The driver can allow 5 people to ride with him/her in the front of the Monorail. I've done this with my friends and it's a blast. You see everything and you can talk to the driver and watch him/her drive. Just ask the driver if you can ride in the front!
Imagination Institute -
What used to be the Magic Eye Theatre and home of Captain EO is now the Imagination Institute. In the Institute, guests attend an awards show honoring Wayne Szalinski as Inventor of the Year. The show is "Honey, I Shrunk the Audience" and it's an amazing and totally fun show.
Number of seats : approx. 500
Running time : 18:21

Star Tours, presented by Energizer -
this is another one of my favorites. It is a ride like the Star Wars movies. It can have a long line also, but once you get inside, they keep you entertained. A lot of work was put into the waiting area of this one, same as Space Mountain. They try to make it seem like you're really in a space port, taking off to Endor. When you get into you ship, you take off on a crazy journey eventually ending up with star fighters and Darth Vader. Don't worry, the good side of the force wins!
Space Mountain, presented by Federal Express -
this is definitely a good one. This ride got redone also. They added music!!! This really adds a lot of excitement to the ride. They also redid the cars too, so now there are speakers by your head. This fast paced roller coaster through space is one of my favorites.
Autopia 2000, presented by Chevron -
the all new, all improved Autopia. This remodeled version of the Tomorrowland Autopia just opened in the Summer of 2000. This track now combines the Fantasyland and Tomorrowland Autopia tracks together. The track has been redesigned, redecorated and totally redone.
Disneyland Railroad -
one of the 4 stations in Disneyland. From here, the train goes make to the Main Street Station. But first you visit the Grand Canyon and Primeval World. You go in a tunnel with models and animatronic dinosaurs thundering around. You can ride round trip, or get off at Main Street, New Orleans Square, or Toon Town.
Astro Orbitor -
This is the new attraction that greets guests entering Tomorrowland. It is like the old Rocket to the Moon ride, in which you enter small "rockets" and then orbit around with planets and other riders.

Observation -
a new type of statue in Tomorrowland. Every 15 minutes or so, this thing starts moving and making noise, trying to contact its home planet. Apparently it hasn't found intelligent life here on Earth.
Innoventions -
This is the old Carousel of Progress/America Sings rotation theatre. But now guests will board a "loading pod" on the slowly rotating lower level ring. Tom Morrow is back and welcomes you then you can explore the attraction's five main areas: Transportation, Health/Sports, Home, Work/School and Entertainment. There's two levels showcasing new "Innoventions" from such companies as Compaq, Honeywell, Kaiser Permanente, SAP, AT&T, and General Motors.
Cosmic Waves -
a new interactive fountain! This is located right infront of Space Mountain and the Imagination Institute. There's a huge granite ball "floating" up on a high pressure water fountain. All around it are water shoots that spray up. A nice way to cool off if your hot, but be careful! Don't get others who want to be dry wet, and don't slip.
Starcade -
this is a big arcade full of games. I always see a bunch of kids in there. Personally, I don't know how they play arcade games when they've got Space Mountain on one side of 'em and Star Tours on the other side!
Premiere Shop
The Star Trader (this is the store you go into when exiting Star Tours)
Tomorrowland Terrace, hosted by Coca-Cola
Redd Rocket's Pizza Port - a new restaurant in the style of '50's and '60's "future."
Moonliner Rocket - the Moonliner returns to Tomorrowland! This time it is a refreshment stand.