Welcome to my photo pages!
This is my photo page, ensure you have a strong stomache before you attempt to view these pictures, as some of them are of me! nuff said!
This is my fit bloke dave, we have been going out for over a year now, satan only knows how he puts up with me and my bowle movements.
This was taken in bognor regis, our luxurious holiday destination!
This is another pic taken before the A/S exams, as you can see we were all studying hard?!
This is us with one of our best looking teachers (?!) Mr Doughty. His teaching abilities were not sufficiant to get me a pass!
This was Daves reaction when he discovered i had dragged him into that dark field in order to milk his prosate!!!
This prime specimen of women(?!) is my younger sibling Rebecca, she is pictured trying to escape out the window of my dads house!
Here he is in the black shirt i bought him for xmas, except i much prefer him when hes NOT wearing it, ehehehe!