My Resume

Objective: As of now to get experience as a Research Assistant

Education: Graduation(1998-):Presently at the Texas Tech Univ doing my Master's in Mechanical Engineering.
GPA in first semester 3.33.

Under-grad(1994-98):From Osmania University,Hyderabad,India. in Mechanical Engineering.
Passed out with a Distinction and a overall percentage of 74.5% or approx GPA:3.8

Pre-University(1992-94): Little Flower Junior College The courses taken Maths,Physics and Chemistry.
Overall percentage secured 82.5%.

Schooling(1981-92):From St.Paul's high School.
Secured 84.5% marks in the final year of the school.

Also appeared for GRE and TOEFL before joining Texas Tech Univ.The scores in these exams are

Verbal : 620
Quantitative: 750
Analytical : 580


Computer Experience: I have learnt the following softwares
  • C language
  • Java programming
  • Fortran
  • Pascal
  • MS-Office and
  • HTML
Apart from this I have learnt the following Operating Systems:
  • Windows-95 and
  • Unix

Under-Grad Project: For my under-grad project I developed a graphic-software for dynamic force analysis of the slider crank mechanism.The model chosen was the two-stroke petrol engine of a popular two-wheeler operating in normal city driving conditions.

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