New Orleans Square
New Orleans Square! A taste of the old bayou the way it was. This is the place, if you ask me. It has always been one of my favorites, not only because of the great rides, but also because of the great atmosphere. This place always seem quieter and more settled. You can go in a far off corner and sit and relax as you watch someone get themselves drawn by one of the street artists. Or heck, get one drawn of yourself! This place is great! So let's see what they got!
Haunted Mansion -
the one, the only! This ride never gets old, and never looses its spook either. This one still seems a technological amazement to me, even though it is pretty old. This one also scared the whooey out of me as a young (and not so young) kid. Remember me, the one who was freaked out by the Tiki Room! Parents: your kids may or may not like this one, but take 'em anyway. It's not really all that scary, it's just the thought of the thing. Don't worry about long lines here either, they go fast. Besides you have to read all the gravestones of the people and pets. They're quite funny. As you enter, you are put in a lobby and then a door opens into a galley. Listen to the music (gosh, it sent chills through me as a young 'un.)
Then the fun begins, your Ghost Host takes you on a tour of the Haunted Mansion, the home of 999 happy haunts, but beware! "There's room for 1000!!!" Some of my favorite quotes are from this ride. "Is this haunted room actually stretching!?!" "Of course, there's always my way" (you must scream your guts out after he says this and the lights go, it's a bunch of fun to scare your neighbor!) "Hurry back. Be sure to bring your...death certificate." You ride in a "doom buggy" through the mansion as the catchy song plays. There are sketches of a story surrounding this ride, but there are many different versions, left to your own interpretation. This ride actually is quite humorous if you pay attention to everything from the gate entrance to the hitchhiking ghosts. Go ahead and do this once in the day and then once at night again. It's even better when you exit and it's still dark.
Pirates of the Caribbean -
oh, boy! Another one of my absolute favorites. This is a journey though the high seas and into a town being plundered by pirates. Again, even a long line moves fast in this one. You first float peacefully along, right by the Blue Bayou Restaurant. It's hard to explain. You're inside, but but it looks like it's a dark night. Pretty cool, actually. You sail past an old cabin with a man out front and a banjo player inside. Then you are warned by the pirates skull; "It be too late to alter 'ye course, mateys." Then down you go because "dead men tell no tales." You enter the caves then pass the cursed treasure. You experience a cannon fight, "Fire at will!" (I've often wondered which guy Will is! yuk, yuk, yuk!) and then the pirates. This is quite impressive and you'll be singing the song all day (or until you ride It's a Small World!) After you pass through the burning building, you're home free, if you don't get shot on the way out! This ride was recently redone. I guess some people thought that some scenes weren't politically correct; apparently some think pirates had manners! This is a great ride! I just wish I could get me some of that treasure!
Disneyguy Special Note: One of the greatest special effects in all of Disneyland are the fireflies found in the Blue Bayou area of Pirates of the Caribbean. Yes, these happy little fireflies blink on and off and really add tons in the way of magic to the sleepy bayou. It just so happens that the original designer and maker of these wonderful little guys has contacted me and wishes to extend to you guys an offer. These fireflies are available for purchase for the first time from the original designer. These are the same ones in the ride, and now you can have them in your backyard. For info, contact Tim Carter or visit his webpage HERE.
I'm not making any profit off this, I just want to extend the offer because I know how many die-hard Disneyland fans are out there!
The Disneyland Railroad -
the railroad makes one of it's 4 stops at New Orleans Square Station. While you wait to get on, listen to the telegraph across the tracks. It's clicking out Walt's dedication speech for Disneyland. You can ride round trip or get off at Toontown, Tomorrowland or Main Street.
The Disney Gallery -
this is a nice place for cooling off, and escaping the crowds and the lines. Inside are many paintings, drawings, cells and models from not only Disneyland but Disney movies as well. Some of these are for sale, for a pretty penny. There is also a balcony that serves desert during the Fantasmic! performance. It's not cheap (currently around $40 per person), but it would be the experience of a lifetime (and darn good seats for Fantasmic! without waiting hours and hours.)
Club 33

A lot of people have heard rumors of Club 33. Well, it's true! Club 33 is a private, private, really private club in New Orleans Square. It's right next door to the Blue Bayou Restaurant and near the exit for Pirates of the Caribbean. It's single door is simply marked with this sign with only a "33." There are rumors of why Walt decided to call it Club 33. Why 33? Many say because that is simply it's street address in New Orleans Square. But I believe it was named for the 33 primary original dreamers and builders of Disneyland. This club is for members and guests of members only. The membership price is very pricey, as are the meals. There is also a long waiting list to even become a member. Through that door is a French elevator that takes you up into the Club. Inside is decor designed by Walt Disney himself. There are things from Disney movies and other decor. It is the only place in the park that serves alcohol. I personally have not had to good fortune to visit. But when I make my millions or win the lottery (whichever comes first) you can bet I'll become a member of Club 33. Learn more about Club 33 from some of the great websites dedicated to it. Find them at My Favorite Disneyland Links.
Candy Cart
Cristal d'Orleans, presented by Arribas Brothers
La Mascarade d'Orleans
Le Gourmet
Parasol Cart, presented by Rubio Arts
Pieces of Eight
Portrait Artists, presented by Rubio Arts
The Christmas Shop (it's always Christmas here!)
The Disney Gallery Collector's Room
Blue Bayou Restaurant (this is a tradition with family! We eat there for dinner but you've gotta make your reservations early in the day! Then show up for a great dinner and experience the Bayou. This is the "outdoor" eating area you see from the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. Sometimes bands will be playing. It's all very nice!)
Café Orleans - home of the Cutiest Meal in Disneyland
French Market Restaurant, hosted by Stouffer's
La Petite Patisserie
Mint Julep Bar (not always open)
Royal Street Veranda