Barrelful of Monkees' Chat Room

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Please read the following before entering this chat for the first time:

This chat is open 24 hours. Invite your friends! This chat is for fans of the Monkees. The chat is not limited to talking only of them, but is on any appropriate subject which a Monkee fan can think of. There is to be no colourful language or attitudes in this chat room. I ask that when chatting you do not use all capitals. eg. I LOVE THE MONKEES!!!! It can easily be said like this: eg. I love the Monkees! Also don't spell out words one letter at a time. It gets annoying. There is no set topic and I feel the rest of the rules are mild, so this can be an enjoyable place to chat. If you feel another rule should be added feel free to e-mail me and request it. Joining this chat means you accept and will abide by these set rules.

Thanx! Have Fun Chatting!

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