"DELTA SIN's Homepage"

The Home Headquarters for the Hot New Christian Rap Group!!

Shout Out:

Before we get started we would like to send a shout out to the original alpha and omega, the truest o.g., the saviour of our lives, the most powerful name of all time, the one and only


We're Mc-truth and Zero Smooth. Here is some important information below. READ IT AND DO IT!!.

Delta Sin is a Christian rap group that is dedicated to serving Christ and promoting His Kingdom (see more in the Biography of Delta Sin, its members, and the future plans). Also if you would like to book us in your city, please go to Booking Information Sub-page for more info. If you would like to support our ministry (a tax-deductible donation) please visit our Support Sub-page for more info. Any more questions please contact us at the e-mail address below or use our contacts page.

We currently have a demo tape with 3 songs and three instrumentals or a CD with 4 songs and 4 instrumentals. If you would like one please send us a nominal fee of $3.00 for the tape and $5.00 for the CD with a full money back guarantee. The cost is for the tape/cd materials cost and S&H (we are a non-profit organization)--PLEASE VISIT OUR ORDERING SUB-PAGE!!! So Do It!! Get it!! and Enjoy the awesome sounds of Christian Hip-hop/Rap.

UPDATE: All of the original Delta Sin music is now downloadable, LINK TO IT BELOW!!!!!

Also Many New Sub-pages, Check us out!!

Also DUE TO HIGH VOLUME OF D.SINGLE TAPE/CD REQUESTS, Delta Sin now has a hold time of about 2-3 weeks from request time. The faster you get in the request the faster we will get it to you. It is well worth the wait. Praise the Lord for the numerous responses!!! See Y'all Soon.

This page is under construction, however, if you need to contact us personally then e-mail us at the below address.

Email us in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit us..

The Phat Track Info. Dept.

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© 1997, 1998, 1999 Delta Sin Productions

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