vulnerability. He smiled as in her sleep she stirred, awakening to him. Her blue eyes soft, she rose up on her elbows, her midnight hair falling to gently brush his chest. He raised himself to meet her lips with his in a gentle kiss.

"Excuse us...." Iolaus' voice came interrupting the quiet. "We were looking for you two......" As he and Gabrielle broke into the clearing his voice trailed off into silence.

Hercules began to rise and realized his state of undress. "Iolaus.... would you mind.....ummmm"

"Sure, Herc..' His face beat red Iolaus threw Hercules his pants, while Gabrielle threw Xena her armor. Both sidekicks turned their backs giving the two the privacy they needed to dress.

Only the rustling of the two getting into their clothes could be heard. From the set of Gabrielle's shoulders Xena knew the bard disapproved. How could she explain it to her. The overwhelming need to be with him. Perhaps using the bards own words against her?

"Ok we're ummm..."

"Dressed? Is that the word your looking for?" Everyone turned toward Gabrielle. None could believe the spiteful tone in her voice.

"umm Yes I guess it was." Hercules sputtered trying to difuse the volital situation developing. "Since you both are here...." He knelt on one knee in front of Xena. "Last night you asked me. This morning in front of our dearest friends I ask you." he ignored the gasps from Iolaus and Gabrielle, "Xena, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"


The peaceful tranquillity of the Elyssian Fields was shattered by a woman's scream.

"NO!!! I won't give my permission for him to remarry! And DEFINITELY not to her."

Hades sat and listened as Deinarra went on and on with her disapproval. He had know this wouldn't be easy, but this was ridiculous. Persephony sat beside him trying to reason with her. Having listened to enough he stood.

"Deinarra... You're Dead! You have no claim on him anymore. Hercules is free to marry anyone he chooses. And this marriage is to save all humanity. Are you so selfish as to deny him happiness in the remainder of his life?"

"Hades!!!" Persephony shrieked. He waved her to silence.

"Well??? Did I miss judge you? Should you be in the caverns or perhaps Tartarus for your shrewish ways? And there was the time YOU jumped off a cliff... if not for the agreement with Hercules.... I could well have sent you to Tartarus for that." His patience lost he glared at the woman who was once the wife of Hercules. "And as for him marrying again... he will come and ask your permission... though most men whose wives have died don't, and he doesn't need to."

The fight gone out of her at Hades truthful words, Deinarra slumped in her chair, tears running down her face. "I know Hades, I know. But, it is so easy to forget that my children and I are dead. Does he love her?"

Hades looked to his wife. Persephonie took her cue and moved to embrace the other woman. "Deinarra" she said softly "yes he does, though he doesn't wish to admit it. Hera is at work here. with yours and the children's death she has stolen his heart. He refuses to let anyone in. But to fulfill his destiny he must. Do you understand?"

"Yes I think so. When he comes I will give him my permission to marry again."

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