The Book Store

Welcome to The Book Store! A new section here in association with, I have decided to make it easy to find books, cds, and videos about Xena AND other books that will either 1) help you write better Fan Fiction or 2) Have strong female characters.


Hercules & Xena:
The Unofficial Companion
James Van Hise, James Van Hise 1998??????
Hercules & Xena:
The Animated Movie
Hercules & Xena:
The Animated Spanish
Worth buying to hear Lucy sing.
The Huntress and the SphinxRu Emerson 1997 ??????
Prophecy of DarknessStella Howard,
S. D. Perry
The Thief of HermesRu Emerson 1997?????
Xena - Warrior Princess:
The Official Guide to the Xenaverse
Robert Weisbrot 1998Nice Set photos and Lucy's take on 1st & 2nd Seasons eps. Definite must have for the Hardcore Nutball
Xena Warrior Princess: Soundtrack Volume 2Joseph LoducaMusic from the second season. Listen to "Joxer The Mighty" and "Solstice Night" along with music from the episodes.
Xena X-Posed : The Unauthorized Biography of Lucy Lawless and Her On-Screen CharacterNadine Crenshaw 1997?????
Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor : Warriors Stars of Xena'sNikki Stafford, Mikki Stafford 1998?????
Xena : All I Need to Know I Learned from the Warrior PrincessJosepha Sherman (Translator) 1998I don't know but with a title like that it has to be cute...
Xena:The Bitter Suite/TV SoundtrackVarious 1998The Songs from the Episode Bitter Suite. Worth the money if for Lucy's singing only... I like Lucy's voice.
Xena:Warrior PrincessJoseph LoDuca 1996If for Track 5 "Burial" only It's worth getting.
Xena; Daybreak Daily Multimedia CalendarSoftware 1998?????

Mythology and Writing Aids

Women of Classical Mythology : A Biographical Dictionary (Oxford Paperback Reference)Robert E. Bell?????
Athena : A BiographyLee Hall????
BacchaeE.R. Dodds (Editor)Mythology
The BacchaeEuripides, Michael CacoyannisMythology
Bacchae (Dover Thrift Editions)Euripides, Henry Hart MilmanMythology
Bulfinch's MythologyThomas BulfinchGreat for brushing up your Mythology before writing.
Greek Myths : Gods, Heroes and Monsters : Their Sources, Their Stories and Their MeaningsEllen Switzer, Costas?????
Writing Down the Bones : Freeing the Writer WithinNatalie Goldberg, Samuel Bercholz Writing Aid
The Art of Poetry WritingWilliam PackardWriting Aid

Strong Female Leading Characters

Sword-DancerJennifer RobersonThe first story of Del and Sandtiger's first meeting and adventures
Sword-SingerJennifer RobersonThe second adventure Del is wanted for murder.
Sword-MakerJennifer RobersonThe Third adventure... Sandtiger's the messiah?
Sword-BreakerJennifer RobersonThe Fourth Adventure... Del is wanted for killing again.
Sword-Born : A Novel of Tiger and Del (Sword Series)Jennifer RobersonDidn't even know this one was out... give me a few days...

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