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DROMEY! Update yer page or we break yer legs! A. U. M.

Persephone's Underworld

Well, the times, they are a'changin'. This site is about to undergo major rennovations. You probably won't be able to recognize it when it gets done, but hey, everything changes, the only constant is inconstancy, and all that. Don't worry, the Underworld'll still be around. We'll just be taking up a lot less space with a lot more relevant content. Sounds nice to me. Time for a little spring cleaning anyway. Lord knows this place is a pit when I come back every fall, who knows what it'll look like if I don't clear out the cobwebs before I go. Men, yeesh.

Yow! Only people have been here since 7-1-99? I need to seriously rethink my marketing strategy...


I'm back on the webring now, people, go wherever thou shalt choose. I love explaining things in calm, rational ways, it gets a much better response. As Death is fond of saying: "It's no harder to be nice than creepy. And it's much more fun." :)

This site is maintained by Persephone
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Disclaimer! I want to reassure the people from the Walt Disney Company that I am not making a dime from anything on this page. I do not sell my artwork, or charge money to anyone that wants a picture drawn. The only money I make is from Dairy Queen where I am gainfully (kind of) employed. Please don't sue as the money I make from Dairy Queen goes to food and tuition. I don't even have enough to buy a pair of socks which I've been needing for a while now, so would it really be worth your time? Thank you. :)