Goddess of Battle

Chapter 1

A storm raged its war outside Cyrene's hut. Lightning flashed brilliantly. Thunder rumbled, as if giant boulders crashed into one another. A carpet of rain fell hard to the earth. Inside the small home, Cyrene lay straining, working to bring her child into the world. Artius was at the temple of Ares offering sacrifices to the god for his success in battle. He was probably drunk as well. The village midwife squatted, waiting to assist the child and mother. As the neck and shoulders appeared, she could see the cord was wrapped around the throat of the infant, and sent a silent prayer to Hera that the child would survive...

"Zeus and Hera must be having an argument, Cyrene! See how the storm grows..."

Amidst her pain, a slight smile broke through. Quickly sucking in breath, "You must be right... UHNHNHNHNH.!!!" Suddenly, the child was thrust into the midwife's lap.

"A girl!" The woman hurriedly unwrapped the cord from the infants neck, noticing the paleness of it's skin. Grabbing the knife from the bed she quickly cut the cord, not bothering to tie it. It wouldn't matter either way.

As the knife slid through the last shred of tissue, a blinding flash of lightning struck a tree outside the window. Instantly, thunder roared through the hut. When once again she could see, the midwife sent another prayer to Hera and hurriedly wiped the child's mouth and nose. Still praying, she lifted her, slapping her to life. The cries of a healthy, strong girl filled the room, followed by the laughter of joy from the old woman.



Athena smiled through the after-pain of childbirth, "Guess you lose the bet after all, Ares."

Ares disappeared in flames, screaming "No one WILL EVER know!!!"

Athena, still smiling, breathed a sigh of relief and held the small dead child to her breast. "It's better this way, little one." Kissing the forehead of the babe she handed her to Hermes to take to the underworld. "Deliver her personally to Persephone and thank you my brother, for keeping this from him."

"Do not worry, my sister... I will arrive at the feet of the Queen of the Dead in but a moment." Taking the child from Athena, the god of thieves and luck spoke to the infant "Come Xena, let's to the Elysian Fields." Looking up he grinned at Athena. "Flash! I am gone!"

An instant later he reappeared at Athena's bedside, sans child "She is in good hands, 'teena."

Flash and he was gone.

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