latexboy - 10/08/00 06:36:41 My Age: well trojan has been around for 70 plus years City/State U Live In: oregon Favorite Band/Movie: gazoo/once bitten Do You Attend Any Conventions? Which Ones?: yes/ dragon con 1996 Random Quote: zed's dead How did you hear about this page?: from you dumb ass | Comments: big dogs are on my face. |
Chuck - 09/25/00 05:46:06 My Age: 19 City/State U Live In: Pittsburgh, PA Favorite Band/Movie: band: Rob Zombie movie: Scream 3 Do You Attend Any Conventions? Which Ones?: Fangoria's Weekend Of Horrors Random Quote: "I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm just gonna bash your brains in!" How did you hear about this page?: Your Scream Site | Comments: Cool site. There's so much to see. Might take me awhile. Where is this MOC thing? |
Lord Osiris - 09/14/00 19:15:33 My Age: 27 City/State U Live In: Augusta, Ga Favorite Band/Movie: Band: Type O Negative, Kiss Movie: Lost Boys, Dracula Do You Attend Any Conventions? Which Ones?: Yes and any I can make it to Random Quote: There's too much blood in my caffeine system How did you hear about this page?: Hit off of MOC main page | Comments: NIce look to the page. Good designs. I want the little smiley face acid skull:) Good job and I can't wait for the party. |
David Da Guitar PLayin Fool - 04/28/00 05:04:52 My URL: My Age: 18 City/State U Live In: Watkinsvilla, Ga Favorite Band/Movie: Too many to list!!! Do You Attend Any Conventions? Which Ones?: MOC!!!! It's the BEST! How did you hear about this page?: The HLA Link off of the MOC mainpage | Comments: Heya Ziggy and Lauren!!! I really like your site! It's really cool, and I really like the layout of it all. The HLA section rocks!! Also, ya'll have some cute kids, ever bring em to MOC with ya? Hope to se ya'll this October for MOCtoberfest! David |
Neptune - 04/24/00 08:15:15 My Age: 21 City/State U Live In: Raleigh Favorite Band/Movie: Sisters Of Mercy/Goodfellas Do You Attend Any Conventions? Which Ones?: MOC Random Quote: If I thought like a homicidal maniac, I would know how a homicidal maniac thinks How did you hear about this page?: Ziggy | Comments: Just making sure your guestbook problem is fixed! |
Dr.Syn - 04/15/00 05:52:28 My URL:/jaspersyn/DeadPirates.html My Age: As old as the winds that break City/State U Live In: My personal Idaho Do You Attend Any Conventions? Which Ones?: MOC How did you hear about this page?: Morgan's page | Comments: Im just getting started... give me a bit, and I'll be back. |
Wildman - 04/08/00 21:59:14 My Age: 40 something City/State U Live In: Alabama Favorite Band/Movie: Any Monty Python Do You Attend Any Conventions? Which Ones?: MOCs, Chattacon, plus Random Quote: Your Mother was a Hamster... How did you hear about this page?: HLA took me here. | Comments: This is a great Web site, I appreciate all that you have done and are doing for Fandom. As do all the H.A.M.S.T.E.R.s Huntsville Area Monster Slaying Elite Rogues Thank Yall so Much! |
tracy - 04/08/00 03:03:49 My Age: 29 City/State U Live In: Atlanta,GA Favorite Band/Movie: Oleander/ the usual suspects Do You Attend Any Conventions? Which Ones?: yes/MOCtoberfest '99 and MOC march 2000 Random Quote: life is a bowl of cherries How did you hear about this page?: from "Z" and "L" in the flesh | Comments: |
Kelly - 04/04/00 02:23:32 My Age: 31 City/State U Live In: Atlanta, GA Favorite Band/Movie: too many to list Do You Attend Any Conventions? Which Ones?: MOC How did you hear about this page?: MOC message board | Comments: you guys put on a great show...loved it!! |
Ziggy - 03/27/00 06:52:03 My URL:this one My Email:that one Age: almost 1/2 century old City/State U Live In: my imagination Favorite Band/Movie: L7/Tank Girl Do You Attend Any Conventions? Which Ones?: MOC...and other non sucky cons Random Quote: "It's Been Swell But The Swellings Gone Down" How did you hear about this page?: myself | Comments: People who sign their own guestbooks out of boredom at 2am are losers! |
Mistress Kamala - 03/12/00 05:24:24 My Age: too damn old City/State U Live In: state of confusion Favorite Band/Movie: the matrix Do You Attend Any Conventions? Which Ones?: MOC Random Quote: On your knees, boy!! How did you hear about this page?: from you on the message board | Comments: |
LORD DRAGON - 03/08/00 07:23:05 My Email:DRAGON0010@NETSCAPE.NET Age: NO WAY City/State U Live In: CHATSWORTH GA. Favorite Band: OZZY OSBOURNE Favorite Movie: TO MENY Do you attend any Conventions? Which ones?: ALL THAT I CAN/MOC IS #1 How did you hear about this page?: MOC BOARD | Comments: GRATE SITE,LOVE IT MUCH... AND THANK YOU FOR PUTTING UP A PIC OF ME THAT LOOKS HALF WAY NICE, SO THANK YOU.... BY THE WAY JUST IN CASE I AM THE ONE IN THE BERET. LATER, DRAGON |
M-L - 03/02/00 06:28:27 My URL: My Age: 26 City/State U Live In: Santa Monica /CA Do you attend any Conventions? Which ones?: eh? How did you hear about this page?: from "Fun" D! | Comments: You've got to be kidding if you think I can pick site's not "up" and since I work for one...that's what you get for now...Hope you guys come VISIT me with D! |
ROCKIN'ROBIN!!! - 02/29/00 04:01:55 My URL: My Age: 36 City/State U Live In: LaGrange, Ga. 30240 Favorite Band: aerosmith Favorite Movie: Phenomenon Do you attend any Conventions? Which ones?: MOC/Moctoberfest How did you hear about this page?: from Capt. Morgan | Comments: Hi u 2! 'Tis Rockin robin here! Enjoyed ya'lls site. Roger told me about it tonight. I think ya'll did a great job on it! Check out my site when ya'll have the time! I also have an xoom link there with over 55 pic, MOC and just life in general! C U 2 next month!!!!!! Take care!!!!! |
Stephanie - 02/28/00 23:10:42 My Age: 25 City/State U Live In: Atlanta, GA Favorite Movie: Saturday Night Fever Do you attend any Conventions? Which ones?: yes, MOC and Moctoberfest How did you hear about this page?: moc web page | Comments: Love all the pictures from mocs and past mocs, especially the ones Im in. I'm the one who dresses up like "I dream of Jeannie" and this past moctoberfest, Frenchy from Grease. |
Roger Riddle AKA Capt. Morgan of the Dead Pirates - 02/28/00 00:42:22 My URL: My Age: 39 City/State U Live In: LaGrange,Ga. Favorite Band: Rockin Robin,Heart,Pink Floyd,Aerosmith,Lynyrd Skynyrd,Led Zep,tec.etc! Favorite Movie: Great Catherine,Time after Time,the Great Race,all the Marx Bros.movies Do you attend any Conventions? Which ones?: Magnum Opus Con the home of the Dead Pirates! How did you hear about this page?: Ziggy!:) | Comments: this is great!you can check out my site some time for the great links! |
Ziggy - 02/24/00 10:11:13 | Comments: just testing........ |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
Roger Riddle aka Captain Morgan - 10/02/98 19:56:35 My Age: 37(in fossil years) City/State U Live In: La Grange(they got some nice girls ha),Ga. Favorite Band: Heart Favorite Movie: Great Cathrine Would you like to be on our mailing list?: yes please How did you hear about this page?: moc message board | Comments: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,the courage to change the things I can,and the wisdom to hide all the bodies. |
PAT &LADY FENIX - 08/16/98 13:10:03 My Age: 38&24 City/State U Live In: ga Favorite Band: pink floyd Favorite Movie: night breed Would you like to be on our mailing list?: already there How did you hear about this page?: from ziggy | Comments: HI, well at last here I am on the net. I have tryed to contact erica by email but I think I have been SCREWING it up. Well I talked it over with my mgr and I think the sound system is still on if you still need it at this time. I need to know what the plans are for the party, HLA that is at MOCTOBERFEST thank you for your time and friendship. Fenix looks forward to the next publication she enjoys it a great deal. hope to hear from you soon ziggy, With warmest regards PATRICK & LADY FENIX MURPHY email |
Brandy - 08/11/98 13:37:07 My URL: My Age: n/a City/State U Live In: n/a Favorite Band: n/a Favorite Movie: n/a Would you like to be on our mailing list?: sure, why the hell not How did you hear about this page?: umm.. ESP | Comments: HI honey!! I just saw the pic you have up of you and Lauren. I do recognize her, from what, I do not know. I still have yet to Ask my man about her, it keeps slipping my mind. OK, so call me!!! the coffee awaits us!!! |
Ed (prairie dog) - 07/08/98 18:58:35 My Age: 21...I'm soooo old! City/State U Live In: the worst one (Columbia) Favorite Band: Pink FLoyd Favorite Movie: Close Enounters of the Third Kind Would you like to be on our mailing list?: um...sure! How did you hear about this page?: I got an E-mail about it | Comments: I really like the picture of Ziggy and Lauren on this page! |
kiwana - 06/18/98 22:48:30 My URL: My Age: 14 City/State U Live In: Arkansas Favorite Band: KOTTONMOUTHKINGS Favorite Movie: SCREAM,SCREAM 2,I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER,TOP GUN,JASON 1-5,CARRIE, How did you hear about this page?: QUIZ | Comments: I thought i knew alot about movies but you take the cake. I got two questions. What is the best movie college to go to? Hey stop by my web page.I went to this page and saw that you answered like 30 out of 40 movie questions. i bow down in your honor how o d are you.? e-mail me at Whoever reads this stop by my page. |
paletia - 06/06/98 14:00:37 My URL: My Age: 15 City/State U Live In: hawaii Favorite Band: koRn, tori amos, tool Favorite Movie: don't have one How did you hear about this page?: a link through a guestbook | Comments: nice site your zine sounds intresting. |
FordMGT1 - 05/26/98 15:12:03 My Age: 16 City/State U Live In: Raleigh, NC Favorite Band: Portishead Favorite Movie: Debbie Does Dallas Would you like to be on our mailing list?: yes How did you hear about this page?: one of katie's friends Chris. | Comments: Your page really rocks.r |
Chris - 05/14/98 01:03:28 My Age: 16 City/State U Live In: Raleigh, NC Favorite Movie: Cheech and Chong Up In Smoke Would you like to be on our mailing list?: sure How did you hear about this page?: katie | Comments: none for now. |
staci - 05/12/98 20:54:11 My Age: 16 City/State U Live In: Cedar rapids, Ia Favorite Band: K-ci and JoJo Favorite Movie: Scream and Scream 2 Would you like to be on our mailing list?: yes How did you hear about this page?: i found it | Comments: |
Dj-Smoke - 05/10/98 14:38:35 My URL: My Age: 13 City/State U Live In: New Bern N.C Favorite Band: usher Favorite Movie: scearm1,2 Would you like to be on our mailing list?: yes How did you hear about this page?: looked it up | Comments: |
Poverty Grrrrl - 04/27/98 14:58:32 My Age: I have clear memories of the 80's City/State U Live In: Marietta, GA Favorite Band: Buddy Holly and the Crickets Favorite Movie: Shakes the Clown Would you like to be on our mailing list?: Okee-dokee How did you hear about this page?: word of email | Comments: I never knew that being in your cyberworld could be so cool?!!! We need to all band together and give Bobcat Goldthwait support for his new script "Teen Jesus". Even the son of God gets pimples!! |
Steve Richards - 04/24/98 01:12:46 My Age: 29 City/State U Live In: Kennesaw, GA Favorite Band: Fastball Favorite Movie: Uncle Wong's Bad Day Would you like to be on our mailing list?: Oh, sure! How did you hear about this page?: conventions | Comments: Gosh, I've met your people in person, but this is the very first time I've visited your virutal kingdom. Nifty-keen! Thanks for mailing me the latest PNE...I thought that money was for blackmail protection! ;) |
Sarah Luginbuhl (twiggy) - 04/20/98 12:55:34 My Age: 24 City/State U Live In: Chapel Hill, NC Favorite Band: Hippie Bands, Reggae Would you like to be on our mailing list?: oh, sure How did you hear about this page?: you | Comments: Keep up the good work, Ziggy. |
Chris - 04/18/98 19:23:09 My Age: 18 City/State U Live In: Columbia, Sc Favorite Band: Foo Fighters Favorite Movie: Nowhere Would you like to be on our mailing list?: as long as it's not chain letters How did you hear about this page?: Found a copy of your zine at Caffe | Comments: I especially like the rag on chain letters! |
virginia bennett - 04/13/98 19:53:46 My URL:\hamsters\~s&m\droopyboobs\rosh-hashana\cum-guzzling-sluts\virginia. tml My Age: eternal City/State U Live In: Chapel Hill ... Raleigh ... Maryland Favorite Band: Pearl Jam Favorite Movie: Swing Kids Would you like to be on our mailing list?: I'd be delighted 2 B on it How did you hear about this page?: i was manually masturbating my ferrat when Ziggy called.... | Comments: If anybody has a problem with my fav. band, they can just lick my clit and fuck-off. GOT IT?? |
Gavin Priebe - 04/09/98 01:46:06 My Age: 26 City/State U Live In: Marietta GA Favorite Band: rubber/marching--tie Favorite Movie: The Longest Day Would you like to be on our mailing list?: damn tooting How did you hear about this page?: MOC BBS | Comments: help me i'm incredibly bored and sitting in a computer science class that is far far below my knowledge i am keeping from nodding off by hacking the network and surfing. |
Dawn Marie - 04/04/98 03:06:27 My Age: young, but not illegal City/State U Live In: Huntsville, AL Favorite Band: Portishead Favorite Movie: Ice Pirates (ha ha) Would you like to be on our mailing list?: sure How did you hear about this page?: Ziggy emailed everyone on the planet | Comments: We need to have the slam book online and computerized with pictures of people to choose from. You need it to be computerized so the results are accurate and I can be sure that I still have the 2nd best but in the universe. |
XenaPhreak - 04/03/98 19:29:31 My URL:/westhollywood/heights/8682/index.html My Age: ??? maybe you could tell me City/State U Live In: Trollin Traleighwood Favorite Band: LOA, Switchblade Symphony Favorite Movie: um... uh... pick one... Would you like to be on our mailing list?: yes no really mmmhuh yea sure maybe... How did you hear about this page?: the raleigh rumor mill :c) | Comments: comments??!! WE DON'T NEED NO STINKIN COMMENTS!! IYIYIYIYIYIYIYIYIYIYIYYYYA!!!!! |
Kevin - 04/03/98 04:39:22 My Age: 25 City/State U Live In: City of Athens...Island of Margaritaville Favorite Band: Grateful Dead Favorite Movie: Clerks Would you like to be on our mailing list?: Why the hell not? How did you hear about this page?: Dave! | Comments: I've got a little black book with my poems a bag with a toothbrush and a comb in....when I'm a good dog they sometimes throw me a bone in... Why can't bands today write with the substance of Pink Floyd? I'm sick of the bullshit garage angst! |
Robby Howard - 04/03/98 00:15:48 My Age: 24 City/State U Live In: Knoxville, TN Favorite Band: Anyone from Athens, GA Favorite Movie: Monty Python's Life of Brian Would you like to be on our mailing list?: Sure How did you hear about this page?: I saw your post on the MOC page. | Comments: I really enjoyed Tank Girl's "article." I was a MOC virgin this time, but I plan to be there in full effect at MOCtoberfest. I really enjoyed it, but I was a little stand-offish. I was "poverty Boy" myself, not knowing that you could bid on people. When ver I see those pictures on your page and Roland's I wonder where I was during all of that. I guess I forgot a lot bacause (despite the fact that I'm not gay) I spend a whole lot of time getting cozy with the Fagg Bunch's Mudslides. I would love to get to know you guys and hang out at future cons. Cheers! Robby Howard |
Kailen - 04/02/98 12:11:04 My Age: 26 City/State U Live In: you know that place Favorite Band: DCD Favorite Movie: Excalibur/Bladerunner Would you like to be on our mailing list?: yes How did you hear about this page?: you,ziggy | Comments: like the page and the pics. see ya next con with a drink in hand. |
Keri - 04/01/98 19:06:05 My Age: old City/State U Live In: athens Favorite Band: steely dan Favorite Movie: resevoir dogs Would you like to be on our mailing list?: sure How did you hear about this page?: moc web site | Comments: |
Daedelus - 04/01/98 02:03:54 My Age: 31 City/State U Live In: Nashville TN Favorite Band: Cure Favorite Movie: Lawrence of Arabia Would you like to be on our mailing list?: Sure How did you hear about this page?: MOC Fandom Online | Comments: Great concept for your ezine! |
PHIL - 03/30/98 05:20:53 My Age: not telling! City/State U Live In: Nashville,TN Favorite Band: don't have one Favorite Movie: Galaxy Express 999 Would you like to be on our mailing list?: yes How did you hear about this page?: Ziggy | Comments: Ziggy, LOVE THE PAGE, GIRL...I want all those con photos. They're Fabulous! Love ya, PHIL |
Katarina - 03/29/98 23:07:50 My Age: 23 City/State U Live In: Knoxville,TN Favorite Band: Loreena McKinnett Favorite Movie: Beauty and The Beast Would you like to be on our mailing list?: yes How did you hear about this page?: MOC 13 | Comments: Your Web page is great and full of fun info.! |
Jamie's friend - 02/19/98 11:49:37 My Email:nada Age: 17 City/State U Live In: New York Favorite Band: KMFDM Favorite Movie: Legend Of The Overfiend Would you like to be on our mailing list?: no thanx How did you hear about this page?: Jamie | Comments: I have no comments, what are you gonna do about it?! |
Jamie - 02/19/98 11:44:24 My Email:not tellin' Age: 19 City/State U Live In: NY Favorite Band: Sisters Of Mercy Favorite Movie: Natural Born Killers Would you like to be on our mailing list?: If you can find me How did you hear about this page?: A friend | Comments: Pretty kick ass stuff, you should go pro. |
Bitch - 02/17/98 09:37:34 My Age: 22 City/State U Live In: wouldn't you like to know Favorite Band: Switchblade Symphony Favorite Movie: The Hunger Would you like to be on our mailing list?: why the hell not How did you hear about this page?: from that Scream page | Comments: Pretty scary stuff on this page. |
Tia and Amy - 02/13/98 02:19:31 My Age: old enough to know better and too young to care City/State U Live In: Raleighwood Favorite Band: NIN Favorite Movie: A Clockwork Orange Would you like to be on our mailing list?: sure How did you hear about this page?: Ziggy at Legends | Comments: I want to die in my sleep like my grandfather ... Not screaming and yelling like the passengers in his car. |
Teri - 02/09/98 23:44:06 My Age: 23 City/State U Live In: Raleigh Favorite Band: Too Many Favorite Movie: GIA Would you like to be on our mailing list?: Sure why not. How did you hear about this page?: Bitter Ass Bitches | Comments: ;-)~ |
Dx - 01/31/98 04:53:07 My URL:http://comes& My Age: 21 City/State U Live In: Raliegh/Fucking NC Favorite Band: Dj Monk or Josh Wink Favorite Movie: Legend of the Overfiend Would you like to be on our mailing list?: not yet How did you hear about this page?: God gave me the wisdom then remembered he doesn't exist... go figure. | Comments: "You never know how silly life is until you stand before a judge." |
the snooger - 01/25/98 17:19:35 My Age: 18 City/State U Live In: raleigh...near you Favorite Band: there are too many Favorite Movie: pump up the volume Would you like to be on our mailing list?: sure thrill me How did you hear about this page?: from zigmister | Comments: dont' have any |
Sarah - 01/15/98 19:33:48 My Age: 21 City/State U Live In: cola,sc Favorite Band: too many to say Favorite Movie: "Good Will Hunting" Would you like to be on our mailing list?: Mais Oui! How did you hear about this page?: You silly | Comments: Very funny, twisted, and Crazeeeeeee! |
Goth Girl - 01/05/98 17:41:42 My Age: 19 City/State U Live In: BUM F*CK,NC Favorite Band: TYPE O NEGATIVE Favorite Movie: most all of the good ones Would you like to be on our mailing list?: why the hell not? How did you hear about this page?: Ziggy told me to or she'd disown me.... : ( | Comments: No, I'm not dressed up and I do have a pulse....but other than that the 'zine gets all kinds'a ass. Love da Ziggy and da Marglet. |
Tzigane Lalassu - 12/31/97 05:51:27 My URL: My Email:Demolition Age: Eternal City/State U Live In: euphoria Favorite Band: NOT YOURS Favorite Movie: THE GIRL WHO KILLED THE CHAIN LETTER WRITERS Would you like to be on our mailing list?: Not if it means chain letters How did you hear about this page?: e-mail | Comments: Where's my pic? |
Beth - the pickle lover supreme - 12/26/97 18:16:23 My Age: stone (23) City/State U Live In: cary, NC (oblivion) Favorite Band: not the Spice Girls Favorite Movie: not Scream Would you like to be on our mailing list?: yes How did you hear about this page?: who hasn't????? | Comments: Good for you! Talk to you soon. |
katie hilbert - 12/20/97 19:29:36 My URL: My Age: 18 City/State U Live In: raleigh, nc Favorite Band: smashing pumpkins,moby Favorite Movie: pump up the volume Would you like to be on our mailing list?: yep How did you hear about this page?: from ziggy the great | Comments: bite me please i would like it |
Erica - 12/07/97 14:45:43 My URL: My Age: 19 City/State U Live In: North pole with my little elf friends Favorite Band: it's not a band it's Tori Favorite Movie: The animated adventure of Xena and Hercules (still hasn't been released but I love it anyway!) Would you like to be on our mailing list?: duh I already am! How did you hear about this page?: I didn't hear about it... I just typed in random words! go fig! | Comments: Still can't figure out why it's blue and just what it is... but I know "it's this big!" and that slater must have stolen it if it's gone! KILL THAT DAMN MOUSCHE PIPY... PICKY... PISSY ... WHATEVER! |
SuperDyke - 12/07/97 14:31:44 My URL:It's on this page somewhere but you have to find it NANNIE NANNIE BOO BOO! My Age: I can't believe you'd ask a woman that! City/State U Live In: and no like the others i don't live in confusion... I live in thadworld Favorite Band: Barenaked Ladies... look at the name! Favorite Movie: still searching for it... i have like so many! Would you like to be on our mailing list?: I'm there. How did you hear about this page?: I was there when it came into being. | Comments: UP UP AND I'M OUTTIE! but before I go I'd like to say kiddies don't try to write something like this at home it's done by trained professionals who have already gone crazy and know how to handle this sort of thing... crazy, I was crazy once... |
Freakazoid - 12/03/97 16:36:17 My Age: ancient City/State U Live In: my imagination Favorite Band: Lords Of Acid Favorite Movie: Tank Girl Would you like to be on our mailing list?: why not... How did you hear about this page?: I was forced to come here at gunpiont! | Comments: "My uncle says that smokin' crack is kinda cool." |
Alisyn - 11/12/97 22:25:48 My URL:i am webpage poor My Age: 19 City/State U Live In: Confusion Favorite Band: ??whatever?? Favorite Movie: Heavenly Creatures Would you like to be on our mailing list?: Sure How did you hear about this page?: SuperDyke | Comments: I worship the Nyborg! Everyone wants to put me in the closet with the Spice Girls!!!!!!!!!!! |
Dyke Spice - 11/12/97 22:16:41 My Age: NA City/State U Live In: Hell Favorite Band: Spice Girls ;) Favorite Movie: sure as hell not SCREAM Would you like to be on our mailing list?: HELL NO! How did you hear about this page?: Yoda told me. | Comments: I think your stupid magazine sucks a big fat dick... For all I's probably run by a bunch of nasty lesbians. |
Slater - 11/03/97 12:47:21 My Age: 21 City/State U Live In: The Basement Favorite Band: Stray Cats Favorite Movie: The Cat From Outer Space Would you like to be on our mailing list?: meow How did you hear about this page?: meow meow | Comments: |
Kathy A. Harrison - 11/02/97 08:04:12 My Age: Young enough to do so but old enough to know better. City/State U Live In: Denial Favorite Band: L7 Favorite Movie: Friday the 13th pt. 8 Would you like to be on our mailing list?: yeah How did you hear about this page?: I just stumbled across it.... | Comments: "Touch you and you unf**kable face." |
hekubus - 10/30/97 00:48:01 My URL: My Age: 26 City/State U Live In: Hell(NC) Favorite Band: L7 Favorite Movie: Dune Would you like to be on our mailing list?: Sure How did you hear about this page?: From you | Comments: I think this greatest magazine the world, and I think everyone should subscribe right now!! |
Ed - 10/28/97 21:58:57 My Age: 21!!!!! Yeah! City/State U Live In: columbia,S.C. Favorite Band: Pink Floyd Favorite Movie: The Wall Would you like to be on our mailing list?: um...sure! How did you hear about this page?: I got an E-mail from you! | Comments: Um, Woodja, says HELLO!!! Looks pretty good on the whole> Where are the Sarah and Ed pictures??? |
Ed - 10/28/97 21:49:44 My Age: 21!!!!! Yeah! City/State U Live In: columbia,S.C. Favorite Band: Pink Floyd Favorite Movie: The Wall Would you like to be on our mailing list?: um...sure! How did you hear about this page?: I got an E-mail from you! | Comments: Um, Woodja, says HELLO!!! The Blue Text is hard to read on the page. The plutonium things in the corners are hard to see. |
Brandy - 10/28/97 12:04:12 My URL: My Age: 23 City/State U Live In: Hell, nc Favorite Band: not a band, but a DJ...Josh Winx Favorite Movie: too many to count.. Would you like to be on our mailing list?: sure..why not How did you hear about this page?: ziggy made me do it | Comments: ok coolness. good job |
Diana or Cricket - 10/27/97 22:24:31 My Age: 17 City/State U Live In: Yorktown Va Favorite Band: A.V.P. Favorite Movie: Romeo & Juliet (either version) Would you like to be on our mailing list?: of course How did you hear about this page?: Margaret and Ziggy | Comments: "A little bit of nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men." -Willie Wonka |
Dave (Capt.Vera) - 10/26/97 15:28:45 My Age: 27 City/State U Live In: Georgia Favorite Band: Ramones Favorite Movie: Pulp Fiction Would you like to be on our mailing list?: Gee, let me think... How did you hear about this page?: Friends in high places. | Comments: Bend over and I'll show ya. |
Athena - 10/22/97 09:17:36 My URL: My Age: 12 City/State U Live In: Philippines Favorite Band: Hole & Bettie Serveert Favorite Movie: Sid & Nancy; Heathers Would you like to be on our mailing list?: Sure How did you hear about this page?: You signed my guestbook | Comments: I'd be interested in yr zine...tho I still have to read the page a lil' more. |
px - 10/22/97 07:11:42 My URL:none yet My Age: 23 City/State U Live In: Raleigh, NC Favorite Band: Portishead Favorite Movie: Ferocious Female Freedom Fighters Would you like to be on our mailing list?: yup How did you hear about this page?: Ziggy | Comments: This "zine kicks ass, but it hasn't got me laid (yet). Ziggy rules! |
Margaret - 10/22/97 05:01:08 My URL: My Age: 19 City/State U Live In: confusion Favorite Band: Oingo Boingo Favorite Movie: Little Women Would you like to be on our mailing list?: uh..... How did you hear about this page?: the creator | Comments: "Hi Steve!!" |