Your One Stop Kids in the Hall Link Shop!

You are visitor # to come here since Oct. 8th, 1996 and obsess over those Krazy Kids from Toronto!

It's the place where Scott's imagination comes to life with our help... my home away from home!

Have you ever wanted to know the exact words of your fave sketches? Well, Trista Lycosky's got them!!

In the mood for KITHie knowledge? Go to the FAQ and learn!

Check out Barb Carr's division of A.T. & Love for even more KitHie things!!

Do you want something to remember that commemorates the times you saw Brain Candy? Choice International has exactly what you're looking for!

Welcome to Larissa MacKenzie's Pit of Ultimate Darkness!!

STARticles has some KITHie clothing goodies, belonging to Bruce, Mark and Scott that are worth checking out!!

KitHie wavs abound with Jennifer Gardiner!

Visit the now defunct NewsRadio Newsletter archive and another spicy KITH page, maintained by Karen Lutgens!!!

Visit the Headquarters of Short Babes For Brucio!!!,
The Headquarters of the Mark McKinney League for Lunatics!!!,
or The Headquarters of the Cole Cadets!!!

In addition to the Cole Cadets, Lisa Moore has created the place where all KITHies go -- from far and wide... the HeadCrusher's Ball!

Read some KITHie news as you get your head crushed... by appointment only!

Look into the world of Dave Foley, seen through the eyes of Tavie Phillips!!

Peruse the halls of KitH-ademia and NewsRadio-ism, make a statement and be heard!

History in the making! A 1988 Rolling Stone interview with the Kids!!

Find out more about the men behind our fave theme, "Having An Average Weekend"!

Check out the land of Bruce and Kevin's fave Vancouver band, Odds... learn their Oddsian philosophies!

Steph Myles has a neato KITH and Monty Python archive goin on!

Look at the wonderful KITHie art of the wonderfully evil Kipling West!!

Glance into the BNL, TMBG and KITH encyclopedia that is Sarah Newhouse!

The one-stop KITH desktop shop of Heather Baldwin!

Visit the official site of Neil Mandt's movie "Hijacking Hollywood", maintained by Chris Morris, that stars KITH's own Scott Thompson!!!

The last one went bitchcakes, so I present to you once again...
Sign the KitH Gallery Guestbook
or View the KitH Gallery Guestbook

Do you have a KITH site you'd like to share? Drop me a line and you'll be added in my very next update!!
Thanks fer visiting!! Have a KITHy day!! :o)

Photo borrowed from the site of Barbara Carr
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