Cead mile Failte
A hundred thousand welcomes
Ye Olde Greene Room Inn
This is Flatleyland, Planet Eire, and you are now in Ye Olde Greene Room Inn, I am Cathy ... keeper of the Inn, teller of the stories, and Mom to the Royal Court. Please, come in. Have you travelled far? Really? Well rest easy weary traveller, and be assured your unicorn will be well tended in our stables. And there is always room for you at ye Olde Greene Room Inn, so....... will you be staying just the one evening, or are you here for the duration? Whichever you decide please fill out our Guest Register, so as our stable hands can help your galant steed settle in, and they can be sure of givin' the dear one the best of attention a unicorn can be receivin'! If you would like to see who else is curently registered then please, feel free! I will be havin' our Stewards afix you a room whilst you browse.........

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Here at Ye Olde Greene Room Inn you will find some interesting artefacts, fascinating tales, caring staff, and good company. If you would like to wander through the other rooms here, please feel free, and take a glass of Guinness with you to help quench your thirst. You will find all the rooms lead off the Great Hall,which is just through that doorway right across there.....but first, pop in here to see a special Christmas message....

You might also like to spend some time one evening in the YOGRI Observatory.
just up these stairs...
Finding it a lil difficult to navigate your way around the Inn?
Here...let me draw you a lil map........