Welcome to My (*Kaitlin's*)

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this page is
Hello. Thanks for taking the time to visit my homepage. My name is Kaitlin and I decided to create this page when I was studying for finals and said to myself (no, I do not talk to myself) "I need a break. I'm going to build a webpage." Here it is!

I decided not to have a theme for my page (except me!) because I wanted to put all of the things I like on the page. I like a lot of different things so it would be pointless to have just one theme!

You'll have to bear with me in the page...like I said, I'm studying for finals all week! If I need a break, I'll go on and add some more stuff to my page.

If you have any suggestions, comments, or just want to get a hold of me (to talk or whatever) just email my email address--- (type it in or click below on "email me") dcostello@worldnet.att.net Talk to you later!!!

Check this site soon to see what other cool stuff I've added!
Email me!
Go to the official homepage of one of my favorite snacks...Click on the jelly beans.
Go to another one of my favorite snack's homepages. Click on red.
This was taken from jellybelly.com
Click on Ariel to go to my The Little Mermaid page.
This picture was taken from www.disney.com.