Uptaded On January 5th

Ok, sorry for not being here for a while, but I'm working on a very new Scream trilogy page with character profile and a huge pictures archive, so I don't have the time to check on the net for some Scream news. But tonight, I surfed on the Wes Craven official site and find an interesting letter about Scream 3. "The news is still pretty much the same on SCREAM 3. The plan is for Kevin Williamson to begin writing in January. That will be about the time we finish shooting FIFTY VIOILINS. While we're doing post-production on FIFTY VIOLINS, Kevin will write. We'll then begin pre-production on SCREAM 3 even while we finish preproduction on FIFTY VIOLINS! We'll probably shoot beginning sometime in early May, when both Nev and Courteney are on hiatus. Right now this is no story that the rest of us know. Supposedly Kevin has an idea, but I don't think it's much more than that. We also don't know if Nev is going to be a part of the movie or not. We think (or hope) that she will be part of SCREAM 3. I've spoken to her once or twice about it, and she expressed a sort of wait-and-see attitude. She wants the script to be 'just right' (very, very good). She does have fears about becoming another 'Scream Queen', which she feels would endanger her being taken seriously as an actress eligible for other kinds of movies. We'll have to wait and see.

I go to the movies last night to see Halloween H20 and I've got to say that I'am a little desapointed... First, the movie's short (only 90 minutes) and second, Michael stab only 5 or 6 victims. It's not the best Halloween ever, so if you're a fan of horror movie like me, you can go and find some good punch in the film, but if you're not a Michael Myers fan, you can rent the film!! bye!

Ok, I find this Scream 3 poster for you so feel free to take i if you want! Also, don't forget to go see Halloween H20, it will be so great!

Neve Campbell has been in decision about starring in the third installment of the Scream series for months now. But she has finally made a decision - one that will shock fans! "I think because of the success of the Scream movies, and the fact that the only other hit movie I've been involved with is The Craft, people think I'm some sort of scream queen, if you'll excuse the pun," says Campbell. "But that's something I really want to avoid. In each case with these films, the scripts were just too good to pass up." For more info about this, just go to this link: Palegreen3. At my point of view, I don't think that writing the story on Gale as the main caracter it's a good idea. But Randy... it's just so sad to know that is dead. Anyway, it's my birthday in 2 days and I hope I'll heard some good news from Scream 3 soon.

Has some should already know, Neve Campbell signed for Scream 3... but I'm not sure of it cause through the internet, this news only appears on Scream pages and not on official pages... so don't be surprise if you see that on other Scream pages, it's maybe not true. And by the way, Neve won a MTV award for bes female performance (Scream 2) last week. Also, I just want to let you know that I'll put some Scream 2 images soon, so keep looking!

Ok, I'm sorry, I made a huge error by trusting someone who tell me that he was Jamie... but he's not... so we can hope (again!) that Randy will come back to end the trilogy! I'm sorry! Anyway, someone write to me to tell me that Neve Campbell signed for 5 million dollars. Seriously, I don't think it's true, but you can dream! Also, Richard Gillies sent me an interesting theory abour Mr. Prescott, so It will be a pleasure to add it to the page ASAP! So I wish you good vacations and I'll do the best I can to uptade the page this summer.

Bad news about Scream 3 and for you, the fan. Jamie told me that he will not comeback in Scream 3... so the rumor bellow is currently not true. Last week, Sarah Michelle Gellar told me that she knew who will be the killer in Scream 3, but she can't tell us... and we know why. Maybe it's because Casey "Cici" Cooper's not dead after all, who knows? So if you want to see what Jamie and Sarah told me, just go see my guestbook and BTW, go sign it!

Today, an unknown person e-mail me that. "Jamie Kennedy told AOL Live that he will be in Scream 3. He didn't confirm whether he'll be playing Randy, for all we know he could be making a cameo just like Matt Lillard did in Scream 2." For More info, mail him here

It was confirmed that the script of the opening scene (bellow) of Scream 3 are untrue. Apparently, Kevin Williamson just beginning to work on the new script. Also, the rumor that Christopher Walken would be the killer in Scream 3 are false. Instead of Fairuza Balk, Kevin Williamson would want Rachel True on the cast, but it's only a rumor.

Plot Points
"The film begins with a very familiar young actor sitting down watching a horror movie at home. The power goes out (because of a storm). We cut to the bushes outside moving in the wind. [The house is by a lake] We see the guy inside through the window. He's found a flashlight and goes to call the power company. Then, he hears a footstep behind him.
He turns around. He jumps. 'Man, what the hell - ", a knife stabs him. 'Cut!' shouts a new voice. We then see thta a movie is being filmed. However, the actor does not move. He really has been killed. A very familiar young actress, realizing the fact that the actor is dead, screams.

'Scream 3'

On a radio show, Wes Craven said that Scream 3 will take place one year after Scream 2 when Sidney quits college to go to Hollywood to become a movie actress. Sidney’s first role will be a horror film directed by Wes Craven. Which means Wes Craven makes an appearance as himself.

"Can we say Stab 2? (based on the best selling book by Cotton Weary)" is how this scooper begins their email to us, name-dropping people like Teri Hatcher to portray Gale in the Stab 2 movie, Alicia Silverstone as Cici and maybe Christopher Walken as Cotton Weary.

The scooper also tells us Ms.Prescott will become a major figure in a huge court case (said to be presented to be even bigger than the O.J. Simpson trial.) A possible tag line for the Stab 2 film-within-a-film: 'It's gonna hurt even more...

This scooper claims his friend just got cast in the upcoming Scream 3 film (slated to start filming in early March, they say.) Anyway, their friend said most of the characters names are inspired by the villains from slasher films...Michael, Freddy, Jason and so on. Freddy is the brother of Skeet Ulrich's character from the original Scream. [Gracias to 'Timvitotv'.]

Tag lines sent in by someone anonymous, which may or may not be
considered for the film's tag line:
"Someone's taken the meaning 'legal thriller' one step too far"
"Someone's taken their love of trilogies one step too far"
"Solving this case is going to be murder"

Apperently, the Scream 3 movie should be filmed this summer and maybe, if Neve Campbell accept to return in the skin of Sidney Prescott, it will be ready for December 98. The action will take place one year after Scream 2, when Sidney quit the College to become an Hollywood Star. Her first film would be an horror film, directed by Wes Craven...

Dimension Film want to see Scream 3 in cinema on December 98 because the two first films are "hot and fresh" in our mind. They will probably offer some millions of dollars to Neve Campbell, "forcing" her to play in the 3rd.

Courtney Cox says that she will be back to play Gale Weathers in Scream 3, same thing for David Arquette has Dewey Riley. Some rumors say that Rose McGowan (Tatum Riley) should make a comeback in Scream 3. Some other name are on the rumor list like: Fairuza Balk (The Craft), Rachel True (Best Friend Of Neve Campbell), Claudia Chapel (Seven Nights), Mark Vaughan (Species 2, The Boxer), Leslie Montgomery (The Real Blonde) and Jacob King. You can also put Alicia Sylverstone on the list, she will probably play Cici in the story of Sidney.

Wes Craven confirmed that Matthew Lillard will not make a comeback has Stu twin brother (Snif!). He also says that he will not be on scream 3 if Neve Campbell are not on the crew.