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Link Exchange
Ah... the confines of a new and improved Ignoramus
Hall! Home to those brilliant buffoons of burlesque, those happy
harlequins of humor, those confused clowns of comedy, those of moronic
mimes of merriment, those asinine aments of amusement, those freakish fools
of fun, those peculiar performers of pleasantry, those jovial jesters of
jocularity, those eccentric exhibitionists of entertainment, those merry
morons of mirth, those jovial jesters of jokes, those jocose jerks of jests,
those farcical fools of festivity, those quaint quacks of quips, those
weird wackos of wisecracks, those peculiar performers of pranks, those
horrible humorists of high jinks, those gladdened gits of gags, those preternatural
pasquinaders of parody, those remarkable rascals of revelry, those whimsical
wags of whoop-de-do, those mischievous mimes of merriment, those witty
weirdo's of whoopla, the Ignorami!
And the great, awesome, god-like
We've added a few new rooms. We'd also
like to point out that we're not responsible for anything that happens
to you or you do to yourself as a result of visiting us here at Ignoramus
A technical note on aesthetics: This page
is optimized for 800x600 resolution. If it's too big for you, then
get a better monitor!
A technical note on technical crap: This
page is optimized for Netscape Navigator 4.0. If you can't handle
that then seek professional psychiatric care.
A technical note on FAQ's: You may have never
noticed it before, but FAQ is an acronym. That means it stands for
something. Other than standing for free-speach and the right to arm
bears, FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Questions. We'll start
a FAQ the moment that two people have asked the same question. So
start contacting us!

Congratulations! You're the 
person to walk the passages of Ignoramus Hall.