The Flag of Singapore The Flag of Canada

H i, welcome to my Web site. You will find a short introduction of who I am, links to sites related to my interests, some of my school assignments and some photos of myself and friends here. This site is currently under construction, so please try to bear with me.

Alongside the Singapore River I am a 21 year old University student living in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. I'm in the third year of a Bachelor of Engineering program (Computer Systems) at Carleton University; more specifically, this degree is being offered by the Department of Systems and Computer Engineering. Carleton is a very solid academic institution that is well known for its engineering and journalism programs. The experience of being at the University is also enjoyable as well; the campus area is well decorated with trees and flowers and a nearby river serves as a perfect scenic backdrop. I have greatlly enjoyed my time there thus far and I am proud to be a part of the Carleton community.

I spent the first eight years of my life in Singapore before moving to Canada. It is immediately evident from the above (although outdated) picture that it is a beautiful country. Singapore benefits from the presence of many different cultures, which each contributes greatly to the unique and diversified Singaporean culture.

I am a big fan of participating and watching sports like hockey, football, basketball, golf and teniis. I also enjoy biking and rollerblading occassionally.

Last Updated: May 23, 2002

Please feel free to e-mail me your comments and suggestions regarding this site.