The Contest

by Eimajj


Xena, Gabrielle and Argo are all characters that belong to MCA Universal and no infringement is intended, just good fun. The story is mine as are the rest of the characters and contains graphic violence. This tends to be a dark tale so readers beware.

This is my first story and is dedicated to my husband who has encouraged and supported my writing long into the night with gentle, pointed and very helpful coaching.


The autumn sun climbed higher in the sky and warmed two weary travelers who trudged down the dual wagon ruts of the Thessalian road. The strikingly beautiful women showed the dust and the mud of long acquaintance with the thoroughfare. The raven haired, tall, muscular women who strolled the right furrow wore the armor and leather of a warrior stained with rust colored blood. She was armed with a large sword in a scabbard strapped to her back and an ornate silver and gold chakram that hung from her waist. She lead a golden palomino warhorse. Every once in a while she would lift her head up from staring at the ground and search the horizon in all directions with a cold blue icy gaze. Once satisfied that no danger lurked nearby, her head would drop once again. Her companion shuffled to her left and slightly behind. Her head also drooped and she leaned heavily on a large Amazon carved staff. Her long ash-blond hair covered part of her face and showed the need of a combing and re-braiding.

The warrior turned to her companion and her piercing glance softened as she noted the weary condition of her best friend. "Gabrielle, what do you say we call it a day and find a nice quiet camp spot off a ways from this gods forsaken road?"

"Thought you were in a hurry to reach Veroia and find out why King Melias sent for you," Gabrielle replied abruptly. "What's the matter Xena, tired?"

Xena shrugged, "Just thought you could use a shorter day and maybe wash up a bit."

"Look, I'm just fine," Gabrielle snapped.

The warrior's eyes narrowed as she looked away and muttered, "Suit yourself."

Xena moved ahead slightly faster and returned to studying the ground. Her face was a mask, stern and impassive but her mind was churning. She wanted to discuss her concerns surrounding the events that had befallen the two travelers on the Thessalian road but Gabrielle was clearly in no mood for conversation. How unlike the young blond bard! Xena was so used to Gabrielle's sunny spirit and constant chatter. This new cold silent Gabrielle was a strange and troubling entity to the warrior.

"Focus, better to talk to Gabrielle tonight," Xena mused. She knew what was troubling her friend. It had been two months since Gabrielle had lost her young husband of one day, Perdicus. He was brutally murdered by Callisto, Xena's sworn enemy. He had simply been in the wrong place at the wrong time and Callisto had killed him to torment Xena. Gabrielle had never had a chance to mourn or work through her sorrow. The two friends had been on the move constantly since, thrown from one adventure to another. It seemed like every week there was a new crisis, new danger and another brush with death. The stress built. Gabrielle had not written down or told a single story since Perdicus's death. She had stopped singing and playing her flute. Her girlish chatter had lapsed into stony silence. The change in the young bard was striking and wore on the warrior's mind and spirit.

The warrior glanced back at Gabrielle but the young bard did not notice, her head bowed, lost in her own thoughts. Xena turned back and once again scanned the country side. It was lovely, rolling green hills and forest with some of the trees showing the first tinges of fall color. To the right the Arcadian mountains reached high towards a bright blue sky with faint wisps of white clouds showing behind them.

Yet the warrior knew that that this calm peaceful setting was masking some dark purpose. It just made no sense. They had traveled this road for a week and had fought at least one battle a day. Today, they were attacked twice and it was still early afternoon. The attacks had all been the same, four or five unshaven, smelly louts running or jumping from ambush with the intent to maim or kill. They did not demand money or anything else for that matter. Stranger still, all were very poorly armed with either rusty unkempt knives, spears or swords and were very unskilled in their use. These scruffy ragged men wore no armor and had a lean hungry look about them that spoke of poverty and despair. The warrior had no trouble dispensing them and had avoided killing any of the brutes until the last encounter earlier in the day. Fatigue had won out. In frustration, Xena had drawn her sword and sent a couple of them to Hades. Gabrielle had scattered the rest with her staff. She was getting very good with her Amazon weapon as she was getting a lot of practice on this road. What bothered Xena was simply why? The attacks were too similar and happened too often to be coincidence. They seemed planned but for what purpose? There did not ever seem to be a leader among them and the ruffians never said a word.

Suddenly, the warrior got a cold feeling and the hairs on the back of her neck rose. Her keen hearing picked up the faintest rustling in the trees to the left and slightly behind them.

"Gabrielle, get your staff ready and watch your back!"

No sooner was the warning out from the warrior's tightened lips when with a yell a group of raggedly dressed men jumped up from behind a clump of trees. Gabrielle whirled and caught the first two neck level with her staff. The fight was on!

Chapter 1

The sun sank behind the mountains as shadows darkened the landscape. The air held a chill giving signs of a cold and damp night. Gabrielle sat staring into a small fire burning in a sheltered cove near a tumbling stream. Xena strolled into the camp and deposited two skinned rabbits beside her. She walked back to the stream to wash her stained hands. Without a word, Gabrielle skewed the meat and placed it over the fire. She then turned and placed a pot with some greens and water to the side of the flames. She deftly reached into a pouch and pulled out a pinch of salt and sprinkled it over the meat. Xena returned to the fire and watched as Gabrielle poured course flour into a small bowl and mixed it with water. She was making her special trail biscuits. Soon the savory smells of the cooking meal filled the camp, nestled between two giant boulders.

Xena turned her head to listen and stare coldly into the shadows. "I'm going to have a look around one more time, be right back."

Gabrielle looked up and watched her friend quietly slip away. The thought crossed her mind that Xena could never sit still more than a few moments. She sighed and went back to kneading the dough. Their last fight of the day had been short but furious. Xena had killed two of the attackers with her chakram. The rest had run away but not before one had knocked Gabrielle down and given her a nasty bruise on her arm. Gabrielle knew that Xena's restlessness was due to the attacks they had weathered on the road. The trouble was that Gabrielle just didn't care.

Xena was gone for quite awhile and returned just as the meat was done. She wearily plopped down next to Gabrielle and took one of the roasted rabbits from the skewer. They ate in silence. Once the meal was dispatched and the cooking utensils put away, Xena decided to broach the subject of Perdicus.

"Gabrielle, look I know we haven't had much time to talk but I understand what you are feeling. I really do."

The bard looked up coldly at her friend, "What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that I am here for you if you want to talk. Losing Perdicus has left you with a great deal of pain and grieving is what you need to do. You need to cry for him."

Gabrielle returned her gaze to the fire. "I don't want to talk about it," she replied firmly.

"But you must. When I lost my brother Lyceus, I was filled with pain and grief. I had no one to talk to and I grew bitter and angry. The anger turned to hate and it became easy for the bloodlust to take over. I was consumed by it and became a worse warlord than the one Lyceus and I fought. I had no time to feel…anything. When I lost my beloved Marcus, again I was consumed with grief but you were there for me. You helped me to work through my pain. Please, Gabrielle, let me help you."

This astonishing speech filled the silence between the two friends. Never had the warrior spoken of her feelings before to anyone not even herself. Nor had she ever begged Gabrielle for anything. It was not in her nature to show emotion or be concerned for the emotions of others. Gabrielle looked up into the soft blue eyes of the warrior and saw the love there for her. The pain was just too great. An almost physical ache burned in her chest and she shook her head. She had no reply. She stood up and went to her blankets on the other side of the fire and rolled into them turning her back. Xena watched her for a moment and then turned misty eyes towards the fire.

At night, with the fire burning low and Gabrielle asleep, Xena's demons came out to haunt her thoughts and drag at her soul. In the ashes of the fire, she saw the faces of those she had killed and maimed. She saw blood, heard the cries of battle and relived what she had been. As the night wore on and sleep eluded her, the voices whispered to the warrior. "You are to blame," they taunted. "Perdicus would be alive if you had not wronged Callisto so many years ago. If you had let Gabrielle be, she would be happily married in her home village of Poteidaia; perhaps have children now, be content. Instead, you stole her happiness and doomed her to know your enemies, fight your battles, live your weary useless life. She gave you her light and what did you give her but grief, pain, and suffering. She has seen blood, smelled battle and can she be far away from taking her first life?"

The warrior shook her head and fought back the despair. She had done some good, made some amends. Yet it never seemed enough. She was a warrior and accepted that creed and the life it meant. She would face her end someday at the end of a sword in battle but what of Gabrielle? Didn't she deserve more, a better life, less strife and pain? Shouldn't she have a family, loved ones around? Xena got to her feet and stretched her long lanky frame. She quietly stole to Gabrielle's side and slipped her blanket on top of the slumbering bard. She then moved away to lean up against a tree and keep watch. She dozed slightly and waited for the morning light to come and chase the gloomy thoughts away.

Chapter 2

The gray of dawn became visible over the eastern foothills. Xena got a small cooking fire going and put some water up to boil for tea. She packed their few belongings on the tall warhorse and bent down over her sleeping friend. She shook the bard gently, "Gabrielle, its time we were moving." The young woman woke with a start and then slowly climbed out from under the blankets. Wordlessly, after a quick breakfast of biscuits and tea, the travelers returned to the Thessalian road.

They no sooner rounded a corner when a group of tattered men attacked them from both sides. Xena drew her sword and blocked the thrust of an attacker while kicking his companion in the stomach. She whirled and blocked a spear thrust of another while delivering a kick to the knee of the first. Her moves were as quick and graceful as a choreographed ballot. She smiled wickedly as the feeling of power and strength flooded over her. A quick glimpse to the left showed that Gabrielle had decked one lout and left a second on his knees with a staff poke to the groin. Suddenly, several more men ran down the hill in front of them and joined the fight. Xena shouted her war cry "AYiYiYiYi" and charged directly into them. She knocked the first of these new adversaries down with the flat of her sword. The second was leveled with a quick elbow to the neck and a kick to the chest dropped the third. Those that could move, took off running back over the hill. Out of breath and dripping sweat, the warrior turned and cast a worried glance in Gabrielle's direction. The bard was leaning on her staff panting, but seemed none the worst for the morning's exercise.

"Come on, let's get out of here." Xena climbed onto the horse's back and held her hand down for Gabrielle to reach. The bard hesitated a moment, her dislike of riding on her face. Then without argument, she reached up and swung up behind the warrior. The large warhorse walked with a quick step down the road carrying the two woman with little effort. "Ya Argo," Xena called and urged the palomino into a cantor.

They made good time and finally stopped to rest beneath a large shade tree. As Gabrielle slid off the tall horse, she looked up into her friend's face. As usual, she saw a cold, expressionless mask with piercing blue eyes looking down at her.

"Xena, what's going on? Who are these men? Did you fight with your army in this area before?"

"My army did fight near here some years back and we took a number of villages to the south ," the warrior replied woodenly. "I don't recognize any of these men but I guess that doesn't mean much."

Suddenly, a sound alerted the warrior to more trouble. "Gabrielle, get ready and watch behind you," Xena shouted and reined Argo around to meet the charge of yet another group of ragged men. She charged her horse into the middle of a group of louts, swinging her sword to the right and left. She cut a large black bearded man across the chest and dropped another with a blow to the head. She blocked the sword thrust of a third and cut a fourth ruffian on his arm. Xena whirled Argo back around under the tree in time to see Gabrielle trip one attacker and knock another on the head.

However, three more attackers jumped from behind a bush and surrounded Gabrielle in an open area. Xena saw she was in a bad position, dropped her sword into its scabbard and reached for her chakram. Two ruffians, one on each side of Argo tried to attack but Xena kicked each in the head while she kept her eyes on Gabrielle.

Suddenly, a man dropped behind Xena onto the horse from the tree branch above and thrust his dagger into her shoulder. The blade glanced off her armor and cut a deep gash into her bare arm. With a sharp cry more of rage than pain, Xena buried her left elbow into the attacker's midsection and he fell backwards off Argo.

Xena snatched her chakram from her side and let it sail. It ricocheted off a tree and hit all three men that surrounded Gabrielle before hitting another tree and bouncing back into Xena's hand. A look over her shoulder showed Xena that more men were running down the hill to the left and others were coming up the road behind them. She reined in the rearing Argo and galloped to Gabrielle's side. With a grasp of her strong left hand, she lifted her friend up behind her. Yelling "Ya Argo," she dug her heels in the side of the great warhorse. They took off down the Thessalian road scattering dust and rocks behind them as they flew.

Argo stretched out into a flat run as the road dipped down and then climbed up a hill. As they crested the rise, Xena pulled the plunging horse to a stop. "Gabrielle, are they following us?"

Gabrielle looked back over her shoulder while holding onto Xena's waist with a tight grip. "No, they are just standing around where we left them."

"Ahuh. Then I guess we'll take a little detour." With that, Xena urged Argo over the hill and galloped down the road until it curved. She slowed the horse to a walk and reined her to the right into thick bushes and trees. Xena guided the horse carefully through the undergrowth, looking for the toughest terrain and rocky ground to travel. Several times she back tracked. Her falcon sharp blue eyes scanned the countryside looking for attackers and then starred at the ground ahead.

Gabrielle kept her eyes moving as well looking for further attacks. Suddenly, she felt something warm and sticky on her right arm. Blood! "Xena, you're hurt. We've got to stop and look after this."

"It's not bad, just a scratch. Look, there's a stream over there. We'll head into it and that should make it pretty hard to track us."

Xena urged Argo into the fast moving water and then headed the horse downstream. Finally, after a few minutes she urged the horse across the water to the west bank and into a secluded spot between several large boulders and trees. Gabrielle, slipped off the tall warhorse and Xena swung down as well.

The "scratch" was trailing a fast flowing stream of blood down the warrior's arm. "Keep it elevated," Gabrielle commanded in her best Xena imitation voice.

While Xena sat on a rock with an amused grin on her face, Gabrielle ran to Argo's saddle and pulled the pouch from her back that contained their supplies. She grabbed a cloth and wetted it in the stream and then ran back to Xena's side. Gabrielle cleaned the wound with firm but gentle pressure just as she had seen Xena do so many times in the past.

"It's not long enough to need stitching," Xena observed watching the proceeding.

"OK, but Xena, it's a very deep cut. I think it goes to the bone. Does it hurt?"

"Yes, a little," Xena admitted. "It's in a bad place on my sword arm. It will make fighting a bit tough for a few days, that's for sure. Bind it tight."

Gabrielle tied the bandage tightly and offered the waterskin to Xena. With a worried look, she watched as the warrior took a long drink and then slipped off the rock to sit up against it. With her head back and her eyes closed, a worn, tired look crossed the warrior's normally expressionless face.

Gabrielle went back over to Argo and pulled the saddle from her back. She lead the horse down to the stream for a drink and tied her near some good grazing. She then fell to work scrubbing the dried blood from the saddle and packs. Xena opened her eyes and watched her friend quietly. "Sorry, Gabrielle, but no fire tonight."

Gabrielle nodded and pulled out some biscuits and a hunk of cheese that made a cold afternoon supper for them. After eating, Gabrielle spread out their blankets and stretched out for a rest. Xena surprised her by rising to her feet.

"Where are you going? You should be resting."

"I'm going to take a short walk around. I'll be right back, Gabrielle. Don't worry. I'm fine."

"Xena, for just once will you take it easy on yourself," Gabrielle snapped with more than a touch of annoyance in her voice.

The warrior looked at her friend with soft eyes, smiled a bit sadly and slipped noiselessly into the forest.

Chapter 3

The forest was bathed in late afternoon shadows and was silent. Not a bird sang nor was there the rustle of little animals in the under brush. Xena circled the area around the camp and made sure there were no followers lurking nearby. She moved off in a direction that soon brought her back to the worn ruts of the Thessalian road. She kept to the trees and heavy brush and traveled parallel to the highway. Voices up ahead caused her to move more slowly and silently as she crept closer.

In the curve of the road, behind some bushes in yet another good ambush spot, a group of unkempt men were lounging. Several were loudly arguing with each other while the rest listened. Xena was surprised that no guards were posted and moved closer.

"I say they're not coming and we head back to the open field."

"You're a fool. We can camp here and still be ready for them. Besides, Enos shouldn't travel."

"Who's going to tell the dark rider that they didn't show up?"

"Don't look at me, I'm staying right here."

"You can go to Tartarus and back for all I care. I tell you we need to spread out and look for them."

"You just want another crack at the prize. Haven't you had enough for one day?"

As the men argued back and forth, Xena noticed a black bearded man lying near a tree with his head pillowed against a small log. He had a bloody cut across his chest that was poorly bandaged. "Must be Enos," she mused. "Bet I gave him that."

Suddenly, the clip clop of a galloping horse was clearly heard on the hard packed road. Some of the men jumped to their feet and ran towards the road's edge while the rest remained in their reclined positions. Xena pulled back into the shadows of the forest and watched this new event with interest.

The rider came into view on a lathered bony horse and when he saw the men, pulled the animal to a stop. He looked like a farmer and seemed to be unarmed. "What are you doing here, laying around? We've lost them. Get moving! There's several hours of daylight left. Don't you want another chance?"

The men grumbled and finally started moving back along the road. The rider shook his head and watched the group disperse. He dug his heels into the horse's side and galloped ahead down the road. In a few minutes, only Enos remained under the tree alone, his companions forgetting about him or simply not caring.

Xena scanned the empty clearing and then moved silently forward to stand before the stricken man. As she knelt down on one knee next to him, Enos opened his eyes wide and stared at her. Terror showed on his face as he tried to reach for his sword. The movement caused him to groan in pain and he gave up trying.

"Take it easy, I won't hurt you." Xena spoke softly to the injured man. She pulled the waterskin from around her neck and gave the man a drink. He took a big gulp and his eyes looked up at her gratefully and then with wonder in them.

"That's a bad cut." Xena pulled out a clean cloth from her pouch and very quickly bandaged the wound firmly.

"That's about the best I can do for now. You need to rest and be tended. With care, you'll be all right."

"Thanks," he said. "I never figured Xena, warrior princess, would help anyone she fought."

"Well, Enos is it?….I want something in return. I what to know just what is going on here and why all of you are attacking me?"

Enos looked up in surprise, "You don't know? I thought everyone knew, it's the contest."

"What do you mean?"

Xena offered the stricken man another drink, and after he took a swallow, he spoke slowly. "I'm a poor farmer from Balania."

"That's near Poteidaia, right?" Xena interrupted.

The injured man nodded and continued, "We have had a terrible drought, crops dried up, everyone going hungry. Then this stranger came into town. He wore rich black clothes and rode a black stallion that pranced and seemed to breath fire. He said he would run a contest and any of us could win. All we had to do was pay one dinar for expenses and then we would have a chance of winning 500,000 dinars."

"500,000 dinars, that is a chest full of gold!" Xena exclaimed.

Enos nodded and continued, "In order to win the prize, all you had to do was kill Xena, the warrior princess and bring her head to the man in black. If enough men kept trying, someone was bound to get lucky and get the job done. Most of us were down on our luck farmers, some were robbers and scum, others just louts and fools. But each of us had a chance to win the prize. More kept coming every day. We left our homes and followed the man in black. He never told us what to do, gave us weapons or anything. He just said you would be on the Thessalian road and he pointed out good ambush spots."

Xena looked at the man in amazement. She could see there was no reason for him to lie. There had been rewards put on her head before by a warlord or old enemies but never to such a scale. She shook her head as the meaning of this plot sunk in.

Enos watched her for a moment and then went on, "There's more, Xena. If anyone cuts you or sheds any of your blood, there's a 5000 dinar prize paid to him immediately. That cut on your arm got Theos a nice fat purse. I saw him accept it from the man in black."

Xena's hand went unconsciously to rub her arm as her cold eyes narrowed and showed the fury building there. "This man in black, does he have a name?"

"None I have heard. Some called him Hades's messenger and others said he was the tool of the gods."

"Did you see his face? What does he look like?"

"Only once," Enos whispered and fear crept into his voice. "He has white hair and a white beard. But it's his eyes I remember; cold black and emotionless. They're not human. They just bore right through you. I'll never forget those eyes, his stare. It's like looking death in the face."

Xena looked out over the injured man's head and tried to remember all the gods and men she had known. This did not sound like any of them.

"Enos," Xena called gently, "I have to be going. Here, keep this waterskin and rest. You walked too far today with this wound. If you feel better tomorrow, try to get a ride to a village where someone can help you."

"Xena, if I had known you before…honest, I wouldn't have entered this contest. It's just that my family was hungry…..and."

Xena put a hand on Enos's shoulder and nodded. "It's OK, maybe there's a lot of desperate men like you trying to help their families by doing this."

"By the way, do you know how many men are entered into this contest?"

Enos shrugged, "Last I saw over two hundred, maybe more."

Xena stood up and looked down at the prone man. A wave of bitterness and hate crossed her face, "Two hundred," she muttered. "Take care, Enos and good luck. Go back to farming. You're not a warrior. I don't want to have to meet you again."

"Xena, take care yourself. I promise we will never cross swords again."

Chapter 4

Xena moved silently back towards camp and Gabrielle. "Gabrielle….gods what am I going to tell her about this." As she came back to the stream, gurgling pleasantly in the evening air, the warrior stopped and took a long drink from it. Feeling tired and a dark despondency taking over her mind, Xena decided to rest. She settled down with her back to a large elm.

The full meaning of what she had heard from Enos was becoming quite clear. There was no way to defeat wave after wave of money hungry louts. They would just keep coming until one of them won. Xena sighed. She had always thought her end would come in battle against a warlord or warrior her match. Instead, she would die at the hands of an unshaven smelly fool who was in the right place at the right time. Sometime when she was tired, her defenses down or she was careless, it would happen. This was the fitting end for the warrior princess. Xena smiled bitterly, perhaps this was a fitting end. She would not run or hide. Besides, where could she hide that they wouldn't find her. Better to just have done with it.

Then the thought of Gabrielle flooded into the tired warrior's mind. These fools would kill her as well. She would be in their way, fighting side by side with her friend. Even if she were not killed, she would have to watch Xena die. Another loss! Xena knew she would never leave once she understood the danger. So… it was clear, Gabrielle must not know.

Xena thought back to her friend's torment and sorrow. Somehow, the warrior was going to have to protect Gabrielle from more pain. The young bard's soul could only take so much. But how? Looking up, the warrior saw the sun setting over the Arcadian highlands and watched the golden shafts of light stream through the trees. Suddenly, it came to her.

"We could cross the mountains, through the Lokos pass and rejoin the Thessalian road near the forks," the warrior mused. "This short cut would save time and keep us out of trouble. Once, back on the road, Gabrielle can go home to Poteidaia. It would be good for her to be with her sister at this difficult time anyway. Then, I can go back up the road and deal with this situation."

Xena felt the cold rush of hate course through her body. Whoever this man in back was, he was going to get a big dose of the warrior princess, by gods. "If I'm going to see Hades, then I'm going to have some company," she vowed under her breath. "Send others out to do your dirty work. We'll see what you really have, what you're made of, Mr. Hades' messenger. And if the gods are involved then to Tartarus with them too."

Xena scrambled to her feet and resolutely set out for camp and a showdown with Gabrielle. She could only hope that the bard in her current state would be easier than usual to influence. As the warrior silently glided into the secluded camp, she saw Gabrielle down by the stream, starring out at the water. As she drew closer, she heard quiet sobs coming from the small bard. Carefully, the warrior put her arm around the shoulder of the troubled girl as she sat down next to her. Gabrielle looked up into the gentle blue eyes of the warrior. Neither spoke, as the warrior held her close. Finally, Gabrielle bushed the tears away and looked into her friend's face. She saw only love there.

"Gabrielle, I've been thinking. If we cut over these mountains, we can save days of travel and be at the forks in no time. Then we can head over to Poteidaia and give you a chance to see your family."

"What about King Melias?"

"The good king can take care of himself for awhile. You need to see your family, and frankly with this arm of mine, I can use some rest. I'm worn down and a break would be good for me as well."

Gabrielle looked at her friend in astonishment. Never had the warrior admitted to fatigue and her wonderful strength and endurance were legendary. She glanced at the bandaged arm. Was the wound worse than it appeared?

Seeing the gentle smile on Xena's face, Gabrielle sighed. She was so tired and confused by all that had happened. If Xena wanted to rest, that was fine with her. Going to Poteidaia suddenly seemed like a great idea.

"Works for me, Xena," was all the bard said as she went over to her blankets. Xena watched her friend crawl between them. A shadow passed over the warrior's eyes as she anticipated events to come.

"Works for me too, Gabrielle," she thought. "Sooner, the better!"

Chapter 5

Dawn came with a cold chill and the smell of fall in the air. Xena had been able to sleep deeply, perhaps due to tiredness brought on by her wound; perhaps due to the settled feeling of decisions made. She was up as usual with the first gray light. She was quite surprised when Gabrielle rolled out of her blankets not needing to be awaken. They munched dry biscuits, filled their remaining waterskins and were off into the early morning.

Xena insisted they ride as they headed straight for the steep foothills of the Arcadian highlands. "We'll be doing a lot of walking and climbing soon enough," she explained to the young bard. On they climbed through deep meadows of grass starting to lose the bright green color of summer and up towards the clouds starting to roll in above. The afternoon sun found the two on a very narrow trail littered with rocks steeply climbing almost straight up towards the sky.

"This is about as far as we can ride," Xena observed as Gabrielle slid off the side of Argo. Xena swung to the ground and began to lead the patient warhorse up the rocky slope. Gabrielle fell in behind and they had slow going over the rough terrain. As they climbed higher and higher, Gabrielle noticed how hard it was to catch her breath. She could hear Xena's labored breathing as well. On and on they climbed as the wind picked up and the chill in the air became more noticeable.

As night fell, they camped on a ledge with a grand view of the valley far below. Gabrielle could make out the Thessalian road snaking along the middle of the valley. "How high do you think we climbed?" she asked.

"Several thousand feet I would guess. Tomorrow afternoon if the weather holds, we'll make it over the pass and then down to a small valley between the mountains. Use to be an inn there where we can rest up. Hope it's still there."

"Xena, I'm fine. I don't need to rest!"

"You won't be after tomorrow," Xena patiently explained. "That pass is over 10,000 feet and it almost always rains or snows. It's a tough climb."

Gabrielle started a retort but decided not to go any farther with it. Clamping up her jaw she turned towards the fire they had used to cook a meal and warm their tired bodies. Xena watched her friend for a moment and then went to check on Argo.

That night the rain started and came down heavily on the travelers. Dawn found them back on the trail cold and wet. As the day wore on, the climbing got more treacherous as the muddy trail became slippery. Xena tied Argo's reins to the saddle horn and let the sure footed animal pick her own way. She kept close to Gabrielle giving her a hand over the tough spots and grabbing her when she started to slip. The trail climbed then dipped down only to climb higher again. They walked across many small streams of muddy water which cut the trail as the rain continued to fall.

Suddenly, just as Argo passed a very steep narrow section of the path, the trail crumbled under the feet of the two travelers. Both Xena and Gabrielle fell and slid towards the edge of the cliff. The warrior grabbed the tip of a bush branch as she skidded by and reached out her arm. Gabrielle grabbed hold of Xena's hand and dug her heels in the soft mud. She stopped right at the edge of the precipice that plunged into a drop of several thousand feet. Xena climbed to her feet and pulled Gabrielle back from the edge. Argo had faired better and was watching them from above.

On they climbed until finally late in the day they reached the marker at the top of the pass. The wind howled and the cold rain came down at sharp angles. "Come on, Gabrielle. We need to find shelter."

Gabrielle looked at her friend with dull eyes. She was miserable. "You go ahead. I'm going to rest here awhile."

"No, its too cold and wet to stay here. We must keep moving."

"You move, I'm staying," announced the bard.

The more stubborn and angry the bard became, the more careful and gentle the warrior responded. She knew her friend had reached the limit of her endurance. "Come on now, Gabrielle," Xena coaxed, "Just a little further and its all down hill. That inn I told you about is just ahead."

Taking the bard by the hand, the warrior lead her friend down the slippery path. Brown muddy water gushed down the trail and over the rocks making the footing almost impossible. Again and again they slipped and fell but the warrior would jump up and pull the bard with her always moving forward. Night fall was close at hand when the rain finally stopped.

The trail descended steeply towards the valley below. As they scrambled over the rocks that made stone steps, Xena lost her balance and grunted as she fell on her right arm. Behind her, Gabrielle lost her footing as well. She went down hard bouncing over two sharp boulders. Xena struggled up with the limp girl now in her arms. The warrior's strength was almost gone but she would not give in. Up ahead she could barely make out Argo who nickered a welcome and began to move faster down the steep trail. Around the bend, a light shown in the distance.

Xena stumbled forward and finally at the end of the path came to a wooden structure. She banged on the door and waited hopefully. The door opened to a cheery fire and a bent old man with a candle in his hand. "What do you want, we're closed!"

"Please, we need help and shelter for the night."

The old man peered closer at the warrior and noted the young woman in her arms. "Well, Xena. Come to deliver another body?"

Xena pushed past the old man into the main bar room of the inn. She carefully laid Gabrielle on a table near the fire. "Look, Demontrie. We can talk over old times later. My friend is all done in and needs some warm food and dry clothes now. Get it!"

The grizzly old man with a white scruffy beard looked at the warrior a moment and then glanced down at the pale young woman who was showing signs of coming around. "Harumff," was all he uttered as he disappeared into a back room.

Exasperated, Xena began to pull off Gabrielle's wet clothes. Before she got very far in her task, the old man returned with some dry blankets and placed them on the table. He glared at the warrior a moment and with another "Harumff" disappeared into the back room again.

Xena pulled the rest of Gabrielle's wet clothes off and wrapped her in a blanket. She rubbed her arms and legs while she watched her face. How relieved she was when color returned to Gabrielle's cheeks and she opens her eyes. "Where are we?"

"It's OK, Gabrielle. We made it to an inn. You took a pretty bad fall but I don't think anything is broken."

Just then the old man returned and set two steaming bowls of soup on the table. With another "Harumff" this time uttered more gently he again left the women. Xena pushed a bowl towards Gabrielle and watched as she started to drink the broth. The old man returned with two cups of weak wine and shoved it across the table to the two woman. Gabrielle took a small drink and then pushed it away.

Xena turned to the old man who stood watching his uninvited guests. "Can my friend use a room upstairs?"

"Up the top of the stairs to the right, there's a room made up with a warm comforter on the bed. Use that one," the old man instructed.

Nodding, Xena turned to Gabrielle and gently lifted the bard from the table. She carried her up the stairs and placed her on the bed. Carefully, she pulled the warm down comforter over her. Gabrielle was asleep instantly. Xena for a moment peered down at her friend and then kissed her forehead. With a weary sigh, she turned around and went back down the stairs.

"Do you still have a stable?"

The old man motioned with his thumb. "Out back."

Xena turned and went outside to find Argo who with her head down, was patiently waiting. "Come on, girl. Let's take care of you," Xena cooed to the palomino whose ears flickered back and forth as if she understood. She lead the mare around back and found the barn filled with straw. She removed Argo's saddle and rubbed the horse down. Making sure there was water and feed for the animal, Xena slowly trudged back to the inn.

Once inside, she plopped down on a bench by the fire. "You'd better tend to yourself or catch your death," the old man observed not unkindly. Xena looked at him with cold blue eyes and then with a half smile began to remove her armor and leathers.

"Harumff," was all the old man said as he got up and disappeared into the back room. Xena watched him go and then removed the rest of her garments. She wrapped herself in the blanket still on the table and sat back down before the fire. The second bowl of soup was still warm. She drank it down and then drained the cup of wine. She was starting to feel better. A throbbing, shooting pain in her arm caused her to look down at her wound just as the old man returned with a bowl of warm water and some soft white cloth. "Figured you might need this," he said looking at the arm Xena was examining.

"Ahuh," was Xena's only comment as she took the cloth and started to wash the cut. Watching her a moment, the old man finally moved forward and took the cloth out of her hands. He carefully washed the infected area. He then tightly bandaged the arm.

"Thanks, you did that well."

"Yeah, well I've had practice in my day. Slipping up, aren't you? You used to be the one who caused others to need the bandaging."

"Times change, Demontrie. Didn't know if you were still here. It's been awhile."

"Four years since the warrior princess paid me a visit. Can't say that I'm glad to see you, Xena. Heard talk of you over the years, the usual burning and looting, but not much recently. Lose your touch?"

Xena glanced around the empty inn. Changing the subject she turned to the old man, "Business not so good? Where's your wife?"

Demontrie looked up at the warrior and was surprised by a softness in her eyes. "Must be getting daffy," he told himself.

"You took care of most of my business when you burned and looted the villages south of here. Helga died last summer, old age I guess. With the kids grown and gone, she just didn't seem to want to keep on." The old man sadly looked at his hands then glanced up to see the warrior watching him steadily.

"Sorry to hear that. She was a good person."

"Harumff, and so why are you here, Xena? I don't think you decided to pay me a social call."

"Just taking a short cut to the forks of the Thessalian road when we got caught in a bad storm." It was Xena's turn to look down and study her hands. Had the old man heard of the contest? He would not be a threat but he might blurt something out to Gabrielle. Looking up, she could see Demontrie watching her, curiosity on his face.

"Why do you travel with an innocent young woman? Where is your army? What's happened to you, Xena?" he asked.

"I don't conquer or loot anymore, Demontrie. I've given that life up." And Gabrielle is my life, my light, the one hope for my tormented soul. These thoughts she did not share with the old man.

"Well, well," was all the astounded old man could say. "I don't get may visitors up here anymore so I'm sort of out of touch with all the news. If you speak the truth, then I'm glad for you, Xena."

The warrior smiled at the old man and patted him on the arm. She rose and headed towards the stairs to bed relieved that he had not heard of the price on her head. She turned as the old man also rose from the table.

"Let my friend sleep tomorrow. I'll be up early but be back around later. She is a wonderful story teller, Demontrie. Get her to tell you some tales. She does them well. I remember you were pretty good with stories yourself. Goodnight, and thanks for your kindness."

With these words, the warrior slowly climbed the stairs and went into the room on the right. Gabrielle was gently snoring. "Sweet dreams, my friend," Xena whispered softly and then climbed into the adjacent bed. She was asleep almost instantly.

Chapter 6

The afternoon sun streamed through the window and fell on the young bard's face. She stretched and opened her eyes to a sparse but comfortable room. She rolled over on her side and groaned as some bruises on her anatomy made themselves apparent. She was sore everywhere! The bed next to hers had been slept in but was now vacant. Xena must be up and about, Gabrielle thought. She got to her feet and noticed that she had nothing on. Then she saw her clothes hanging in the corner, dry and clean. How does she do that, Gabrielle wondered? Pulling on her top and skirt was easy, lacing up her boots was something else. "Guess the feet took a beating yesterday, too," Gabrielle mentioned out loud to no one in particular.

The bard traipsed down the stairs and found the old man from last night cleaning some plates. "Well, well about time you were up. I thought you might be dead or something," the old man said with a twinkle in his eye.

"It's definitely something, I'm starved. Got anything to eat?"

"Harumff," the old man muttered and disappeared only to return with some nutbread, a cup of tea and porridge. "Been keeping this on the fire for you. Thought I might have to throw it out," the old man teased.

Gabrielle grinned and sat down to her feast. She made quick work of it all and complimented the cook highly. She then followed the old man outside and sat next to him in the sun.

"Where's Xena?"

"She took off to climb that mountain peak over there early this morning. Said she would be back later," the old man informed her.

Gabrielle shook her head. After a day like yesterday, Xena was up early mountain climbing. The woman was amazing.

"By the way, Gabrielle, my name is Demontrie."

"Glad to meet you, and thank you for your generosity last night."

"When Xena shows up, refusal isn't something a person does if he wants to live," the old man noted ruefully.

"You knew Xena before?"

"Yes, four years ago, she and a small scouting party from her army came through the mountains. They stayed here and took supplies before heading over the pass and down into the valley. Gabrielle, you should have seen her, riding at the head of her men. She was a leader, a warrior proud and strong. I'd never seen her like. Let me tell you, in my day I was a warrior myself and fought in the wars with Sparta. So I know what I'm talking about. She was something. Her commands were loud and clear. Her men obeyed without question. She knew what she wanted and set about getting it. I tell you, no one but no one stood up against her."

Demontrie seemed lost in thought a moment and then went on, "She had divided her army. The main body of troops were marching down the Thessalian road ready to encounter a warlord, Draco I think. She took her scouting party through the mountains, over the Lokos pass and got them behind Draco's army. They won the day even though Draco had twice as many men. No one thought you could cross the mountains with a group of men but Xena did it. She did it in winter in less than two days, an impossible feat." A smile crossed the old man's face and he nodded his head.

"You seem to admire her," Gabrielle observed.

"Harumff, she is a bloody killer and destroyer of villages. All the towns on the south side of these mountains were looted by her army. She caused much destruction and sorrow here and most villages have yet to recover from their bout of the warrior princess."

"You know, Demontrie, Xena has changed. She doesn't do that anymore."

"So she said last night. Now, let me explain something to you. She may not loot or burn villages anymore but Xena is a warrior. It is her being, it is who and what she is. Don't underestimate or confuse that. She is a warrior and warriors do only two things in this world, they kill and are killed. It is very simple, really. Anything else, is just window dressing. Do you understand what I am saying, Gabrielle? If you travel with her, you must know that is all she does, all she knows. She may fight for good or against an evil war lord but in the end she kills and someday she will be killed. If you stay with her, your life will become the same. You cannot stay innocent. I see you know what I am saying is true. You have a sadness in your eyes beyond your years. Will you tell an old man what happened to you?"

"I was a simple girl from Poteidaia and followed Xena after she saved my town from slavers. I was to be married to a young man in my village but I wanted adventure and left. He left as well but later we met again and married. He was killed by an enemy of Xena's a day after our wedding." When Gabrielle finished speaking, tears she had tried to hold back streamed down her cheeks.

"I am sorry," the old man smiled at her gently. He took her hand softly in his and looked into her tragic eyes. "This is what I was trying to say. Anyone who travels with Xena will have to follow the code of the warrior. It is simply kill and be killed."

"When I left my village to follow Xena, I thought only of adventure and travel. I never thought where any of this would lead."

"But now Gabrielle, tragedy has come and you must think. You must choose. If you choose to follow the warrior, you must accept her code. She can never change. You will have to, or you must not follow. I am an old man. When I gave up being a warrior and moved with my wife to this inn, we were happy here for many years. I gave up the life, the code and I have no regrets. Xena cannot give up her essence. Being a warrior for her is more than a job which can be changed. It is who she is."

Demontrie shook his head sadly and smiled. "This is none of my affair but an old man can say many things that others cannot or would not. I see so much change in this woman. Her eyes are softer, more human. She has fears. I saw them yesterday when she was afraid for you. The old Xena was fire and hatred, she feared nothing, felt nothing. She dared anything. Gabrielle, this Xena is vulnerable and can be hurt. This Xena can and will be killed. Don't let her take you with her. You have a life to live, love to give. Don't throw it away!"

Gabrielle looked into the earnest eyes of the old man and smiled at him. "You mean well and your words are kind. You are making me think where before I only followed my feelings. Thank you for your advice. I still think you admire and like the warrior princess even if you won't admit it to yourself."

The old man let out another "Harumff" but grinned back at the young bard. She jumped up and walked around the structure to a beautiful meadow green, with wild flowers yet blooming. She sat down in the middle of them and studied their beauty. How peaceful and lovely was this country. Long she gazed over the small valley and watched the mountains on all sides. Her mind and her heart whirled around the old man's words. She and Xena were as much to blame for Perdicus's death as Callisto. She saw that now. It was the path they were on.

Xena came swinging down the trail from her mountain climb. She felt alive and free with the warm sun on her face. She saw Demontrie sitting on a bench in front of the inn and went over to him.

"Gabrielle up yet."

"She got up about an hour ago and ate me out of house and home."

"Sounds like Gabrielle. Where is she?"

"Over there," the old man said pointing to the meadow. Xena turned and saw the golden ash hair of the young bard as she sat surrounded by yellow wild flowers. She smiled at Demontrie and with long strides soon covered the distance between her and her friend.

Gabrielle looked up as Xena approached and sat down beside her. "Pretty here isn't it?"

"You noticing beauty in your surroundings, Xena? What's this?"

"Guess I've been hanging around a certain bard too long," Xena smiled at her.

"Xena, I've been thinking a lot about you, me and Perdicus. I feel responsible for his death. If I hadn't left Poteidaia, he would be alive today. Perhaps, we'd be married, have children."

Xena's head shot up and she looked at her friend. Having Gabrielle utter the words out loud that her tortured soul whispered to her during the night was almost unbearable. Her eyes softened and she reached for Gabrielle's hand.

"Listen to me. You did not kill Perdicus. Callisto killed him in cold blood for revenge. You can't do this to yourself. Playing "what if" games will drive you crazy and serve no purpose. If you want to have regrets, that's fine. We all have them but use them to learn and do something different. Please Gabrielle, you are not guilty of anything but loving Perdicus and loving me."

Gabrielle looked up in amazement at this long speech from her not overly communicative friend. Was she telling her to make a different choice than to keep following the warrior's path? Then the tears came. The warrior held her close as her own eyes watered as well. Long they held each other as the warm afternoon sun sank behind the mountains.

Finally, getting up they returned hand in hand to the inn. Gabrielle knew she had a choice to make and she had not made it. Xena knew she had made her choice and now must have the resolve to execute it.

Chapter 7

The two travelers were up early and on their way the next morning. Demontrie had pressed more food upon them then they could comfortably carry. They were sorry to be leaving the old man. Long into the night, Gabrielle had told tale after tale and Demontrie had been a rapt listener. Xena had smiled and left their company. She never could easily listen to stories about herself. They climbed for several hours and with Argo again fending for herself, they made it to the top of the mountain by lunch time. The view was magnificent.

"Oh, Xena look. There is Poteidaia off in the distance"

"Yes, I see it and there is the Thessalian road."

Gabrielle turned and studied her friend as the tone in her voice had grown hard. The old Xena emotionless mask was up again and her eyes were cold and piercing. Gabrielle shrugged and let it be. Whatever was troubling Xena would soon be troubling her as well and she wanted to keep the peaceful feelings just a little longer.

The trail down was easily traveled compared to their journey up the other side. Night found them camped in the foothills with the Thessalian road directly below them and the forks not far away. Xena's old watchfulness had returned as did her constant reconnaissance. Satisfied that they were safe for the moment, they made camp and ate some of Demontrie's fine cooking. Gabrielle made short work of the nutbread that was left.

Xena sharpened her sword and chakram with smooth measured strokes as she stared into the fire. Her cold silence, so like the Xena of old. Gabrielle's annoyance grew. Why did she have to be this way? Then the words of Demontrie came back to her. There was a choice to be made. Could she choose and if so what would it mean for her, for the warrior, for the future? Could she continue to watch Xena be a warrior, watch her kill, watch her die? Could she kill, should she? With gloomy thoughts, Gabrielle sought her blankets and rolled into them.

Wordlessly, Xena watched her and then turned back to the fire. She steeled her resolve for tomorrow. The night dragged out long and hard. Sleeplessly, Xena watched and waited for dawn.

The two travelers had risen early and silently gathered their camp goods together. Without notice, Xena had been able to get most of the food and medical supplies into Gabrielle's pouch. The warrior rode ahead and then circled back watchful and wary as they approached the Thessalian road. By noon, the forks were in front of them. Xena stopped Argo and shifted uneasily in the saddle. She looked down at Gabrielle who had her eyes turned toward the left fork, towards Poteidaia.

"Poteidaia is about a days walk down the road. On the other hand, Amphipolis, my home village is about two days off the right fork."

"Thanks for the geography lesson, Xena. But you forget, I followed you down this road. I know the directions very well." Gabrielle looked up in annoyance at her friend. What was she getting at?

"Well," slowly began the warrior, "I was just thinking that you could be home by night and see your family. I just don't think I should come with you. You need time with your sister alone and frankly your family has never had much use for me. I guess I make them nervous."

"Of course you do. You never try to talk with them or socialize with anyone in the village. You go off by yourself all the time or keep silent." Gabrielle's voice rose in anger. "You never tried to get along with my family. They're just simple people, maybe not exciting or interesting enough for you."

Xena looked at her friend patiently, "You need time with your family and I'd be in the way. You should talk about Perdicus and share your feelings of loss. If everyone is worried about me, it makes it hard to be open. Besides….this will be a chance for me to go home and see mother. It's been a long time since I've been to Amphipolis. I'm pretty tired and this arm is still giving me trouble. Resting at home a little is going to do me good. When and if you are ready to….that is if you want to continue to travel with me, why you can come to Amphipolis and we can go from there." Xena finished her long speech staring at her hands in front of her. She just could not face Gabrielle just then.

Gabrielle's rage broke through, "Fine, just fine. If you want to go home rather than come with me, so be it. It's always your way. You never go where I want to. I thought you would be there for me, but I guess getting along with my family is too much for you."

"Yes," Xena softly uttered, "It is too much for me."

"See you around, Xena." Gabrielle clutched her staff in her hand and started striding down the left fork of the road. She never looked back and was soon out of sight.

Xena watched her go. As she saw the fast moving bard crest the hill and move from view, silent tears crept down the hard chiseled cheeks of the warrior princess. She called out softly, "Good bye Gabrielle, my friend."

A feeling of despair and defeat came over the warrior as she starred at the empty road in front of her. Finally, she shook her head and turned Argo away from the forks back up the Thessalian road. Her eyes narrowed and hardened. She needed resolve and focus now more than ever. Gabrielle was safe and would be fine in Poteidaia with her family. There was just one more battle to fight and one more enemy to confront. She loped the golden warhorse past the turn off to Amphipolis. She made no attempt to hide or stay off the road. There was no longer a need. This contest needed a winner.

Chapter 8

The warhorse had continued in a ground eating lope for quite some time and the miles had fallen by. There was still no sign of any contest entrants but that did not surprise Xena. She was headed for an open meadow still a few miles up the road. A hunch told her that is where she would find the would be contest winners and the man in black. As she drew close to the field, she reined Argo off the road and into the trees and brush. She swung down off the warhorse and moved deeper into the forest. Finally, feeling she was close enough, she left Argo in a stand of trees. She noiselessly crept to the edge of the clearing. There, before her lay an open meadow with forest surrounding it on all sides. At the farthest end, a small knoll was visible with a lone gnarled oak tree a little in front of the rest of the greenery.

The meadow was littered with laying and sitting men, cooking fires and general rubble from a camp of a number of days. There were several hundred ragged louts in the clearing but the rider in black was not to be found. Xena grinned humorlessly. What a make shift group of fools! There were no guards posted anywhere. To the warrior long used to the order and discipline of her army, this motley crew bore no challenge. She could see several fights breaking out among the men arguing over food or money. Several others were playing with cards and some with dice. All seemed to be lounging around waiting for someone or something to happen. There seemed no order and no one seemed in charge.

The warrior quietly backed away from her cover and returned to her faithful warhorse. "Well, Argo. This is it for you and me," she spoke softly to the animal while stroking the soft neck of the horse and gently pulling its ears. The horse bowed her head, asking for more attention. Xena turned and pulled the saddle off and then slipped the bridle from the horse. "Take care of yourself, girl," she cooed and slapped the horse in the rear. The intelligent animal looked back over her shoulder at her mistress and then moved off towards the nearby stream.

Xena turned and a cold, steely expression swept over her face. Time to focus. She placed the saddle and blankets by a tree and pulled out the pouch and waterskin she had left. She had given most of the food and her healing herbs to Gabrielle. The rest she slipped into the pouch and drawing the cord over her head and shoulder, she headed back to the clearing.

Again, her piercing eyes swept the meadow for signs of the black horse man but he was not there. A glance toward the sky told her nightfall would soon be at hand. She would make her move then. The warrior leaned back against a tree and stretched out for a rest. She flexed her sword arm and smiled thinly as she felt the power and strength there. The wound was almost healed and would not slow her down much. Too bad for Hades's messenger. She felt the hate and deadly cold steal over her soul and she welcomed it as a long missing friend. When the time came for this last fight she would be ready.

With darkness, a silent shape stole between the shadows and glided towards the knoll with the lone oak tree. The lounging and prone men neither saw nor heard a sound. How could they with their loud rough voices and coarse laughter filling the air? When Xena reached the solitary oak, she silently climbed up it and into the upper reaches of the branches. The thick trunk made climbing easy and the large branches spread out high above the ground. The warrior settled back in a high nook to wait the dawn and developments. It was not the first time she had slept in a tree high above the ground and she settled back to listen to leaves rustling gently in the night air. Her last thoughts before sleep were of Gabrielle. She could see the gentle face before her, the sad eyes, the knowing smile. She would be in Poteidaia with her family by now. "Sleep well my friend, you're safe now," Xena whispered as she dozed off.

Chapter 9

Gabrielle slowed and finally plopped down on a large flat rock along the dusty road. She had spent most of her energy and all of her anger. She recognized this part of the road and knew she was not far from home now. A wave of anticipation swept over her. It would be so good to hug her sister Lila. Suddenly, a stab of pain struck Gabrielle at the thought of Xena not being there. A strange feeling of loneliness seeped into her soul, a loneliness she had never felt before. "Well bard, you had a choice to make and you made it, didn't you?" she said aloud.

Still, a small voice whispered to her. "Why had Xena left?" Gabrielle shook her head, "She wanted to see her mother. She was tired and her arm bothered her. Going home is something Xena needs to do, just like me." The bard stood up and started slowly walking up the road.

Suddenly, she stopped and stared ahead at nothing as her eyes narrowed suspiciously. Xena never complained of being tired even if she was. As far as her wounded arm was concerned, hadn't she carried her for hours on the trip over the mountains? Why now the sudden need to see her mother? The doubts began to cloud Gabrielle's mind. Something was up. Maybe the warrior had grown tired of having her around. Maybe she wanted to be alone, away from the responsibility of taking care of her. Maybe, the warrior had made a choice. Tears welled up in the soft green eyes of the young bard. If that is what Xena wanted, then she would respect that.

Slowly, she trudged up the hill feeling the weight of a very heavy load on her shoulders. First Perdicus, now Xena. How many more loses will she have to bear? Suddenly, she stopped as she saw a man face down in the road ahead. Off to the side, a bony gray horse was quietly grazing. She quickened her pace and soon reached his side. She knelt down and gently turned him over causing him to moan. Perhaps, he had taken a nasty fall from the horse although the animal hardly looked as if it could travel fast or far.

The man was dressed raggedly and had a black scraggly beard and long unwashed hair. He smelled as if he had not bathed in a long time. Crinkling her nose, Gabrielle finally spotted his wound, a large cut across his chest clearly made from a sword. "Here, drink this," she said offering her waterskin to the injured man. He slowly opened his eyes and focused them on her. He looked as if he recognized her. He took a choking gulp and then looked around, "Thanks…where's your big muscular friend?"

"If you mean Xena, she's gone."

The man licked his lips and then grinned, showing yellow rotting teeth. "Who got her, then?" he whispered weakly. "Who won?"

Gabrielle looked at the man in surprise. She noted his wound was well bandaged just as Xena might have done. However, dirt had gotten into the wound and it was now a terrible mess, raw and festering. He had taken a nasty fall as well and she was not sure if his leg was broken. He seemed to be in a fair amount of pain and he was sweating profusely.

"I don't know what you mean, no one got Xena." Gabrielle replied while wetting a cloth from her pouch and wiping his face. Her eyes narrowed as she noted all the supplies that were unexpectedly in her bag.

"Oh, still alive is she? Too bad…but guess that's OK, she did me a good turn."

Gabrielle could see that the man was dying and had little time left. "Maybe, you shouldn't talk, save your strength."

"Too late for that….please, would you get word to my family in Balania? Tell them Enos tried but failed. Tell them never to enter no contest. It's bad business." The dying man gripped Gabrielle's hand as his body shuttered with pain.

"Enos," Gabrielle whispered with the start of fear dawning in her eyes, "What contest?"

It had taken but a few gasping words for Gabrielle to piece together the situation her friend faced. Enos died a few moments later. Gabrielle had breathed a thank you to the gods for relieving the poor man's suffering. She stood up and looked around panicky. Her mind whirled trying to decide what to do. "Wait, wait, I have to focus," she told herself.

She glanced at the sky. The day was far gone and Xena was miles ahead. Gabrielle knew there was no possibility that her best friend was on the road to Amphipolis. So many things made sense now. She ran towards the old gray horse who continued to pull up grass tuffs and chew contentedly. Without a thought she swung onto the horse's back. With her best imitation of a Xena "Ya," she dug her heels into the horse's side. She then hung on for dear life as the mare jerked into a slow bone jarring trot. "This is going to be some ride," she thought ruefully to herself.

Worry and fear soon crowded out all other sensations. She knew the warrior's plan almost as if she could read her mind. Xena would fight and kill the man in black and then die fighting the overwhelming number of contest entrants. Guilt welled up in Gabrielle's heart. What a fool she had been. So worried and consumed with her own grief, she had not clearly seen or understood her friend. Gabrielle choked back the tears that threatened and held on tightly to the lumbering horse. She could do Xena no good falling off this stupid beast.

She had no thought or plan about what help she could be to the warrior. All she knew was she had to reach her before it was too late. Gabrielle gritted her teeth, "Yes, Demontrie, I made my choice and it's to be with my friend, no matter what happens!"

Chapter 10

The gray of the morning brought a chill and a cool wind blowing over the foothills. The leaves of the gnarled old oak stirred and started to glide down showing fall's presence. The warrior stretched her cramped limbs and yawned. The camp below was stirring but no one seemed in a hurry to be up and about. Xena munched on a hard biscuit and washed it down with some water from the skin. She scanned the horizon in all directions but nothing unusual was visible. "Wonder how long you are going to keep me waiting, my dark friend," she muttered.

Almost as if in answer to her call, a figure appeared cresting a hill of the Thessalian road. As he drew closer, Xena could make out a rider wearing a black cloak and hood. He was mounted on a superbly built stallion that didn't walk but rather pranced from side to side. The steed was tall and black as night with not a hint of white anywhere on his shinny coat. The rider and horse appeared to move as one as the animal pranced and danced down the road and into the meadow. The long mane and tail of the stallion flowed as did the cloak of the stranger. As they drew closer, Xena took in a deep breath. They were magnificent in form and appearance.

Some of the men lounging around their camp fires scrambled to their feet at the sight of the horseman but he seemed to ignore them. His head tilted slightly with disdain as one burley brute approached him and he rode past the man. He moved closer and closer to the knoll where Xena waited, almost as if he knew she were there. Finally, he pulled up the prancing stallion and swung down from the saddle. With a quiet word to his mount, he left the reins down and made for the top of the knoll. He wore a large sword at his side and a long dagger in his belt.

He was almost directly under the tree where she crouched when he turned and swept back his hood. She was amazed at what she saw. Clean snow white hair and beard both neatly trimmed surrounded a pale weathered face of a man no longer young. A stern jaw and firm lips showed his strong character but as Enos had said it was his eyes that were truly remarkable. They seemed to be coal black with a piercing quality, totally devoid of emotion or feeling. He was tall, well built and carried himself like a king. Xena thought he was one of the finest looking men she had ever seen.

"Just my luck," she mumbled. "Why couldn't he be an ugly brute?" With that she did a double forward flip out of the tree and giving her war cry "Ayiyiyiyi," she landed right in front of him. He tilted his head to one side as she faced him but did not seem in the least surprised to see her.

"Hello, Xena. It has been a long time," he spoke with a smooth deep quiet tone.

"Have we met?"

"In a matter of speaking. Last time I saw you, you and your horse were trampling what was left of my only son." He spoke these words matter of factly, without anger, with no emotion at all.

Xena could only stare at the figure before her. "Where was this?" she whispered.

"You wouldn't remember the town's name but it was in the state of Cretia. I was the king of the province. My son led a foolish charge against you and your army. They were all slaughtered." His eyes bore through Xena and she couldn't help but shutter and drop her own gaze. They did not seem the eyes of a normal human being.

"What is your name?"

"It doesn't matter really, does it? I had hoped to see you dead by the hand of one of these louts, worn down, finally at bay, then brutally murdered just as my son was. But now as I see you, perhaps it is better if I do the job myself. I can declare the contest won and distribute the prize to all later." He finished speaking almost as if to himself and then turned. He drew his sword and dagger and turned back towards the warrior. "Are you ready to die?"

Xena drew her own sword and swiped it around her head and then leveled it towards her adversary. "Are you?"

The dark stranger nodded and they began to warily circle each other. Some of the men noticed the action and began to edge forward. The man in black motioned them back and turned again to the warrior.

With the first thrust of his sword, his power amazed Xena. They parried and blocked as each moved forward and back. With each crash of the swords, sparks flew as the weapons were swung with strength and determination. With each thrust forward, the dark stranger would swipe out with the long dagger. It was only Xena's quickness and agility that saved her serious wounds. Suddenly, she whirled and struck out her foot to catch him in the chest. He staggered back but did not fall. Once again he came forward on the attack. Xena feigned low and then thrust her sword towards his chest. As he blocked her advance, she leaped into the air and flipped over him. He was ready for the move and gave her a nasty gash on her leg as she flew by. He had drawn first blood!

The fighting back and forth grew more ferocious. It was clear that the stranger knew Xena's every move and had a counter. He did not have any special techniques of his own. He used pure strength, power and quickness. He was extremely skilled and did not make mistakes. He never let his guard down and watched for any opening Xena might give. He would then attack it brutally. Soon both fighters were panting and dripping with sweat. Still they circled each other and when one would attack the other would counter. So the battle raged back and forth across the knoll.

It was the sort of fight for which Xena had little patience. Her technique was the use of quick thrusts and kicks. She would attack with such power and rage that any opponent could only fall back. Then she would finish him off. This adversary fought a long patient endurance battle where one mistake would mean the end but in the meantime it was stalemate. He kept the pressure on the warrior but he could wait. Xena, on the other hand, was tiring. The long weeks of fighting on the Thessalian road and climbing the Arcadian mountains had taken their toll even to her wonderful strength and endurance. While she had been struggling, the man in black had been resting, practicing and watching her moves from a distance. As they circled each other again, Xena's breath was more labored and she gasped for air harder than her opponent.

He smiled slightly and pushed forward his attack. Xena blocked his thrust and gave ground. She starred into his eyes looking for an opening but they were cold and expressionless. She began to lose heart and strange thoughts intruded into her focused mind. Why not let him win? He has a just cause. I have no reason to kill him. In his place, I would do the same, had done the same were it not for Gabrielle. The sudden thought of Gabrielle gave the warrior a pang. It was just the sort of opening the man in black waited for, that momentary loss of concentration. He lunged forward and caught Xena with his dagger on her left arm. The cut scored deep into the warrior's flesh but it was just what she needed.

With a roar of pain and rage, the warrior princess attacked. Her soul flooded with black hate and the one burning desire to take this man with her to Hades. Nothing else mattered! She no longer tried to defend or protect her body. Instead she charged forward with such raw violence and force that the man fell back. She kept up the offensive, swinging her sword ever harder and forcing him to give ground. Suddenly, she thrust her sword with all her might towards his midsection. He barely blocked the move and then used the opening to plunge his dagger deep into the warrior's left side. Xena gasped but before he could pull it out, she took advantage of his off balance motion to swing her sword at his neck. It sliced right through, cutting off his head and sending it a different direction than his torso which collapsed in front of her. Blood spewed everywhere!

Xena staggered back and looked down at the dagger buried in her body. With sheer will and courage, she grabbed the hilt and pulled it out, then tossed it away. Sucking for air, she sank to both knees as the shock came over her. Then she noticed the ragged men who had been watching the fight with great excitement began to press forward. She willed herself back to her feet and staggered back up the knoll till her back touched the trunk of the old oak. With her sword still in her right hand, she pulled her chakram from her side with her left hand. It seemed slippery to hold and looking down, she could see her whole left side and arm were covered with blood. "This should make an interesting throw," she thought wryly and let it fly.

The first three men who were pressing up the knoll felt the bite of the weapon as it cut them across their chests and then flew back in an arc into the warrior's hand. They went down in a heap. The crowd behind them stopped and wavered.

Xena knew she was through. She had no strength left for another throw. Her sword in her right hand had grown too heavy to hold and was wavering downward. A strange mist was obscuring her vision and she felt lightheaded. Somehow, all the anger and hatred flooded away and left her feeling very cold and tired. As she looked up, she could see the mob pressing forward again and knew she could not stop them.

Suddenly, she heard a cry and saw a horse run through the crowd and almost reach the knoll before stumbling. A girl flew off the animal and landed on her feet. She cleared the remaining distance in an instance and turned to confront the mob with staff in hand. Through Xena's blurry eyes, it looked like Gabrielle but she knew this couldn't be. "How perfect that a vision of Gabrielle is the last I have on this earth," she thought. The warrior's strength was gone. The chakram slipped nervelessly from her hand and she slowly sank to both knees. Her sword dug into the ground. Without the strength to lift it, Xena leaned on the weapon to keep from falling over. Then she heard a voice so sweet and familiar.

"You men, get back or do more of you have to die!"

Gabrielle glanced back over her shoulder. She gave a cry as she saw Xena on her knees and the blood running down her side in a torrent. She then turned back resolutely to face the mob in front of her.

"Listen, I said, listen to me." The men pressed forward but stopped talking as the bard's commanding voice was heard. "You all joined in a contest to win a lot of dinars. Well, where is the money? The man who would have paid you is dead. In order to kill Xena, you'll have to go through me and some more of you will die. What for, where's the profit in that?"

Now, the bard changed her voice to a more conspiratorial tone. "500,000 dinars is a lot of money. You don't carry that around in a small purse. No, it's in a big chest, a treasure chest and I know where to go look for it."

The crowd began to rumble and grumble as the men tried to figure out what to do. One man shouted out, "So where is this chest?"

Gabrielle smiled at the men enthusiastically, "It's buried right under your noses. Listen, the man in black was said to spend a lot of time in the caves near Poteidaia in the Arcadian heights. Right?"

For a moment, there was dead silence. "Right?" Gabrielle demanded stronger this time.

"Yeah, I think I did see him there," one man yelled out. Another added, "You're right!"

Gabrielle ginned openly. Her suggestion had worked! Good old mob psychology. She thanked the gods silently for letting her remember her childhood playground.

"If I was going to bury treasure, I sure would do it in dark caves with lots of hiding places," Gabrielle announced to the crowd triumphantly.

There was a moment of silence as the men considered the bard's suggestion. Then a murmur went up followed by a roar.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Gabrielle yelled.

With a rush the stampede was on. Men fell over each other running down the knoll, grabbing their gear and heading down the Thessalian road. Within a matter of minutes, not a soul was left in the meadow. Only the body of the man in black was visible, stripped bare of his clothes by his own men and the black stallion grazing to the side. No one had even thought to try to ride the beast.

Gabrielle turned back to her friend in time to see Xena fall forward on her face in the dirt.

"No," she screamed and ran to the warrior's side. She carefully turned her over and cradled her head in her arms. "Xena, please…please Xena, stay, I can't lose you." The warrior opened her eyes and looked in wonder up at Gabrielle. "It is…you," she whispered. Her breath came in ragged gasps. Her piercing blue eyes softened and she smiled.

"Xena, I must save you. Don't you leave me, do you hear me, DON'T YOU LEAVE ME!" Gabrielle screamed at the warrior and shook her roughly. The warrior tried to focus on her friend but her senses were fading fast. "I….can't…."

"Yes, you can Xena, stay with me now, stay with me."

Gabrielle looked down at the wound and knew she had to work fast. She grabbed a cloth from her pouch and pushed it deep into the rent in the skin. She dragged Xena's head up and propped her against the oak tree. She got the waterskin and got Xena to drink. Next she began to work on the wound, cleaning it carefully and bandaging it tightly. Xena watched her progress with steady eyes. Gabrielle cleaned and bandaged the other cuts on Xena's body and sat back to look at her friend. "What do I do now?" she asked as she tried to brush the hair out of her eyes. She looked down at her hands and shuddered. They were covered with Xena's blood. There was blood everywhere but where it should be!

"Gabrielle,…listen to me….those men may come back, you must leave. You can't do anything more for me. A wound like this ….it can't be helped. Let me go." The last of Xena's words were spoken so softly Gabrielle had to lean close to hear them. She looked down at her friend and shook her head.

"No Xena, we'll fight this together. I'll get you through. Please, I won't let you go." The determination in the voice of the bard seemed to give strength to the warrior.

"All right. I'll fight … but know… what you ask of…." Xena seemed to fade from consciousness before she could complete her thought.

Gabrielle took some of the water from the skin to wash her hands and to bath Xena's pale face. She then checked the wound in Xena's side. The flow of blood seemed to have slowed down but a trickle remained. She was not sure what to do. Somehow, Xena was going to have to help her.

Gabrielle got up and stretched her tense shoulders. She looked around and decided that the knoll was as good a camp location as any and started to gather fire wood. She gave the body of the man in black a wide berth. The vultures had already begun their process. Returning up hill, she piled the wood up and began a fire. She gathered their supplies together and noticed again that she seemed to have ended up with all of them. Xena's store in her pouch was almost non-existent. "Wonder how that happened," she mused ruefully as she continued with her camp chores.

She gathered a blanket and made a level bed for her patient. Carefully, she removed Xena's armor and leathers as well as her boots. She gently dragged the warrior from the tree to the blanket and put another on top of her. Gabrielle's next step was to heat some water and make a tea from some of the herbs she had. She did remember some of Xena's medicine and knew which ones to use to ease the pain and fight infection.

Suddenly, she felt Xena's eyes on her and she turned to her patient with a smile. "Hi, sleep well?"

Xena watched her a moment with such soft caring eyes, it gave Gabrielle a pang. "I have some tea for you. Here, let me help you." Gabrielle lifted the warrior's head and put the cup to her lips. She drank with slow gulps and then smiled her thanks.

Gabrielle put the cup down and then turned to the warrior, "Xena, what should I do with the wound in your side. Can you see it? What should be done?"

The warrior did not have the strength to rise, so Gabrielle reached her arm under Xena's head and held her up so she could see. As she twisted to look, the first waves of terrible pain coursed through her body and she inadvertently stiffened. Gabrielle grabbed Xena's hand and felt her own gripped in a vice. Fighting to remain conscious, the warrior looked at the bandaged wound. "Show me….Gabrielle." Gently, the bard pulled back the bandage so Xena could see the rent. She nodded and laid her head back. "Xena, ….Xena, what should I do?" Gabrielle asked a little frightened by the look in the warrior's eyes.

"Not much you can, cauterize it with my sword. It will help with infection…..Gabrielle, it's about as bad as it gets….a gut wound…not sure why I'm still here…..must have a good nurse." Xena looked at her friend steadily for a moment then weakly whispered, "The pain will be bad, give me the white powder…..and Gabrielle if I don't make it…'s not your fault. I shouldn't be alive now. Tomorrow, you must leave here. It is not safe for you."

"Xena, I don't want to move you yet," pleaded the bard.

"Promise me….," Xena used the last of her strength to grip Gabrielle's hand even harder.

"But Xena."

"Promise me…swear as my friend," the warrior's grip had become painful and her eyes piercing as she bore holes into Gabrielle's soul.

"OK, OK, I swear."

The warrior sank back with a slight smile turning up the corners of her mouth. "Thank you," she whispered and soon lost consciousness. A peaceful look came over her pale and drawn face, such a look as Gabrielle had never seen before.

The young bard worked quickly to cauterize the wound while her patient was out. The smell of burning flesh turned her stomach but she knew it had to be done. She put a healing salve on the raw wound and bandaged it firmly. There was little more she could do. At least Xena had not appeared to feel any pain from the procedure in her unconscious state.

Night fell and Gabrielle kept the camp fire burning brightly against the chill. She had made a light meal for herself and more tea for Xena. Later in the night, the warrior began to mumble in her sleep and start to thrash in her blankets. Gabrielle held her close so her wound would not reopen. After a time, she sank back into complete unconsciousness. Her face was a deathly pale and her pulse weak. Gabrielle thought she would lose her best friend during the night and kept a constant vigil.

"If she goes, then tomorrow I'll find Argo and we'll take her home to her mother," Gabrielle vowed. Tears welled up in the young bards' eyes. How could she lose Xena this way? She had grieved for Perdicus and Xena had helped her. Who would help her grieve for Xena? Could she even go on? "No, I won't lose you, Xena. I won't!"

Chapter 11

Sometime during the late night, Gabrielle finally gave in to total exhaustion and fell into a fitful sleep. She awoke with a start at the early morning light and turned to her friend with fear in her heart. Xena's pulse was weak and no corpse could have been more pale but she still lived. Her face dripped with sweat and her whole body quivered with chills and pain. Gabrielle reached for the waterskin and lifted Xena's head so she could drink. She gratefully swallowed all that was left in the skin, wetting her cracked lips and parched throat. There seemed life left only in her cobalt blue eyes and they followed Gabrielle's movement as she got a fire going and heated the rest of the tea. "Xena, I'll put a little of the white powder in this. Think that would be OK?"

The warrior did not have the strength to answer, but nodded slightly and took the drink that was offered to her lips. After a few swallowed, she seemed to settle back and soon lapsed into an unconscious state again.

Gabrielle finished a quick breakfast and looked around. The black horse had wondered off and other than the ghastly corpse of Xena's foe, nothing else was visible for miles. "I have to get us to water," Gabrielle spoke as if Xena could hear and answer her. "I don't like this promise thing you laid on me but the truth is we may need to be near a cold stream for this fever of yours. And where did you leave Argo anyway?"

Without water to cool Xena or wipe her face, the fever could get the best of her. Gabrielle made a decision and with a quick check on her patient, set out in search of the warhorse. After a few minutes in the woods, Gabrielle's patience wore thin. "Well, let's try this," and with that she put her fingers in her mouth and gave a sharp whistle. After a few seconds, she tried it again. Suddenly, there was a crash through the trees and Argo came running. She slid to a stop so close to the bard, dirt kicked up into her face. "Thanks a heap, horse. Let me tell you about the day I'm having," the bard admonished the mare. "Great, now where did you put your saddle and bridle? Oh well, I think I can back track to where you were."

Gabrielle started back down the trail the horse had left through the underbrush. The obedient mare followed the young bard like a pet, glad for the company. Gabrielle reached the spot where Xena had left the saddle and bridle and soon had both on Argo. A look around showed a good camp site. Gabrielle mounted the horse and quickly returned to Xena.

The warrior was in the same state as when Gabrielle left. "Xena, this is going to be kind of tricky. OK Argo, do your thing. Down girl!" With this command, the palomino went down first on her front two legs and then the back. Carefully, Gabrielle grabbed a hold of Xena's shoulders and dragged her to the horse. She gently lifted her over the saddle and gave Argo the sign to rise. The great warhorse seemed to sense the situation and carefully got back to her feet without jarring the warrior. Xena's head hung down on one side of the saddle and her legs the other. Gabrielle ran back to their packs and soon had the pouches and waterskins draped around the saddle horn. She set Argo off at a slow pace while she walked beside the warrior, making sure she did not slip. She tried to ease any sudden movement or jarring that might open her wound.

When they arrived at the camp spot beside the creek, Gabrielle gently lowered the warrior to the ground. She quickly made a bed for Xena and got her into it. Fear froze the bard a moment as the wound showed fresh blood. Quickly, Gabrielle ran to the creek and was glad to find it freezing cold. The cold water was the best medicine she had. She filled the skins, wetted a cloth and returned to her patient. She deftly change the bandage and cooled her friend's face and wrists.

Xena opened her eyes and steeled herself as the pain coursed through her. She focused on Gabrielle and gave her nurse a wane smile. Gabrielle gave her a drink and laid her head back down. It pained her to see the normally invincible warrior so weak and helpless. Once more, Xena slipped into unconsciousness. Gabrielle finished making camp and set up a fire pit.

The days blended into one another as Gabrielle fought for Xena's life. The pain and fever consumed her friend bit by bit leaving the once strapping warrior shaking, spent and shrunken. The hours just before dawn were the worst. The warrior suffered such pain, a searing fire in her abdomen, that moans escaped her steely resolve and tightly clenched jaw. How she looked forward to the doses of the white powder and the oblivion that would follow. Unbearable pain had destroyed the proud warrior's dignity. She had watched others die of stomach wounds and knew it was not a pretty sight to see. Gabrielle should not be a witness to this but she had no strength left to drive her away. After a time, Xena no longer cared or felt anything but the pain that racked her body. She sensed the end was close and welcomed it. At these moments, through the shadows and clouds of semiconscious, a sweet voice would pierce the fog and hold the warrior in a warm embrace.

Gabrielle kept a watchful vigilance through these horrible hours. She wiped the hot face and wrists of her patient with the cool stream water, trying to keep the fever at bay. She sensed, though, that her strongest weapon against the pain and fever that consumed her friend was her voice. She willed Xena to stay among the living with her stories and poems. She composed as she told, each new poem more beautiful and descriptive than the last. Each story coming forth from her heart was more powerful and stirring than any she had performed before. She kept up a constant banter and chatter as if Xena could hear her. In the late night hours, she bared her soul to her friend and accomplished her own healing in the process.

Finally, as evening came after a long day, Gabrielle finished yet another tale to her friend. She reached over absentmindedly to pick up the wet cloth to wipe the face of the unconscious warrior. "Its getting hard to keep telling you all these great epics I have composed when I get no applause for my efforts," she complained good naturally. Gabrielle cooled Xena's face and reached for her wrist. She was shocked to feel a hand reach and weakly grab hers. Looking up, she saw clear blue eyes looking into her face. "Hi, about time you were awake," she said brightly and then the tears came. "Oh, Xena!"

She leaned down, hugged the warrior and kissed her gently. How delighted she was when her lips met cool skin. The fever was gone! Xena would live.


Gabrielle's energy seemed boundless. She bounced around the camp, making preparations and talking constantly. Xena could hardly keep up with her constant chatter and gave up trying to answer questions directed at her in rapid fire.

"I tell you, I have turned into quite a hunter. Look at the two rabbits I caught and I still have some more fish to smoke. We will have quite a store of food and even baked some more biscuits. Want some more tea?"

Xena shook her head. She lay propped up against the saddle and watched Gabrielle fuss around with a slow smile. "Its good to have such service. I'm getting quite use to being waited on."

Xena's smile faded and she turned searching eyes towards her friend. "Gabrielle, you really should rest. You look exhausted. You need to think of yourself more. You have unfinished business to deal with."

Gabrielle looked at her for a moment and her face grew serious. In a moment, the young bard's features aged and her look tore at the heart of the warrior. "Listen to me, Xena. Before, all I could think of was my loss, my pain, my choices. When you were hurt, you needed me. I realized that caring for you, making you well was all that really mattered to me. It is in doing for others, for people you care about that you can really help yourself. I learned that the best help for my sorrow was in helping my best friend, you. I'll always miss Perdicus but I won't give in to grief or bitterness. You need me, others need me and I need myself to be strong. I don't know what our futures hold but we'll figure it out together."

Xena smiled through misted eyes at her friend and thanked the gods for the miracle that brought her Gabrielle. She knew she didn't deserve the bard's love and devotion but she swore silently to spend her life trying.

"Now, enough of this mushy stuff. Let me show you my latest invention."

Xena propped herself up on one elbow to watch as she went into the bushes and came out dragging two long cut poles. Gabrielle glanced over at the warrior and smiled widely at the increasing strength she saw returning to her friend. She knew that Xena's recovery would be a very long and slow process but each small step seemed a major victory.

The warrior watched in amazement as Gabrielle took the poles over to Argo and fitted them into some ropes attached to the saddle. She tied some blankets across the poles and soon had a litter all set to go. Without anymore ado, she went over to Xena and with a smile proclaimed, "Ready to go, warrior princess?"

"I guess so, if you are," was all Xena could find to say. Carefully, Gabrielle grabbed Xena's shoulders and pulled her into the make shift litter. The rest of the camp goods were quickly packed and loaded besides the warrior.

"Well, that's it. Time to be off. This was a beautiful camp site but we need to move on."

"Gabrielle, where are we going?" Xena asked weakly.

Gabrielle walked to her friend and took her hand in her own. "Xena, I made a promise to you we would leave the next day after you were wounded and I kept it." Xena looked at her friend and nodded.

"I'm keeping my second promise to you. I'm taking you home to your mother, alive!"


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