Angels For David Duchovny Webring

Hi, there! 
Welcome to the homepage of AFDD.

LE FastCounter

So what is AFDD Web Ring?

AFDD is a web ring, linking a group of people who are either completely love David Duchovny, or are his admirers.
This web ring was founded on 13 Jul 98.

How can I join the web ring?

Anyone with a web page dedicated to David Duchovny can joing the web ring. The only thing that you need to do is to fill in the form on this page, and put a "ring code" somewhere on your web page.
Just fill in the summit form and send it over...

Submit site to Angels for David Duchovny
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

You would be given a Site ID No.  Please note it down along with the password.

Your submission would be in the queue.  To actually join the Ring you would need to inculde the Web Ring HTML Fragment somewhere on your page (like the one at the bottom of this page).  Click here to get a sample of the HTML Fragment!
I check the queue everyday so almost as soon as you put the HTML fragment on your page, you're in the web ring! You would be notified if your site has been added to the web ring.
Look forward to see you in the webring soon!!

To edit your site information: (URL, site name, password, etc.)
Enter your Site ID and password below:

Site ID:
Please e-mail me if you have any problem.


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