Hi and welcome to my web page! I hope you can find out a lot about the number one star of all time, Humphrey Bogart.
You can probably see that we here at The Santana got all decorated for Christmas and Bogie's birthday(Yup, they're the same day!!)!
The first Bogart movie I saw was Casablanca, the instant classic that wasn't supposed to be. Anyway, after that, I had a moderate interest in Bogie. I went out and rented more of his movies, High Sierra and Dark Passage, and totally fell in love. I bought books and movies to satisfy my interest in him. Now, I'm passing some of that info on to you. Oh, was you ever bit by a dead bee?
Things to See and Do at The Santana!
The Films of Humphrey Bogart
A Bogie Biography
Images of Bogart In Film
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Since 8/26/97!!!!!