Jack Denman - 08/28/00 00:25:34
My Email:margarita@home.com
How'd Ya Find Me: infoseek
Where Ya Live: Fullerton California USA
I'd like to have "To Have and to Have Not" on
dvd. I agree with AFI's rating of Bogart.
TW/Bogie Fan - 05/10/00 02:26:00
My Email:eagle309@hotmail
How'd Ya Find Me: type in Bogart
Where Ya Live: Denver CO.
Of all the sights in all the net I had to log on to yours....And it is a Fantastic Treasure of
- 03/05/00 17:17:37
My Email:jmg022900@aol.com
nancy - 02/09/00 22:32:15
My Email:long778@hotmail.com
How'd Ya Find Me: a link
Where Ya Live: council bluffs
Lynn Jolley - 07/18/99 21:31:52
My Email:ljolley@albemarlenet.com
How'd Ya Find Me: search
Where Ya Live: NC
I was trying to find the answer to a trivia question. I am taking a course in advanced coastal navigation. There is a "trick" question in the middle of it which asks you the registration number of the "Santana" in Bogart's movie...and you're to tell whe
e and how you found the number.
Huh? - 05/13/99 01:32:55
How'd Ya Find Me: Huh?
Where Ya Live: Huh?
Bogie is the best actor ever
cool site
10/23/98 10:11:55
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
Vincent Savarese - 08/23/98 20:21:41
How'd Ya Find Me: Bogart search
Where Ya Live: Baltimore, MD.
Great site. I too discovered Bogart in Casablanca
and because of my dad's interest in films of the 40's. Ever since, I have watched and bought and rented as many movies and books as I could. Thanks to TCM back in January of 96, I was able to record over 30 Bogart movies, some never on TV before. I
still haven't watched them all! I only recorded those movies that I thought weren't available on video at the time and I'm adding to my collection all the time. Some demographics - I'm 32 and live in Balto. MD. I'll visit again.
Vince Savarese
1914 Merritt Blvd.
Balto. MD. 21222
Mark Swift - 08/12/98 13:30:51
My Email:Mark.Swift@gte.net
How'd Ya Find Me: web search
Where Ya Live: Ohio
He's the man. I've enjoyed Great performances since I first saw him in All Through the Night and continue to enjoy his movies. Do you trade memorbilia as I'm always looking to find and buy and trade for new material. Thanks Mark
pete gallaccio - 06/27/98 01:58:35
My Email:vsp825@worldnet.att.net
How'd Ya Find Me: i'm your cousin i'll always find you
Where Ya Live: williamsburg
i always knew that you were a gifted kid. you keep up the good work take care sweetie
Fantasia - 05/22/98 23:53:10
My Email:you know it by heart
How'd Ya Find Me: You!
Where Ya Live: "Crest"
Cindy, I love the web site. You did a very good job on it. I just got to see it now and it's Memorial Weekend. I saw in your guestbook and you have a person from the Phillipines signing in. You are gifted in computers. Keep up the good work. See you
at W.C.H.S. Tuesday.
Lynne Pierce - 04/20/98 00:23:09
My Email:www.lmnop_63@hotmail.com
How'd Ya Find Me: i'm one of ya friends!
Where Ya Live: tha Crest
Hey, Shep cool site, just got connected to the internet today. Finally got to see your Web Page! Email me @ www.lmnop_63@hotmail.com! Hope Florida was fun, although I don't really wanna hear about it just kidding!! Can you believe that school reopens
omorrow? Gotta go see ya tomorrow! Nite-Nite :)
Bel Dizon - 04/15/98 02:45:49
My Email:bel@innocent.com
How'd Ya Find Me: links
Where Ya Live: Manila, Philippines
Yes. Just like you, I was bitten by a dead bee. Bogie's really georgeous and fell in love with him when I saw him in Casablanca just a month ago. Now I'm gonna start renting his movies. Nice homepage.
Ice Man - 04/04/98 17:38:06
My URL:/Colosseum/Bleachers/8435
My Email:ice_man86@hotmail.com
How'd Ya Find Me: surfed in
Where Ya Live: Maryland
Please go to my web page i'm tying to beat my cousins
record my page is www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Bleachers/8435
Pammymurray - 02/07/98 19:34:14
My Email:pmurray@algorithms.com
How'd Ya Find Me: You told me about it
Where Ya Live: Cape May, NJ
Hey Shep,
Love the web site but don't you think you should put Valentine's decorations up or something? Hate to brake it to you, but Christmas passed two months ago. Love ya like a sis, Pam
bob - 01/24/98 22:28:14
My Email:ezlease
How'd Ya Find Me: browsing
Where Ya Live: macedonia,ohio
where is wedding picture at malabar? i found it once but have not been able to find again.please help.
Eileen Fenton SSJ - 01/07/98 16:59:10
My Email:sawssj@algorithms.com
How'd Ya Find Me: Your Mom
Where Ya Live: Wildwood
Very nice looking home page which a friend of mine will be very interest in... you may be hearing from her in the future after I tell her about your Bogie interest!!!!! Say Hi to your MOM.
Lynne Pierce - 01/03/98 02:09:34
My Email:pierce3@hotmail.com
How'd Ya Find Me: Search Engine
Where Ya Live: Wildwood Crest, NJ
I thought this was the Leo DiCaprio page!! Good job anyway!!
Patty Miner Thall - 01/03/98 02:08:04
How'd Ya Find Me: you're sitting next to me
Where Ya Live: Hick's ville(Dennisville)
Wonderful page. Love the decorations!
Ted Sheppard - 12/24/97 04:01:39
My Email:Ted_Sheppard@smh1.ccmail.compuserve.com
How'd Ya Find Me: Referred by a friend
Where Ya Live: Somers Point, N.J.
Great site. Neat x-mas decorations. I couldn't have done better myself. Keep up the good work. Next time, how about a site dedicated to that great actor Arnold Schwartzenegger????
Ted Sheppard - 12/24/97 04:00:17
My Email:Ted_Sheppard@smh1.ccmail.compuserve.com
How'd Ya Find Me: Referred by a friend
Where Ya Live: Somers Point, N.J.
Great site. Neat x-mas decorations. I couldn't have done better myself. Keep up the good work.
Pam Murray - 12/20/97 04:29:55
My Email:pmurray@algorithms.com
Where Ya Live: Cape May, NJ
Hey Cindy!! Just wanted to say good-bye! Thanx for the Christmas gift. I love everything. Gotta Go and finish packing. Write ME!
johnny - 12/16/97 18:29:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Hills/8153/women/index.hm
My Email:keanu@writeme.com
Pam Murray - 12/15/97 03:05:10
My Email:pmurray@algorithms.com
How'd Ya Find Me: You gave me the address
Where Ya Live: Cape May, NJ
Love how the web site is beautifully decorated for the holidays. Call Me!
Pam Murray - 12/14/97 04:00:45
My Email:pmurray@algorithms.com
How'd Ya Find Me: You gave me the address
Where Ya Live: Cape May, NJ
It' looks great Cindy! I love the Christmas decorations. Did you get my recent private message? Call me! Great Job!
Jen Tracy - 12/12/97 00:46:54
My Email:jmtracy@mail.dvnc.net
How'd Ya Find Me: You told me to visit you
Where Ya Live: Clermont, NJ
Nannychipp - 12/10/97 01:59:58
My Email:Nannychipp@AOL.COM
How'd Ya Find Me: E-Mail
Where Ya Live: FT.MYERS FL
Cindy Sheppard - 12/07/97 15:59:36
Sorry about the mess!! I accidentally erased all
my entries into my guestbook!!