Granny's Tale

Was Birth Of The Warrior Princess

Del Kaidin

A fire burned merrily in the fireplace and the aroma of roasting meat filled the full and noisy tavern. Argument raged. The subject was, as usual, Xena. Cyrene had long ago given up trying to stop the combatants. While one would argue against whatever the point of the day was, another for and both at the top of their lungs. An old woman, sitting in the corner near the hearth listened as she had so many times before, her blue eyes flashing with anger, hurt and frustration. Finally, unable to listen to anymore she cleared her throat and began to speak.

"How many of you were here the day Cortese attacked Amphipolis? eh? I was. I lived there most of my life. I saw Xena as a child. God's how she loved that little brother of hers." The old woman paused trying to remember. "Lycius? Lycius, that was his name. The two of them were practicing sword play from the time they could hold a stick. Never saw such a beautiful, happy child in my life as that Xena. Always laughin and carryin on. She'd tell any one who'd listen how she and her brother were gonna someday travel the road defeatin evil.

Oh, I guess it musta been two weeks or so, after the boys Borilis ceremony, that we got word Cortese was commin.... Xena and Lyceus... well those two younguns took it into their heads that this was their destiny come a callin. The two of them convinced the Village Elders to allow them to raise an army. The two of them would be the Generals. It was a site I tell ya.

Should've seen Cortese's face when he came over that rise... not a simple village easy to plunder, but an army. Oh the fightin' was fast and furious... I can tell ya that. Xena and that brother of hers fightin side by side. A glorious site that was to see. At least it was till that archer shot that poor boy. Killed him quick too. Reckon that arrow musta been shot straight through his heart. Xena.... she went mad with grief.

Now this is when somethin' strange happened. I think I'm the only one who saw it. Suddenly in the middle of that battle a man appeared. Now I know what you all are thinkin.... 'Granny done lost her mind', but it happened just this way. Couldn't see him to good from where I was... but he was dark. Dressed in Black leather with a sword.... mighta been that god of war...Ares. But like I said I couldn't see none to well. But I did see him run a hand over the top of Xena's head. Then he vanished.

Xena went to fightin like nothing I'd ever seen. Jumpin and flippin and doin this war cry that would send chills down your spine. The battle was movin toward my hidin place so I had to find another spot. When I looked again Xena had that archer knelt down beside that poor brother of hers. All I could hear was her voice the battle was over. What she told that archer...The way she said it....still sends chills down my spine. She said 'when you see my brother in Charon's boat...Apologize to him.' That said she sliced his throat."

Silent tears streamed down the old woman's face as she finished her story. Cyrene took the old woman's hand and led her to the living quarters behind the tavern.

"Who is she?" one patron asked her as they passed his table.

"My mother, and Xena's grandmother." she answered still moving toward the living quarters.

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