Here we are.....the different ways you can get in touch with me....please don't ask why I have so many e-mail addresses.....I'm just a sucker for free things in the net....*lol*....well, feel free to drop me a line thru these addresses...and tell me if you would like a link to your page...(please don't forget to include your page's URL.....=)......I'll have a hard time just trying to figure out where in the world would I find you if you don't...*grin*)...while you're at it..since I haven't gotten my guestbook yet, say something about the pages too okay?....Thanx!

This is where the "Link Requests" go.....please don't forget the URL!..=)
Now this is for those of you who would like to have some of my drawings and my thoughts forwarded to your e-mail.....=)
This is for those of you who really wants to be a good friend (tho' since the name says it all, I can't figure who would wanna be friends with a boring guy like me hehehehe :P)
And this is for all the nice things you have to say....if there's any.....*lol*

To page me on-line anytime...just click this thingie right here.....yep, this one right here!

If you should leave.....take one last peek in here.(A very short peek it will be)

If you don't feel like leaving me yet.....well, here's your way know I'm glad you stayed =)........enjoy yourself and feel at home!!!

Hehehehe.....that's it....just keep checking the place...I love the company!

Well....inspiration hits me now and then.......and these are the results.

And sometimes I just don't have anything to do........and then this happens!

Here you go.....back to the Main page....(I'm getting tired of writing down the links all the time....hehehe)

.....*sigh*....I wonder just when am I gonna finish this all????

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