Frame by Frame:
A Critical Tribute to Martin Scorsese

people have visited this site since 31 August, 1997.

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Scorsese Reviews Film Recommendations Midnight Movies
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Hello, folks, my name is Ashley, and this is my homepage dedicated to film, particularly to the films of Martin Scorsese.

Here's what we got: A comprehensive Scorsese's filmography with my personal reviews of all the major stuff and one or two of his smaller projects (some of it's simply been eluding my video shelf).

I also have a couple pages up of Film Recommendations1 and Midnight Movies, the former of which are reviews of films that I've particularly enjoyed, and the latter of which are some deliciously bad films that I've had the, er, pleasure(?) of seeing. I've decided to discontinue this feature, as it just seemed a bit too arbitrary in nature, and hasn't given me the joy of watching myself put words to screen that it once did (I'm drawing upon my self-delusion of being a Great Reviewer™ on Frame by Frame's sister site, a music-review site, if you just can't get enough of that side of me). This of course means that Frame by Frame will be updated far less frequently than before, but I'd like to think it's still a pretty good resource for Scorsese fans.

So now that you know what you can expect, browse, enjoy, be enlightened or enraged, and by all means, let me know how you feel!

Why am I sharing all of this? Two words: Ego Trip.

1 Including a pretty positive review of Titanic, which is becoming the bane of my existence. Don't get me wrong, I was certainly entertained as I sat through it; It's just that I don't think it deserved a tenth of the praise it received and have cultivated a healthy contempt for it as such.

willO Award
Kids, a word of fatherly advice: if you really want an award for your site, do what I did; create the site, then leave it alone for close to a year. Sooner or later, someone's bound to come with some sort of accolade.

In all seriousness, many thanks go out to Mark David at the willO Award for bestowing this honour upon this site.

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If you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to e-mail me at

Last modified 23 June, 1999

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Scorsese Reviews Film Recommendations Midnight Movies
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All materials on these pages copyright 1997-1998, Ashley E. Collins, except where otherwise noted. Image "bgates.gif" was taken from the internet and is assumed to be in the public domain. Image "marquee.gif" was designed by Alice Voith, with whom the copyright resides. All other images were proudly created with Microsoft Paint and/or edited with SPRY ImageView v.

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