- Born in Vienna in 1913
- She dropped out of school to find her fortune as an actress
- Made her feature length film debut in 1931 in Sturm Im Wasserglas
- Two years later she appeared in Ecstasy
- Made her American debut in 1939 in Lady of the Tropics
- Her career was on the decline by the mid forties
- She turned down the leads in both Gaslight and Casablanca
- In 1949 she appeared in Cecil B deMille's Samson and Delilah.
The success of Samson and Delilah led to a few more parts but this
was not enough to save her movie career.
- In 1966 she published her autobiography Ecstasy and Me
- She later claimed that she didn't write it and tried to sue the
publishers for $21 million
- The case was settled out of court.
- In the last few years she has performed in a Greenwich Village
club singing songs that she wrote
- 1930 Geld auf der Strasse
- 1931 Sturm Im Wasserglas
- 1931 Man Braucht Kein Geld
- 1931 Die Koffer Des Herrn O.F.
- 1931 Die Blumenfrau von Lindenau
- 1932 Ecstasy
- 1938 Algiers
- 1939 Lady of the Tropics
- 1939 I Take This Woman
- 1940 The Miracle of Sound
- 1940 Comrade X
- 1940 Boom Town
- 1941 Ziegfeld Girl
- 1941 H.M. Pulham, Esq.
- 1941 Come Live with Me
- 1942 White Cargo
- 1942 Tortilla Flat
- 1942 Crossroads
- 1943 Show Business at War
- 1943 The Heavenly Body
- 1944 Experiment Perilous
- 1944 Conspirators, The
- 1945 Her Highness and the Bellboy
- 1946 The Strange Woman
- 1947 Dishonored Lady
- 1948 Let's Live a Little
- 1949 Samson and Delilah
- 1950 Lady Without Passport
- 1950 Copper Canyon
- 1951 My Favorite Spy
- 1953 L'Amante di Paride
- 1954 Eterna Femina
- 1957 The Story of Mankind
- 1957 The Female Animal
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