
1. My baritone saxophone
2. The Happy Little Elves as a group
3. The Happy Little Elves individually: a. Yendor
b. Bubbles c. Doofy d. Moldy
4. The joy of overachievement
5. Finding a surprise dessert in my lunchbox
6. Bleeding Gums Murphy
7. Tetherball
8. Seeing Bart get caught red-handed
9. Cartoons with redeeming social messages
10. Looking on the bright side
11. Be-bop
12. Playing sides against the middle
13. My friend Janey
14. Corn-on-the-cob
15. Television
16. The way my baby sister smells right after her bath
17. The pursuit of happiness
18. Recess
19. The time I got all 50 states playing the "License Plate
Game" on our trip to Hell Valley National Park
20. Any form of revenge on Bart
21. Expressing my inner howl through music
22. Mom's cooking
23. Moral superiority as a lifestyle
24. Amelia Earhart
25. Those sprinkle things that go on the top of ice cream and cupcakes
26. The (imagined) delight of getting a pony for Christmas
27. Smowball II
28. Santa's Little Helper
29. Freedom of choice
30. A super-deluxe Krusty Burger with bacon, chili, cheese and extra Krusty Secret Sauce
31. Ms Hoover......on a good day
32. Mr Bergstrom any time
33. My dad's laugh
34. Peace
35. The painful beauty of Emily Dickinson's verse
36. Being a misunderstood creative genius
37. Daffodils
38. Angst
39. Putting on a brave front
40. And, in spite of everything, my family